The Wandering Inn

Book 8: Chapter 53: FH

Book 8: Chapter 53: FH

[See that header up top? Book 5 on Audible. E-books also coming out on the 23rd. Consider buying it!]

(I am on break until the 30th for Patrons so I can go and visit family for Turkey-day. Apologies, and hope you have a good one yourself! Idont like turkey that much.)

Is it cowardice, that I hope theyll flee?

They do not, of course. I only hope they do, that theyll turn tail and runthough I never would. It would make every war so much easier.

Then, I would not have to kill them.

It looks like rust on metals edge as the sun rises. Dark sand and dirt, already stained once over. I can see metal glinting, fragments shining as the sun catches them. A pretty sight if you cannot fathom what it means.

Blood spilled. So recently it has not yet been covered by dust or bleached by rains. Broken armor and weapons lodged in the sand.

A [Scavenger]s paradise. Are they here? I cannot see them; my eyes are locked on the faces in the distance. Shining armorthey are chanting, now. Blowing horns, rattling war drums. Cheering, as if they intend to hide the truth.

I know they are afraid.

My feet crunch on the ground. I still feel the ground, you know. I can feel the padding in my boots, the way my fingers flex. I feel everything. I am not so divorced from being Human that I have forgotten, yet.

After this battle is done, if there are not more to comeno, even then. By darkness, under the glorious night sky with countless glittering stars, there will be a second battle. People will creep out of the darkness where they hidesometimes all night, as a battle rages, in danger of stray arrows or spells striking themrush forwards, and pick over this place.

They will grab broken swords, or better yet, pieces of intact armor or weapons cast down. Fight with each other and, yes, kill each other over such finds. As if there has not been enough already. They are not noble soldiersif such a thing exists. Nor are they evil. I have seen them and been them. They are desperate, hungry, and, like carrion, they follow us.

We are [Soldiers]. I keep walking forwards. Nowyes, now they know something is off. I can see the army maneuvering. Galloping about; their vaunted colors, such expensive dyes whipping flags and banners.

And the chariots. The damned, idiotic chariots. I grew up thinking they were such grand devices only to learn that few nations employed them in war. But the Silk love to ride on them, casting javelins down and seeing themselves as the star of every battlefield.

Not a one is not painted with reliefs of their kingdom, Nerrhavias Fallen. Sigils of the countless aristocracy. Markings to denote killseven embroidery like fur.

Soon, they will lie in wreckage, broken, splintered wood to be hauled off for firewood or raw material for other, better uses. The proud [Chariot Masters] whoop at me, waving swords in arcs. A few even try to throw spears from afar.

Theyre afraid too.

Now, the army advances. I see the real fighters, the ranks of what, to us Humans, appears to be a cruder people. Blunt-hewn expressions. Almost like they were carved of rock compared to the intricate expressions of someone cut of Silk.

Hemp [Soldiers]. As poor as the [Scavengers]some will be conscripted. Most, in a lesser army. Not so for one of Nerrhavias endless hordes, the primary armies from the capital. These will be career soldiers, paid a bit better. Armed with genuine steel since Nerrhavia can afford it.

Stillthe first line in the slaughter. Tough. Fearless of blades.

People. I know how they look because I have seen them smile. They look different, and all of Stitch-Folk is only skin-deep. They know that, and those soldiers standing in a line are braver than the riders on chariots will ever be.

I do not want to kill them. Throw down your arms and flee. You know me.

Perhaps they believe in their cause. In that case, they stand there, and I stand here. Walking towards them. A shield in my left hand. A sword in my right. This sword burns, and they shudder as they watch it.

Just an Everflaming Sword. A cheap weapon even a Silver-rank could afford. I will wield many before this battle ends. But it is a reminder.


What do they see? I thinkthey must see a glorious figure. I cannot remember which face I wear. Perhaps she looks like them. Cut of cloth, striding along, hair blowing like fire. Taller than I am in actuality. Her armor will be shining like burnished Truegold and they will know me not for one face, but simply because of that appearance.

Now they realize it. I can see the [Soldiers] turning their heads. Looking up, as if Takhatres tribe might be nearby. Scanning the distant, flat battleground for the rest of my army. They wont find it, but theyre even searching for [Invisibility] spells.

Then they scream my name. Not the one I was given at birth, but the name I chose. I have heard it from either side, countless times. I raise my sword and stop. Yes, thats me.


A roar, meant to be contemptuous, perhaps so they believe it. A lone warrior come to meet an entire army of Nerrhavias Fallen on the sands. The soldiers are already spreading out to encircle me, but I can see the hesitation on their faces as the officers shout orders.

They have never done this before. Surround a single warrior? How does an army fight one woman?

Exactly. Exactlyyou have done too well against the others. Weve left too many of Reims dead. So its just me.

I halt as the Hemp [Soldiers] stop four dozen feet away from me. Ohtheyre already shooting arrows. I barely notice.

I cant even feel the impacts on my armor. Someone tries for a [Piercing Shot] and it feels as though someone tickled my armor. I can see and hear the arrow shafts snapping, though.

I raise my sword overhead and they halt. Thats enough for an entire army. The words come to me again, and I shout them wearily. It rarely changes anything, but I still hope.

Flee or perish! In the name of the King of Reim! By the will of the King of Destruction! I am Mars the Illusionist! Greatest of the Seven! I will not quit this field until the last foe falls before me or runs howling back into the sands that birthed you!

I see them tremble at the words. Mere words. Admittedly, they sound as if Zamea herself shouts them. A simple voice-changing spell.

It is my voice which roars in their ears, fit for the name. Mars. Vassal of the King of Destruction. The Kings Seven.

I do not lie, either. I am highest-levelled. There are others who are better than me in many things. Almost all things, actually. Sometimes it bothers me. Takhatres, Gazi, even Orthenon, who is not technically one of us, but is

Those that remain have so many useful talents. I? I can make my [King] laugh and that is good. But in peace, I am so very useless.

HereI lower my sword and plant the tip in the ground. My head bowed. I wait. Someone hurls a javelin into my back with all their might. An enchanted tip. A blow from the mighty Silk nobles.

I laugh. A child has kicked me, me, in full body armor. I let them shoot their arrows, watching for spells. If they are clever, they will not try lightning or fire. The first crackling arc of electricity strikes me and bounces, hitting the ground with the crack of thunder.

Amerys would mock them if she could see it. I let them attack me, so they understand.

I am Mars. [Vanguard]. They know the nature of my class, if not the exact wording. And they know my level, or close enough.

Vanguard. Level 66.

I stand alone before an army of tens of thousands. They are beginning to chant again. Do they think it will scare me? I was born in Nerrhavias Fallen. I conquered their Coliseum of Monarchs. I wait.

Soonthey will muster their courage. I wait for them to attack me. I give them every chance. Not for that [General] who hides in the back, or the charioteers who race around calling insults, but with fear in their eyes. For the poor [Soldiers] who look at me, who will face me the instant they advance.

That is bravery. I grit my teeth. One army, here, in the north. Countless enemies assail us. I lift my sword as I see a wall of [Soldiers] advance, faces set, eyes wide, staring. Such beautifully polished armor.

This will not be easy. It is an act of desperation, even for me. But only I can do it. So I lift my sword, and when I charge, the entire army shudders. I bring it down, and the first Skill makes it a blade far longer than it should be, with the weight of a hill behind it. I see terrified brown eyes staring up at me from behind a helm, a shield raised.

I bring down the sword, shield rising, head turning.

I barely feel the blade connecting.

The first hour of battle is easy. The first ten minutes. The second hour is exhausting. The fourthI have burned my stamina potions almost to the end.

By the end of the seventh

I am beginning to bleed.

My armor is beginning to fail. I have to change it, via Skills. My sword? I broke the Everflaming Blade in the first hour of battle. Enchantments fail, in time. The sheer force I or my lord can swing a sword at can blunt the steel.

I have many blades. I have countless sets of armor. But only two hands. One body. And they

They are still an army.

I cannot tell you how fast I am moving. What does it look like? I have been told it seems like a figure stands in the storm of blades and bodies, swinging a sword without end, cutting through armor and bodies while she blocks only the most dangerous blows. Wading through unenchanted steel and arrows without end.

That is what a [Poet] once tried to put to words. I thought she must not have been close to the battle.

It smells like blood. Blood and urine and death. Although I have stopped smelling anything for a while now. I hear a roarthat too is deafening. But I can hear myself gasping.

Hours of battle. My sword swings without endthats true. I lift my shield, blocking an axe glowing with some kind of ghosts flame. Its all automatic and its all hard despite that. I feel as though I have lead in my very bones. I know what to do.

Block death. Strike. Strikethis sword looks like glass that captures light inside. It is so sharp I sweep through every foe around meexcept the strong ones.

Now I am bleeding. The first was an arrow. There is an [Archer] here who can pierce my armor. So I charged him and rammed into pikes, let them try to drag me down.

Idiots. The [Trick Riders] of Jecrass did it and they died. They were a nations best. Bring me down with your hands and try to kill me. Its my armor.

An [Archer] died. He stood on a chariot and he had no helmet. Some brave [Lord] perhaps. An [Emir]s son? But a gifted archer. I cut off his head and they learned to keep their best away from me.

Now, the [Mages] are remembering how to do it. They try acid. They turn the ground to mud under me. I can see the ground warping, trying to entomb mesee poor [Soldiers] screaming and flailing in the muck as I charge away.

The [Mages] dont care. Nor, in truth, do I care about them. They will run out of spells before they hurt me. If they could have hurt me, they would have at the start of the battle.

Its the poor, damned [Soldiers]. They keep coming. I cut an officer down and he falls, screaming, before he can lift that axe with ghost-flames. But here is where I bleed. Here is where the danger lies.

I am cutting them down, and they still keep coming, with a bravery I cannot believe no matter how many times I see it. Then I feel a blow to my shoulder. A chilling pain.

That axe. I whirl and my sword has already taken the wielder in the gut. I seeno Silk-cast officer. No high-level face. Just a staring pair of eyes in a face like mine. Someone from Cotton.

No great warrior. A [Soldier]. One daring enough to pick up that blade and

I slash, reach for the axe, but now they have ropes. The [General] is sending them in waves, lest I cut them down by scores. CleverI slash the ropes, and the axe is gone. I see someone toss their spear aside and reach for something. An enchanted sword. I feel another sting, and know my cut shoulder is letting acid inside.

It wont burn me that easily. I must replace my armor. I have potions, but now they have weapons that can harm me.


I am beginning to bleed.

They send Sand Golems against me. It is a welcome break. They stop when they realize I am letting the giant constructs just hit me around. I think I fell asleep for a minute.

It helped. I want to sleep. I want to rest one second, but now they know. The group that surrounds me has enchanted weapons and armor. Torn from the hands of the dead. For each that fallsI try to sunder each blade, but they pick up even broken metal. And Nerrhavia is rich enough to afford many artifacts.

It comes as my arm burns. I hear them roaring, and I trybut shes fast. Fast and young, and I am old. She looks like I wasnot in face, for shes Stitch-Folk and Hemp and I am Humanbut like me.

A [Warrior] with talents, gifts. Slashing in, dodging my weary thrust from the sword. And she holds

The glass blade that is so sharp. Broken halfway. I tossed it aside for another sword, but she picked it up.

Foolish. It cuts my armor as I twist. Try to bring her down. The entire army is cheering her as she dives in. Ive fought forI dont know, and shes fresh.

It isnt fair, but how many have I killed? The ground is wet, and she

She runs me through the chest. With that short, broken blade. Piercing my armor. I stagger back and she exhales, as if this all took a single breath. She steps back, her brown skin caked with dirt, eyes like the orange of the fruits, staring at me. Disbelieving. Relieved? They were so determined before.

Their hero. The Stitch-Folk of Nerrhavia are cheering her. They dont even know her name. I feel that damned sword, my sword, cutting deep.

My lips rasp. Has it nicked a lung? I taste blood on my tongue, but maybe its just from some other wound. She must have a Skill. Perhaps she levelled in battle. They are levelling if they survive even one clash with me.

A champion who will go down in legendbut she let go of the sword. She looks at me, and then I rasp.

Is this your first time here?

She looks at me, eyes widening, scrambling backwards. I tear the sword hilt free, toss it down, and snap the blade with my boot. The cheering stops.

Her friends pull her backwards, shielding her. Now theyre rallying around her, butshes still staring at me. And I? I smile behind my visor. Perhaps my illusion copies it, if its still working.

Do you seedeath?

She doesnt understand, and I begin to swing my sword again. NowI have a target. I reach for a healing potion. Out of the corner of my eye, I think I can see it waiting.

Is this your first time here?

It was not mockery. It was an honest question. A warning. I cannot explain to her, not with words, and I am not an eloquent speaker like the others. How can I say it? Trey and Teresthey are her age. Children. Teres has a sword and she is good with it, again, for her age and experience.

Trey might understand better. It is not vanity. It is simplytruth.

I have done this a thousand times. Ten thousand times. I am bleeding, exhausted, and they still strike at me. Yet.

This was not the battle where I crawled in my own guts to find a sword. 

This was not the day when I wept for weariness and slept among corpses.

This was not the day I saw Tottenval die.

Even so, this may yet be the day I

Now I feel the blade slide in through my side. It hurts. Every time, after so many wounds, it hurts and I scream for the pain of it. A razors edge, hot, burning, trying to bake me from within.

The worst blow I have taken yet. And it is hunting deeper. Trying to end me.

Lift. The. Sword.

I do, and then we meet again. Her eyes are wide, desperate, and she sees me. This is the second time.

This timethe entire army is watching in silence. Her dead comrades lie around me, sacrificing themselves for this single moment. A chance to fell a legend.

An enchanted blade sticking out of my side. A blow fit for a [Hero].

The stuff of stories. After this, they will cheer her. She will be an officer, elevated to Silk or beyond. The Queen of Nerrhavias Fallen, Yisame herself, will see this warrior kneel before her. If she lives, she will be a legend. The story that began with the day she felled

The girl recoils as I slash at her, and the painits still there, but the blade vanishes. She retreats, then freezes.

For I am laughing.

I am laughing, I know. Weeping for her.

The bravery to strike at me, the daring to take a mortal wound to fell a monstrous foe. All of this is genuine. All of it is grand.


I have been here before.

She doesnt understand. Perhaps she thinks Im rambling. I point my sword at her. Ahpoison runs down the blade. I know how to use this enchantment. I rasp, and it feels like my voice is gone, through screaming, shoutingbreathing that bloody air. I look her in her eyes.

I was you. But girl. I have been here before and held your blade.

I have been you. Now she understands. I charge, and the army watches. I bring that sword down, and look into those bright eyes until they close.

When I riseturn my headI see it in their eyes. That is when they begin to break.

I am on my knees. I cannot remember when I fell. It is dark. I grope around for my sword, but Ive lost it.

Not yet.

So I stand.

Were they reinforcements? Did they rally? All I know is that the sun is rising again. Yet I have a reprieve. Somehow.

Soldiers are screaming and running. Nothey broke long before that. Came back. Tried to fill me with arrows, held their ground, retreating, and I kept coming after.

This is different. I raise my blade and pull it just in time. The [Rider] halts.

Lady Mars.

I recognize Reims crest. I dont reply, juststand there. The [Rider] dismounts, calling for potions, as more [Soldiers] charge, scattering the army.

Pull back. Give mefive minutes.

The man looks around. Hes no stranger to battle, but perhaps hes forgotten. Or this is the first timehis eyes are familiar. Is he looking at a legend or monster?

He gulps several times. I just sit down. Five minutes. Glorious.

Lady Mars. The King of Destruction bid us find you when he heard you had taken to the front alone. This is madness. Please, retreat with us.

I would have fallen asleep, but I raise my head. I try to make sounds, butI cough, spit. Try again.

He spoke?

The order came from his mouth, Lady Mars.

Djinni. They did not send Djinni against me. They told me he was so badly burned

I am on my feet. No less exhausted. No less in pain. But I look at this officer.

Is he still fighting?

The man doesnt know how to respond to that. I grab the potion, cough as it burns my throat. But I grab himnot even five minutes. The army is coming back.

Then so shall I. Tell him I am fighting.

I see him back away. I ignore whatever he has to say. I check my armor. SwordshieldI swap the shield and begin walking forwards again.

It is a new army. Damn Nerrhavias Fallen. Too many [Soldiers]. And in truthI am one woman. No Amerys who can kill them by the hundreds with each spell. But unlike herI do not fall.

They shudder to a stop as my allies retreat. This time, I plant my feet on the ground. I raise the sword and strike it against the shield. Like a gong. I shout at them. They are bravebut I would try this against their army.

Not the sons and daughters of the House of Minos. So I laugh and roar at them.

Challenge me.

My second wind comes from no Skill or potion. They are falling back. I raise my sword and they look up at me. Am I shouting?


Yes. I think I am. I sweep around in an arc and my shield catches a lance. Theyre trying lances now?

I laugh. And I feel younger, truly. It has been a long time. But I waited for twenty years. I can wait another day.

I gave my life for my lords dream. I can still see it. Once more. Once more. They cant see whats keeping me upright.

But if he is fighting, so shall I. For a dream of kingdom, and the fallen.

Tottenval! Queravia! Drevish

Like a chant. With each name, I feel lighter. The [Soldiers] shudder at each one. They are legends to you. Perhaps you are old enough to remember them?

I walked with those legends. And I know, in that moment.

I will not fall today.

This army is too afraid. Too broken. Alreadythey are beginning to flee once more. Perhaps I cut down an officer?

NoI cough, looking around. Suddenly, my exuberance dies.

Another [Champion]? I thought Nerrhavia was too canny to send their best to die against me. YetI lower my sword, reach for one of the new potions. Suddenlyalarmed.

I am in great danger. But I dont see

There. My sword sings again as I clear the space around me. They are still attacking, yet I sense the shift in the army. The movement in the back ranks.

It takes me another minute of fighting. Another hour, it feels, before I see it again.

Strange. Now they are fleeing, and I try to make sense of the shouting, but I am too tired to latch onto one voice. But why fleeing? I wonder

Until I see a group swept apart. Recognize a Skill. Someone else is fighting them. And II cast aside my sword and shield and reach for my best gear. If I had time, I would replace my armor too.


Something clears another group of [Soldiers]. A slaughter in a single strike. My hair begins to riseand it is short-cropped to hide in my helmet, unlike all of my lovely illusions. I am not half as beautifulnot a tenthas I would like to be.

Hence my name. I grit my teeth and wait, unsteady. That is not Orthenon. Who?

Itheappears out of the milling bodies like the one real person among a sandstorm of shades. Not that they arent real, but sometimes it feelsI gasp as I recognize him, and I think he does the same.

You are like me. Someone who can walk through an army. Someone who

I think he gasps, but I cannot tell. His throat is rotted away. Yet his eyes burn with a ghosts fire. Undead flame. 

He halts in front of me, this warrior covered in glorious armor from another era. He carries a massive axe, ludicrously oversized since he is still a Human, for all he would be a huge man if he were still alive. I break into a sweat at the sight of it, though, since he carries it so easily.

It could break my armor. That is a weapon for killing half-Giants and great monsters. Or foes like me.

The figure stops. He stands there, eyes glowing, yet I see the battle-fury in him abate slightly. We stare at each other, and I recognize a foe that even I have seldom crossed blades with. Undead. This one a champion of Khelt, another threat. A dire omen if he appears before meor aid? I dont know. But my skin tingles as I nod to him. An undead warrior from another age, bearing Skills and classes even in death.


The two warriors stood amid the shattered battlefield. Nerrhavia Fallens army was fleeing, shattered by two warriors of such level.

An alliance between Khelt and Reim? Disaster! Disaster!

But it was not an alliance. The Revenant, the warriorregarded the woman. She looked like a battered [Knight], encased in armor.

