The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 198 - Take Me Back!

The couple landed in Graven's room inside Bay Meadow.

Laura was so happy to be back on her husband's side.


"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat food? I will go downstairs to instruct the servants to prepare a delicious meal for you," he offered.

"No... not food, I'm not hungry. But I'm feeling thirsty, it seemed our baby is thirsty inside my tummy, just bring me water please," she requested.

"Okay, I'll go to the kitchen and get some water," Graven said, he exited the room.

Laura sat on the bed feeling happy. Was it just yesterday that she desperately wanted her husband to come and rescue her? and finally he did it! They made it out of Luke's place safely! She will never go back to that house ever again!

Meanwhile outside the room.

Graven was walking in the hallway in deep thoughts. After he discovered that Laura was carrying his child in her tummy, he changed his mind. He no longer wants to confront Laura about why she's having sex with Luke in her room and why she appears to him like she was enjoying having sex with his brother. He wants to forget the past and let bygones be bygones. He wants to start anew with his wife and their unborn child.

He went down the stairs and proceed to the kitchen to get a pitcher of water and a glass. He found a servant in the kitchen doing some cleaning. "Neeza, bring some biscuits and sweets in my room as well as a pitcher of water," he ordered.

"Yes, my lord," Neeza replied.

Graven went back upstairs to his room.

Laura was sitting on the bed sporting a happy smile on her face.

Graven lowered himself on the bed beside her. He wrapped his arms around her possessively. "I miss you so much, wife!" he said, his voice thick with emotion.

"I miss you too! More than you'll ever know," she said, misty-eyed. "I was afraid that I won't be able to see you again!" she added and burst into tears.

Graven kissed her forehead. "Shhh...don't cry! I will never stop finding you my love even if my brother hides you to the ends of the earth," he said. "Stop crying now..." he said.

Laura blocked her tears from falling. She should be happy now that she and her husband were finally reunited. Despite the happiness that she felt after seeing him again, a major part of her felt guilty.

Should she tell him now that she and his brother were having sex several times already? Is it the right thing to do? But they just got reunited today. She doesn't want to spoil the happiness that they're enjoying right now. She will just confess to him after a few days.

For now, she will push the shadow of guilt away from her mind and enjoy her husband's presence beside her.

A knocked outside the door jolted the couple.

Graven rose to his feet, went to the door, and took the tray from Neeza, he closed the door again. He placed the tray on the table, picked up the pitcher, and poured water into the glass. He gave the glass to his wife. "Here's your water..." he said.

Laura accepted the glass and drank it in one go.

After she finished drinking the water she lay down on the bed.

Graven settled himself on the bed beside his wife. He gazed at her face. "Wife, did my brother hurt you - physically?" he asked.

"No..." Laura shook her head.

"Good!" he said feeling relieved. He's been dying to ask her why she was having sex with his brother but he goes against it. This is not the time to ask her such a sensitive question. There's a lot of time in the future to discuss this sensitive thing with her. The most important thing for him right now is that she's already back in his arms and they will never be separated from each other again.

Laura rested her head on his arm. "I'm feeling sleepy..." she murmured.

"Go on, sleep as much as you want and as long as you want. I'll be right here by your side to watch over you," he said softly.

Laura smiled sweetly and kissed his lips. "I love you, husband!" she said.

"I love you too!" Graven replied and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep now my love," he said.

Laura closed her eyes and drifted into slumber.

Graven feels contented watching over his wife while she was sleeping. He placed his hand on her tummy and caresses it gently. "Hello baby... father is here...we shall never be apart again!" he said in a whisper. A smile appeared on his lips, imagining himself holding the tiny baby in his arms.

The excitement of seeing his offspring one day produced a bright smile on his lips that lingered for a long time.

Then his thoughts went back to the time when he saw his wife and his brother enjoying sex inside the room, Laura even moaned in ecstasy, those infuriating images cause his face to darken.

