The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 155 - 130: Requesting a High Monk to Enter the Underworld 2

Chapter 155: Chapter 130: Requesting a High Monk to Enter the Underworld 2

Translator: 549690339

“Once I return, I will personally lead our forces to quell any rebellion, and as swiftly as possible annex the seventeen cities of Qiongyu into your kingdom!”

“Have any of you heard Buddhist scriptures recited by high monks?”

Just when the numerous ghost generals and officials were feeling tense due to the sovereign’s sudden fit of anger, they were taken aback by his unrelated query about Buddhist scriptures—this was totally disconnected from their discussion about annexing neighboring ghost countries.

Of course, unrelated as it may seem, it was still related. When the sovereign asked, they were naturally obliged to answer.


The responses were uniform. None of the ghost generals here had ever encountered preaching monks. This was the netherworld, whereas monks were largely prevalent in the human world. If they were stumble upon any, all they ever wanted was to devour their flesh and blood, or else, be subdued by them. There would obviously be no chance to listen to their sermons.

“Buddhist scriptures are miraculous in dispelling resentment and hatred in your hearts. If you could often listen to the recitation by high monks, it would greatly benefit your spiritual development!”

The mainstays of the You Huang Ghost Nation looked at each other in bewilderment, unable to fathom why the sovereign was imparting such words to them.

Most of them were born as ghost creatures, with only a small fraction being transformations of nether beasts. However, the difference was minute. As ghost creatures, they were inherently flawed from the moment of their birth.

Ghost creatures are born out of intense resentment and unwillingness to let go, categorized as malevolent entities from the onset. They absorb the evil aura between the heaven and earth, and naturally harbor a massive evil intention and killing intent towards all spirits.

Accordingly, most ghost creatures are devoid of a complete consciousness when they are born, completely giving in to the instinct of a ghost creature to wreak havoc in all directions. Subsequently, they would perish in a very short time. How could a mindless creature possibly survive long?

But, there are a few ghost creatures who, for a variety of reasons, retain a complete consciousness, thereby opening the possibility for further advancement. However, these ghost creatures that stand a chance to attain a

higher realm are always at the risk of their consciousness being engulfed by resentful energy.

In every corner of the netherworld, nearly all the time, there are ghost creatures that are going berserk and out of control due to certain provocations. The fate of these deranged ghost creatures is often a terrible one.

However, even recognizing the remarkable power of Buddhist scriptures in dispelling resentment, those ghost creatures assisting in governing the Ghost Nation don’t exhibit any signs of joy or excitement.

For they all know, when high monks of the Buddhist Gate purify them of their resentment, they usually wouldn’t mind purifying the ghost creatures harboring such resentment in the process.

Unless the high monk has other plans, the ghost creatures generally have no chance of survival.

Exactly, none of them had ever laid eyes on a high monk, but, being high officials of the Ghost Nation, they all had heard about them.

Those monks who recite scriptures, their whole bodies radiating golden light, as if they were the grand sun illuminating all things, would occasionally appear in the netherworld.

However, for the ghost creatures struggling and fighting in the netherworld, the monks that voluntarily enter the nether are nothing less than a dreadful natural disaster. Even entire ghost countries would be wiped out, and there were rumors of ghost immortals being captured.

They don’t know if the rumors are true, but none of the ghost creatures here wants to listen to a high monk recite scriptures. Because none of the ghosts wants to be, in the golden light of Buddhist Gate, ‘liberated’. Only the weakest ghosts would do this.

“After a few days, I should be able to invite a high monk of the Buddhist Gate.

At that time, all of you can come to listen to his recitation of scriptures!”

The sovereign turns a blind eye to the puzzled looks and unusual expressions from his subordinates.

Ghost creatures listening to Buddhist scriptures would naturally undergo a great deal of pain, for the very foundation of their birth would be eradicated. However, that very foundation that allows them to exist is also a ticking time bomb that could destroy everything.

Hence, as long as the ghost creatures can manage to endure the recitation from the high monks without being purified, they can use this as an opportunity to purify their Yin bodies and make further progress. It would be the natural order of things.

