The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 205 - Leaving

Two days later.

The newlywed couple didn't go anywhere. They just stayed in the mansion, holed up in their room, cuddling and engaging in sexual pleasures the whole two days after their wonderful wedding.


The family currently gathered in the dining room for lunch.

Corbin looked at his parents. "Mother...Father... my wife and I have been holed up in this place far too long already. We want to see the world for our honeymoon. We are planning to visit the property that I acquired a few months ago, it's just a few miles from here," he informed them.

"No problem! You may go and visit that place tomorrow, you can stay there as many days as you want," Zalvo granted them his permission.

"Thank you, Father!" Corbin said and looked at his mother.

Sylvia smiled at the newlyweds. "I have no problem if you guys go on a honeymoon. Take care of yourselves, enjoy your time together and I hoped Rebecca will get pregnant soon! I'm very excited to see my grandchildren!" she enthused.

Zalvo looked at his wife and planted a kiss on her head. Then he looked at the couple. "You heard that guys? Make babies, lots of babies as many as you can!" he joked happily.

"Yes, we will!' Corbin beamed.

The newlyweds looked at each other and burst into peals of merry laughter.

A few seconds later.

"So... when are you leaving, guys?" Sylvia inquired.

"Tomorrow morning, after breakfast," Corbin replied.

"Okay, noted," Sylvia said.

"Alright, let's resumed eating, or else the food gets cold!" Zalvo spoke.

They resumed eating in high spirits.

Done eating, the newlyweds went upstairs to their room.

They sat on the chair facing each other.

"You heard it right-?" Corbin said.

"Yeah...your parents granted us the freedom to leave for our honeymoon! Finally!" she roared.

"And they even want us to bear lots of children!" he raved.

Rebecca ignored that specific comment. Children my ass! She won't give Corbin a baby because she's leaving him tomorrow! She's been dying to leave and nothing can stop her. "Yeah! I heard it. I'm going to be free at last!" she said her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Corbin was disappointed. He explicitly mentioned having babies but it looks like the topic has no meaning to her. He released a deep sigh and dropped the subject.

Rebecca saw the sudden changed in his demeanor, from happy to sad. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Corbin shook his head not wanting to impose on her since she was already determined to leave. "Nothing... just don't mind me," he said.

Rebecca sighed heavily. "Why are you looking sad and troubled right now? Answer me, or else I won't' stop asking you the whole day?" she insisted.

"Okay, since you are so determined to know about it then I'll tell you..." he said and paused for a minute. He took a deep breath then continue... "Can you please give me a baby before you take your leave? Just one baby is enough for me..." he pleaded earnestly.

"No, I can't!" she answered vehemently. Getting pregnant with Corbin's child was never part of her plan. She can't possibly extend her time just to please Corbin, she needs to leave him and his family! Besides getting pregnant takes a long time. No, she can't do it!

Corbin studied her face. He knows it! The troubled expression on her face shows it all. She's not going to give in to his request no matter what.

Rebecca breathed deeply. She's heavily conflicted inside. There's a tiny part of her who wants to grant Corbin's request but a big part of her is against the idea. "I'm so sorry, Corbin. I can't grant your request," she told him apologetically.

Corbin shrugged and released a deep sigh. "It's okay, I understand. I'm just a fool to hope and believe that you will grant my request. I guessed it's too much to ask, right?" he said in a disappointed voice.

Rebecca scratches his head feeling the heavy burden weighing on her conscience. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad," she apologized again.

The atmosphere around them suddenly turned cold.

Corbin sighed. If he won't do something to change their current state of mind, the whole day will be filled with silence and sadness, since tomorrow will be their parting time, it's already starting to affect them, weighing them down. He needs to do something about it. "Forget it! I'm not pursuing it. I don't want to burden you with my impossible request. Let's not make a big deal out of it," he said wanting to salvage their happy mood. He rose to his feet and reached for her hand. "Let's go to the garden to cheer you up. We need fresh air," he suggested.

"Okay," Rebecca said and bit her lip.

They exited the room holding each other's hands.

They left the house and went to the garden, they settled on the bench.

The couple stared at the colorful flowers, their attention was fixed on the beautiful plants in front of them but their mind was preoccupied.

Afternoon comes.

Hours went by.

The couple already retreated into their room but the subdued expression on their face can be easily seen by other people.

They were having dinner in the dining hall when Sylvia noticed the gloomy expression on the newlywed's countenance. Her brows knitted together. "What's wrong, guys?" she can't help but asked the couple the reason why.

The couple quickly looked at each other and flashed their ready smile.

"Nothing's wrong, Mother dear," Corbin replied.

"Are you sure?" Sylvia asked, there's something off with the couple today. The happiness was gone on their faces and was replaced with sadness. Hmm, why is that? It bothered her deeply. They're not acting like this yesterday and the other day. So... what happened? Did something change? And what is it? She throws her daughter-in-law an inquiring glance.

