The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 77 - 77: Embracing Left and Right, A Future Wife Is Possible

Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Embracing Left and Right, A Future Wife Is Possible

Translator: 549690339

“Feng Qing’an!”

As midnight arrived and the Yin energy of heaven and earth peaked, the maiden arrived as promised. But she was not alone. Accompanying her was a pure black-haired beast with cobalt-blue eyes, its hair unblemished with impurity.

“Black Mountain, you’re back?”

Feng Qing’an went up to ruffle the head of Black Mountain, then turned his gaze towards the radiant woman beside him, “I have something to ask you, Nan Song.”

“Go ahead.”

“Black Mountain possesses the bloodline of the Ghost Wolf and can evolve by ingesting spectral souls and ghost creatures. That’s why it ventured into the netherworld last night to hunt spectral souls. But, even after searching the whole night, it didn’t find any ghost creatures. Do you know why?”

Not encountering any ghost creatures in the netherworld was as peculiar as not finding any humans in the living world. So strange.

“Black Mountain can evolve by ingesting spectral souls?”

The maiden looked at Black Mountain with astonishment. Since her descent to this world, the number of animate things she’s seen could be counted on her fingers. She wasn’t familiar with the concept of a Ghost Wolf. To her, Black Mountain seemed no more than a palatable canine creature.

“That is its racial talent.” Feng Qing’an explained.

“Then, it’s in the wrong place!”

Nan Song shook her head, “My sister has gone far away for a war and won’t return for a long time. She didn’t want me to be bothered, so she cleared all the spectral souls and ghosts around the Soul Cleansing Spring. Hence, Black Mountain can’t find any spectral souls around me.”

At this, Feng Qing’an fell silent. He lowered his head and locked gazes with Black Mountain. At this moment, both the man and the dog sensed something was amiss. Given his earlier suspicion, Feng Qing’an was somewhat prepared for this information, while Black Mountain was taken by outright shock.

What sort of creature could cleanse the spectral souls and ghosts from the netherworld to such an extent that not even one could be found with a night’s worth of searching?

Just what kind of being had his master associated himself with? And even brought that being home!

“Your sister… she’s so powerful!”

Feng Qing’an hesitated a moment before expressing his genuine admiration. At this moment, he felt akin to dancing on the edge of a knife.

Even though he knew little about Nan Song’s sister, the fact that such a creature had cleared all ghosts and spectral souls around Nan Song, her favorite, was telling. Only a very doting sister would do such an absurdly meticulous job, creating a no-go zone for ghost creatures within the netherworld. This was truly an astonishing power!

If such a creature found out that a mere mortal was cavorting with her little sister every evening, how might she react?

Feng Qing’an didnt know.

The most prudent and noncommittal course of action now would be to send Nan Song back and cut ties with her.

But, considering one was dealing with an Innate Yin Spirit of Monarch level, so close to him, and even invited to her home, it’s simply out of question to send her away. What a joke!

Even if her doting sister discovered everything, so what? Was he not good enough for Nan Song?

Men should marry when they come of age, and so should women. Feng Qing’an thought he and Nan Song were a match made in heaven, a perfect match. There was absolutely no reason for him to be apprehensive.

Even if Nan Song’s sister took a disliking to him, as long as he can establish a Soul Contract with Nan Song, he’ll surely experience a new transformation. And perhaps, the Supreme Body of Ten Thousand Spirits will also undergo a change.

Would her sister then dare to lay a finger on him?

“Yes, my big sister is very formidable!”

When her big sister was brought up, even the seemingly demoness -like maiden revealed a bit of pride in her eyes.

“Do you know where your sister went? Is it a faraway place?” “I don’t know. She never discusses such things with me.”

“How often does your sister come back?”

Feng Qing’an asked again.

“I don’t know. She doesn’t have a fixed schedule for her return.”

Almost everything Nan Song answered was “I don’t know,” which made Feng Qing’an’s mood complicated. He couldn’t say anything more. He just forced a smile and decided to quicken his pace. He lowered his head to look at Black Mountain.

“Black Mountain, you’ve been wandering in the netherworld for so long. Go back to the mountains and rest!”

Hearing Feng Qing’an’s command, Black Mountain’s eyes bulged in disbelief as

it looked at its master.

It had only just entered the courtyard and was being sent away. Even in the past, when it was unable to linger because of its sheer size, and even if it was being sent back to the mountains, its master would usually conduct the Soul Integration and blood refining process to temper its bones and muscles. This time, however, he barely spoke a few words before sending him off.


Black Mountain’s gaze naturally fell on Nan Song, the only odd one out in the courtyard.

“Black Mountain, what are you thinking?”

Feng Qing’an’s palmed Black Mountain’s head firmly, yanking it to look at him. Thanks to the Soul Contract, Feng Qing’an could understand most of what was going through Black Mountain’s mind.

He could empathize with Black Mountain’s thoughts, but he wasn’t going to indulge him. Black Mountain was much stronger than it was at the beginning of the year. It possessed both great potential and effective techniques. Even without his command and guidance, Black Mountain should be able to hold its own.

“Aren’t you keen on being with the little white wolf? You can now go to her and try to get close to her. You are very much eligible for that!”

Feng Qing’an reminded Black Mountain how to make a male wolf independent. Of course, by sending it to a female wolf. Establishing a family and career is the innate motivation for a male to become independent.

The little white wolf!

With Feng Qing’an’s reminder, the image of the elegant and dignified white wolf emerged in Black Mountain’s mind. There was a moment when Black Mountain was moved, but when it looked at the maiden by its side, it was reluctant to leave.

It felt that if it were to leave, it would lose something precious and irreplaceable. Plus, it was absolute in its belief that the maiden was a threat, despite her seemingly weak persona. After all, it had seen her transform the vast Purple Light Forest into a gorgeous palace gown right in front of its eyes.

How could it leave its master alone with such a dangerous creature?

“Black Mountain, your presence here is pointless. Even if her sister comes by and wishes to harm me, having you around would make no difference, apart from leaving another dead wolf corpse in the yard.”

Feng Qing’an felt helpless sensing Black Mountain’s apprehension, so he only offered his advice through the Soul Contract.

But despite his persuasion, Black Mountain was still unable to grasp why his master wanted to spend time alone with such a perilous entity. Black Mountain thought it would pose no harm to them, even though it decided to stay around.

What exactly did his master plan to do with this non-human entity?

“Don’t you want to be with the little white wolf? I also want to be with her!”

Feng Qing’an’s hand, which was ruffling Black Mountain’s head, added a bit of force.

I don’t want to be with the little white wolf!

Black Mountain’s wide eyes reflected its innocent confusion. Its only desire was to find the little white wolf.

“Now, immediately, go back to the mountains and find your little she-wolf..

Don’t test my patience anymore!”

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