Yet she was not. [Knights] in far more glorious regalia had died. Even so

Salui. You must return to your battlefield! This is Nerrhavia Fallens army. You have no permission to attack them! Attend, Salui!

The angry voice came from the Vizir. The buzzing of a giant gnat with Tier 6 spells. The Revenant reached up and crushed the speaking stone without a word. Then he pointed a hand at the other warrior.

I. I am Salui of King His-Xe. Greatest ruler of Khelt.

Mars nodded warily.

I am Mars. Are you here to do battle or aid me, stranger?

Her stance was lowered, her shield elevated. She was watching him, and Saluis bloodno, the memory of itbegan to boil. He was shakingalmostwith anticipation, but he caught himself.

No. You are not the enemy. That one called Fetohepno. I sought you out. I knew you existed. How do they call you?

The armored head hesitated.

What do you mean? Mars is my name.

No. No!

Salui shouted and she tensed. He caught himself again, looking around blankly.

They call themselves [Soldiers]. I fought[Knights]. I think. I was told to fight. I left. I had to find you. To know you existed. What do they call you? They called me Salui. [Champion of War]. Yet they called me the Dragon of the Sands. The Crimson Viper.

She understood. The warrior hesitated, lowered her sword fractionally, and nodded.

They call me Mars the Illusionist. In the arena, I was known as the Eternal Gladiator. They call me Mars. Mars, one of the Seven of the King of Destruction.


The answer calmed the Revenant instantly. He stood there, undead eyes fixed on Mars. Then gestured, aimlessly.

The other one. There are two of you. You. You arelike me. You are from the days I breathed. A warrior. I had to know. They are pale reflections. I thought I was dreaming.

That was his explanation. Mars hesitated. She didnt understand his purposeand when he turned and began to trudge away, she called out.

Where are you going?


The Revenants head turned. Suddenly, he began to shake again, then calmed himself. He spoke in a flat tone, as his off-hand rose and touched at his emaciated face.

I am sure Im not dreaming, now. His-Xe is dead. I went to sleep, to guard his kingdom. He is deadand I will kill his enemies. You are not one of them. If you become one, we will see who dies.

He turned away. Began striding back the way hed come. Mars panted, leaning on her sword.

Whowho is the other one? The one whos a warrior?

Salui turned back one last time.

They call her Herald of the Forests.

He began to walk back the way hed come. Mars stood there, panting. Staring at his back. At someone far, far older than she. Somehow

She knew exactly what he was thinking.

Theyve left. That insane warrior andthe mage.

It should have been a relief. Instead, the horror written across the faces of the army staring at the undead soldiers slowly advancing towards them did not slacken. Because the two Revenants had left so casually.

Justwalked away. The warrior, Salui, had simply stopped fighting in the middle of battle, turned his head, and walked off. Ceased hacking apart foesthe Vizir had left on business of his own.

As if this battle had no bearing on them. That was how overwhelming it was.

Claiven Earth, the Terandrian Crusade, and Medain held the line. Say it again. The Treespeaker, High King Perric, and the commanders of the crusade heard that in their nightmares, and it was a waking nightmare.

They held the line. Two of Chandrars mightiest nations in the north and an entire Crusade against one tiny one.

The Herald of the Forests lay slumped in her saddle. Another volunteer wing to recreate the Fables of the Foresttheir great [Mage] was unconscious from a duel with the Vizir.

This was the moment to push in, in theory. Without the two mighty Revenants. Yet no one dared utter those words. Not with

Our predecessors lacked for discipline. Hold the line.

The booming voice came from a half-Giant, thirty feet tall, ghostly flames blazing in its sockets. Another half-Giant, all bone, took careful aim with the largest bow anyone had ever seen and loosed another arrow.

A half-Giant [Mage] began casting a spell as Khelts undead continued forwards. A force of half-Giants, each one likely Level 30 or higher. 

Serept guides us. Come, [Knights] of Terandria.

Their leader boomed. His head swivelled the battlefield, searching for targets. He saluted a wedge of armored figures pushing in for a charge and began striding towards them. The only thing the mortals could claim in their favor was that Khelts advance wasslow.

Deliberate. Only Salui took risks; the half-Giants, and even the Vizir, refused to even chance their destruction, and the lower-ranking undead were a horde, despite Khelts armories. Yet they were pushing in towards the coast and nownow the Claiven Earth was willing to negotiate. Now High King Perric lay sick abed, as his [Generals] frantically begged him to make peace. Terandria refused to admit defeatfor nowand the three combined armies struggled to hold the line.

Yet the Herald of the Forests had a terrible feeling that the war front was stalled out not because of the disinterested Revenants alone, or the necessity for caution in their fighting. She had a feeling they were

Waiting for something.

But time was up. Suddenly, and just like that.

It does amuse, you know. Twenty years is a young mans life entire. For Humans, at least. Twenty years, wasted. They say you are the [King] to terrify other [Kings]. You seem not so grand. Not so to one who has seen greatness.

In Reim, the worlds most dangerous toasted marshmallow lay in his bed. Covered in bandages, which seemed to be a trend these days.

His skin refused to heal. It was burned so badly by a Djinnis fire that some worried it might never healnot without some great restorative. The King of Destruction was immobilized. He could move, speak, but at great pain.

It was a terrible thing. Nerrhavia was advancing, and without him to lead one of the armiesno, it had been a slow withdrawal already.

Nowtime had run out. The figure who had entered through the window stood alone in the room. Wellstood.

He floated in midair, in a contemptuous display of disregard for the laws of gravity and the security of Reim. But then, he had flown here invisibly, beyond detection. Flown, in an era where most [Mages] could barely teleport short distances. He was the relic of an earlier age.

The Vizir Hecrelunn has many titles. You may know the Vizir simply this way, as you are a [King]. However disappointing.

No Teres, no Venith or Maresar, despite one or the other being near the capital, the other leading the armies in defense. No servantsthe figure stirred. The Vizir sneered down at him, eyes glowing a bright red.

Are the [Kings] so petty in this day and age they can be called Kings of Destruction so lightly? When this Vizir heard that one man had united Chandrar, he was intrigued. Yet all he found were stories of greatness. A pitiful remnant and a burned husk of a man.

He cast his eyes dismissively around the royal bedchamber. With his hands clasped behind him, he floated past Flos Reimarch, to stare out the window. He wore enchanted clothing as regal as any rulers, and he turned to regard the King of Destruction.

A pitiful ruler without bodyguards or ample protections. Brought low by a single Djinni? This Vizir could snuff your life out with one hand.

He lifted a finger, which crackled with red-dark light. At last, the figure lying in bed opened his mouth and uttered a coherent word. Two baleful eyes stared at the Revenant.


There was no flesh on the lips to move, but the Vizir still grinned with his deathly corpse-face at Flos. He floated closer and bent over.

Your death serves Khelt little, King of Destruction. This nation, Nerrhavias Fallen, and other nations which claim greatness, focus on Reim. Better to suit the Vizirs needs that they focus on you for a time. Yet this Vizir comes to make you an offer, since the current ruler of Khelt is too shortsighted and weak of will to return Khelt to its greatness.

The King of Destructions eyes narrowed and he listened as Hecrelunn bent lower. At least he was direct.

Swear fealty to glorious Khelt, your lands and armies. They are not without some merit. Do this, and this Vizir shall not only provide healing to your ruined flesh, but an answer to the armies besieging your lands. Surely you know, King of Destruction, you cannot long endure.

Flos thought about it for about two seconds. His reply made the Vizirs crimson flames narrow to pinpoints of malevolent light.

Not unexpected. Even small men have such egos beyond their true worth. This Vizir thought of that. Yet he has a contract, an oath to be sworn.

He produced a scroll which glowed with power. The Vizir ignored the buzzing [Message] spells, glancing out the window. Then he looked back at the helpless figure in bed.

He will spare some time for this matter. Let us speak of persuasion, King of Destruction. He must imagine yours is a painful existence. One cannot simply command oaths of bindingbut there is persuasion to such ends. Tell me

He bent lower over the bed, and he was grinning now. He whispered to the living [King].

Do you think you know true agony?

The alarm in the palace made the soldiers think it was battle too early. It was notat least, not a direct battle.

The Vizir Hecrelunn floated out the window of Reims capital. He ignored the slashing young woman with a sword and paused only one moment to point backwards and send her flying head-over-heels.

He flew off as people pointed up and screamed, rolling up the contract and accelerating southwards. It was not wholly wasted time, though he left empty-handed.

At least he has a monarchs pride and will. That is more than the petty rulers thus far. Few could free a Djinni with their bare hands in any era.

That was about as much of a compliment as the Vizir Hecrelunn had paid for centuries. Certainly more than Fetohep of Khelt would ever get. The Vizir stopped, several miles outside of Reims capital, and cleared his throat. One more errand.

An arrow flew up at his face. Again, his crimson eye-flames narrowed and he pointed down.

[Meteor Strike].

There was the thunder and flash of something striking the earth. Screaming. Then refreshing silence. The Vizir cleared his throat again, and this time no one interrupted.

By the authority of Eternal Khelt, whose glorious reign extends beyond death and whose majesty knows no bounds, he, the Greatest Vizir of Khelt, Hecrelunn, grants you leave to besiege this city!

The Vizir pointed to the distant walls of Reim. Below him, a hundred thousand [Soldiers]a bit less nowstared up at him.

Nerrhavia Fallens banners waved in the small breeze, and the [Generals] of Nerrhavias Fallen stared up at the Vizir, mouths dry. The Vizir went on, magnifying his voice with a spell.

For your insolence, you should all bake in your worthless juices as a million scorpions cover you. Know that you have been spared his wrath only because you serve the Vizirs ambitions, and that of Khelt! Fell Reim swiftly, and you shall know the Vizirs tolerance.

He looked around, floating higher, and his eyes flashed.

Thou petty mortalsremember this day, for you have beheld a being that strode the world and knew the tyrant you heard only whispers of! Nerrhavia, Suzerain of Cloth, Tyrant of the Woven Citadel, Ruler of Clothkind! A being so great even in death she defines your little kingdom.

A great roar rose up, of choked voices, of horror. The Vizir floated there, looking down at them as the Stitch-Folk froze at what he was saying. Yet Hecrelunn simply floated higher, spreading his arms.

And remember this. This Vizir did not bow to her. Begin the siege.

And with that, he flew off, laughing. Cackling. You had never heard proper cackling, truly villainous laughter for want of another word. Without remorse or regret or forethought to how it might sound.

Pure ego.

In dead silence, the army of Nerrhavias Fallen stared at the distant capital of Reim, finally in sight after so long. Their glorious attack force, poised to take the King of Destructions headstared off at the Revenant flying away on important business. The [Generals] looked at each other.

Their eagerness to fight wasquite sapped.

More drama in Pomle. No, truly, though, things were happening. At the same time the Vizir was causing trouble, it was true that the siege of Reim had begun.

At the same time? There were rumors of other great deeds occurring.

Mars the Illusionist laying an army to waste by herself was the stuff of stories. Khelts resurgence, the stuff of nightmares. And in that vein

It was a recording you could purchase. Not shown on television; it had apparently been recorded like Rmi Canadas ongoing documentary about Ksmvr of Chandrar, who had already been suggested as the Slayers replacement. Certainly his heiran Antinium with incredible abilities.

The recording in question was of about sixty [Martial Artists]. Who, over the course of two hours, kicked, punched, and otherwise threw back a force nearly a hundred times their size. That reminded you of why their nation existed to begin with.

Trouble on the winds. Especially since, while they didnt show it overtly, only one nation had that many Stitch-Folk being turned into literal ragdolls.

Roshal was still up in arms about the Death of Chains, who had liberated countless [Slaves] from caravans they were still scrambling to go after. Not least the nearly million-gold adventurer on the loose.

All of this as the damned Arbitration Council was now condemning the Drake attacks on Gnolls with the power of words. Not that she was bitter. She hadnt even gotten on the waiting list for invitations.

As for RoshalRoshal was an unpleasant enemy, but a bunch of [Slaves] and all the trade routes in disarray?

Plink, plink, plink. The pile of gold coins and even several artifacts had arrived this morning. The woman trailed her hand across the pile.

Not exactly rich. How much is this?

F-four hundred and eighty four gold pieces, Your Majesty.

The nervous other woman was an [Accountant]. You had to have them. To count things. She was afraid, most likely because shed heard what happened to the last woman whod made a costly mistake.

The Siren of Savere didnt bother addressing the issue. The last [Accountant] had been embezzling money; thats why she got what she deserved, but she didnt tell the newcomer that. She didnt waste lives.

Revine Zecrew sat back and regarded the mornings income. Which, to be clear, she hadnt earned herself. It had appeared in its designated spot. But whom, or rather, who it came from was very important.

Who being correct since she did understand basic grammar. She had gone to higher education, which some people might find interesting. Especially in a [Bandit Queen].

Not a huge haul, but she did tribute it to me. Which means she escaped. Tell me. How faithful has Merr been on her payments?

The [Accountant] rushed to open her ledger.

Um. Q-quite good, Your Majesty.



I am the Siren of Savere. Say that.

Your Majesty was too generic and people needed to remember her title. It was all about respect and titles. Revine looked at the small tribute and sighed.

It hadnt been sent via traditional means, like a [Messenger] or in a chest. That tempted [Bandits] to steal away with it, and besidesit was so slow. A [Bandit Queen] had better, more secure options.

So Merrs back to raiding. Roshals going to be after her.

Yes, Siren?

That wasnt a question. Shut up.

The [Accountant] clapped her mouth shut. Revine rubbed at her forehead. She had a headache. She was a [Bandit Lady] and thus technically Revines follower.

In practice? No. They would have both laughed until they were sick at the implications of traditional serving and loyalty. This was a business relationship. Revine was on top. Merr was being practical.


Revine slapped the table. The [Accountant] jumped. The Siren turned.

Find the nearest gang or raiding group in the region and tell them to join Merr.

Tell them to join? How, Siren? Where do II, uh

Go get it done. Ask someone else and dont bother me!

The woman fled, white-faced, and Revine cursed, because she should have told the woman to put the coin in the treasury first. That was the problem with new help.

The Siren of Savere, Revine Zecrew, was an unusual ruler for an unusual land. And yes, many rulers could boast the same, but she was a strange criminal class. [Bandit Queen]an authority that didnt always exist generation to generation.

Why, in the age of Maresar, there hadnt even been a ruling [Bandit Queen], and there still wasnt a [Pirate King]a ridiculous concept, but they did pop up now and then.

Criminality? Well, that was such a refined word for them. [Bandits], [Raiders], [Pillagers], and [Rogues], oh my. Most people thought they were just disorganized thugs, and that was true for a lot of them.

Yet there were secrets to their classes. [Bandit Queen] was one of them. And Savere?

Before it had been taken, Savere had been a province of multiple local city-states, like other areas on Chandrar. This port-city had been the capital and it still wasonly for a new power. It had existed for quite some time, having emerged after the King of Destructions slumber, in the chaos of the power vacuum.

Revine had not always ruled it, but under her, the lawless Savere had gained some laws. Againnot like another kingdom, but laws as they applied to her people.

She was Siren of Savere. [Hydromancer] supreme; a master of weather magic as well, such that the citizens who lived in Savere would never want for water, unlike other parts of Chandrar. So long as they paid up, that was. Life was not perfect, of course. Revine had her enemies here and abroad. She had to watch her back, stay on top, and there were people she hated, like the Empress of Tiqr, whom Savere had clashed with many times since their inception.

However, she wasnt in mortal danger, and her sister happened to be one of the most famous [Pirates] in the world. Rasea Zecrew, [Pirate Captain] of the Illuminary.

Of course, she was the younger sister and they were universally annoying. Revine reached for a glass of wine. She did not want to think of Rasea right now. That idiot sister of hers kept pulling stunts like running the King of Destruction over with her ship. No thought of how that might get back to Savere.

Revine had a project at the moment. An unexpected opportunityeven a boon. And yetshe sipped at her wine as she stared balefully out of her position in her palace.

I cannot believe thats Illphres apprentice.

Ah, childhood. Ah, youth and past and regret and friendshipone of the few she had ever made. Revine closed her eyes.

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, Illphres the [Cryomancer] had been alive in Wistram. Her status had been one of the top [Mages]even on the level of fighting with Amerys, now and then.

She had been an Isolationistbut a staunchly pro-magic one, who wanted to uncover the true mysteries of the Academy. Challenge Zelkyrs last test. She was not apolitical, but had stayed out of the center of the debates and power struggles.

Her true class had been a variation of [Cryomancer]. Everyone knew the basic class; few knew the details.

Back thenCeria Springwalker had been privileged enough to know Illphres true class in the last year of her masters life. Back then

She had really hated Illphres.

Student. Get me some Everfrozen Ice.

Okay, Master. From where?

Illphres, the [Cryomancer of Masks], gave Ceria a blank look. Her beautiful mask had colored ice and looked like a real face, but the lips didnt always move perfectly with her actual flesh. She pointed and her young half-Elf apprentice, the first she had ever taken, lookedout her door.

I dont know. Go find some.

From who?

I dont know.

Ceria Springwalker waited, mouth opening and closing slightly.

Do I have any money to buy some, Master?

Yes. Go find some.

From where?

I have some lying about. Get me a big block. Ohand breakfast. And find my other wand. The one with earth attunement. And a Potion of Relief.

Relief forwhat?

My period. Get to it.

Ceria Springwalker threw her hands up. She stalked out of the room, cursing Illphres name. Her master watched, slightly smugly. She had learned the value of largely unpaid labor and it was getting them to do whatever you were too busy to do.

And yetshe was good at her job. Which was freezing things. So good, in fact, that Cerias own ice magic studies were progressing far faster than any other student in her year. So by the time Ceria came back, Illphres would have a spell for her to study, or a book to read about famous [Cryomancers] of the past.

Read and learn, Ceria. We might not know their spells, but this is how they lived. Some foughtothers earned money more traditional ways. They were all geniuses.

The one who sank in that ship made of ice sounded like an idiot.

Illphres slapped Ceria on the back of the head.

Dont contradict me. They were better than you. You cant make structured ice so show some respect until you pass them.

Master! Im learning quickly! No one is even close to learning [Ice Wall] in the 3rd Year!

So? Youre comparing yourself to post-Zelkyr [Mages]. And they get more worthless each generation. When I was a student, I knew [Ice Wall] by my third year because some of my teachers remembered what real magic was like.

Ceria ducked another swat. She glared, shielding her head.

Well, Im sorry for disappointing you, Master. What was it like, learning from [Mages] who remembered that?

Illphres stopped. She wasnt actually that violent, or even mean. Noshe was definitely mean. But she loved magic and so Ceria could get her to reminisce.

Back then? Not all of them were old enough. Some, like Feor, predate Zelkyr vanishing. But some were apprentices of [Mages] who existed before the upper floors were locked up. They werent that different. Infighting idiots. But they knew what they had lost. Thats the difference.

Ceria sat cross-legged as Illphres slowly sat. Ceria had never asked how Illphres face had been damaged exactly, but it had been frostbite, not another injury. She had warned Ceria she could draw too heavily on ice magic if she couldnt withstand it and damage herself. She hadnt said never do that. Only told Ceria the risks.

Youre a half-Elf. I dont want to talk about age with you about anyways, you annoying brat. Youre older than I am.

Illphres grumbled. Ceria rolled her eyes.

I spent most of my time in a traditional half-Elf village, Master. You dont age there the same way.

Clearly, or youd master [Ice Wall] already. Wellyou know the fundamentals. But I wont have you casting [Ice Hedge] while youre my apprentice. When I was your age

I bet you didnt have any friends.

Illphres kicking foot twitched and Ceria scooted back. But the woman returned mildly.

I didnt. Or at least, not as many as you.

Ceria blinked. The woman sat there and her apprentice asked after a while.

