The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 67 - 67 Innate Yin Spirit

Chapter 67: Chapter 67 Innate Yin Spirit

Translator: 549690339

“Am I dreaming?”

Feng Qing’an looked in disbelief at the scene before him, mumbling to himself.

He clearly remembered lying in bed, drifting into slumberland. But when he opened his eyes, what unfolded in front of him was such a stunning and inexplicable spectacle.

Everywhere he looked, it was a riot of color, a never-ending sea of purple. The sky appeared to be dyed purple, the hues denser towards the horizon, almost ink-like.

Yet what was normally a deep and somber color burst into a vivid, glorious sight before Feng Qing’an’s eyes. The vegetation – leaves, veins, even the roots – all reflected varying shades of purple, illuminating the proximity with crystalline clarity.

Delicate mist lingered amongst the foliage, endless layers of lush leaves interweaving. These large yet thin leaves resembled transparent purple silk curtains. When his gaze lowered, he saw shrubs laden with strange unidentified fruits, bushes teeming with leaves, dense vines growing extensively… all layer upon layer, chaotically arranged to produce a vibrant and luxurious feast for the eyes.

The presence of such an extraordinary view made Feng Qing’an question if he was dreaming. However, his consciousness was remarkably clear at that moment.

Therefore, Feng Qing’an reached out and instinctively pinched his cheek. He felt nothing. Increasing his pinch strength, he still felt no pain.

“Lucid dream!?”

“No, that’s not right!”

Feng Qing’an’s brow furrowed, he remembered hearing in his semi-conscious state,

“The underworld realm, the correct time!”

However, when he lifted his hand and observed his very real palm, he still couldn’t make a determination.

He remembered not long ago, the scene where the mountain god invited him over for tea. The mountain god had mentioned that his soul was extremely similar to a Daoist Yin Shen, albeit much weaker.

Yin Shen Night Travel!

This thought suddenly emerged in Feng Qing’an’s mind. This was not an impossibility for him, but his soul was still weak, he still needed external guidance.

“Am I really dreaming?”

Feng Qing’an was unsure of his own state , as this was his first experience of such an incident.

However, just at that moment, a melodious song filtered through the gaps in the dense forest. The song reminded Feng Qing’an of the gentle moonlight, the flowing breeze, the water trickling in the stream – it was the most delightful sound he had ever heard.

After listening for a brief moment, he snapped out of his trance. He then began to trek towards the direction the song originated from, toughly maneuvering through the dense jungle.

Even though the jungle was thick with vegetation, Feng Qing’an trod on unperturbed. The dense shrubs didn’t harm him in the slightest. He seemed invincible in this place.

After a challenging journey that wasn’t particularly far, Feng Qing’an pushed aside a large leaf and was greeted by a sight he would never forget.

It was a clearing in the forest with a crystal-clear pond. At the edge of the pond, amongst the myriad of flowers, a young girl was seated, her feet dipped in the pond. Her soft, smooth black hair cascaded down from her slender neck, resting on her lamb-fat jade-like skin. Her ruby lips slightly parted, letting out a melodious song, making heavenlv music.

Feng Qing’an wasn’t a stranger to beauty, nor was he a naiVe country bumpkin, but he was nevertheless captivated by the girl’s exquisitely sculpted features.

She was resting on her side, her impressive nose subtly pointing upwards. With the fluttering of her long eyelashes, her eyes shone like water, clear and sparkling, and with every gentle parting of her mesmerizing red lips, it seemed as though there was starlight flowing on her lips.

The girl before him was as pure and flawless as snow. From the very first moment he saw her, she made his heart race, stirring a strong impulse within him to take her into his arms.

Feng Qing’an, who was parting the leaves, was frozen. At this point, he didn’t even dare to make the slightest noise to disrupt this beautifully serene scene.

Most importantly, the innocent and vibrant girl in front of his eyes was only wearing a sleeveless garment. Her silky black hair fell down on her back, still affording Feng Qing’an a view of her slender waist and her lustrous wet legs occasionally splashing the water in the pond.

In this world dominated by purple, the radiant white girl stood out, making it hard for Feng Qing’an to look away.

However, while gazing at the unearthly beauty in front of him, Feng Qing’an impulsively exclaimed, “Identify!”

[Type: Innate Yin Spirit]

[Attributes: Yin, Heaven, Spirit] [Potential Level: Monarch?lntermediate] [Strength Level: Spirit Awakening.Superior]

“I must be dreaming!”

Seeing the identification result, Feng Qing’an couldn’t help but sigh and stepped forward from behind the leaf.

A perfect contract partner with monarch -level potential but only spirit awakening-level strength. This was something he had once thought of but was now reduced to a far-fetched dream.

Because it was unrealistic. Yet now, the perfect girl without a single flaw was standing right in front of him, in her frail and delicate form.

She was so delicate that even without Black Mountain’s help, Feng Qing’an felt he could force the girl in front of him to sign a contract with him.

However, Feng Qing’an recalled his Soul Contract with Black Mountain. He shared a bond of deep trust with Black Mountain, which made their contract possible.

Forcing a beast into contract with violent means was unacceptable. They could probably establish a contract, but the secret arts that required the cooperation of the beast would be impossible to execute.

And as Feng Qing’an stepped out of the forest and onto the grassland, his feet sank into the plush leaves that were emitting a faint purple light. At that very moment, the singing stopped. The girl who was singing looked at Feng Qing’an curiously as he emerged from the forest.

While Feng Qing’an was observing the girl, thinking she was easy to pin down because of her delicacy, wasn’t he appearing the same in the girl’s eyes? A boy with the tinges of childhood innocence still apparent on his face, not triggering a hint of cautiousness.

“Who are you?”

The sound of the girl’s voice was just like her singing, gentle and appealing.

“How did you get here?”

“My name is Feng Qing’an. I heard your song and followed its melody to this place.”

Feng Qing’an answered straightforwardly.

The rush he felt from the girl’s extraordinary beauty began to soften. He walked up to her, sat next to her, and following her actions, removed his footwear and relaxed his feet in the clear water of the pond..

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