But when Laura ordered him to take her away from the house right away, he knows that she meant it. She wanted to get away from his brother which means Luke had forced her to do something against her will because if she wants to stay beside Luke she will never go with him.

The burst of happiness he saw in her eyes the moment he made himself visible in front of her is real, it shows her excitement to see him again. If she no longer loves him then she won't be here by his side right now. The fact that she didn't hesitate to leave his brother's mansion and chose to be with him... that explains everything.

He will continue to love her unconditionally and protect him from the cursed King!

Now that Laura is pregnant, he can't tell her the truth about the cursed King and the black liquid inside his body, he doesn't want her to worry about those things, it might harm the baby inside her tummy.

He can't allow something like that to happen. He must protect his wife and his unborn son from any type of stress and danger!

Graven sighed a little.

He stared at his wife's beautiful face. "Welcome home, wife!" he murmured in her ears.

Laura was sleeping soundly.

He might as well join her in dreamland. Graven closed his eyes.

A few minutes later, he drifted into a slumber.

Three hours later.

The couple was still sleeping in the bed entangled in each other's arms and limbs.

Outside the house.

The sunset produced such a beautiful light of red, orange, and yellow on the horizon.

It's going to get dark soon.

Back in the room.

Laura suddenly screamed in her sleep. "Nooooooo!" she screamed over and over again.

Graven got awaken from his sleep and shakes Laura lightly in the arm. "Wife...wake up! What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

Laura sits upright and looked at her husband's face worriedly. "Husband, I have a nightmare! In my dream, Luke killed all the servants after he discovered that I disappeared from my room and they can't find me all over the house!" she said crying hysterically.

"Shhh... calm down... it's just a dream... it will never happen!" Graven said trying to calm her down.

"No! You don't understand! Luke told me that if I escape or disappeared from the house he will kill all the servants!" she insisted.

Graven breathed deeply. "So... what we're gonna do now? Don't tell me that you're going back there just because you don't want Luke to kill the servants? What about you? What about us and the baby? Do other people's lives much more important than us, our family, and the baby?" he asked in a frustrated voice.

Laura continues crying in great distress.

Graven rubbed her back. "Wife, stop crying... the baby will also cry inside your tummy!" he said.

Laura looked at him with tear-stained eyes. "Husband, I don't want the servants to die because of me, they're innocent!" she said.

"I know... I will go back there and confront my brother and warned him not to kill the servants!" Graven said.

Laura shook her head. She can't allow the two brothers to kill each other because of her. " can't go back there and confront your brother, I don't want the two of you to start killing each other!" she disapproved of his plan.

Graven sighed in frustration. "So...what do you want?" he finally asked, truly baffled by her reasoning.

"Please give me enough time to think of a better idea," Laura said and wiped the tears from her face.

"Okay...think as long as you want...I will listen to your plan," he said. The only thing he can do right now is to humor her and not add to her stress.

Laura was breathing heavily while staring at the wall. She needs to think quickly to prevent the bloodshed from happening between her husband and Luke... and also to save the servants' lives.

Her plan must work!

She fell into deep concentration.

Minutes went by.



Suddenly an idea popped up in her mind. She looked at her husband. "Husband, quick! Bring me back to Luke's place! I must be back there in my room before the servants find out that I was gone!" she said hurriedly.

"No way! I've been looking for you all over the town and now that I finally found you, why should I return you to my brother's house? No, I won't do it!" he said adamantly.

Laura released a deep sigh. She planted a kiss on his lips and whispered her plan in his ears.

Graven listened attentively to her plans. In the end, he doesn't like her plan but he has no choice but to obey her.

They stared at each other's eyes for a few minutes.

"Please...let me do it my way," she begged earnestly for his 100% cooperation and understanding because she believed that it's the only way to prevent bloodshed from happening.

Graven released a deep sigh and stood up. "Alright, I'll take you back there," he said reluctantly.

They embraced tightly and kissed passionately on the lips.

A few minutes later, they disappeared from the room.

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