Did youuh, are they the [Mages] I know now?

Illphres blinked.

Hm? No. They were student friends. Most went off, or diedI dont keep up with most. I had one or two good ones. Actual complementary experts. Unlike your lot.

She meant Beatrice and Calvaron, Pisces and Montressaalthough PiscesCerias lips twisted. Illphres gazed at her.

You should consider finding a [Mage] who can complement your abilities. If you fall in love with a [Pyromancer], though, Ill disown you as an apprentice. [Pyromancers] and [Hydromancers] workalthough all they can do is create steam spells. [Aeromancers] and [Hydromancers] work wellearth magic and water magic, even color magic and water magic. But were ice mages, so were less complementary with other disciplines.

Ceria raised her brows.

You sound like you know a lot about hydromancy, Master. Who was your friend? A [Hydromancer]?

Illphres shrugged.

A good one. We worked well together, but she left. Different attitudes. Dont bother learning too much water magic, though. Ours is superior.

And that was all she had ever said about that. Ceria Springwalker had forgotten all about it. It certainly hadnt been an important conversation.

Until now.

Ceria Springwalker opened her eyes and stopped meditating in her rooms. She recalled Illphres face, the way she would walk, somewhat stiffly, unless she was in battle.

Ceria still remembered how she had frozen the sea and skated across it to rescue her. She wished she had talked with Illphres more, but she had been so young.

Not in ageshe wasnt that much older now. ButCeria sighed.

I was so immature. Pisces and Mons and

Her skeletal hand opened and closed. Here was the thing about memory and regrets. If. Everyone did it, especially adventurers.

If I was the me of now back then

She would have been able to get Illphres to apprentice her right off, Ceria just bet. And she would have learned all the spells Illphres tried to teach her, rather than only manage to pick them up years after being taught the fundamentals. Ceria would have been able to persuade her not to try the test, accepted Pisces

But regrets? Ceria shook her head. You couldnt dwell on them forever. And right now, she regretted Illphres not ever elaborating about her friend quite a lot. Because Ceria Springwalker was a guest of the Siren of Savere, the ruler of Savere. [Bandit Queen], and Crelerbane in her own right.

Not a nice woman. Ceria was no expert on Savere, and she wished she was, but in coming here as a guest shed seen how the Siren was treated.

The [Bandits] who had come to shake the village down? The [Pirates], [Rogues], and other criminal classes infesting the port city of Runsblud? They didnt cross her. They were very respectful. Mostly becauseand here Ceria glanced out the window again.

I might be in trouble.

You could still see the last [Accountant] the Siren of Savere had employed. Wellparts of her. She was hanging from the docks.

That sort of set the tone for Cerias stay in Savere. She took a breath, and got to work.

Day One

Ib a squirrel!

Ceria had a party trick. Which was to fit as much food in her cheeks as possible. A [Bandit] snorted her drink out her nose and the others fell over laughing.

Shortly after she had arrived in the capital, Ceria had been invited to the first banquet. She hadnt known what to expect.

Shed been so tired from being mana-burnt again that, on the way from the village of Nerhs, she hadnt talked with the Siren much. Shed only learned that the Siren had been a friend of Illphres and that Ceria would accompany her, along with the people of the village since theirs was infested by Creler corpses.

That wasnt an option either, by the by. Ceria was going with the Siren, and so were the people of Nerhs, and Ceria suspected the Siren would have left them to deal with the dead Crelers alone if not for the half-Elfs involvement.

In a way, it was for the best. Poor Luaar and Novethur and the others. Their village was a goner, even though Ceria had wiped out the Adult Creler and the others with the Sirens aid.

Too many corpses. Too many corpses with the potential for little Creler eggs. The entire thing needed to be burned and it was already smashed to pieces by the attack. The Siren had left orders for it to be burned.

And now Ceria was here, in Runsblud, the charmingly named capital port-city. The palace had a frightened staff of civilians, but the Sirens people were [Rogues], [Bandits], and every criminal class you could name. In fact, the very people whod tried to shake down Nerhs were sitting at Cerias table.

You are the craziest half-Elf Ive met. Go on, put another Yellat in!

Revine Zecrew stared at Ceria as she obligingly tried to cram another Yellat into her mouth.

If gnna cmb out my noth!

Some of the other people at the dining tables looked offended by the laughter. A rough-looking man slouched over, and here was a salient detail: the Sirens staff and indeed, personal cronies, were a largely female force.

Whats going on? Whos the newcomer?

Some [Cryomancer] Gold-rank. Heard of the Horns of Hammerad?

He blinked as one of the [Bandits] leaned over. The rest were taking bets on whether Ceria could get another Yellat in.

Is that who made a fuss at that new village?

Yep. Wiped out an entire nest of Crelers by herself. And an Adult Creler.

No. Dont shit me.

The female [Bandit] grinned.

I was there. Saw the end of it myself. She had the big one all frozen up before the Siren cut it to pieces. She was probably gonna die, but she got the little ones. Smashed them to bits. Seems the Siren liked her so much she took her here.

The man whistled as he blinked at Ceria.

Gold-rank adventurer, eh? Think shes gonna survive long here?

He eyed his companions, who were all glaring at the half-Elf because they were trying to have a proper meal here, and the sight of her opening her mouth while eating was putting them off their feed. The [Bandit] shrugged, but she leaned over.

Dont know, but the Sirens interested in her. So shes not just fish bait. Spread it around.

The man nodded carefully. No one got on the Sirens bad side. He glanced at Ceria again and then his eyes sharpened.

What did you say her name was? Ceria

Some of the others sitting at the table looked up at once. Two rose.

Thats the Gold-ranker on the orb, isnt it? Krakens awake. The [Captain]ll want to hear about this.

Easy on. Shes under the Sirens protection.

The [Bandit] emphasized again. And as if to prove that, the Siren was personally striding over, cutting the laughter short. Ceria glanced up, half-choking on Yellats, and saw an icy glare Illphres would have been proud of on Revines face.

She glanced at the clearly disparate faction at the other table. They dressed and acted in a way that clearly set themselves apart from Revines crew.

The Siren dressed like a [Mage]-[Noble], with the richness of enchanted cloth, and her palace wasnt filthy; on the contrary, it was one of the grandest settings Ceria had ever been to.

Yet there was a looseness to the discipline here. Rather than [Soldiers], she had what looked like [Rogues] and [Bandits] whod taken up semi-official posts. They had good gear, no ragged holes in leather, but they even sauntered around in small patrols, and most eschewed shields.

For instance, the [Bandits] whod come to Nerhs to demand protection money wore light leather under chainmail, and carried bows, swords, like any [Outrider] group or [Scout] party.

They also had throwing daggers and a few other nasty tricks, like a blast vial. Their [Enforcement Raider] leader had an enchanted, scimitar-like blade and magic boots.

Alsoagainit was an all-female group, even the [Corrupt Accountant] who had ridden with them. Very interesting.

By contrast, the men and women at the other table were practically bare-chested. A jerkin exposing skinto be fair, it was leatheror just casual clothing. They swaggered around with single weapons, not lacking for attitude among Saveres forces, but they had a curious walk. And, Ceria noticed, they tended to have a wand, side-arm in a sleeve holster or at their belt, and jewelry that was clearly magical.


The Siren of Savere put them all to silence, though. She stopped in front of Ceria and stared down at the half-Elf who really did feel like a Yellat was trying to come out her nose. Her look of disgust made Ceria swallow, or try to.

You. Come with me.

Ceria slowly rose as the [Bandits] bowed or dipped their heads. Meanwhile, the [Pirates] watched. One stood up to tell the others that someone interesting had dropped by.

The Siren of Savere glared at Ceria as the two walked higher. She halted Ceria and pointed.

Do you understand what Savere is, Ceria Springwalker?

The half-Elf followed her finger. It traced along one of the open-air windows to the outside. Salty air blew in, along with the other odors of the port. Not great for the drapeswhich meant it was a good thing the palace had none, at least in these hallways.

Ceria eyed the largest docks shed seen short of First Landing. A massive port, heaving with ships and crew, was outside. Andyet againdifferent from any city like Pallass or Liscor.

She could see a fight on the streets taking place between groups of [Sailors] or [Pirates]. Rather than anyone breaking it up, she thought she distinctly saw one of Saveres patrols cheering on the fight. From so high up and far off, Ceria didnt see more than a flash of limbs, someone attacking someone from behind. But she did see blood when someone drew a dagger.

Cargo came off ships, and it did seem like a fairly orderly system. HoweverCeria eyed the ships and she saw pendants, flags that were not like the regular ones. Too many skull motifs. Indeed, one of the hulls was even painted red, with some kind of teardrop motif in blue. At least, she assumed it was paint.

Saveres a bandit kingdom.

Ravine gave Ceria a thin smile.

Savere is the bandit kingdom. There are other placesnone so official as this. None that have official borders and trades and makes war with the authority of a nation. I am the Siren of Savere, and you are my guest. Quite aninteresting one.

Her tone and look made Ceria hastily wipe her face; she had a bit of food on her chin.

Er, Im sorry, Siren Revine. Is that how I should address you?

That will do. Do you always eat so?

Cerias ears turned a bit red.

Uhits my icebreaking trick, Siren.

The [Hydromancer] snorted.

And Illphres is your master. We did not converse on the ride here overlong.

Yes. Um. She was my master for two years. Before sheyou knew her? You were her fr

Revine made a slashing gesture, eyes sliding sideways. Ceria hesitated, and the Siren glanced out another window.

Yes or no will do. We will converse in my domain later. There are ears everywhere in Savere. While I am the principal power, I am not the only power here, and you would do well to remember that. Did you see the guests of Savere?

The [Pirates]?

Revines expression darkened slightly as she glanced out at the harbor through another window again. She stared at the ships with the painted hullsCeria saw no less than nine in tight formation at the docks.

They are the Bloodtear Pirates. Youve heard of them?

The half-Elf inhaled sharply. Yes, she had. The Bloodfeast Raiders were known across Izril as the principal [Bandit] gang, but they were a rare, elusive force. Arguablycopycats of the famous [Pirate] army who flew under one flag and slaughtered their foes.

The Bloodtear Pirates. She felt her skin prickle a bit. Revine looked somewhat approvingly at her expression.

Then you understand they can be touchy. Half would challenge you to a blood duel for the sport of it if they knew you were a Gold-rank. You are under my protection, so fewer will dare, but that is a warning. The other?

She flicked a finger as they passed by a third window on the sea-facing corridor. Ceria saw the flicker of magic and dove.

Ceria heard a scream. Revine stared down at Ceria lying sprawled on the ground. The scream had not come from her. Rather, it came from outside.

A figure clinging to the exterior of the palace fell, screaming, as their handhold on the stone grew slick. Ceria scrambled up, looked out the window, and wished she hadnt. She saw the Siren glancing at her, amused.

You sensed my magic. Illphres did teach you something.

Who was?

The Siren was already walking on.

An idiot who thought theyd profit by knowledge. Which they would have if they got away. There are ears everywheresave for my domain.

Ceria hesitated, then walked after Revine.

An [Assassin]?

No. I said, an idiot. A [Rogue], perhaps. A [Thief]? It doesnt matter. Secrets have currency and there are brokers for that everywhere. You should know that. You were at Wistram. Thenexpelled. We shall discuss the rest of it later, as I said. Make lighter conversation until we ascend.

Another searching look. Ceria Springwalker slowed once more, and saw Revine looking at her.

Illphres had been in her fifties or sixties when she died. Ceria had never asked for exact details, but she had claimed to be younger than Ceria in actual, biological age. Ceria had been in her sixties already, albeit as she often said, sixty for a half-Elf raised in the never changing forests. There were days there when you just sat and watched a tree grow all day long, or the shoots of a flower youd planted.

It only got boring if you realized there was a faster world outside. At any rate, the Sirendid not look so old. She had jet black hair with lines of sea-blue streaking through the darkness, down to the very roots of her hairbut it was wavy, and she could have been in her late thirties, for a Human. Her robes were a [Mage]s, but had the sigil of Savere drawn large on the backCeria saw an anchor, a curved dagger, and a raincloud all in one.

Under the robes, the Siren had a kind of shimmering fabric that Ceria thought might be watercloth; very fitting for someone of her class. Andthe half-Elf noticedshe was very conventionally attractive, lips full red, thin, skin without flaw, like a Terandrian [Lady] might aspire to be.

Not that Ceria found Revine attractive. If anything, her killing that [Rogue] only made Ceria warier. What Ceria did think was

Beauty products. Shes spent a fortune on her appearance. Its not an illusion spell or Id be able to tell. Plus, most dont copy facial muscle movements properly.

Enough to take a decade or two off; more than her clothing or jewelry, that was largesse for anyone who knew to notice it. Ceria thought of her master, whose only nod to vanity was her mask of ice; she didnt even bother changing her robes most days, having a Pisces-like attitude towards clothing cleanliness.

Ceria was off-guard. It seemed like, from Nerhs to Savere, she kept being tossed into weird situations. But she was alive, not eaten by a giant Creler, and, rather than being captive of a dangerous [Bandit Queen], it seemed like Revine was disposed to like her due to Illphres. So Ceria was cautiously optimistic.

Do you have anything to say?

Revines snappish tone made Ceria start. She was rather like an impatient client, who wanted you to prove how good you were before she gave the job. Ceria remembered Calruz was particularly good at impressing prospective clients like that; hed just challenge their bodyguard to a short match that involved him slapping them across the room.

Since Ceria lacked for biceps thicker than her legs, she took an alternate approach. Revine must have been from Wistram; secret brokers sounded very familiar, so Ceria coughed.

ErI cant help but wonder, Siren. Savere is clearly an exceptionally rich nation. You have an, um, amazing wardrobe that I think even an Archmage would be pressed to match in terms of money. But the palace is a bitis it due to wanting an open window for hydromancy magic? No glass?

She pointed at the open-air windows, which let in salt and mildew that the hard-pressed cleaning staffwho fled the instant they saw Revineprobably had to work every week to clean.

Revine blinked at Ceria. She glanced at the windows, and her expression changed again.

No. Not for hydromancy. Practicality. Those fools fight and have no discipline. Do you think Id litter my palace with vases or other valuable objects?

Ah. But theyre under your command

They are still [Rogues] and [Thieves]. I trust them to do their jobs if properly motivated. No more. Savere has an army and my officers are trustworthy enough, but Runsblud has too many guests.

I see. Sonot even enchanted glass?

Revines expression twisted into one of disgust.

They would steal the entire window and carve it out of the stonework. I have had entire doors go missing. That is the quality ofdoor thieves. Who would do something like that?

She made a disgusted sound, glancing back at her guest to join in the condemnation of door thievery. Ceria bit her lip and avoided meeting her eyes.

They passed into the Sirens territory in a moment as they reached the stairwell and headed up. Ceria felt a tingle on her skin and stopped dead. The Siren looked back, and, once more, she switched from annoyed to approving.


Ceria felt the power of water in the air. Not humidity, but like if you stood in a graveyard and you were Pisces, or in the middle of a snowstorm and you were her

The sheer potential for water magic made Cerias own cryomancy instincts tingle. She could raise a wall of ice here in a fraction of the time it would take anywhere else. She looked around, frowning.

Not only that, it felt like this was a distinct ward in the air, probably against hostile magics. How?

Oh. There.

Ceria pointed at something built into the hallway. An archway of strange stone. It looked pitted, like it was corrodeduntil Ceria realized the gleaming, polished material was coral. Coral mixed with some water-blue stone.

Lapis lazuli. This marks the boundary of my domain. You may enter; few others can. Speak openly here and nowhere else. Servants! Refreshments!

Ceria saw people scurry out and looked ahead towards a far grander, far more decorated section of the palace. Actual paintings and picturessome of Revine, others of a strange Drowned Woman with a glowing left eyedecorated the halls, along with other paraphernalia that was distinctly

Wistram. And by WistramCeria glanced at a giant relief of The Wisdom of Mages. There were four copies in Wistram; it was a painting of a bunch of monarchs, lords, generals, and even adventurers, slowly approaching a shining group of [Mages] who were depicted in rather noble poses, dispensing wisdom to the masses.

The same with the paintings. You had to have a few of yourself, but the real showoffs framedartifacts. Ceria eyed a glowing embossed eye-pendant on a wall, a wand that Revine had personally wielded, almost out of charges

Yep. This was a Wistram [Mage] alright. So many decorations that Revine swept pastcarefully waiting to see if Ceria noticed them

But such a lonely place at the top of her palace. Her servants bowed, but said nothing to her, and Revine herself halted as Ceria approached.

Fit for an Archmage, you said? Did Illphres have such treasures? You dont have to answer that. She never did understand how to put her magic to use. She lived and died at Wistram and barely set her foot out into the wider world. As if Wistram was everything. I thought she would never take an apprentice. When I heard of her deathI knew it was coming. I never thought to meet you, though.

She stood there, as a glass of wine floated towards her from a serving tray placed on a table. She gestured around.

Sit. Stand. You and I shall converse.

Ceria nodded slightly.

You did know my master then, Siren Revine?

Revines eyes narrowed. Ceria looked around and went to pick up a cup of wine. When she turned back, the Siren was glaring again.

Know her. Know her? She and I were the greatest of friends as students. She never mentioned me?


Ceria was afraid of stating the obvious. Revines eyes flashedthen she abruptly grew cool. Her moods swung so fast Ceria was having trouble keeping up.

That would be like her. Not a word about methe Siren of Savereto the only apprentice she ever kept. Ceria Springwalker, a student who stayed for only three years at Wistram before being expelled in an incident that slew countless [Mages]. Yet a graduate of Wistram because Cognita of Truestone herself declared it so. I would have never thought that heartless piece of stone would bestir herself for anything but her dead master.

Ceria jumped as Revine drained her goblet. She didnt move to fill it from the pitchershe pointed and a stream of wine spiralled up and poured into her cup.

Casual water magic. Indeed, at Cerias glance, with a mocking look she sat backand water rose from out of nowhere to create a molded seat for her. Her legs dangling, she reclined as it adjusted itself.

I do know who you are, Ceria. And while Illphres may not have spoken about me, let me assure you it was not because I was inferior to her in any way. In fact, she could never afford anything but magical studies to enhance her power. I have a kingdoms treasury at my disposal.

She waved a hand around. The [Cryomancer] stood there, eying the water chair, the rich rooms, the tapestries, and Revine herself. When she replied, it was with a shrug.

My master would have said magic is all you needed, Siren.

Revines mocking smile went out. Her hand holding the goblet frozethen she set it down on a pedestal of water. Her languid posture changed. She sat forwards, shoulders hunched, hands in her lap. She looked at Ceria, bleakly.

Yes. She would have said just that. So you were her apprentice after all. Tell me

Revine struggled. She took a deep breath, then stared at Ceria with a fixed look. A dangerous one, buther eyes shone with some deep emotion.

I know it. Yet tell me, from your own mouth. You were there, were you not? Tell mehow Illphres died.

The Siren of Savere didnt know what to make of this half-Elf girl. A girl, despite being a half-Elf.

She was no ancient [Mage]. She looked like a fool, especially when she had been in the banquet hall. Yet she was sharp enough to notice several things. A capable mageshe had been using Illphres tactics when she killed the Crelers.

Even so, it made no sense to Revine that her old friend would ever take an apprentice. Illphres had no affection for anyone. Not for friends or lovers. Magic was her goal.

Yetshe saw something as Ceria spoke. Perhaps it was that.

You won her apprenticeship by melting her ice with salt?

The half-Elf ducked her head. Revine threw back her head and laughed.

I was desperate for a master at the timeI didnt know if it would work.

I am surprised it did. You must have bruised her ego. Illphres was always determined to make ice that no force could ever melt. And for a 1st year student to do it with salt?

