The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 43 - 43: Bullying the Weak Old Demon

Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Bullying the Weak Old Demon

Translator: 549690339

Feng Qing’an sensed Black Mountain’s emotional turmoil and confusion and couldn’t help but remain speechless, wondering if this fellow had a heart as dark as its name suggested?

The Wolf King had done nothing to provoke Black Mountain, yet it had invaded the wolf’s territory with a band of wolves sworn to follow it, along with two smaller wolf packs they had conquered along the way. The Wolf King was merely defending its territory, and now it lay at the bottom, choked with indignation.

As if that weren’t enough, Black Mountain was now puzzled as to why the Ghost-eye Wolf King was still alive.


As Feng Qing’an’s thoughts and emotions flowed, Black Mountain couldn’t help but whimper and defend its thoughts, claiming it was not malevolent, only confused.

After all, the righteous Qi had made its grand debut by subduing the white-browed tiger. Although the Ghost-eye Wolf King was formidable, Black Mountain did not believe it to be any stronger than the tiger.

Yet here the Wolf King was, pinned under Black Mountain, unable to move but showing no sign of imminent death, while the white-browed tiger had been slain at a distance. The difference was too glaring. Black Mountain was confused, it didn’t really want to kill the Ghost-eye Wolf King, in fact, it wanted to recruit it as its subordinate.

“You wish!”

Hearing Black Mountain’s inner thoughts, Feng Qing’an had to make a snide remark.

[Species: Mountain Wolf]

[Properties: Demon, Beast]

[Potential Level: War General – Lower Level]

[Battle Power Level: War General – Lower Level]

This is a beast of the mountain realm that has fully exploited its potential. On its own, it could easily kill the white-browed tiger, let alone Black Mountain.

Unnder normal circumstances. if Black Mountain wanted to copaner such a

beast, it would be wishful thinking. But who could deny the power of the great being it serves? Black Mountain’s power had the Wolf King unable to even stand.

So, making the Ghost-eye Wolf King submit wasn’t impossible, but it wouldn’t be as satisfying as conquering it in a blood battle. This wolf king, after growing to this stage, would probably bear some resentment, as its wisdom is not much less than that of a human’s.

However, even if the Wolf King had thoughts of rebellion, it would be useless. As long as it came into contact with the righteous Qi, it would go weak at the knees and could do nothing about Black Mountain. Meanwhile, for the common wolves, all Black Mountain needed to do was swipe them away effortlessly.


Black Mountain howled at the Wolf King, not for any other reason but to express its thoughts and make the Wolf King bow down and join its ranks.

The Ghost-eye Wolf King could only watch in humiliation as the seemingly not-yet-grown wolf cub stood on its head. Despite its overwhelming sense of disgrace, it managed a few whimpers.

The truth was in front of it, what was the use resisting when it was unable to even stand? If the young wolf wished, its throat could have been ripped apart by now.


Hearing the powerful Wolf King agreeing to submission, Black Mountain couldn’t help but let out an exhilarated howl.

Seeing this reaction, Feng Qing’an immediately reminded him,

“Until your strength surpasses the Wolf King, you can’t let the Qi drift too far away from you. The moment you lose the protection of the Qi, you’ll be knocked over and possibly lose your life.”


Black Mountain let out a long howl. After discovering how powerful the Qi is, it didn’t mind carrying it around long term. In this vast mountain, it could now run freely. No place could stop it. “The Qi can get soaked!”


“Alright, just be mindful of the weather. If you see it’s about to rain, hurry home. If you can’t make it, find shelter. And don’t go running into the water.”

This is now Black Mountain’s sole weakness. The scroll on its back is not waterproof. The text that his master manually wrote on it was on poor quality yellow paper. If it were to get wet, it would turn into mush. Whether the Qi would still be present then was anyone’s guess.

Black Mountain listened carefully and committed everything to memory. Once

Feng Qing’an had said his piece, it resumed communication with the Ghost-eye Wolf King, who had indicated willingness to submit. Its primary question was whether there were any spirit objects present.

Having tasted the sweet fruit of success once, Black Mountain naturally wanted more. Although the transmigration process was painful, the feeling after completion was wonderful. It yearned for immense power, the kind that would allow it to run rampantly through the mountains, even without the help of the scroll on its back.

Unfortunately, Black Mountain received a disappointing reply from the Wolf King. It had no spirit objects to protect. It had one years ago, but it had been consumed.


Despite not finding what it was looking for, Black Mountain wasn’t disheartened. If it wasn’t here, it would look elsewhere.

It raised its head and let out a long howl. Both the wolves that followed it earlier, as well as the mountain wolves that had just submitted to it, returned the call.

However, just as Black Mountain was about to set off to continue its mountain patrol, it paused. A worrisome problem had crossed its mind.

It was unable to bring the Ghost-eye Wolf King along. As long as it stayed within a certain distance of Black Mountain, it would be too weak to even stand, let alone follow Black Mountain on its mountain patrol.

If it took all of the Wolf King’s pack and left the King behind, the King might run away. After all, it would be alone and without the repression of the righteous Qi, only a fool would stay.

Therefore, after some contemplation, Black Mountain let out another long howl, relaying its intentions to the pack. The Ghost-eye Wolf King underneath Black Mountain’s paw was taken aback.

Because this wolf cub was allowing it to continue ruling its original pack, not intending to usurp its position directly.

The Ghost-eye Wolf King stared at Black Mountain uncertainly, then watched even more bewilderingly as Black Mountain left its territory with a few dozen wolves.

Only when Black Mountain and its pack had vanished from sight did the Ghost-eye Wolf King slowly rise from the ground. Its dormant Demon Qi sprang back into life, and the powerful energy returned to its body.

But now, the Wolf King realized that the power it once took pride in was rendered insignificant in the face of that golden light.

Seeing the mountain wolves around it uncertain and even dubious, the robust Wolf King let out a long howl. The terrifying Demon Qi exploded from it, making all the wolves tremble in fear, reminding them of their previous dread under its rule.

But having reasserted its power and authority to the pack, the Ghost-eye Wolf King looked up at the moon. Its eyes, that seemed as though they contained burning ghost fires, held a hint of confusion.

What exactly happened tonight?

As the wolf king that reigned over a hundred miles of mountain, it was cornered and beaten by a wolf cub far smaller in terms of strength, age and size?

What was it supposed to do now? Should it lead the pack to move from here and find new territory?

But what good would changing territories do? If the wolf cub found it again, history would repeat itself. There would be no difference..

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