The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 62 - 62: Bloody Battle

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Bloody Battle

Translator: 549690339

“I had no intention of meddling in human affairs, but this time, I cannot let it go unchecked, it goes against my nature to stand idly by!”

With the ebb and flow of the clouds, the green-robed scholar looked down at the world from above. As he was rarely awake, he had no plans to fall back into slumber, especially because there was a remarkable human outside the mountain that had appeared, suggesting that this would not be as dull as before.

Reflected in his jade-green divine pupils were a bunch of black-clad men traversing in the jungle. Their actions were precise and efficient, with absolute silence between them, no communication, and their eyes revealed a profound indifference towards life.


He had seen too many of this kind of people in his long lifespan as a mountain god, and usually didn’t pay them any attention, but this time, he imposed the assassins’ intentions into the dreams of a little wolf demon.

Strictly speaking, he didn’t interfere in the mundane affairs, he was simply offering a small reminder.


Leveraging their knowledge of the terrain, the wolf pack led by Black Mountain had cut off those sneaky people in the forest. Their clothes, even their number, were identical to what he had seen in his dream.

Therefore, the moment Black Mountain discovered these people, without a shred of hesitation, he bravely led his wolves to charge at them. Not a single wolf in the pack hesitated, they all rushed towards them.

A bloody battle broke out instantly in the jungle, the wolves’ howls echoing in every direction. The assassins, who were inexplicably surrounded by the wolf pack and quickly engaged in the battle, couldn’t help but curse, though they had been well-trained.

“What the hell is going on with these beasts?”

“Demons! They’ve been tamed!”

“Fight your way out!”

A man in black steadied himself, drawing a long sword from his waist. A fierce wave of energy burst forth from it, spreading in ripples to either side. Any mountain wolf in front of this energy wave was ripped in two before it could even howl.

For a while, wolf blood splattered across the forest. But this brutal sight did nothing to frighten the wolves. Instead, it seemed to have fully aroused their ferocity.

A wolf, its eyes a ghastly green as if ghost fire dances within, glared balefully at the man in black, whose presence was distinct from the others. After a roar, it snapped at the man with body as robust as a bull.

“Damn it!”

The man in black cursed, the martial arts cultivation he had practiced to Innate level now kicking in.

Despite his hardened physique, capable of resisting any blow, he faced a fully matured demon beast, a fight that required all his mettle, even for a Martial



The treasured sword swung fiercely, releasing a powerful energy enough to split rocks in its path, but even this destructive force only managed to barely break the skin of the beast. When the sword collided with the beast’s bone, it created a crisp sound of metal striking metal.

“Demon beast!”

A man and a wolf engaged in a fierce battle. Where they fought, both the men in black and the ordinary wolves avoided them, leaving a scene of utter destruction, as though swept by a violent storm.

“Help me out here!”

Engaging in battle with a beast that had grown up in these woods, unprepared, the man in black was feeling increasingly overwhelmed. Competing in pure physical strength against a beast like this was a severe challenge.

But receiving no response to his plea for backup, he turned to look back, his face turned pale.

That’s because another Martial Innate from his group was fighting another even stronger demon wolf, covered in blood and had even lost an arm to it. He didn’t even have the chance to shout, and it wouldn’t be long before he fell under the wolf’s fangs.

However, their group possessed three Martial Innates, alongside nine warriors who could be considered top-notch within the secular world.

The force that backed them could have dispatched even more powerful fighters, but there was no need since their task was only to deal with three ordinary men, women, and children without any cultivation.

Moreover, more powerful warriors would draw more attention. They would probably be stopped before they even started their mission, while they could stay under the radar due to their relative weakness.


The man in black fighting with the Ghost-eye Wolf King turned to look at the third Martial Innate from his group, his face turned green with rage as he cursed.

Because that guy was actually being held up by a dozen immature wolf demons and an endless stream of ordinary wolves. Even though there was a pile of wolf corpses at his feet as tall as a small hill, what use was that?

The nine men who came with them were almost torn apart by the wolf pack. A single wolf is not scary, ordinary wolves are also not much of a challenge for a well-trained warrior, but an army of hundreds of wolves is enough to make even a Martial Innate retreat.


With no help forthcoming, the Martial Innate could only forcibly draw the very last strands of True Qi from every corner of his body, temporarily enhancing his combat strength at the cost of overdrawn potential. However, there was no such thing as tomorrow for them anyway.

But, there was a clear difference between dying while completing a mission and dying while randomly battling against strange beasts. Up to now, he still couldn’t understand what was going on with these demon wolves.


A spurt of blood gushed forth, and a strong life energy then dissipated within the forest. His fragmented body slowly crumbled.

The remaining two Martial Innates could not help but look up simultaneously, looking towards the direction where their companion fell, only to see a bloody, fierce demon beast roaring at them, stepping on a dismembered corpse.


The other Martial Innate, who had been surrounded and fighting against the wolves, shouted to the remaining Innate, then turned to run. He did not intend to lose his life here and was not willing to die fighting against these beasts.


The Martial Innate fighting with the Ghost-eye Wolf King was enraged. It was clear the other was planning to abandon him.

But to die here, even if he was an assassin, how could he be resigned?


At this moment, the Martial Innate saw the demon wolf, who was marred with countless wounds on its head and forelimbs, dash toward the companion who was attempting to escape. The beast didn’t intend to let anyone get away.

“Damn beast!”


Seeing that escape was impossible and all his companions falling one by one, the Martial Innate cast off all his other thoughts and decided to take the beast with him in death.

Meanwhile, Black Mountain, despite his severe injuries and disregarding the scolding in his mind, fixed his eyes on the figure running like a monkey in the dense forest..

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