She listened as Ceria told her stories, what few there were of Illphres. And, in truththere were not many. Illphres had taught Ceria for two paltry years. Well, it seemed. She had even

She battled a [Storm Captain] for you?

Revine blinked. Ceria nodded.

That was when my friend showed his [Necromancer] class.

Yes, yes. Im familiar with the basics of your team. The Horns of Hammerad. Illphres left the academy for you.

Ceria blinked.

It was veryit was amazing and it saved our lives. Was it that extraordinary?

Revine shook her head.

I cant believe she would do that. But then

Her voice trailed off. Ceria sat there, across from her.

Illphres never talked about her past. Or you, Siren. Im sorry if thatsunpleasant to hear. She was a good master, but she was driven to challenge the exam.

Yes. She was. Perhaps that was why she took an apprentice. Knowing it was coming. Or perhapshah. Perhaps it was you.

Now she saw it. Cerias eyes lifted. Her eyes were like pale ice. She had begun showing the effects of her class. Revine felt the chill emanating from her. And her handher hand was bone.

Lost from an ice spell she had pushed too far. It was so much like Illphres it gave Revine goosebumps. Had Illphres seen that andno, that had come after. But it was proof.

You must haveIm sure she took you melting her ice into account. If she knew she was challenging the test soonbut Illphres would break her word and refuse to teach you. She was that sort of woman. She had another reason for teaching you.

Ceria blinked.


Revine reached for the wine, but it was muddying her memory. She cast it aside and looked back.

Of course. She must have been reminded of

The past. The half-Elf girl leaned forward, and Revine closed her eyes. Incredible as it might seem. Once upon a time

A young woman stood on the table in the banquet hall, pointing down at another student in her year who had mocked her. She raised a hand as Revine drew an enchanted dagger, menacing the other students they were fighting with.

But the Archmages, the actual [Mages] in the roomthey looked over when they heard the young woman shouting furiously. She pointed down at Vilt and shouted.

I wont stay down here. I will be the one to pass Zelkyrs last test! I will become the Archmage of Ice!

His jaw opened. Illphres turned to look at Revine, who stared up at her, astonished. Right before the laughter began. Illphres stood there, turning slowly paler and paler with fury. She pointed a finger and an [Ice Spike] flashed across the floor at the head table

Ceria Springwalkers mouth was open.

She said that? In front of everyone?

The Siren of Saveres gaze rose, breaking out of memory. She glared at Ceriathen relaxed. With a rueful smile, she nodded.

They never let her forget that. Later on, before I left and when she was coming into her full power, shed throw [Ice Spears] around if someone brought it up. The [Mages] must have decided to walk warily of her by the time you came to the academy. That was Illphres.

An impetuous, ambitious young woman who had already known how to cast [Ice Spike] by the time she came to the Academy. Talented, and who had befriended a young woman in her year who was talented in water magic, stuck by her even when the latter was found thieving.

Those days. They felt like yesterday and a thousand years ago.

and after I created as much water as possible, she froze it all over then shouted that a Chandrarian custard was being served and it was running out quick. So every [Mage] in the Centrist faction went running and

Revine found herself talking animatedly and cut herself off. Ceria was smiling, disbelieving, shaking her head.

She did that. Master Illphres.

Revine halted. She looked at Ceria. It was not entirely a sad smile. It should have been. Didnt she mourn Illphres?

But nothere it was. Sadness. And at the same timethe half-Elf smiled.

Thank you for telling me. I never knew.

Youve moved past her death.

The Siren stood and turned, abruptly. Ceria hesitated.

Its been years. I guessI have. She went up to challenge Cognita andIve never been back. It took me a long time to make my peace with it, everything that happened. If I went back I think it would hit me, butI never did.

Revine envied Cerias steady tone. She shook her head. No wine; Revine had purified water, the real stuff, and took a drink of it.

You havent been? Ah, you were expelled. You might well return, you know.

IIve never thought of that. Yes. Wistram wouldnt refuse me entry?

The Siren sneered as she turned around, thinking of her alma mater, and in a sense, the place where she had grown up as much as the streets of this very city.

Not Wistram. Not for a Gold-rank adventurer. I have returned to Wistram myself, despite my status as criminal by many sensibilities. Rarely; the academy has little to offer me besides politicking, and Wistram is not interested in Saveres dealings. Too unscrupulous for their high-minded ways. To me, there is little difference between dealing with gangs and [Mages].

Ceria nodded cautiously.

Didmay I ask, Revine, why you didnt stay at Wistram? Or why you and Illphres parted ways?

Revine snorted bitterly.

Havent you been listening? Illphres stayed. I left. I asked her many timeseven when I became the Sirenif she would leave. She refused. Her magic changed her. The academy changed her, when she saw how pitiful the other [Mages] dreams were. She was one of a few who loved magic. Everyone else, the majority were

She trailed off. Ceria hesitated.


Revine turned and laughed. She shook her head.

The rest were like me. Practical. We knew the doors would never open. Illphres was the dreamer. She was the one who was obsessed with the challenge, with the impossible. She kept trying until everything else fell away.

The half-Elf lowered her head. Revine drank furiously, and turned her head.

Bring me something stronger! Krakenblood Rum!

That was it. A simple story. A woman who gambled everything after fifty years of toiland it was all wasted. Wasted, by that murderous Truestone Golem, an Archmages trickery.

Except for Ceria. Revine saw the dark rum being brought over. In shot glasses. She took one, hesitated before tossing it down. Ceria was offered one and Revine snapped at the terrified serving girl.

Did I tell you to serve her some? You idiot. Dont try this, Ceria.

With that, she tossed the drink down. A small shot of Krakenblood, people said, could knock a [Drunk] out. Revine shook her head.

Im a [Hydromancer]. Try it if you want, but if you faint, Ill throw you down the steps and let you sleep it off.

Ceria gingerly tasted the dark liquid and gagged.

My tongues going numb! How did you?

Revine laughed with genuine pleasure.

I am a [Hydromancer]. Illphres never could hold her liquorI could drink all of our group under the table. Liquor is still a liquid. As my class progresses, we learn more than mere magic. Poisonmy spells have saved me from poison more than once. I doubt I could ever die of thirst, even in Zeikhal. Youre entering that stage too, arent you?

She eyed Ceria. The half-Elf took another taste of the Krakenblood and put it to the side. She nodded.

My aura, you mean.

Your aura, your eyesIllphres would have taught you to mitigate it. She never had an aura, but she could create the same effect with magic alone. She never finished teaching you, did she?

Ceria shook her head, shamefaced. Revine eyed her, swaying a bit despite her boasts.

I can tell. Your [Ice Walls] are too simple. I saw that copy of her [Fortress of the Ice Queen] spellsloppy. It only fooled me from afar. You tried to freeze an Adult Creler? You didnt think to keep a bag of holding with water on you? That is basic [Cryomancer] and [Hydromancer] training.

She didnt prepare me for adventuring. And it was only two years

Even so. You didnt have any other spells? You said you were stranded in that nowhere village. Nels.

Nerhs. Yes. If Id known, I would have taken water with me. But it was a teleportation spell gone awry

The Siren saw Ceria watching her, carefully. She reminded herselfCeria wasnt on her side. Just Illphres apprentice. Revine sat down on the wobbly water-chair.

And you didntcast [Condensation] and gather the water? You didnt think to create an ice domain when you saw the Crelers coming? When you took the wells wateryou could have at least cast [Whiteout Blizzard] and fled. You fought extraordinarily well, but with, what? Four, six spells at most?

Ceria turned beet red. Revine saw her open her mouth, stutter.

II never learned any more spells from Illphres. I barely caught up to [Ice Wall] last year.

Last year? Are you that stupid? You said Illphres was teaching you herself! She would have disowned any student who couldnt pick up [Ice Wall] by

She was dead. I didnt have anything else but memories to go on!

Revines lolling head rose. The Siren blinked. She muttered.

[Sobering]what? She never left you anything? Not her spellbook? Not

Ceria Springwalker shook her head.

There was no time to ask. I was expelled andshe must not have included me in her will.

The Siren blinked. Illphres apprentice sat there, looking forlorn. All that time without?

That wasnt like Illphres at all. She was so meticulous, and she wouldnt haveRevine blinked at her.

You dont know any ice magic beyond what youve levelled and? Truly?

I have a spellbook, but there arent many ice spells and Im missing the fundamentals. I never completed my education.

Revines mouth opened and closed.

Wait. You said you were in your third year. Thendid they even teach you the higher courses? Linked magic? Domains?

Ceria Springwalker bit her tongue.

I learned about linked casting this year. I cast a spell with my friend, Pisces. My friend who graduated, Montressa, called it natural link magic

Revine Zecrew sat back so far she nearly fell over. Instead, her chair turned into a recliner and she lay there.

You never knew anything besides the basics? Noher thoughts changed to astonishment. She sat up and looked at Ceria.

You entered a death-zone, reached Level 30, became a Gold-rank adventurer without learning magical theory?

The [Arctic Cryomancer] shrugged helplessly. Revine sat bolt upright, and her heart began to beat with excitement again. That was talent. That was

Perfect. She was like Illphres, but not. The Illphres who left Wistram, who went out into the world and became an adventurer. She had accomplished this without a proper mentor. If she had one

She was exactly what the Siren needed.

Savere had seafood. And if that was obvious, well

The Siren watched Ceria carefully as they dined. She was still getting a handle on the half-Elfs personality. To that end, shed requested a dish that made some people turn squeamish. Trust was the thing.

Ceria stared down into a bowl of dozens of tiny, fried eels. Which, yes, looked like Selphids, albeit different in color, orshe slowly put her fork in the bowl, raised itand began eating.

This is really good stuff. What is this? Eels?

Youve never had it?

The half-Elf began scarfing down the actually very tasty food.

Nope. Love it. Eels? Not bad at all. Do you have it with this rice stuff? Thats new too, but Ive had it recently.

Er. Yes. With chopst

Ceria began putting the eels and other side dishes with the riceand eating it with a fork. The Siren reflected that on the wholeit wasnt much worse than the rest of her underlings manners.

Revine spoke after Cerias first burst of hunger had abated.

I asked Illphres to come with me many times. Her abilities were second to only the best [Mages] livingshe might have even made Archmage if she could stand to build alliances.

Ceria lowered her fork slightly.

Yesshe did say that she had no patience for it. So she didnt want to leave?

Revines mouth twisted.

She did not. I offered her a position just under mine. Savere is a powerful place; the Bloodtear Pirates are not the only powerful force on the seas that comes here. Any [Pirate] that seeks to trade, repair their ships, or gang on Chandrar might well come here. Even groups from other continents. But you can imagine it is not simple to keep them in line.

Ceria nodded cautiously. Revine glowered at sights unseen.

I am the Sirenwhich means I have the right to refuse any group hospitality if they bring trouble. Savere is quite capable of doing battle with any group, so they abide by my rules largely. But there are many after my position. Illphreswith her, I would have feared no one. You understand why?

Because she was that powerful?

Ceria hazarded a guess. Revine pinched at the bridge of her nose.

Dead gods. I forget you didnt even get to your fourth yearthey never told you about elemental combinations, did they? Illphres was an ice mage. I specialize in water. We were complementary!

The half-Elf blinked. She slurped down an eel as Revine explained.

Water and ice grow stronger together. We are two close elements. So closetemperature is the only difference between us. Fire and lightning. Earth and metalnone are as close as our two.

She lifted a finger and a twirl of water brought a bowl of light broth up. It froze into a pillar as Ceria watched, and Revine dipped her spoon into the broth, which began to steam before Cerias eyes.

Water magic is infinite in possibility so long as water exists. Frost has power even without water, but requires it for strength. One molds and changes constantlythe other is static, shattering. A duality of strength. And one is weak against the other. You cannot freeze an ocean, but water is helpless once turned to ice.

Her eyes flicked upwards to Ceria.

Which is why I would not trust any [Cryomancer] to help me. But together, we could combine our powers, Illphres and I. Moreover, she would have been someone I trusted. Trust is the most valuable commodity in Savere, more than gems or magic.

Is itthat difficult, Siren?

Cerias mind was racing ahead of this conversation. She thought she understood why Revine had gone to all this trouble now, and she wasnt sure she liked the answer her mind presented her with. But she had to admit, it hadnt been bad thus far. Revine had clearly been true friends with Illphres and the food was good.

The Siren smiled tightly.

I trust two people in this world not to kill me in my sleep if it benefits them. My sister, Rasea, and Joam. And I only trust Rasea because shed rather duel me face-to-face.

Ceria bit her tongue. She began to say somethingdecided it was a bad idea. After a second, she coughed.

Erwhos Joam?

Revines partner? Was she married?

For answer, Revine made a psking sound and raised her voice.

Joam? Come here and greet my guest.

Ceria saw nothing for a second. Revine glared.


There was a yowl, and then Ceria saw a moving orb of water carrying a startled creature towards them. It leapt off with surprising familiarity, landed in the Sirens lap, and sniffed the food. She offered it an eel, and the cat, which looked wet despite the orb of water not actually leaving any of it on Joam, accepted the treat.

The Watercat, Joam, had fins and gills. He could swim through water with amazing ease and, apparently, breathe in it, and he dove into the Sirens chair made of water and out the other side to peek at Ceria.

This is Joam. The only other being I trust not to stab me in my sleep besides Rasea Zecrew, my sister.

Revine gave Ceria a sardonic look. The half-Elf hesitated.

Hes, uhvery handsome. I can see why you trust him?

Revine smiled.

Yes. He doesnt have hands. Servant! Fetch Joam his meal. I feed him any number of foodsalthough he mostly does eat fish and the like. Also, Sariant Lambs.

Ceria saw the cat lick his chops at that. She eyed the cat.

Er, Your Majesty. I appreciate you telling me about Illphres. But why?

Revine ignored the question. She stared past Ceria, and the half-Elf turned her head slowly and saw a very rough sketch compared to the paintings in the room. Something a much poorer person might pay an [Artist] for with a bit of silver. Ceria saw a group of young people andshe blinked.

Illphres. Revine murmured to herself.

In those days, I almost bought into Illphres dream to challenge the Golems. Almost. Until I saw how many people died. We werent alone back then, though. If things had played out differentlyif she hadnt vanishedyou know, Illphres tried to apprentice herself to a master, just like you did.

Really? Who?

Revine shrugged.

The only woman who shared her dreams. Valeterisa, Archmage of Izril. But she was a recluse, and besidesshe vanished. I hear shes back. We all had that dream, though. Illphres, Valeterisa, even Viltach used to be one of us in spiritbut he lost his nerve when he had his first child.


Ceria frowned. She felt like shed missed something there.

You meanArchmage Viltach? He has children?

Revine laughed at her.

You think Archmages are celibate? Yes, he kept all his affairs outside of Wistram, though. Unlike some Archmages, he doesnt go after fellow [Mages]. You truly didnt know? Its a minor secret at best.

She seemed delighted by Cerias reactions to things like this. Revine leaned forwards.

Have you kept up with the intrigue at Wistram? There is some grand secret there, but no one will tell me what it is.

Some secret? No. I dont know many Wistram [Mages] althoughI know a half-Elf and a former [Mage], and they both said the same thing.

Ceria thought of Falene and Viceria. The Siren frowned darkly.

I as well, but my position and my allies are few there. I have been meaning to ferret it out, but I trust few of those in Savere to represent me properly. There are [Mages] heredecent onesbut not ones I trust. If I had an agentI could send her abroad. Or trade places without leaving an untrustworthy commander in my place to stage a coup. You understand?

It all went back to her. Ceria bit her tongue, then spoke, as carefully and professionally as she could. The Sirens eyes flicked up and she focused on Ceria with a gaze as deep as the sea.

Illphres. Siren RevineI am grateful for you saving me and Nerhs from the Crelers. However, I am a Gold-rank adventurer and my teammates are missing. I need to find them, so, er, Id, uh, like to be granted permission to go soon. Im very happy to reminisce about Illphres! But if I could ride out tomorrow, maybe? I could pay for

Her voice trailed off. Revine Zecrew scrutinized Ceria.

Your team. Naturally, youd want to find them. And naturally, I dont know you. Only that Illphres made you her apprentice. And that you are an adventurer with a history of working for an honorable Silver-rank team. In fact, you lost your hand holding the line rather than fleeing in the crypt of Liscor.

Ceria blinked. She knew about?

A powerful [Cryomancer] who survived the Village of the Dead yet who lacks for any training. I was Illphres best friend. I may not be her specialization, but she and I share similar schools and I am an accomplished mage. A Wistram graduate. I could teach you. Savere is a powerful nation. You know, I have heard your friend is captive of Roshal. There is even a bounty out for his freedom.

Pisces? You know about

Revine lifted a finger and Ceria fell silent. She waved a hand.


Instead of it floating over, Joam brought it over in his mouth and received another eel. The Siren consulted it.

He has been their prisoner for nearly two weeks. I am told one gang tried to free him and failed. He is not at Roshal yet, though. And your other friendYvlon Byresis a gladiator in Nerrhavias Fallen. The last one, the bug-man? Illivere.

Cerias mouth was wide open. They were all alive! She felt dizzy with reliefand then the Siren looked up.

It isnt impossible to free all of them. To gather them here? Not for me. Roshal is a mighty foe, though, and of the three, your friend the [Necromancer] is in gravest danger. I would not take on that request, no matter how much is being offered. Unless I had something worth doing it for.

She looked at Ceria. The half-Elf shifted in her seat.

Im not exactly keen to join Savere, Your Majesty. I have amission. An important one I need to get back to.

Revine sighed delicately. She sat back as her cat leapt into her lap.

Very understandable. I cant force you to do anything. Then you have my permission to go. On the hour, in fact. I will let you purchase a horse and ride off to find your friends with the best of luck wished.

She raised a hand and made a little gesture with her fingers splayed. Ceria hesitated.

Thatsso generous.

Yes, indeed it is.

The [Cryomancer]s eyes flicked to something behind Revine.

Ermight I make one request, Your Majesty?


Could I persuade you togive me back that circlet before I go? It is my property, you see. I earned it at the Village of the Dead.

The Siren of Savere turned her head. The circlet in question sat in the center of a perfect cube of barrier spells, on a small pedestal. The same circlet Ceria had been about to wear before the last-minute save.

Revine Zecrew looked at Ceria and smiled blandly.

Ah, but that is my possession, you see. I am a [Bandit Queen]. If you want that back, I may be convinced to turn it over. But you would have to be very persuasive.

Ceria sighed. It was never easy. She ducked her head as Revine went on.

I might be persuaded to part with it if you made promises to me that you would return. I am not a fool, Ceria Springwalker. Nor am I blind to your desires and missions. But I do needan ally.

Her eyes glinted. The half-Elf smiled weakly.

You dont say?

Revine Zecrew got exactly what she wanted out of the conversation. Which was nostalgia about Illphres and nothing from Ceria remotely resembling a promise.

But she was staying. She wanted that relic-class object. Revine hovered around it after Ceria had gone. Joam was prowling off, hunting mice or something.


Revine stayed well clear of the pedestal. She wasnt getting anywhere near the circlet and shed had the best spells placed on it. She knew the dangers of relic-class objects and she was certain it was one.

Find me every [Enchanter] worthy of the class. I want to know what this thing does. But secretly.

She spoke, and one of her court mages bowed, eyes locked on the circlet. Revine halted her.

Dont think of touching it, Ureita. I have warded it so well that even an Archmage would vaporize if they tried.

The woman, Ureita, licked her lips.

Id never dream of

Yes, yes. Get out.

The [Mage] scurried out, looking annoyed, but trying to hide it. Revine sighed after her. So transparent. She hadnt lied about needing an ally.

But I am not stupid. Youre no Illphres.

She threw herself backwards and a chair of water materialized. Ceria was also far lower-level than Illphres, despite her accomplishments. YetRevine sat there. She eyed the circlet.

