The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 55 - 55: The Second Soul Contract

Chapter 55: Chapter 55: The Second Soul Contract

Translator: 549690339

Swallowing the essence of the sun and moon is a characteristic trait of demons as described in books. However, to be capable of this, it cannot be merely an ordinary demon; it must be one that is well-developed.

Because, birds, fish, and beasts, as well as various elements of the forest, are essentially determined at the moment they transform into demons.

Only a small fraction of them have ancient lineages hidden within their blood, and the moment they undergo metamorphosis, their inheritance will be activated, naturally granting them the skills to cultivate and breathe.

However, the majority of beasts that transform into demons have no method of cultivation. They continue acting according to their beastly instincts until one day they suddenly become aware of their difference, and only then do they undergo a change.

yet even so, learmng co master cultivation ana Drearmng IS nearly ImpossiD1e. The vast majority of minor demons go through life blissfully ignorant.

For these minor demons, transformation merely extends their life span, but does not truly alter their fate. Only those who access an ancient lineage from within their blood during their transformation can move onto greater heights and cover greater distances.

However, nothing is absolute in this world. Even if there were no ancestral inheritance within their blood, they could seek it from outside, apprenticing themselves to others, exploring the remnants of predecessors, or even more astoundingly, viewing heaven and earth as their mentors and comprehending the laws on their own.

Black Mountain, despite being a minor demon of unknown origin, was quite fortunate to have been adopted by a human.

“Do you have any other requests?”

At this moment, the Mountain God turned to Feng Qing’an.

“No, there’s none!”

Feng Qing’an shook his head. The Mountain God had already shown him enough respect. Now it was Black Mountain’s turn to behave properly. At the very least, it couldn’t continue causing trouble in the mountains as it had previously done, using its power recklessly.

“Having agreed to all your demands, take these remaining books and go. Don’t allow them to appear in the mountains again!”

“As long as Black Mountain remains unhindered in the mountains, these books will naturally not reappear where they shouldn’t!” Feng Qing’an immediately gave his assurance.

“All’s well then!”

The Mountain God picked up the jade pot in front of Feng Qing’an and poured the remaining tea into Feng Qing’an’s jade cup until it was completely empty and the cup was overflowing.

Feng Qing’an picked up the jade cup and drained it of tea. After savoring the wonderful sensation of his soul being nourished, he politely excused himself.

“Respected God, I will take my leave!”

The elegant gentleman of Green Mountain waved his sleeve casually. The familiar sensation returned, and Feng Qing’an could once again see from Black Mountain’s perspective.

In that moment, a green divine light blossomed from Black Mountain’s forehead, enveloping Black Mountain and shooting in the direction from which they had come.

“Mountain God His Highness, why not expel that small demon? Don’t let it step into the mountains again. It has already grown outside the mountains, it has been raised by a human.”

The White Wolf Lord couldn’t help his curiosity and asked.

“In my eyes, it is still a child of the mountains. Even though it was born outside the mountains, it has come back to the mountains in the end. Can Green Python Mountain not accommodate a small wolf?”

The Mountain God smiled kindly. His eyes held the stars of all heavens and a thousand leagues of rivers and mountains within.

“What you say is correct!”

The White Wolf Lord lowered his head, seeing that the Mountain God was so forgiving, it had nothing more to say.

“Cherish this book! Even if you have nothing to do, you can read it!”


At this moment, Black Mountain had already been returned to its den by the green divine light. Before it could try out the skill of breathing and absorbing that it had just acquired, Feng Qing’an’s voice sounded,

“Hurry up and deliver the book back before dawn, starting from today, you won’t need these anymore!”


Upon hearing this, Black Mountain had no choice but to suppress its excitement and agitation. It picked up the bag of books in its mouth and dashed down the mountain.

Seeing Black Mountain return, Feng Qing’an immediately interrupted the “Sending God Skill”. His eyes were glowing faintly in the dark. Even without the light of a candle, he could see everything in the room clearly. The glimmer of light flowing over the books on the shelf was even more dazzling.


Suddenly, Feng Qing’an sensed something, closed his eyes, and began to run the “Soul-Gathering and Spirit-Nurturing Art”. The spiritual Qi that was floating between heaven and earth instantly flocked to Feng Qing’an’s side as if baby swallows returning to their nests.

After a moment, the originally chaotic and disorderly spiritual Qi was bound by a certain power and gradually transformed into a ring of azure light that surrounded Feng Qing’an’s body.

The moment Feng Qing’an’s eyes opened as the circle of light solidified, the light ring dispersed, but a sincere look of joy spread across Feng Qing’an’s face.

The second Soul Contract!

“What great tea!”

Feng Qing’an couldn’t help but exclaim.

Although he was indeed on the verge of completing it, it would have taken him another ten days to half a month. But now, having been invited to drink a pot of tea by the Mountain God, he had directly formed the second Soul Contract.

Furthermore, Feng Qingan could feel a dramatic improvement in his Soul Power, both in quality and quantity. It wouldn’t be long until he could form a third Soul Contract. Once he formed a contract with a pet beast that had considerable potential or combat power above the War General level, he would be known as a true Earth Beast General.

“I ought to choose my second pet beast very carefully!”

Feng Qing’an pondered. Just then, he heard a faint sound from the courtyard, as if something had fallen. It was very soft and could be easily overlooked, but Feng Qing’an, whose senses had since become acutely sharp, could not ignore it and stood up.

When he walked into the courtyard, he immediately saw Black Mountain squatting obediently with a bag of books in its mouth and its tail wagging behind it. This creature had grown to a size that could scare people to death.

So, Feng Qing’an laid his hand on Black Mountain, performed the “Condensing Spirit Bone Tempering Skill” once, and then started driving it away.

“Hurry back to the mountains, don’t come back if there’s nothing wrong. Don’t worry, apart from you, I won’t keep any other dogs!”


Black Mountain let out a deep whimper. Knowing it wasn’t suitable to stay in the village any longer, it easily jumped over the courtyard wall and ran towards the mountains.

After sending off Black Mountain, Feng Qing’an was about to return to his room when he suddenly felt a swelling sensation in his lower abdomen.

The night was quiet, and there was no one around. Feng Qing’an looked at an osmanthus tree he had transplanted into the corner of the courtyard, walked towards it naturally, undid his belt, and pulled down his pants.

The crystal clear stream showered the young osmanthus tree that was just a few years old. Feng Qing’an picked up his bag of books and walked back to his room with a light step, after having relieved himself.

The clear moonlight shone down, illuminating the moist base of the osmanthus tree. It seemed like a breeze was blowing, the tree leaves rustling slightly. The starlight and moonlight fell on the smooth leaves, making them gleam like water…

Outside Feng Family Hill, a tall, burly figure stood upright, looking at the farmland in front of him. In his eyes, every plant in the field was absorbing spiritual Qi. The amount was very small, but this was completely abnormal. “All the plants here are about to gain sentience. Do you have any clue?”

The tall figure turned to look at a small old man standing next to him, trembling with fear..

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