The Villain Can't Lose

Chapter 38 Decisions…

I looked on as the mirrored house I had created with my magic shattered into countless pieces, feeling a sense of exhilaration wash over me. The big man fell to the ground, bewildered by what had just happened, but I didn't feel any remorse or regret. Instead, I smirked and simply nodded to the king, who was watching me with an impressed expression.

"Understood, your majesty," I said, my voice calm and collected. I knew that the king had his reasons for sending me home, and I had fulfilled my part of the bargain. With my sword still embedded in the ground, I slowly began to walk away from the garden, my feet crunching on the debris left behind by my magic.

As I walked, a sense of satisfaction filled me. I had accomplished what I had set out to do and done it with finesse.

As I made my way back to the castle, I knew my work was far from over. There were always more missions to complete, more challenges to overcome. And I was more than ready to face them all, with my magic and my sword at the ready.

As I strode through the winding hallways of the castle, my mind was abuzz with plans and preparations for the upcoming missions. Abruptly, my attention was drawn to Serenu, who stood poised, waiting for me with an unwavering gaze.

"Serenu," I said, a hint of excitement in my voice. "Is everything ready for our departure?"

"Indeed, my lord," Serenu replied, bowing deeply. "The carriage is waiting outside, ready for your arrival."

"Excellent," I said, grinning with satisfaction. "Let's not keep it waiting."

As we headed towards the exit, I noticed something amiss. "Wait, where's Nari? I don't see her with you," I inquired.

A hesitant look crossed Serenu's face before he replied, "I regret to inform you, my lord, that lady Nari has chosen to stay behind."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What? Why?"

Serenu cleared his throat. "She wished to travel back with Lady Irene instead, my lord. She felt that it was important."

I paused, mulling over this news. Nari was a valuable member of our team, and her absence was not something I had anticipated. "I see," I said finally. "Well, I trust her judgement. If it's important to her, then I won't question it."

With a nod, I gestured for Serenu to lead the way. "Very well. Let's make our way home."

[Nari's POV: During the same day]

Hector had instructed me to spy on Rowen and report everything to him, but I was certain that Rowen needed me to detect any counterattacks made by his father. I couldn't help but support Rowen's side.

The cook of another house had prepared the poisoned drink that Lord Ewen was supposed to give to Rowen. Additionally, the food that Rowen was supposed to eat was also poisoned, designed to welcome a slap. However, protecting Rowen was more important than letting him die. Although I didn't expect Rowen to act so harshly and dramatically, he was right; protecting the honor of the house was important.

When the king instructed everyone to go and celebrate the Crown Prince's birthday in the hall, he himself rushed to watch the battle. I was sure that Rowen wouldn't get hurt. As much as I wanted to go and meet him to ensure that he was okay, if I did that, Hector's spies would immediately report everything to him. I had to stay alert no matter what. I had already picked my side and was going to watch Rowen destroy his father.

"Lady Irene, don't you think it's cold in here?" Lady Irene's voice was as calm as always.

She was a nice and kind person, and I knew I could stay by her side. "Yes, my lady. It's chilly," I replied.

As Lady Irene and I walked back inside the hall, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. We had just finished our walk in the garden, and I was eager to see what was happening inside. However, the commotion at the far end of the room caught my attention. People were gathering around someone, and I couldn't quite see who it was. As we got closer, I realized it was the Crown Prince himself. We had

I felt a bit nervous in his presence because I knew he and Hector were close, but Lady Irene seemed unfazed as she greeted him warmly. I followed her lead and offered a polite bow, without allowing him to suspect me. The Crown Prince greeted us with a smile and kind words, but I couldn't help but feel disgusted at how fake he was. I knew the real him and his mischievous character, but this was not the place to show my emotions.

Everyone around us was buzzing with excitement and admiration, and I couldn't help but feel the need to escape. As I watched the festivities in the hall, my attention was suddenly drawn to the curtains at the back of the room. Something was moving behind them, and I became curious as to what it could be.

I turned to Lady Irene and hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Excuse me, Lady Irene," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need to step away for a moment. I won't be long."

Lady Irene looked at me with concern, her eyes searching mine. "Is everything alright, Nari?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to lie to her. But I knew that what I was about to do could potentially put both of us in danger, and I couldn't risk that. "Yes, everything is fine," I lied. "I just need some fresh air."

Lady Irene seemed to accept my answer, but I could tell that she was still worried. "Very well, Nari. Just be careful," she said, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ With that, I made my way towards the back of the hall, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

I didn't want anyone to see me, especially not the man behind the curtains. As I approached the curtains, my heart started to race. What if it was something dangerous or sinister? However, I knew that I had to find out what was going on. I took a deep breath and slowly pulled back the curtains, peering into the darkness beyond.

The sight that met my eyes made my blood run cold. There was a figure hunched over a table, scribbling something on a piece of paper. The man was so still that I couldn't even hear him breathing. My mind raced as I tried to piece together what I was seeing. Was this some kind of secret meeting? Was the man plotting something dangerous?

Without thinking, I stepped forward, my foot knocking against a loose floorboard. The sound echoed through the hall, and the man's head shot up. I realized with a jolt that it was the same man who had been following me earlier. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, my voice shaking with fear and anger.

The man looked up at me, his eyes widening in surprise. "I could ask you the same thing, miss," he said, his tone guarded.

My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to think of what to say next. I knew that I had to be careful with what I said, but I couldn't help feeling like I was in danger. "I'm... just looking for some fresh air. What about you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

The man hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm....i'm.... just...writing," he said finally, but his eyes darted around the room nervously, and I knew that there was something he wasn't telling me.

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