Relic class artifacts asideservant.

Someone came out of the darkness.


Get me Omusc. Tell her I want to see her, now, about bodyguard duty. And spread the word.

The woman froze as Revine lifted a hand. The Siren beckoned her back and pointed to the place Ceria had been.

That half-Elf. I want her on Saveres side. Tell the guests shes not to be harmed unless shes a complete fool. And that I want to see if shell join Savere. Persuade her.

The servant bowed. The Sirens eyes glowed with a magic of their own. Yesshe had seen the limits of magic at Wistram. That was what Illphres had refused to see. Magic had limits. You filled the gaps with gold and power and alliances.

There was more to power than just magic classes. Revine was something Ceria took lightly.

A [Bandit Queen]. Did Ceria think [Corrupt Accountant] was just a class? She was clearly intelligent, but not ascunningas some. That was perfect.

Chip at what makes her Gold-rank. Tell Omusc thats her job. See who she really is. Send for the [Agents of Corruption].

Day Two

Omusc found Ceria Springwalker that morning before the half-Elf even got out of her room. She heard the triple-knock, opened the door, and found the woman standing there eying her.

So youre the Gold-rank, eh? Ice Squirrel. Im Omusc. The Sirens told me Ive gotta keep you alive. You want food?


The woman was dark-skinnedat least, half of her was. She spoke fast and with an accent, slurring her words a bit.

Ice Squirrel. Thats your nickname. Heard you ate food like a damn squirrel. You can call me Omusc. [Pillager]. Exactly the kinda thing you Gold-ranks hate, right?

She didnt hold out a hand, but a third of her face opened up, exposing her insides. Ceria Springwalker stared at the Drowned Woman.

Huh? Its morning. Whats this about?

Omusc was a Drowned Woman, like many of Saveres people who lived with the sea. However, unlike many other Drowned Folk, who were half-fish, half-crustacean, or so on

Omusc was half mollusc. Hence thename.

Ceria had never seen a creature like her. One half of her face looked like bark, and, as Ceria watched, something moved the bark outrevealing fleshy, pink insides that used the bark as a false skin.

Sort of like a Dullahan. Omusc glanced at Ceria.

Am I bothering you, Ice Squirrel?

Its morning. What?

The [Pillager] hesitated. Ceria rubbed at her face. Omusc glanced out one of the windows.

Its nearly midday. Whatre you talking about?

Its morning.

Ceria was still bleary-eyed at breakfast. She stared at a giant piece of fowl meat.

Whats this?

Bird. Some kind of it. You picky?


Ceria began chomping down instantly. Omusc reached for her plate. She cracked part of her face openone of the other [Bandits] at the table turned away, gaggingdeposited a slice of meat into her face, and then began to chew normally.

She waited for a reaction. Ceria just blinked at her a few times.

So youre Omusc. Is thata pun?

Along the table, one of the very specialist classes that Savere could field watched her target. Oh yes. [Corruptor] was a class.

There were always people like her in the world. People whose job it was to bribe, convince, threaten, or do whatever it took to get someone to abandon beliefs.

Sometimes it wasnt hard. They were needed for sabotage, intrigue, and they could even make [Traitors]. Savere didnt exist with the goodwill of other nations alone. They had people like her in every area.

Her job, and Omuscs to some extent, was to fulfill the Sirens wish and see who this Gold-rank was deep down. Reveal her true naturesometimes you found just a bastardor just someone who was like they were normally, only freed of fault.

Everyone had a weak spot. She narrowed her eyes, appraising Ceria as Omusc sat there, bemused. Ceria stared as a frightened person brought over more food.

Got a problem with my face, Ice Squirrel?

Omusc was trying to rile Ceria up. Andthe [Bandits] grabbed for foods, calling insults at the [Slave] as more was brought around. Ceria turned, saw the collar, and nowthe [Agent of Corruption] leaned in.

Now she understood what Savere was. Adventurers were tricky. Not all were upstanding, but some took lots of work. Yet the Siren had no limits, and there were lots of Skills that did many things. But she had to know what Ceria Springwalker was like.

The half-Elf blinked at the [Slave]. She looked at Omusc. She bit into a sandwich of chicken.

Is Omusc not a pun? Its really early. Sorrywhy are you with me?

Omuscs and the [Agent]s faces fell. Dead gods damnit. Was she just an idiot?

Ceria rubbed at her head.

So youre a [Pillager].


Isnt that sort of a weird class?

One of the [Bandits] from the Nerhs raid sniggered. They were her eating buddies, having gained some respect for Ceria after seeing her take down so many Crelers. They were also off-duty, having been given a leave for the incident.

Omusc had multiple eyes. Her entire left side wasmollusc. That meant it was flexible. She didnt even have limbs. Indeed, her left arm was so long it was uncanny. And, if she wanted to, she could change parts of her body on that side.

Including her eyes. She pulled off the staring, painted piece of wood, revealing the pink insides, and pasted another piece of bark in its place.

A painted eye glared at Ceria.

The fuck you mean weird? We fight, I pillage. Im the reason a raid comes back with more loot than normal. Hidden stashes, artifactsI grab it all.

Rightbut that means all your Skills are devoted to the one moment when you get everything. Its justreally specialized. You know, like [Treasure Hunters]. I get itbut they appraise loot, find it, and have Skills to sell it. Sort of an odd distribution.

Shes got you there, Omusc. Tell her about your Skillsoof!

Omuscs arm shot out and punched someone in the stomach. Ceria blinked. She could extend her arms? It wasnt lightning quick butthe [Pillager] glared around.

Its not a wasted class. Ever seen someone strip gold paint from the walls? I can steal everything. I can steal things that arent there!

She pointed a finger at Ceria.

You get on my bad side and Ill steal everything you own after I kick the shit out of youand your mothers jewelry, no matter where she is!

Ceria blinked at Omusc.

My mothers jewelry is mostly wood. Painted. Half-Elf jewelry sucks.

The [Bandits] fell over each other laughing. Omusc strode around, swatting at them. She moved very fluidly, and Ceria suspected she wasnt lying[Pillager] was an advanced class. When she came back, more than a few were groaning and swearing at her.

Omusc, you hit me again and Ill stab you!

One woman threatened, raising a dagger. Omusc turned her head.

Yeah? Go ahead. Ill let you have five.

The [Bandit] glared, but she backed up and not just because her friends talked her down. Omusc turned back and eyed Ceria.

Just so you know, the Siren wants me to keep you alive, but Ill kick the hell out of you if you mock me again.

Im not mocking you.

Ceria saw the woman narrow her one real eye. Ceria leaned on her chin, fascinated.

I know a Drowned Manbut youre nothing like him.

Great. Another expert on Drowned People. You know one, you know em all, huh?

Omusc rolled her eyes. Ceria felt this was somewhat inaccurate.

NoI just meant

Someone took a swing at Omusc from behind. Without moving her head, the woman twisted her mollusc arm back behind her back, blocked the blow at an angle that would have snapped Cerias bones if she tried that, and punched.

Molluscs apparently had eyes in the back of their heads. Or something. Also, Omusc was apparently as tough as nails.

Im a Drowned Woman Mollusc. Not sure exactly which one it isdont know, dont care. I know what I can do. Ive survived more fights because of that than anything else. Like the other half of my body or does it make you sick?

Ceria shrugged.

My best friends got morphing silver arms.

Omusc glanced at her.

Huh. Sounds nice. Horns of Hammerad, right?

Ceria blinked.

Does everyone know who I am?

The [Enforcement Raider] laughed with great amusement.

Didnt you know? You were on every scrying orb in the world a while ago! Just for a momentand we didnt see you lot, but course we know!

Really? We were on the scrying orb?

A delighted look passed over Cerias face briefly. Omusc snorted.

You had no idea? Truly?

No! We were fightingand then I was in this village in the middle of nowherewait. If you know thatdid anyone die? The HalfseekersGriffon Hunt

Suddenly, Ceria had a thousand questions and she realized she was in a bandit-held city. But still a city. She turned to Omusc and the [Pillager] raised her hands.

Im not a [Mage]. Like I said, Im your guard

Do you know how I can find out? Is there a Mages Guild or?

Half the [Bandits] fell over each other laughing again. Even Omusc grinned.

Is there a Mages Guild. What, do half the cities in Izril not have one?

But youre[Bandits].

The [Enforcement Raider] leaned over.

Were civilized bandits. For instance, we use cutlery.

She looked pointedly at the finger-food Ceria had been eating. Someone else handed Ceria a napkin. She looked at Omusc, who seemed more amused, and that was how her strange stay in Runsblud began.

Hey, weve got the Sirens guest here! Service!

Omusc led Ceria to a Mages Guild that looked like any other. It was fairly well-swept, although the influx of visitors kept it a bit dirty and wet from the harbor, but it was hardly overflowing with rats, and there was even a [Receptionist] at the counter. Everything was the sameuntil a mage emerged from the back.

Yeah? Well, why doesnt the Siren cast her bloody spells herself? Forgotten how to do [Message]?

He was smoking a huge blunt of dreamleaf, but aside from that, he didnt have any notab

The [Mage] poured himself a glass of low-quality wine, and offered one to Omusc. She took a swig.

Gah. Dead gods, you drink that stuff?

Look at you fancy palace-lot. Most of the customers dont even get wineor special deals. Is this your fancy guest? Alright, lets deal with whatever she has. Who am I sending to?

The [Mage] sneered at Ceria. If anything, the [Bandits], [Pirates], [Raiders], and honest sailors seemed to regard Cerias clean robes as something of a provocation.

Shes a Gold-rank adventurer.

Omusc said it with no lack of irony. The [Mage] snorted, eying Ceria.

One who cant cast [Message]?

I can cast [Message]. I just dont have the range

A Gold-rank [Mage] who cant cross-continent [Message]. Tsk, tsk.

Some of the others in line were enjoying the show. Ceria looked around. So this was how it was? She sighed and lifted a cup of wine to her lips.

Fine. I get it. Can I just get some help or what?

The [Mage] and Omusc eyed her. Ceria gulped the wine down.

What? Tree rot, this is bad stuff.

The [Mage]s lips quirked. He took the blunt out of his mouth, fished in his pocket, and offered Omusc and Ceria something.

Want a puff? Special for the Sirens friends.

Omusc waved away the Dreamleaf rollup.

Were n


Ceria lit the tip, took a puff, and went cross eyed.

Wait. This is way stronger than Palts stuff. You drink and smoke Dreamleaf?

Itsan acquired taste. And youre clearly a [Mage] of culture.

The Savereian [Mage] blinked at Ceria. She snorted in derisive amusement.

Its not my hobby, but I was in Wistram.

Aaaaah. They still throw massive parties over there? I hear about them sometimes. Ordering ten pounds of Dreamleaf and lighting it up in a single room?

Sounds about right. I never went to them myself, but

Omusc stared at Ceria as she began swapping stories with the [Mage] about the things Wistram [Mages] got up to. Which, yes, in a subsection of their student and adult population, included ingesting any number of illicit substances through any orifice possible and a few that werent.

Omusc leaned over and glared covertly with one eye at the figure lurking in line. Are you sure she needs corrupting?

The most basic, overt plays were clearly not going to work, so they were abandoned and a deeper strategy employed. Meanwhile, any number of people entered the Mages Guild, mostly to see Ceria sitting at one of the tables as the [Mage] got to work.

No dead names from either Griffon Hunt or the Halfseekers. Confirmed. Heres your recording of the battle. Just start playing it.

He placed a crystal on the table. Ceria got to watch the actual battle as the world had seen it of the Village of the Dead, and Omusc got to watch her reaction to it.

Dead gods! Ryoka! I forgot! She brought an entire armyis that Tyrion Veltras?

Ceria exclaimed. Omusc leaned in as Ceria started swearingshe saw the teleporting undead trap, the way the undead began pressing the Gold-ranks.

Where were you in all this?

On that.

Ceria pointed at the Frostmarrow Behemoth going toe-to-toe with a Zombie Giant. She whistled as Omusc and the [Mage] both turned to stare at her.

Wow. It looks a lot cooler like this. Is that Halrac kicking Ghouls off that roof? It is!

She peered at Halracs rescue of adventurers on the rooftop. Things like that, or even how Prince Zenol had dramatically gone to fight the Liches, made Ceria fixate on the replayand the mysterious eye in the sky that had assailed Ryoka.

She had just gotten to the part where the [Sword Legend] appeared when someone plonked down at the table.

Ceria Springwalker. So youre the Gold-rank that wiped out Crelers in the north.

Ceria heard Omusc swear. She looked up and saw a [Pirate].

To be precise, a [Pirate] Gnoll. He had a bandanna tied around his head, and two swords at his side. He also had scars she could see under his fur, which was a typical chestnut brown

Aside from the red dye. It was on his bandanna too, and the group that came swaggering in.

Bloodtear Pirates.

Oi. This is the Sirens guest. Heard about her?

All of Saveres heard about her. The big half-Elf who everyone thought was dead. So this is the Sirens new favorite pawful of spellcaster? I had to see her myself. Im Gorry. [First Mate] of Plainsblood. Bloodtear Pirates.

The Gnoll grinned with all his teeth. Ceria met his gaze as he held out a paw. Omusc glanced at the other [Pirates] as they strode over.

Hope youre not thinking of doing anything stupid, friend.

She leaned on the edge of Gorrys chair. He glanced up at her, completely unperturbed as the [Mage] in the back of the guild slowly closed the door to his work room.

And if I was, clam-girl?

Omusc grinned wide. Several of Saveres [Bandits] waiting in line looked up and shifted slightly. The Bloodtear Pirates looked about, grinning wider if that were possible. Ceria remembered the Sirens warning.

Arent the Bloodtear Pirates guests of Savere?

Gorry glanced at her.

Sure we are. But theres always time to throw down and the Siren doesnt stop a good bloodbath every time.

Shell stop it this time. This ones a guest.

And am I doing anything other than shaking her hand, landgirl?

The Gnoll and Drowned Woman stared at each otheruntil Ceria reached out and clasped Gorrys paw.

Alright, thats enough. Gorry? Ceria. Nice to meet you.

The [Pirate] swiveled back to Ceria, and she shook his hand with a strong grip. He grinned and returned the pressure, looking her up and down. He eyed her right hand, all-bone, and Cerias eyes.

Ice magic, huh? Youve got some nice scars.

Thanks? Can I help you or anything? Sorry, but Im sort of in the middle of finding out what happened to all my friends.

Ceria glanced over as the Bloodtear Pirates approached. They stood around Omusc, who glared about, and Gorry leaned back. He reached for something.

Well leave you be, although our [Captain] says he wants to speak with you, Miss Ceria. Not every day you meet a Gold-rank on the news. But before that

Ceria watched his paws as they slowly drew something out of his belt pouch. He slowly put a white cardboard square on the table, then found one of the quills and inkpots at the table.

Ill take an autograph. Want to tell us about killing Crelers? Now theres something sea and land respect. Well buy you your weight in wine if you tell us what you saw in that village, eh?

He grinned at her. Ceria blinked at him and Omusc sighed. Then she remembered.

Bloodtear Pirates. Famous for slaughtering opponents. Merciless fighterswho had also personally escorted the Waterbear after her delivery through the magical hurricane. They loved a display of courage. Crazy madpeople of the sea, even for [Pirates].

She smiled and shrugged.

Im willing to talk. Are you staying in port for a day or two?

The [Pirate] glanced up at Omusc, whose one-eyed glare made him grin even wider. He gave Ceria a speculative glance.

For a day or two, why not?

Then the [Mage] came bustling out of the doors. Ceria Springwalker half-stood as he spoke.

I dont have the spells for [Communication]but one of your friends wants a [Message] spell. Theyre paying. You free to talk, or are you shanking each other?

He eyed the Bloodtear Pirates, who turned as Ceria rose.


The [Mage] gave the orb a glance, and Ceria the same look as the others.

Says hes Halrac Everam. He wants to know if youre alive.

And then I woke up.

Halrac Everam stared at the glowing words on the [Message] scroll. He heard not a sound, including the thoughts in his head. At last, someone breathed hard into one ear.

Dead gods.


He shoved her away, but the [Shield Maiden] was leaning on his shoulder. Typhenous kept elbowing other adventurers out of the way; most were still with them. Fighting like cats, dogs, and Crelers over the treasure.

Whats she saying? Let me see. Is it that half-Elf? Im part of Arcsingers Bows, you know

A plaintive voice from the adventurers, who, regardless of rank, were jostling to see. Revi growled as she fought for a chair.

Get off! This is my teams

The chair snapped under the weight of about six adventurers and she went down, cursing. Typhenous chair was unmolested. Perhaps because the kindly old man kept poking people with the tip of a dagger whenever they tried. An unsheathed dagger.

Is she really Ceria? This could be a scam. I hate to bring it up, but it is a classic

That came from one of the older adventurers. A senior [Wizard], whod survived their trial by fire. Halrac nodded. The conversation moved fastalthough he had to write legiblyit moved even faster when Revi took over. She and Typhenous had the best penmanship and literary natures of the team, and she was even teaching Cade (and his mother to some extent) his letters.

This is Halrac. Your words are coming to us in Renost. We all want to believe this is Ceria, but a teleportation scroll? Some final monster in the center of the Village of the Dead? All hard to believe. Can you prove youre Ceria? This is not coming from her directly but from a [Mage]s Guild.

Damned good point, Halrac. Savere. Anyone know Savere well? Ive heard its got more criminals than Scurrydel has rats. How can we tell if its the right Ceria?

Levil of the Pithfire Hounds looked at Keima and Lamont.

Eldertuin the Fortress might know. Hes a Named Rank and I heard him say hed been to Chandrar. But

He had left. Not all the adventurers wanted to stay here and stake their claim on the treasure directly. He was arguably one of the ones who had a presence even without being there. He also had less interest in being lauded and the talk of every city they passed through, with free drinks and admiration galore. That was why they were moving so slowly towards Invrisil; the adventurers milked the attention for all they could get.

However, a second Named Adventurer seemed content to ride the wave of fame. When she approached, no one jostled her except her daughter, shooting everyone triumphant looks.

I know Savere. Not personally, but the odds are she might be under some kind of duress. If it is Ceria Springwalker? I will be delighted, but we must be sure, I agree. Ask herwhere she decided to place my team for maximum effect in the battle.

Halrac Everam looked up into the eyes of that famed Named Adventurer. Elia Arcsinger herself. Revi quickly scribbled as Typhenous raised his eyebrows, carefully keeping his face away from Elia or her team. Halracs expression never changed from a block of wood. But his eyes were glued to the scroll.

Ceria, can you tell us where you deployed Arcsingers Bows during the battle? Not where they ended up, but your orders. Or anything else only the real Ceria would know? What did you tell my team?

A pause whilst everyone waited with baited breath.

Er, I said to Elias team to hang back and shoot the big monsters? HalracI dont know. I told you to get on a roof? I cant remember.

A groan from the adventurers. Briganda slowly put her head in her hands and Cade grabbed her arm worriedly.

Shes such an idiot.

Anyone who saw the battle could tell you that! This has got to be a scam.

Keima whispered. Halrac eyed the [Message] scroll. He muttered to Elia and Typhenous.

It sounds like Ceria.

The old mans eyes were dancing. He coughed and whispered to Revi. She blinked, and, after a moment, nodded.

Smart, Typhenous.

Her next scrawl made everyone but Griffon Hunt blink.

Ceria, what is the favorite dish of Flesh Worms in The Wandering Inn? You have five seconds or youre

The response came before she was even done writing.

Acid jars.

Halrac sat back with a sigh.

Its her. Shes alive.

The Adventurers Guild was silent for a second as everyone looked at him, then they burst into cheersand a renewed argument.

Wait, does she get the Helm of Fire? Because we had to fight the Revenant

It started up again. Elia rose as Revi kept writing, glaring about. The question was

Are you coming back? Do you need help of any kind?

