The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 48 - 48: Breaking Free, War General

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Breaking Free, War General

Translator: 549690339


While Feng Qing’an was still contemplating, Black Mountain had already extended its claws. It couldn’t suppress its curiosity, and it reached out its paw toward the giant snake, whose waist was even larger than its size. A burst of sparks shot out in a straight line, particularly conspicuous in the night.

Seeing the sparks erupting beneath Black Mountain’s claws, Feng Qing’an was speechless. The big snake’s scales seemed as solid as metal, perhaps even more so.

“Stop messing around, go climb the tree and pick some fruits!”

Feng Qing’an had noticed early on that the big snake’s anger was about to solidify into substance. Judging from its size, it must have already possessed wisdom comparable to humans, an aged monster in the mountains.

Normally, anyone who provoked this creature would feel uneasy. But Feng Qing’an was not scared at all; after all, the snake had been flattened by just a few books, and Black Mountain could even sharpen its claws on it.

What’s the use of all that rage? Without the power to resist the imposing spirit, it could only obediently lie on the ground.


Upon hearing this, Black Mountain lifted its head and looked up at the lush tree crown above, focusing on the fruits that shimmered with a faint red glow in the dark.


[Snake Spirit Fruit]

[A Spirit object born from the nourishment of the scattered essence of a large snake monster. It can enable snake-type spirits to awaken their Spiritual Qi, purify their bloodline, and greatly increase their potential. For non-snake spirits, the effect is weaker, but it still has certain effects.]

“A powerful monster!?”

Upon seeing the information about this spirit object, Feng Qing’an couldn’t help viewing the large white snake, which was still struggling under the imposing spirit, with newfound appreciation.

The spirit objects Black Mountain had found before were all formed from the spirit of the mountains, born naturally by the earth, and just happened to be found by the monsters. But the spirit tree in front of him, which had a conspicuously high grade, was only born because of the existence of this large snake.

“Therefore, powerful beings are always surrounded by spirit objects, and these objects are not only high grade but also plentiful.”

Feng Qing’an inferred from a single occurrence.

“It’s a pity that this spirit object is most effective for snakes. But fortunately,

Black Mountain also benefits from it. It just needs to eat more.”

“Black Mountain, go!”

Once he confirmed that the spirit fruit on the tree was indeed beneficial for Black Mountain, Feng Qing’an immediately gave the order.


Upon hearing Feng Qing’an’s command, Black Mountain immediately tried to climb the towering ancient tree. This was not difficult.

That’s because the tree bore various traces left by some extremely hard and dense object’s rubbing. These were signs left by the ancient tree being “harassed” by the large snake over the years.

So, Black Mountain only took a few leaps and climbed to the tree crown. Standing on the wide trunk, without any hesitation, it bit off a fruit shimmering with a faint red glow in the night, swallowed it without chewing.

The next moment, Black Mountain couldn’t help but howl. Its goat-sized body lay on the tree crown, and a faint red light shone through its body, unable to be concealed by its thick fur. It seemed as if what Black Mountain had just swallowed was not a spirit fruit, but a piece of burning charcoal.

Indeed, that’s how it felt to Black Mountain. It felt like it had swallowed a piece of unquenchable charcoal, with a constant surge of heat filling its body.

Its muscles and flesh were repeatedly battered by this power and then healed. During this process, it could feel itself becoming stronger at a slow but firm pace. An invisible chain was gradually being torn apart.

Meanwhile, Feng Qing’an also received feedback from Black Mountain, but unlike Black Mountain, which was undergoing intense transformation and enduring great pain, his experience was different.

Feng Qing’an only felt a stream of heat flowing down from his forehead, filling his entire body. It was very warm, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring in winter, making his body and mind extremely joyful. This was a very enjoyable process for him.

At times like this, Feng Qing’an never failed to praise the cultivation method of the Guardian Beast Masters. By ensuring that the beast pets have enough potential to be cultivated and always keep progressing, the Guardian Beast Masters can indeed get stronger even lying down.

For ordinary spirits, ingesting spirit objects is the crudest method, the most painful process, leading to the smallest results.

Feng Qing’an was not prepared to torture himself. He left those spirit objects growing in the mountains. He may draw on them in the future once he finds a more reliable and efficient way to use them.

As for Black Mountain, it had no choice but to suffer temporarily. As a yao beast, without any cultivation methods, if it only relied on its instinct to breathe spiritual Qi, who knew how long it would take to be promoted to the level of a War General.

But now, relying on the imposing righteous spirit, Black Mountain could even brazenly run to the dwelling place of the large monster in the mountains and swallow the spirit objects nourished by its diffused essence.


By the time a red sun gradually rose from the mountains, Black Mountain, who had finally digested all the spirit contained in the fruit in its belly, got up.

It stood on a tree branch, looking at the sun through the foliage, and let out a long howl. A tremendous and raging demonic energy erupted from its body, and its dense fur fluttered.

At that moment, its body also inflated slightly. The book bag, which had already been tightly bound to its body, snapped under the strain, and the books inside fell to the ground beneath the tree.


Who knows if it was just the snake’s bad luck, but one of the books happened to land on it. This large snake, which could occasionally lift its head and strike fear into the wolves, was instantly motionless.

The sight startled Black Mountain, but when it saw that the books had not fallen into the water but scattered on the grass under the tree, it breathed a sigh of relief. Nevertheless, it quickly descended the tree and picked the books up one by one.

It didn’t plan to leave immediately, because according to past experiences with spirit objects, powerful spirit fruits like these would stop affecting it only after it took more than five. So it planned to stay here for a while. As for the unlucky snake beneath it, it could only suffer, just for a while.

There were occasional rains in the mountains, which was the biggest threat to Black Mountain now. Fortunately, its body had grown big enough that when it noticed rain was about to fall, it could hide the books under its belly.

So for several days in a row, Black Mountain happily stayed on the tree crown, ingesting spirit objects nourished by the essence of the large monster. When it devoured the second, it was naturally promoted to a higher-level entity.

[First Soul Contract: Black Mountain]

[Species: Wolfhound]

[Attribute: Demon, Beast]

[Potential Level: War General – Superior]

[Combat Level: War General – Inferior]

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