However, the high monks entering the netherworld in the past wouldn’t bother if these netherworld ghost creatures can withstand their Buddhist chants. But now, things are different.

“Yes! ”

Even though they are still confused and various thoughts are arising in their minds, all the ghost generals answer in accordance. They are all curious about how their sovereign could invite a high monk from the Buddhist Gate. Could it be the rumored ghost monk?

“Where did you leave off? Continue!”

After figuring out what to do with the monk who had dared to appear next to

Feng Qing’en, the ruler of You Huang Ghost Country regained her composure. She reclusive the power that had just spiraled out of control and went back to dealing with the affairs of state as she should.

“This humble servant…”

The ghost general, who had already admitted his mistake very consciously, stiffened his face and continued his report while kneeling on the ground.

However, despite being burdened with the affairs of the Ghost Nation, her thoughts drifted towards the mortal realm.

A high monk of the Buddhist Gate!

She had noticed the Bodhi Monastery when it was first established, but she didn’t take action even though she was sure this monk had come for Feng Qing’an. She wanted to see what move he would make.

However, to her surprise, after a long wait, she came upon this news. Despite years passing by, the Buddhist Gate continues to use the same means, straightforward and enticing.

Even the ruler of You Huang Ghost Country had to admit that these methods of the Buddhist Gate, whether in the past or the present, are always useful.

Preaching scriptures, directly presenting the methods that lead to enlightenment within the Buddhist Gate, doled out in front of everyone. For most practitioners around the world, this is a hard temptation to resist.

These scriptures promise the attainment of the Fruit Position of Arhat Bodhisattva, even the Buddha’s position, granting unsurpassed magic power and long-lasting vision. How many people in this world can resist it? Even immortals can’t help but pause and listen.

But these methods seem useless against Feng Qing’an. This is to be expected after all, he is a reincarnated Immortal Monarch and can naturally resist the temptation of Buddhist scriptures.

Since Feng Qing’an is resistant, she can rest assured and take action without worry. She won’t leave this matter of the monk to him; she will take care of it herself.

As for how to handle the situation, she will naturally follow Feng Qing’an’s advice which she considers very good.

“I wonder if the ruler of You Huang will accept my suggestion!”

After communicating with the You Huang ruler, Feng Qing’an returned to his room, murmuring softly.

It’s not his narcissism. Feng Qing’an felt that this elderly monk was most likely targeting him. After all, the monk’s reaction was too calm when he, leading the Black Mountain, departed.

Normally, any regular practitioner who sees him training a horrifying demon to be as obedient as a house pet would be struck dumb with astonishment. How could the monk still be so unperturbed and continue preaching?

An anomaly points to trouble!

This old monk may have already investigated him. Hence, he remained unfazed in the face of behaviors that were completely unlike ordinary people, or even ordinary practitioners.

Although there wasn’t any malicious intent, he probably didn’t mean well either. It’s likely that the monk wanted to bring him into the temple, to read scriptures and live a monastic life, but he had no interest in becoming a monk.

Therefore, when he found out that the old monk could help Black Mountain digest quickly, Feng Qing’an had an unstoppable thought.

Why not invite this master to the Netherworld, as a distinguished guest of the Ghost Nation?

This master has a heart for the salvation of all beings, right? Facing the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests, he preached scriptures generously. Surely, he would also be compassionate towards the many struggling ghost creatures in the Netherworld, willing to contribute his efforts.

Therefore, Feng Qing’an suggested to the ruler of You Huang Ghost Country that they should assist this master, who had come with the heart of disseminating profound meanings, to propagate the teachings in the Netherworld, so as not to let the master return empty-handed and disappointed.

Of course, as commendable as this idea was, it still depended on whether the ruler of You Huang Ghost Country was willing to accept it. If she was willing to help the master, the master would surely be ecstatic. After all, this was a great opportunity for good deeds and virtue.

Perhaps, in the future if he achieves enlightenment, knowing that it was due to Feng Qing’an’s suggestion, he would likely shed tears of gratitude!

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