Ceria Springwalker was dictating verbatim to the [Mage] on her side of the conversation. Albeit, in a private roombut Omusc was listening keenly, eyes on the scroll. AndCeria turned her head and saw a Gnoll waving at her.

Gorry and the Bloodtear Pirates didnt even pretend they werent listening in. She hesitated.


Um, no. Were too far away right now. I plan on finding my team. You just tell the others Im alright. Im going to get them. This is our mess; well sort it out. But tell the others we want the Helm of Fire. Were ready to negotiate for it, but thats the one we need.

The [Mage] snorted. He was auto-transcribing Cerias words via a spell, and was mainly just keeping the spell active as a quill skittered across the parchment. He looked at Ceria and grinned, showing some golden teeth.

Im sure thats going to go down well. You have the biggest Relic-class artifact sitting there and you think you can walk on back and grab it?

Ceria scratched her head. She feared that was the problem. Elia and Eldertuinnot to mention other Gold-rank teamsmight well force the issue. She chose her words carefully.

We did claim dibs, Mage Teic. One Relicand well make it up to the others. Not that I want to be bankrupted, but we have other artifacts. Even other Relic-classoh shit.

Ice Squirrel!

Omusc snapped, and the [Mage] looked down and snatched at the quill, but it was too late. Ceria saw him desperately swipe at the parchment, trying to cross out the words, but they had been written there, ink still gleaming.

We did claim dibs, Mage Teic. One Relic and well make it up to the others. Not that I want to be bankrupted, but we have other artifacts. Even other Relic-class oh shit

Ceria didnt see a response forming. Rathershe saw a huge blotch of ink appear on the [Message] scroll, andshe suspectedthe wavy line of a hundred hands fighting for the quill at the same time.

Well this [Message] scrolls worth nothing. Dead gods damnit!

Mage Teic threw up his hands, but he looked at Ceria. Omusc was cursing. Not from just Cerias idiocyshe was staring out the door at the suddenly very still [Pirates].

What a blunder. The Siren was going to kill herafter Ceria. She saw the half-Elf scratch her head as the [Pillager] whirled to tell Teic to cut the spell. But then she saw something.

Ceria Springwalker didnt look like a mortified half-Elf. She smiledand put a skeletal finger to her temple.

Typh. Tell Halrac Im in dicey waters at Savere. But Ill handle it. The Helm of Fire is for a trade to cure Erin. Hold onto it. We do have artifacts. If I find the othersthey have more.

What was that?

Mage Teic snapped. His eyes flickered and he slapped a palm to his forehead, but he cursed.

What? What did she do?

Omusc strode back to stare at Ceria as the half-Elf lowered her hand.

She sent a [Message]! I thought she couldnt do that! I missed what she sentdamnyou said you couldnt do it!

Ceria blinked at the two. She shrugged.

I cant do it long-term. Not for a lot of [Messages]. Plus, I had no idea where to aim. Dont worry. I just told them something private. No ones stupid enough to come after Savere. Were adventurers.

Omuscs jaw opened and closed. She saw Ceria raise her brows, innocently. Mage Teic glanced at the hubbub outside.

Right, well, Im getting money for the scroll from the Siren. If youre doneI have some juicy gossip to sell.

His eagerness to get Ceria and Omusc out of the guild wasnt just due to him selling the news far and wide. There was a loud argument at the front desk.

Hey! We want to send some [Messages] today! Why does someone get to cut the line?

An angry group of people was demanding service, and the one other [Mage] on duty was overworked. Even in Savere, there were things that could not be tolerated.

Sorry. Sirens business. Cool your feathers.

Watch it, you.

Ceria emerged from the back to see who was so angry. Not the Bloodtear Piratesthey were grinning fit to burst and Gorry clearly wanted to get her attention.

Rather, this was another distinctive group.

Garuda, with their traditional light armaments, although some had some enchanted armora [Raider] group to look at them. But these ones had a similar motif: all their beaks were dyed an ashen grey.


Omusc sighed. She lifted her hands.

Sirens business. You see that half-Elf? Shes the Sirens guest. Cool off.

The Bleakbeak Garuda glared at Ceria, but then they seemed to recognize her.

Thats the Gold-ranker from Izril? Huh. And here I thought it was for some no-name idiot from one of the nearby kingdoms. Alrighthey, you. Youre Ceria Springwalker, arent you?

Does everyone know my name?

Ceria was astonished. The Garuda glanced at his friends. Then he leaned over, trotting out of line with the others. They mutteredthen grabbed some parchment.

I hear its worth some gold. You wouldnt mind tossing us a few gold coins, eh? Give us one of those, umautographs.

He grinned at her with his beakright before a Gnoll calmly shoved him out of the way.

Hey! Who wants to die?

Gorry grinned at him.

Ive got dibs on an autograph, landfolk. And its a promise. Tonight, at the Hanging Baitdrinks on us?

He looked at Ceria. She hesitated as the Garuda bristled. One went for a long dagger at his side, and the other stopped them.

Thats Bloodtear

So? No one pushes us and

Gorrys head turned as the [Pirates] behind him all instantly, and with huge grins, put their hands on their weapon hilts. The Bleakbeaks froze and counted; they were outnumbered by five.

Break it up!

Omuscs shout made both groups turn to her. Fearlessly, the [Pillager] moved both groups back. She turned to face Gorry.

The Ice Squirrels going nowhere. Sirens orders.

Oh? Arent you confident.

The Gnoll had a dangerous look in his eyes. Omusc folded her arms.

Fraid so. Cerias got orders to meet with her.


The Gnoll tilted his head left and right, clearly thinking on whether this was upsetting. Ceria forestalled him.

How about tomorrow? Hanged Bait?

He blinked at her, then grinned.

Ah, theres a willingness I like. Tomorrow.

He watched with satisfaction as Ceria signed the autograph, and then took a piece of parchment and scrawled her name on it. The tense atmosphere defused, and Ceria saw Omusc breathe out, slowly. Ceria felt her own adrenaline stop coursing through her veins.

Shed seen adventurers getting into petty arguments beforebut something about the way Mage Teic had been hiding behind a door and Omuscs desperate orders and invoking the Sirens authority told Ceria that it wouldnt be just a fistfight. The Sirens authority kept a delicate peace indeed.

Youre damned lucky. You know that? The Bloodtear Pirates are insane. Clap you on the back and stab you in the eye the next second if you cross them wrong. Bleakbeaks? Theyll stab you tooyoure just lucky youre not a Garuda.

Is there anyone who wont stab me? How does the Siren keep the peace with so many factions?

Omusc grunted.

By not having someone start sparks, for one. Second? She keeps them from causing havoc, stealing everything and running off. Mages Guild is off-limits. But if they decided tothere would be a hundred dead bodies in the street in the hour.

Ceria halted.


The [Pillager] looked back at her.

Runsbluds not like any other city. Ever heard of Drowning Nights? Nohah.

She exhaled, giving Ceria a look much like she was a Bronze-rank whod never heard of Shield Spiders. The [Cryomancer] frowned.

Whats that, a term for Savere?

A term. What am I, a [Scribe]? Its the thing that every gang, and especially seafolk, know to watch for in gatherings like Savere. How do I say it so someone like youll understand? An adventurer

She stalked off, leading Ceria back towards the palace looming over the docks. Ceria walked after her.

Im not exactly a rookie world-wise, Omusc.

The Drowned Woman hesitated.

Guess not. Youre not exactly as upstanding as I thought. I thought youd be some [Knight]-idiot. Terandrian adventurers are all like that.

Thats the Silver Swords. Not my team. Yvlonmy teammateshes sort of like that.

The [Pillager] shouldered aside a group engrossed in a shell game. They turned to bicker with her, saw her glare, and decided theyd rather not.

She was some kind of authority, Ceria guessed. Omusc went on.

Drowned Nights arewhen people have too much to drink. One big gangsix its almost a givenand lets say theyve got blood rivalries going on. On that day, everyone closes their doors.

She nodded to the wary [Shopkeepers], people doing rather mundane jobs like processing fish, carving furniture, and so on. Ceria frowned.

And thats normal?

No, its not normal. It just happens. And with the Bloodtear Pirates, its more likely than ever. They must have paid a fortune for the Siren to let them in. If a Drowned Night happens, itll be a slaughter.

Do they attack civilians?

If that were the case, Ceria thought the people herewouldnt be here. Shed known people to live in bad circumstances, but that seemed a cut too far. And sure enough, Omusc shook her head.

No. If they went after people in homes, the Siren would ban them forever. Even Bloodtear isnt that stupid. But its free game and anyone on the streets

She drew a line across her throat.

thats when you level or die. And when groups sort things out.

Cerias skin prickled.

So Savere can turn into a bloodbath at any time?


And people like living like that?

Like it? You dont have to join in. There are laws. If youre not a gang, no one can just walk up and stab you. The other groups come here to trade, buy potionsthey cant anywhere else. Theyre the ones in danger. Like you. You dont seem to get that.

Again, the Drowned Woman looked back at Ceria. The Gold-rank adventurer walked along, digesting that. She scratched at her head, looking speculatively at Omusc, and around the city.

I guess thats why the Siren put me in your care. You must be a pretty good officer, right?

Omusc nearly tripped. She caught herself, and glared back.

Im a [Pillager]. Its my job to keep idiots in line and make sure the loots divided up. I guess thats why I got saddled with you.

Ceria smiled faintly.

I bet thats not your entire class. Or your only one. Were you born in Savere?

What is this, Archmages Questions? Im from Savere. Im minding you. Thats it.

Well, you know all about me. I dont know anything about you.

Omusc snorted.

Dont get ahead of yourself, Ice Squirrel. I dont care that much about you. You were on some big raid, you have a bug in your teamthats what Ive got. Oh, and youre too stupid to keep your mouth shut about artifacts.

Ceria grinned.

I have a [Necromancer] in my team too. Were not bad pillagers ourselves either, you know. That wasnt our first dungeon.

Really. Youre going to make me explain why youre not even a tenth as good as a [Pillager]. You think adventurers steal something? I steal everything. You idiots leave traps, good metal, even bodies behind. Do you know how much Selphids pay for a good body? And thats only the dead ones.

Omusc tossed that barb out and watched it bounce off Cerias puffy cheeks. The half-Elf smiled at her, eyes lighting up with mischief.

You might be right. But I hear someone steals the Sirens doors.

The Drowned Woman felt a tingle run down her back, the precursor to sweat.

Yeah? So? Thats basic. Any Level 15 [Raider] could think of that.

WellI stole a magic door with my team. A portal door. Worth a fortuneactually, I think it was the most valuable thing we took, all-told.

Omusc came to a dead halt in the street. She looked back at Ceria.

You did?

It turned out that if there was anything to win Omuscs respect in this world, the tale of Albez and taking the enchanted door was it. By the time they got to the palace, the [Pillager] was shaking her head.

Wheres Albez?

Why, you want to look for more treasure?

NoI want to find that exact spot you all went to, get down to that trap room, and pry all those insanity glyphs off the wall. Id make a fortune.

The [Pillager] was salivating at the prospect.

Even one is a good trap that any [Merchant] would buy. You said there were hundreds in the room?

Maybe even thousands.

Dead gods. You land-brained idiotsthat was the real treasure. Although Ill give you creditthats a dangerous removal job. You want a professional, not some idiot with a dagger and a pickaxe. Stealing that doorthat was smart. You might deserve Gold-rank after all.

She gave Ceria a grudging look of approval. The half-Elf whistled to herself.

Its worth that much, is it?

Depends on the grade. Sounds like theyre goodId say you can get four hundred gold minimum per glyph.


The Mollusc Drowned Woman was doing a rough calculation.

Rechargeable, long-lasting magical glyphs of a Tier 4+ spell? Remember, this aint something some no-name Level 30 whipped up. This is a pre-civilization spell. From an older kingdom. That just multiplies the value. It turns out this Warmage Thresk was some big shot? Eight hundred, easy.

She caught herself with a sigh.

Course, they might all be burned or someone else looted them. Id kill you over it if I thought there was a chance of me getting to Izril and this Albez. I guess thats just a friendly advisor, yeah?

She kicked along, regretting mentioning it to Ceriathere was something inoffensive about the half-Elfs personality. Although it was true that Omusc wasnt getting there. Ceria grinned.

I could tell you where we were, roughly. Landmarks shift all the time, but we had a map and I remember the rough spot. If you want to run to Albezmy teams in no hurry.

Dont shit me.

Im not. You want to know where?

Omusc halted. She eyed Ceria up and down and then gave a grudging laugh.

Youre not bad, Ice Squirrel. Id have to, what, leave Savere, find a crew, get all the way to this place and get out while protecting my haul

She stared upwards.

That would be the adventure of a lifetime. The kind of thing that sets you up for good. Im no adventurer, but thats tempting. Money like that, even if I had to give up half of it? I could retire on that.

And what would you do then?

The [Cryomancer] saw Omusc frown, turn to glare at her.

None of your business. If this is you trying to bribe me to get on my good side, well

She glanced around as they entered into the Sirens palace. She leaned over and whispered.

It wont do you any good. The Sirens the boss. No one beats her. Remember that. As long as youre on her good side, all you have to worry about is people with a grudge wholl risk her wrath.

Good thing I dont have any of those, then.

Ceria remarked blandly. The Drowned Woman gave her an odd look.

Youve got at least one.

Ceria halted, blinking.


No, you idiot. You think you didnt make anyone mad when you came here and stole the Sirens attention? Follow mewere almost late. Ill meet you after the dinner thing. Not that you want to go out in Runsblud at night anyways, unless youre looking for trouble.

What am I doing now?

Ceria frowned around. Since she had woken up so late and gotten a lay of the port city and done her work at the Mages Guild, it was early evening. Omusc gave her a look.

The Sirens got a plan for you.

Revine Zecrew watched as Ceria began to sweat. It beaded on her forehead, but only a bitand it never rolled down her cheeks. It froze there.

The room was cold. Cerias aura was in full-forcewhich was the problem.

Control yourself. Your aura is leaking. Focus it down. Did Illphres never teach you that?

She didbut its an aura

Ceria was panting as she tried to do as the Siren demanded. It was difficultnot least because she was working on something else simultaneously.

Fifteen candles were set around the room, burning, but not with any waxy deposits. They burned and would keep burning forever.

Everburning candles. It was Cerias job to extinguish them without a puff of air, just suppress the fire magic with an equivalent of ice magic.

It wasnt something you could do on actual candles, mind you. Maybe it was possible to snap freeze fire, but this was a magical test. Ceria could easily extinguish one, even from afar.

Fifteen? Simultaneously? She had gotten six at a time.

Revine had to admitthe [Cryomancer] wasnt bad. Even so, she sat on a rolling ball of water, circling the room.

Illphres could do all fifteen with ease. This is the fundamental of how to chill a foe at range.

I thought you couldnt directly?

No, you cant. So you freeze the air around them.

Oh. Oh!

Revine rolled her eyes, but she mitigated her temper. She came to a stop as Ceria turned her head.

This is the kind of thing Illphres would have told you if you were ready. How did you say that idiotic [Mage] told you to train? Cooling boiling water?

Yes. Is that wrong?

Revines expression said it all.

Its suicidal. Whywhy not just cool the boiling water without being in it? That achieves the exact same goal.

You dont know Magus Grimalkin.

The Siren shook her head. She sat back as Joam batted at one flame, hissing when he realized it was hot and, therefore, hurt.

If you need pain to motivate youyou have no desire to improve as a [Mage]. Which might be the case, frankly. How many years since you left Illphres care? Even without a spellbook or mentor, you clearly stopped improving your magic fundamentals.

She eyed the half-Elf and Ceria blushed. It was true. Even later on in Erins inn, she had fallen behind Pisces for lack of ambition. She did need the boiling water to force herself to improve.

You cant move [Ice Walls], theyre just simple geometric shapes. Your [Ice Spikes] arent bad, but you dont do anything with them. You have no ability to use snow-spells, only solid ice. You have no grounding in trap runes, magical domains, or advanced cryomancy techniques.

Revine was listing off Cerias many faults. Ceria bit her lip.

I thought my [Ice Spikes] were fine. Even Illphres said their form didnt lack for much.

She lifted a finger, and a jagged shard of ice appeared, roughly twice as long as her hand and almost as thick. A deadly, nasty projectile. Revine pursed her lips and waved her hand.

This was her personal practice room, and as such, the reinforced walls could weather most spells without a scratch. A glowing target appeared on the far wall.

Hit that if you c

Ceria hit the center. Revine blinked at it. She narrowed the target, spun it left.

Hm. Hit that one.

Ceria pointed and hit the target dead-center. The Siren peered at her.

Now thats interesting. Illphres was a markswoman too. Did she teach you how to do that?

First thing. I had to go out every morning

Revine clapped her hands, her face lighting up.

With the others and cast spells over the sea? She still doesdid that?

She stumbled, and a scowl appeared. But she had to see it to believe it. She led Ceria to a balcony and began making targets in the air out of illusion magic.

It took Ceria back. She aimed, loosed an [Ice Spike], and hit eighteen out of the twenty targetseven the ones hundreds of feet away. Revine was impressed.

Thats almost as good as Illphres.

Well, thats what I trained while being a Silver-rank. Lots of moving targets.

The Siren nodded. Ceria wiped some of the icy sweat from her brow. She was surprised. Omusc had made it sound like the Siren intended something quite dire.

Insteadshe was training Ceria in magic. They had begun by establishing where Ceria was, but the Siren had simply started teaching her after that. Spells were hard, but she could show Ceria one and have the half-Elf practice it. She even had a spellbook she loaned Ceria.

Not bad. But Illphres could use [Ice Spear] and do the exact same. I doubt you have that control. Or advanced [Ice Spikes].

Advanced [Ice Spikes]? What, are they bigger? Faster?

The Siren snorted. She conjured eight targets in an orb-pattern, with one in the center. Ceria watched as she created an [Ice Spike], as fast as Ceria could. The Siren pointedand the [Ice Spike] flashed outwards.

Shemissed the center target. Her aim was off by a hair, but it didnt matter. As the [Ice Spike] flashed by the center orb, it detonated, spraying outwards.

Five of the orbs vanished. The Siren and Ceria stared at the three glowing orbs remaining. They winked out and Revine turned her head slowly.

Her look dared Ceria to say anything. The half-Elf coughed after a second.

I didnt know you could do that.

Revine replied after a moment.

Ice magic is not my preference. Water magic is far simpler. I can create pressurized water jetsbut that is the benefit of ice magic.

She sat back, turning hurriedly towards the practice room.

There are even variations on the ice you can create. Illphres was far stronger than yours. Lesser spells couldnt even melt it, as you saw. You should develop your own ice.

Really? I had a thoughtis there blood ice?

Yes. Blood, saltwater iceits all varied. I can see I have much to teach you. I will consider the matter. Youll come here each evening; Im too busy to do more than an hour or two, and you are years behind. But if you make it worth my while and live up to Illphres name

Revine realized Ceria wasnt with her. She turned back, scowling, and saw Ceria scratching at her head.

Its not that much harder

[Shatterspray Ice Spike]? No, its just an effect. You can layer it onto other spells that harmonize. Not [Fireball], for instance; fire doesnt work the same way. It is not that impressive. [Ice Spear] is still stronger in most cases.

Unless youre tossing it around a corner. I bet you could even angle the way it explodes.

Revines brows rose.

Yes. You can do that. Illphres never understood that, but an adventureryes. I will teach you that, but on the list of spells you would benefit from, thats not the highest. As I said, this is the work of years, and in the time you have

Cerias scratching stopped. Slowly, her finger rose and Revine saw her conjure an [Ice Spike]. The Siren snorted as Ceria aimed it out into the middle distance in the sky. She shot the [Ice Spike] forwards.