Rebecca smiled brightly. "Nothing's wrong, Mother..." she said.

"Are you two fighting or quarreling?" she continues questioning the couple eager to know what's wrong with them.

Zalvo intervened. "Wife, don't ask too much question. The newlywed's marriage is still young. Sooner or later they're bound to discover that married life is not always a bed of roses. Maybe, right now they're already discovering not-so-pleasant things about each other and you know what that means. Every young couple has to adjust to each other's attitude and so on..." he explained.

Sylvia seemed to understand her husband's explanation and she finally smiled. "Alright, I won't ask them anymore. They're old enough to fix whatever that is bothering them," she said.

"Ok, guys, let's continue eating dinner," Zalvo said.

They resumed eating dinner.

After dinner is over, the couple's condition improved a bit.

After packing their belongings for tomorrow's journey, they cuddled in the bed and ended up in a heavy make-out session, petting and stroking each other. They made love passionately throughout the night until the break of dawn.

When they woke up at 7:00 in the morning, their mood significantly improves. They realized that no matter if they will get separated, they will always share a powerful bond that will bind them together.

After getting out of the bed the couple went inside the bathroom to take a bath, then they went downstairs to eat breakfast with Corbin's parents.

Inside the dining hall.

The newlywed couple was looking happier today compared to yesterday.

And Sylvia has noticed the difference. 'They must have already ironed out their differences yesterday,' she thought to herself.

They ate breakfast in silence.

They finished eating breakfast, half an hour later.

The newlywed went back to their room.

Rebecca roamed her eyes around the room that become her temporary shelter. This is where everything happened, where the sweet and wonderful memories she shared with Corbin will be left behind. He will be left alone to suffer the consequences of remembering those memories every day - all alone by himself.

She released a deep sigh watching Corbin's back staring at the window

She went to the closet and donned new sets of clothes. She looked at Corbin. "I'm ready to go..." she said softly. She heard him released a deep sigh.

Corbin went to his wife's side and hugged her tightly. "I'm going to miss you every minute every second! I will never forget you!" he said in an emotional voice, his voice already breaking.

Rebecca took a deep breath. "I will miss you too! I'm sorry, This time, I'm going to cause you so much pain," she said, fighting back tears.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, not wanting to let go of each other. They were both getting emotional and it's so hard to bear.

But Rebecca must leave at once, she doesn't belong in Corbin's world. She needs to go back to where she comes from. She reluctantly disengages from his tight embrace. "Husband, let's keep moving!" she said.

Corbin released his wife from his embrace and claimed her lips for a passionate kiss that lasted for a few minutes.

The kiss was laced with sadness and desperation, it finally ended a few minutes later.

They stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds, their gaze heavy with emotions.

Corbin sighed and picked up the bags from the floor. "Let's go!" he finally said.

They exited the room, walked in the hallway, descended the stairs, and exited the main entrance of the mansion. The driver took the bags from Corbin's hands and deposited them inside the carriage.

Rebecca flashed her brightest smile at Corbin's parents who are standing near the door. "Mother, Father...we're leaving for our honeymoon!" she said excitedly.

Sylvia went to her daughter-in-law's side, hugged her for a few seconds, and hold her hands firmly for a few minutes, reading her pulse secretly. "Thank you for making my son happy!" she said.

Rebecca smiled. "My pleasure, Mother!" she responded jovially.

Corbin looked at his parents. "Bye, Mother, Father! See you soon!" he said.

"Take care, son, daughter-in-law. Enjoy each other!" Zalvo said, pleased with the happiness that he saw in the newlywed's faces.

"Bye, Mother. Bye, Father!" Rebecca said merrily and walked towards the carriage together with her husband.

The couple entered the carriage, and the driver steered the horses towards the main gate.

Sylvia and Zalvo watched the carriage fading away from their vision.

Zalvo looked at his wife's face that was radiating happiness. His brows furrowed. "Wife, why are you smiling and looking happy?" he asked.

Sylvia hugged her husband and squealed. "I have good news for you!" she exclaimed.

"Huh? What is it?" he asked curiously.

"When I hold Rebecca's hands earlier for a few minutes, I checked her pulse and detected two live essences growing in her body. And you know what...?"


"Rebecca is going to get pregnant with twins very soon!" Sylvia beamed.

"OMG! This is indeed a piece of good news!" he said, his face bursting with joy. "But why you didn't inform the couple about the good news before they leave?" he asked in puzzlement.

"Because... I want them to discover it on their own! It's going to be a pleasant surprise for both of them!" she explained.

"Ah, okay, I got you!" Zalvo said and smiled broadly.

The couple retreated happily inside the house.

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