The Siren saw the [Ice Spike] explode into a cloud of icy particles. Sardonically, the woman applauded.

Very well done. That is a complete unmaking of the spell. If you want to learn to diffuse enemy spells in midairdo that. Shattering is taking the power in the [Ice Spike] and directing it outwards.

You idiot. The half-Elf ignored that last implicationin truth, Revine was impressed shed even managed to undo her spell in the air. She indulged Ceria, watching the half-Elfs eyes widen.

Oh. Oh. A second spell. But can I re-cast at a distance?

You could layer both spells in a single cast if you knew how. A predetermined spelleven giving your projectiles a course to follow. That is quite complex, though. In the heat of battle?

The Siren watched Ceria throw another shard of icethis one twice as large as normalout into the air. She saw Ceria jerk a finger.

[Ice Spray]. [Ice]

Revine was about to insist Ceria give it up. She was bending down to tell Joam not to steal the Everburning Candles when she heard a crack. She looked up and saw a spray of shards shoot through the air.

Revine blinked. Her mouth opened in disbelief. She saw Ceria create another [Ice Spike], hurl it out, and saw it shatter, spraying out sideways.

[Shatterspray Ice Spike].

The Siren of Savere couldnt believe it. She had just shownand the half-Elf had picked it up from two tries? Was it her aura? Or just

A mentor? Ceria turned, eyes sparkling with delight.

I did it! I could do that to [Ice Wall], couldnt I? Each [Ice Wall] becomes a weapon. You could create a maze of attacks!

Yes. Yes. If your opponent doesnt just blast through it. Well done.

Revine murmured slowly. She stared at Ceria. This half-Elf was

She really was Illphres apprentice.

Day Five

The Siren of Savere was impressed by Ceria, and that wasnt something either Ceria or Omusc took for granted. Ceria herself was astonished.

[Glitterfrost Gust].

Omusc swore as a blinding sheet of snow particles laced with wind blew upwards. She batted at it and sneezed. The other diners in the huge feasting hall looked up and swore.

Tables of rather fine, polished wood sat under three grand candelabras hung over the interior of a room fit for any Terandrian dining hall. Onlythere was more of a Chandrarian style to it; a huge rug, regularly cleaned by spells, had a wave-like pattern of colors to it, and the windows of the room even had tinted glass so light could stream through in multiple colors.

However, because this was Savere, these nods to decoration and actual ornamentation came with caveats; the candelabras were fanciful pieces of enchanted water, draped in the air like glass and colored so they looked golden if illuminated. Worth a ton, but if you tried to steal them, youd getwater.

Similarly, the windows were glass unlike the ones the Siren didnt havemainly because they were so high up. Similarly, the tables were too large to stealbut the cutlery and plates were cheap porcelain and wood, such that the forces of Savere, staff, and anyone else eating here couldnt walk off with anything worth more than a few copper coins.

Amused heads turned as they saw the Drowned Woman jump away from the spray of ice and water. Some curses came from people caught on the edges of it, but they were amused by the regular here. Omusc shook a hand at the half-Elf who tucked her wand away.

Krakens tits, thats cold!

The other [Bandits] agreed, shouting insults as they had lunch. Ceria just grinned. That was one of four spells shed learnedadmittedly, this one was a Tier 1 spell, but one she could have used many times.

Imagine trying to fight through that.

Go show Gorry. They like talking about fighting non-stop. Im just

My long-suffering bodyguard. Sure. Do you want to show me those hot baths later? I miss them. We have a lot in Liscor, you know.

Omusc was wet and glaring, but the water faded from her clothing, running off it, and she felt as dry as a bone. She eyed Ceria and shrugged.

Sure. Are you drinking with the Bloodtear Pirates again tonight?


Youre mad, you know. What do you do with them? We dont fuck with their lot.

The [Enforcement Raider] from Nerhs was named Abelesque. A very fancy name that was shortened to Abel, which she was touchy about. But Ceria did know it, and this group of women and Omusc were something like friends.

As were Gorry and the small group of Bloodtear Pirates from Plainsblood, the ship he served on.

Mostly its just been stories. You know, I tell them about Liscors crypt, they tell me about fighting Crelers at sea.

Half the [Bandits] shuddered at the thought. Omusc eyed Ceria.

That would be a place to start.

Mutual respect for each other. Not only was Gorry a [First Mate] on a Bloodtear ship, he was a [Dualblade Marauder]which meant he had seen arguably more combat than even Ceria had. However, it was very amiable and Ceria had realized something. Savere might be lawless, dangerous, and all that stuffbut it had excellent drinks. Just spot on, and cheap too.

I havent met their [Captain] yet. Apparently, its a Gnoll-crewed ship, by and large.

Well, Im not joining you. Ive seen Bloodtear fights.

So had Ceria. They werent punches; they started with knives, and if the [Pirates] bickered, blood was spilled. They generally pulled their blows from an actual kill, but that meant you had someone leaning on a table, drinking a healing potion before they bled out.

Even so, Omusc, who had been there to mind Ceria, had to admit the half-Elf held her own. She barely blinked at any of it, and not only was the Siren making time each day to teach her, she seemed to be thriving in Savere.

At least food-wise. She was packing in a shrimp-and-cheese pasta, and her nickname, Ice Squirrel, was spreading.

She was doing too well. And that thought didnt come from just Omusc. Ceria scratched at the back of her neck.

Hey Omusc. Is someone staring at me?


The [Pillager] glanced over and Ceria saw a Human woman balefully glaring at her. It wasnt the first time Ceria had seen

Youre treading in the deeps, Adventurer. Watch yourself.

The [Mage] stalked over, unable to keep herself contained any longer as the [Bandits] broke over lunch. Ceria turned and saw a woman with huge, dangling earrings, about seventeen years old perhaps, Human, with a shocking yellow robe.

Literally shocking. Shockwool, very finely graded and woven into a motif that combined watercloth with the wool to form Saveres sigil on the arms and back. Where the two cloths met, you could see a line of sizzling electricity, permanently crackling together.

It was a look. Omusc edged away from it since sparks connected the robes to nearby bits of metal. Ceria slowly took another bite of shrimp and cheese pasta.

[Aeromancer]. Lightning mage. Orlightning and water?

Um. Hello? What am I doing, exactly? Who are you?

Im Ureita. The Sirens favorite [Mage]!

The Human hissed at Ceria. She was definitely young. Ceria was put in mind of Erins Earther guestsbut Ureita was from this world, and far more worldly at that. She looked confidentand angry.

Ureita, leave off. Cerias

Shut up, Omusc!

The [Pillager] frowned at Ureita, but the [Mage]s eyes sparked dangerously and the other [Bandits] edged back. She pointed at Ceria.

You might be in the spotlight for now, but Im warning youstop hogging the Sirens attention. Shes my mentor and Im her best [Mage].

After the last one ran for it, sure

Abel ducked as Ureita pointed a finger and a shot of something flashed past her. She dove, swearing.

It was a joke, Ureita! Leave off!

Cerias eyes narrowed. Had she just seen? It wasnt a bolt of electricity; the shot was too well-aimed to zoom just past Abels ear for that. It was a jet of water, infused with electricity.

A combination elemental mage! Ceria was impressed. She stood up to hold out a hand.

Thats pretty impressive magic. Are you from Wistram? Another academy? Im not, uh, taking the Siren from

Ureita slapped Cerias hand down. She leaned in close and hissed at her.

Dont get in my way. Just leaveand nothing will happen. Revines mine. Were lovers, understand?


Ceria blinked. That was a lot to process, but only shed heard it. Ureita turned and stalked out of the hall before Omusc or the other [Bandits] could take her to task. Ceria looked at Omusc and pointed at the [Mage].

Thats the one who doesnt like me?

The [Pillager] reached for a cup.


Ceria thought about this. She frowned. Something about the way Ureita had said thatOmusc sighed as she glanced out the window and heard shouts from outside.

Sounds like another fight in the streets. More ships coming in. I hope the Bloodtear bastards leave. You sure you want to drink with them after the lessons? Squirrel? Ice Squirrel? Ceria?

The half-Elf didnt respond. She was thinking.

Well have to cut this short. I have business later today. And no, I havent been able to muster more than one gang to free your friend, Pisces. Theyve got Djinni guards. At least your ant is staying put with that insolent woman.

His names Ksmvr. Why do you hate Nsiia?

Revine glared at Ceria.

Im in no mood to debate this. I have ships coming in, the Bloodtear idiots have killed someone under my protectionand theyll pay blood money for it or Ill sink their entire fleet!

Her voice boomed and Ceria saw the skies open up. Rain poured down in a sudden torrentbut not over the palace. It concentrated itself squarely over the docks, and the ships of the Bloodtear Pirates actually vanished from sight.

For a minute. Then the Siren sat back, panting, and Ceria saw figures picking themselves up, shaking fists and swearing up at the palace from the rails of their ships. Stillthey looked wary.

The Siren was at her peak power around water and she could slice an Adult Creler in half with water alone. And Runsblud was a port city. You do the math.

What do you want? Well see if you can handle some hydromancy spells along with the others.

Revine snapped at Ceria. The half-Elf was wary of her temper, but she had to ask.

Do you teach other [Mages] magic?

Only a few. I have [Mages] in my forceswhats with the stupid questions? I dont trust most enough to spend the time tutoring them. And youre only here because you might be useful to me and Illphres was your teacher.

Revine stalked into her practice rooms. She glared back at Ceria for reasons only partly under the half-Elfs control.

Tell Omusc I want to speak with her before you leave.

Uhalright. I was just asking becausedo you teach someone named Ureita magic?

Revine glanced at Ceria.

Youve met Ureita? Shes my [Court Mage]in a sense. Shes one of the best battlemages Ive ever seen, especially so young. Did she pick a fight with you?

A sudden, resigned expression crossed her face. Ceria hesitated.

Not exactly. ErI dont know how to say this

Spit it out.

She seemed to think I was hogging your attention. Which I amgiven that you and she are lovers?

Ceria delicately appended the question mark to the end of that statement like a butterfly landing on a flower. She saw the statement sink in on Revine much like Apista landing on anyones face.

The Siren of Saveres expression changed from mild shock to a kind of subdued horror. She shuddered, then shouted.

Ureita! What has that brat doneis she going around telling? I will peel her fingernails off!

She almost stormed out of the room, but halted as Ceria called out.

So its not true?

Revine whirled around. She stalked back and poked a finger at Cerias chest.

Ureita was a girl when I took Savere and became the Siren. She grew up, and I did teach her magic because I saw her potential. She latched onto me, and she has ideas. Make no mistake. I regard her, if anything, like the daughter I never wanted and dont have. She thinks

The Siren shuddered. Ceria winced, getting where she was coming from.

She seemed, uh, rather taken with you.

She is a pest and I would have exiled her to another city if she wasnt so good at her magic. She even combined her natural talents in lightning with my magic. She wants to beIllphres.

Or you. The Siren didnt say that part.

To link our magic. We might well be stronger for it, but I dont trust her judgement or age. Ignore her. Servant. Find me Ureita.

Ceria felt like she might have made things worse. Stillshe left the Sirens rooms after only an hours training, interrupted by the Siren interjecting to complain about her life. Omusc tapped her on the shoulder as she headed out.

Give me a few minutes. Dont leave.

Ill wait and grab a snack.

Of course you will.

Omusc sighed, squared her shoulders, and entered the Sirens quarters as Ceria traded places with her. She was apprehensiveand the first thing she heard didnt exactly make her feel better.

Revine! Please!

Shut up! I am the Siren of Savere! If I hear you spreading lies about me

There was a brief argumentOmusc halted, her back to the doorthen she saw another pair of women waiting for her. One was dressed in plain clothesfor herand had been with the others at the table this morning. The other looked like an upstanding citizenand both were very apprehensive.

Omusc heard a scream, heard the crack of magic, and saw Ureita for a second. The [Mage] waved her armsright before a colossal hand made of water picked her up and threw her screaming over the balcony.

That wasnt enough, incidentally. The Siren of Savere lifted her hands, and an orb of water as big as a house followed her down. The angry Bloodtear Pirates saw the orb strike the water, and the geyser of an explosion afterwards made them decide it was better to pay up blood money after all, steep as it was.

Omusc thought Ureita was probably alive. But that was no light spanking. One of her friends had to dive into the water to fish the unconscious [Mage] out of it.

The Siren watched long enough to see someone grab Ureitaand perhaps that was why she hadnt drowned and floated. But her head turned, and Omusc and the two [Corruptors] were reminded of something as they stared at the docks where the old [Accountant] was still being pecked at.

This was not a boss you crossed lightly. She was not unfairmost of the time, but Omusc coughed.

Erwe can come back later, Siren?

She was slightly hopeful and her companions nodded. The Siren pointed a finger, advancing on them.

Youre going to get to work, Omusc. I have a ship coming in and I dont know who it isgo find out. But I want Ceria on our side. Its been five days, and I dont see any progress! Yougo with her.

She pointed at the [Agent of Corruption] in her [Bandit] garb. The woman nodded.

Absolutely, S

Shut up. Youre part of the team working on Ceria.

The last woman gulped. The Siren beckoned.

Youre going to explain to me exactly how much progress youve made. If I dont like what I hear, the next time I hear about a Creler nest, Manticore gang, or group of [Raiders] who wont pay their dues, youre going to lead the team that exterminates them.

Yes, S

Revine leaned over.

Thats Omuscs punishment.

The [Pillager] turned at the door. The [Corruptor] leaned back.

And me, Siren?

If I dont like what I hear right now, Omusc gets a new coworker. So think up something that will make me feel merciful.

The woman blanched. Omusc and the [Agent] turned at the door and saw the desperate look cast their way. Omusc slowly closed the door. She heard a muffled shout.

Get me that ship, Omusc!

Ceria Springwalker sat with the Bloodtear Pirates and met the [Captain] of the Plainsblood.

Captain Aldrail.

A huge grin, filled with teeth. The male Gnoll had a strange weapon on his back. Ceria eyed it.

What kind of spear is that?

Harpoon. Whale-killer. Ever fought one of them, Goldie?

Captain Aldrail had a challenging look in his eyes as they drank at the Hanged Bait, one of the best pubs for this kind of thing in Savere. The Bloodtear Pirates werent the only people inside; it had a spatial component, which meant you could have literal hundreds. And the [Bartender] was made of strong stuffhe didnt flinch, even at the angriest [Pirate] or [Bandit].

True, the grille of metal between him and his customers that he could pass a drink under helped. Even so, he was very careful to get anything the [Captain] wanted first.

Because Aldrail wasnt alone. A Drowned Woman had come off the ships, and she was half-Jellyfish. Half her face looked melted, and she had a strange arm that was wet, glisteningand filled with venom.

Captain Jiupe was known as Screamtouch Jiupe, because if she touched you

They were not fancy names. But two Bloodtear [Captains]? The other [Bandits], even ones like Omusc, jested, held their ownand didnt provoke either [Captain] one iota. There was bravado against a regular Bloodtear Pirate, dangerous as it was, and this.

Jiupe looked up from talking with her second on shore.

all the way out there. No sport aside from a few damn raids, but they had to cut wide of the Iron Vanguard. Should we help them?

She snorted.

They didnt get torn up, did they?

Not badly.

Then well let them sit out there and find their way back. If they want us to sail off and help, theyd better have a good damned reason. Im more interested in

She jerked her head to the half-Elf. She was watching to see what the [Cryomancer] would do in response to Aldrails attitude. Ceria Springwalker reached outand took a huge handful of peanuts.


The Gnoll waited, but it wasnt a nope that suggested a challenge. It was justno. And that was Ceria for you. Gorry laughed.

See, Captain? Youre not going to get a fight out of her that easy!

The Gnoll sighed.

Damn. Youre as chill as your name, Ice Squirrel.

He gave Ceria a hopeful look, but the [Cryomancer] just chortled.

Thats what Omusc calls me. I dont mind, but Im not going to fight you.

Why not? Gold-ranks too good for a duel? Or are you nervous?

Ceria gave another Bloodtear Pirate a skeptical look. She pointed at Aldrails weapon.

I make it a point never to duel anyone with a weapon as tall as I am. Im an adventurer. I dont pick fights if I dont have to. I like to eat, drink

Dead gods, are you going to eat all the nuts?

Aldrail exploded as Ceria emptied two thirds of the bowl. She stopped.

Its just nuts. I thought you killed whales.

The table exploded with laughter; though, it wasnt really a joke. The Bloodtear Pirates, including Aldrail, roared with laughter as Jiupe got up to introduce herself.

It wasnt that Ceria wasnt trying to make an effortshe was, a bit. But mostly, she was neither. Neither intimidated nor eager to please. Neither confrontational nor overly diplomatic.

She justwas fun.

Im Captain Jiupe of Blood-By-Tide. Youre Crelerbane, eh? Put it there. From one to another.

The half-Elf eyed the dangerous jelly-hand as Aldrail leaned back, swearing as his fur nearly tickled Jiupes skin. The Drowned Woman grinned mockinglythen swore.

Ceria reached out and shook her hand.

You idiothah!

The skeletal hand waggled its fingers and Jiupe laughed in delight. She slapped Ceria on the back with her other hand.

This half-Elf I like! Gorry, you did right by finding her. Get me a round and youll tell me how you killed that Creler! Then the village

Aldrail nodded.

You know any Gnolls? Been a while since I was home. Would have gone to the Meeting of Tribes if they wouldnt string me up.

Really? You miss home? Wellthe only Gnolls I know are Silverfang. Ever heard of them?

Uhsilver. Thats all Ive got. I forgot you were around Liscor.

Gorry was hopping with impatience. He leaned over.

Captain. Waitll you hear she says they have a white Gnoll at the inn where she stays. Only, shes under protection.

Aldrails brows shot up.

A white Gnoll on land? And the tribes havent axed her? Theres a proper recruit.

Some of the other Gnolls looked askance at the very idea, but Jiupe recalled something about that and leaned over, even more intrigued. Ceria raised her brows.

We have a lot to talk about. Shes only a kid, but

I can see this is good stew right here. Hey! Drinks, you slow bastard! Get me a Krakenblood shot!

The others laughed as Jiupe shouted for the famous rum. Ceria rose to her feet.

And more peanuts! Youre paying, right?

She turned to Jiupe. Omusc watched with a resigned face as more Garuda waiting at the bar grumbled as the Bloodtear Pirates were served first. The Bleakbeaks were getting less respect, and a ship was coming in. And it was actually funwhich was the problem.

The Siren of Savere stared out the window in her private domain. The top of the palace was hers, and this was a safe place.

Even so, Savere was not somewhere where she exercised complete, unquestioned control. If three Bloodtear [Captains] stood in close proximity to herthe Siren wouldnt get into that situation without proper security, nor would they just try for her head.

But yes, some forces could push on her, so she did want Ceria on her side. Mostly because two [Mages] could play off each others powers.

Ceria could create Ice Elementals. When the Siren had heard that, shed known. She wanted Cerias aid if it could be sequestered. She stared off into the distance. A storm was brewing at sea, but she could still see Runsbluds own lighthouse by the shore, throwing a bright diffusion into the clouds.

She was tempted to turn it off.

No ship lands at Savere without my permission. Ill sink it myself if they cant show me respect.

I think they were caught in some kind of magical disturbance, Siren. I am requesting details now.

The Siren had one of her personal [Mages] doing that. The [Corruptor] gulped as the busy woman sorted through her work flow.

Whos this Omniscel?

The [Enchanter] you wanted, Siren? He came from Illivere where he was staying

Ah. Send him up instantly. Hm. Yeswhere were we, Dascy?

T-the half-Elf, Siren?

The [Corruptor] was known as Dascy. A name that might not be relevant or need remembering in about five seconds.

Especially if the Siren dropped her. She was hanging over the balconynot over the water, but the sheer rocks below. A hand made of water was holding her there. Revine eyed her as she sipped from a cup of purified water.

Yes. You were explaining why Ceria Springwalker is showing no signs of changing her attitudes and I was wondering if I should drop you or throw you.

S-Siren, please. Were doing our best! You know we are!

Then explain why nothings working.

Dascy gulped.

Were [Corruptors], Siren. Not Roshals lot. We cantforce people to do anything. You know our classes.

Remind me.

Wellwe need something to latch onto. Most people, theyre hiding something. Like some [Magistrate]. He can act however he wants, but if hes greedy, or favors one group over anotherwe can take that. Same with someone who acts high-and-mighty, but really loves the brothel.


The [Mage] supplied helpfully. The Siren turned to glare and the [Mage] decided to continue communications elsewhere. She tapped a foot.

Yes. You latch on, you offer them what they want, and they start to see it our way. I expected to have Ceria on a raid within the week.

She wouldnt do it willingly, Siren. Youd have to threaten her, and hold the Nerhs people hostagewhich is why we brought them.

Yes. And

Dascy gulped. She did not like floating in the air like this, as the wind blew at her back.

And then shell push back. But you threaten her, and get her to slowly push at her valuesweve done it before! [A Crack in Morality]. T-thats my best Skill. And [See It My Way]. Omuscs been putting Ceria in positions where she has to see our [Slaves]. She drinks with Bloodtear every night!

So why havent your Skills been working?

I dont know, alright?

The Siren recoiled slightly. Dascy snapped, at the end of her wits.

I dont know! Shes too laid back! Shesshes a glutton! She eats, sleeps, drinksshes selfish and shes not pretentious! She acts like she wants to! Do you know how hard it is to tempt someone who does what they want?

The Siren frowned. The door opened as she opened her mouth to reply.

Omniscel the Enchanter has arrived! Forsooth, I have come from lands faroh. Is this a bad time?

An [Enchanter] with a magnificent white beard exploded into the room with hands raised. He had a glittering cloak of magic, and wands in both handsthe Drake spotted Dascy dangling in space and hesitated.

The Siren hesitated, because Omniscel, which was a Drake name, for a Drakeshe stared at the huge, white beard hanging off his scaled chin. So did Dascy, despite the imminent threat of death.

Youre my [Enchanter]?

Er. Yes. Omniscel the Omnipotent! Grand [Enchanter] specializing in artifacts! And Im told you, oh great Siren, have a Relic-class object. Therefore, Iare you going to toss that woman? Id like to step out if I may. I get queasy at the sight of death.

The Drake eyed Dascy. The Siren hesitated, as nonplussed by him as he was by her. Slowly, the giant water hand pulled Dascy back. She hit the balcony, scrambled into the Sirens rooms, and lay in a fetal position, hugging herself, as the Siren addressed the Drake.

No. I have the circlet I want you to appraise right here. It may be cursedI want you to tell me what it does, what its worthand if you spill any secrets.

Please, Siren! I am a professional. Is that the circlet? Dead gods, you put it out there in the open? What if it opens a rift and swallows us whole?

The Drake recoiled as he saw the circlet on the pedestal. Instantly, the Siren backed up.

That could happen?

Ive never seen it myself, no. But it could, in theory. Ah, but you have a Cortix Cube around itthats what Id tell any [Mage] to use. So the chances of any curse activating are very slim, even if its possessed.

The Siren relaxed and glared at Omniscel as he stroked his beard. [Mages]. They were either normal peopleor people like him. He stalked around it.

I think I can do a quick appraisal from the get-go here. Well need to transport it to a formal working environs to analyze laterI say, this is quite cleverly done.

I can transport it now.

The Siren clearly wanted to get back to Dascy, but Omiscel waved his wand.

I think I can do a rough appraisal right now, Siren. And I do want to check that moving it wont trip a Tier 8 destructive spell.

Put like thatthe Siren backed off with Dascy to another part of the huge central room, where she could hiss at her.

Fine. You have trouble with the half-Elf. But I demand results!

I know, Siren! There are six of us on her, but shesshes tough! Its like shes some kind of honest [Knight]or shes just been through too much!

The Siren chewed this over.

You cant corrupt a [Slaver] of Roshal.

Thats because theyre already too far gone. You can bribe themwe can do that, but shes a Gold-rank, Siren. Rich. And thats not the problem or else you wouldnt need us to corrupt her to begin with. Its finding the chink in her armor.

The Siren frowned.

She has to have one.

I know, but its like hitting a brick wall. Normally we get her mad, but [Slaves], insults

Insult her team. Be more creative! Shes also as oblivious as her [Ice Wall] spells. Have Omusc take her to buy a [Slave] or somethingshes from Terandria. Maybe she just doesnt care. This is not my job, so figure it out by the end of the week or Ill start removing digits!

Revine snapped. She was watching Omniscel edge around the circlet with grave misgivings. The circlet looked like something made of plain silver, incidentally, one smooth, perfect piece.

Althoughmaybe it was mithril? It was a beautiful pale material without ornamentation or anything else. Revine believed it looked like that as much as Dascy believed she could fly.

It was a Relic, she was sure. And so was Omniscel.

Its definitely powerful, Siren! Its hiding it, but dead gods!

She wasnt certain this [Enchanter] was any good. For instance, he had a wand in both claws and he was waving both around like a child.

Does that idiot actually know what hes doing?

She snapped at her [Communication Mage] as the woman hurried back. The [Mage] eyed Omniscel.

Hes supposed to be a very good [Mage], Siren. One of the best in this region.

Well, he looks like an idiot. What news on the ship?

The woman gulped and cast an eye out towards the storm at sea.

We finally have a name, Siren. Details. Umtheyre fleeing pursuit. One ship. They claim their pursuers are getting lost in the storm, but they want shelter at Savere. Theyll pay more than just docking feesits one of the Vessels.

The Sirens ears perked up, as did Dascys. A Vessel was simply one of the ships that had an individual or crew that merited notice. The Four Winds of Teral, the Bloodtear Pirates, the Illuminaryall counted. For good or ill, like the Velistrane, the well-reputed capital ship of the Reinharts.

A Vessel paid for docking at Savere because they always brought trouble.

Sounds like a pain. Which ship, then?

The woman licked her lips. The Siren focused on her because she saw the apprehension in her eyes. But before the [Mage] spoke, Omniscel shouted.

Dead gods! Another layer unfolds! Was it made by the Elves?

The Siren whirled around and saw the circlet had changed. Suddenly, it looked like the circlet that Ceria had seen. Black bone, with a single gem set at the top. Another illusion? Another

The Elves?

The circlet flickered, and suddenly it was a high crown, with a gem set on every tooth. Omniscel saw all three women race over. The [Enchanter] turned as their eyes turned round. He stroked his beard.

Probably not. I dont know. But look, I can make it change into different shapes, see?

He smiled proudly. The Siren stared at him. Her own hand twitched toward her wand. The Drake hurriedly backed up around the pedestal.

Ill just get back to work, then. Dont mind me. I like to hypothesize.

The Siren stomped back to her corner. The [Mage] came over to whisper.

Siren! This ship that wants entryits calling itself Shifthold. And the [Captain] isIrurx. Irurx the Alchemist.

A chill went down Dascys back. The Siren compressed her lips into a line.

He wants entry?

Yes, Siren. Hes willing to offer quite a lot.

The Siren went to the balcony and drummed her fingers on the edge. Dascy exchanged a look with the [Mage]. Of the unsavory lots that Savere found at Runsbludthe Alchemist Irurx was a stain on Saveres reputation.

Tell him no.

But hes offering two thousand gold


The [Mage] scuttled off. Omniscel frowned.

Uncover your dark powers to me, dread circlet! I abjure you, by my name! Omniscel the Omniscient! They say Relics forged by Dragons have no master, but Iwillmasteryou!

He threw up his wands. Dascy stared at him.

Was it made by?

The Drake grinned at her.

Possibly! Possibly, we cant rule it out!

Her face went slack and the Siren rubbed at her forehead. Her plan included tossing the [Enchanter], Dascy, and Shifthold into the ocean and burying them in the shoals if that damned ship dared approach. But they kept coming back.

Siren, Alchemist Irurx is offering more. Hell custom-make any ten potions

No. Tell him if he approaches I will capsize his damned ship.

She could see it now, on the edges of sight. A ship on the wavesa big one. Shifthold. There were places even the Siren did not want to go.

Actelios Salash. The deeps of Lailight Scintillation. Shiftholds lower decks would be another one. But this was not a horror born of Chandrar, for once. If you wanted to lay blame

This one was Terandrias.

She stood there as lights began to flash around the room and an unearthly groan filled the air and the wails of the damned turned the air dark. The Siren turned her head.

Enchanter Omniscel. If you keep casting illusion spells, I will murder you.

The groaning and lights stopped, and the Drake sulkily got back to work. The [Mage] came back.

Sirena thousand potions if he docks. Medium-grade healing potions or more. He swears pursuit will not reach Saverehe only requests the honor of residing at Savere while he recoups. He will even promise not to let his crew leave their ship, only himself.

The Siren twitched.

A thousand potions?

She stared out at the ship slowed at sea. After a long moment, the Siren cursed.

His crew never leaves their ship. He can leave, purchase, as long as he follows the rules of Savere. Tell him Bloodtear and Bleakbeaks are here.

Yes, Siren.

Revine leaned on the balcony. A ship came in with the storm and tides. Dark green wood mottled with strange moss and growths. Sails not made of cloth.

Shifthold came into port and the Siren shuddered slightly. But it was one visitor of many, and Savere had seen worse. She just thought of her project.

And, at last, Omusc saw something that even Ceria Springwalker could not ignore. For once, she didnt cause it.

Not here. Not in the Hanged Bait pub; if the owner thought the Siren was playing games, hed ban her crew, and that was no idle threat.

Nor would it have been easy to find volunteers, for any amount of gold. Not with Bloodtear surrounding Ceria. The [Agent of Corruption] had been sitting with her head in her hands, clearly unsure of how to further provoke anything from Ceria.

When it came, it was justwell, from them.

Theyd watched the loud Bloodtear Pirates enjoying themselves with the half-Elf, served first, laughing loudly, and they had that problem where someone else enjoying themselves became a detriment to ones own happiness.

The Bleakbeak Raiders watched as Ceria recounted the tale of the Village of the Dead, and ended on her companions, stranded across Chandrar.

Ksmvrs alive, and so is Yvlon, and theyre not in bad straits. Yvlons in the gladiator rings and Ksmvrs got a bounty on his head, but they can take care of each other. But my friendPisces. Hes in Roshals clutches.

Ceria looked around as the Bloodtear Pirates listened. Gorry was grinning as she finished.

The Sirens not likely to let me go with mypossessions.

You mean what you took from the village.

Ceria grimaced.

Yeah. And I hear Roshals as dangerous as can be.

Dangerous as Krakens at sea, in their own way. Youd need a powerful force to steal from a Djinni.

Mhm. Sohow much does Bloodtear charge for a raid?

Both [Captains] looked at each other, then Aldrail and Jiupe burst into laughter. Omusc froze, but Jiupe grinned.

I knew I liked you! Straight to the heart, eh? You think you can hire us?

Maybe? I dont want all of Bloodtearwouldnt a single crew do?

Ah, but then Roshal holds a grudge on all of us. Sides, its land. We fight best at sea. Thats interesting, though. Veryinteresting.

Jiupe sat back, brows raised. Aldrail grinned.

I wont lie, Ice Squirrel. Were not keen to fight Roshal. How far gone is he?

Ceria grimaced.

Two and a half weeks. But Ill get him back. I promise.

That was when the mocking laughter started. The Garuda listening in called out from a table well away from the [Pirates] and Ceria, proving theyd been listening in. But the entire pub had; Ceria had to raise her voice to talk to her audience and she was the celebrity of the hour.

From Roshal? Good luck, half-Elf. Gold-ranks have broken the same as everyone else. No ones getting free from Lailight Scintillation.

One of the Bleakbeak Raiders laughed at Ceria unkindly. She looked at the other Garuda, face blank as she reached for another handful of salted peanuts. That was it. Just a moment for mockery. The kind of unpleasantness that was the precursor to truly disliking someone.

The Bloodtear Pirates had gone quiet, eying Ceria as she sat there. The half-Elf slowly raised her cup.

Ill get him back. Even if I have to get to Lailight Scintillation.

Good luck with that. Izrilians. You have no idea what youre up against.

The Raider sneered back and went to her drink. Ceria frowned, and Jiupe nodded.

Shes got a point. Hey, Roisere.

She turned to one of her [Pirates], who was a big Dullahan woman wearing wood armorbut very tough woodand standing around the group.

Roisere nodded. Omusc saw her walk over to the laughing Bleakbeak Raiders. The Garuda whod talked looked up.

Hey, what do yhey!

The Dullahan [Pirate] calmly grabbed the Bleakbeak Raider and towed her up. The other Raiders shot to their feet, warily. They saw the Duallahan woman draw back her head and headbutt the other Garuda straight in the face.

The [Raider]s head snapped back with a cry. Ceria stirred. She saw Jiupe hold out a hand, and the other Bloodtear Pirates watched in dead silence.

You b

The [Raider] went for a dagger. Then saw the head drawing back.

The second headbutt nearly knocked her out. Dizzy, she held there as the other raiders grabbed at the Dullahan.

You bitch. Let her g

The head went back. Snapped forwards. And this time Omusc heard a crack. The Dullahan, Roisere, broke the other womans beak. She shook off blood running down from her forehead where shed connected as the other Bleakbeak Raiders grabbed her in horror. Because her head was drawing back

Stop! Stop!

In dead silence, the bar listened to the fourth impact. Then saw the [Pirate] draw her head back. The other body wasnt even moving.

Thats when the Bleakbeak Raiders drew steel. One went for a hatchet and, screaming, charged Roisere. Omusc saw a flash and crouchedshe heard the terrible thud, and saw a pinned body on the floor.

By a harpoon.

Dead gods. Dead gods. Its a blood feud.

The [Agent] whispered. The pub was evacuating. Slowly, Captain Aldrail rose. The Bleakbeak Raiders turned.

You insane maniacs. This wont stand! Youit was one taunt!

Thats our friend and guest. Bloodtear takes that from no one. It wont stand? Get your gang.

Jiupe rose, draining her cup. She looked around. There were more Bleakbeak Raiders in the pub, but they were shocked. Theyd seen fast fights, but this? The Drowned Woman pointed at the Garuda whod spoken.

That one lives.

Then she hurled the mug across the room. It didnt break, but the face did. The [Pirates] charged, weapons drawn.

Omusc grabbed the [Agent] and threw her behind her. She backed up into a corner and drew her weapons of choicesickle in the offhand, a strange weapon, and shortsword in the other. She waited, but the Bloodtear Pirates were after only Garuda.

It was fast. Omusc had seen them fight and they stacked up with the best of Saveres warriors. [Pirates] were fewer in number than armies, but this lottook no prisoners. Even when asked.

The [Bartender] was hiding behind the grille and the floor was wet. Omusc stared as the [Pirates] looked around, realized they had no foes left, and began grinning, grabbing drinks and heading back. Laughing.

Itll be blood alright. Someone run and tell the other ships were here for a Drowned Night!

Omusc heard Gorry roar. She let the [Agent] runit was only one person she wanted to see. And that person had risen, but not cast any spells in the brief surge of violence. She, like any experienced bar fighter, had put her back to somethingin this case, the bar itself.

Ceria Springwalker stood there. Eyes searching the bar. The Bloodtear Pirates halted as she lowered her wand. Captain Jiupes eyes glittered and Aldrail had retrieved his bloody harpoon. He shook the blood off of it.

No need to thank us, Ceria. The least we can do is shut up loudmouths, even if Roshals under negotiations.

He grinned at her, watching her face. And thats when Omusk remembered. The Siren had said

Tell the guests. The Bloodtear Pirates watched Cerias expression. Waiting. They saw her look at Aldrail, the dead Garuda, the one who lay motionless, who started it all with the barest provocation.

Ceria scratched at her head.

Im not paying you to fight them. And if you get us kicked out of this pub, Im going to be upset.

Slowly, she reached out, picked up a handful of peanuts, and began chewing on them. Aldrail blinked. Omusc stared. Ceria sat herself back down and peered around.

Wait, Ive got a spell for this. [Spray Wave].

A little wave of water rose and swirled around her table and raced out the door, red with blood. Ceria sat back. She raised her brows.

You can take the bodies.

The Bloodtear Pirates looked at her, and then whooped and cheered. All except for Aldrail, who looked at Ceria thoughtfully. And Omusc. What was she doing?

At last the Siren knew. She turned as the breathless [Agent] made her report, away from watching the Shifthold dock.

Thats it. Thats what shes doing. Its exactly what Illphres would do. Cleverstupid? Clever, at least.

What, Siren?

Dascy saw the Siren shake her head. She looked down at the Hanged Bait, cursingit would be a Drowned Night soon enough if one or the other group didnt leave. Revine could hear Garudas screaming in fury.

Shesstepping into her class. Her emotions. Her outrage. Everything. Shes freezing them.

The [Corruptors] and [Communication Mage] stared at the Siren of Savere in astonishment.

She can do that?

Revine turned.

Of course she can. A [Cryomancer] can freeze anything! Thats why you have no purchase on her. Shes no fool. She has to know shes in danger. But shell go through this ice-cold.

She sounded almost admiring. Revine shook her head as Omniscel did a little dance, clapping his claws together. She glared at him and turned back to her people.

We need to thaw her out. Its not hard. Shes playing a game with her magic, but she cant do it if there isnt any magic or we counter it. Wellwhat are you doing?

The Siren shouted. Omniscel had lifted the circlet out of the containment field and was inspecting it with his bare claws. Thenhe held it on the tips of his wands.

Oho. Oho. I think Im figuring it out. You see, I knew this was a Relic-class object, so I went backwards. Instead of finding out merely what enchantments it was, I looked up a list of powerful circletsand I think

Are you trying to get us all killed?

The Drake gave the Siren an offended look. She would have strode over and slapped the circlet out of his graspif she wasnt preparing to teleport to safety.

Its perfectly safe, Siren. Im impressed by your precautions. Its so clever what youve done, and besidesI am an expert.

The precautions only work if its in the cube!

The Siren screeched. Omniscel nearly dropped the circlet.

What? Oh shwait a second.

He caught it with his wands, eyed it, then picked it up with one claw and turned it over and over.

Hmmah good one. I make a few jokes, you make a few jokes. I like this working relationship.

He stroked his beard with his other claw, and saw the Siren staring at him. Omniscel blinked at the circlet and the Siren.

Wait. Are you joking? Whats going on here?

Revine Zecrew was lost for words. She looked at the [Enchanter], at her other minionsat the circlet. She wanted to know that too. Then shed kill him.

The Bloodtear Pirates had cottoned on to the same thing the Siren and Omusc had. They sat around her, having let the [Bouncers] take out the bodies. Alonesave for Omusc and a few other very brave souls.

But it was true. They had only killed the Bleakbeak Raiders. There was something socasual, cavalier, even, about it. Ceria Springwalker glanced up, chewing on more peanuts.

So just so Im clearwhy did you kill that poor Garuda?

We killed them for insulting you. Or did you like that idiot needling you about your teammate?

Ceria hesitated.

I didnt. Honestly, no. But I wouldnt have killed her over that.

Jiupe smiled.

Thats the difference between you and us. You dont do things because there might be trouble. Were Bloodtear. Free. No one insults our own. No laws, no mercyexcept for people we like. And that doesnt bother an adventurer?

Ceria took a drink of her ale.

Should it? I can tell you want it to, you know.

She tapped the side of her head as Aldrail stirred. Omusc, who had joined their table, kept her face straight as possible, but Ceria just glanced at her.

Its, uhnot hard to tell. Honestly. Listen, I know you want a rise out of me, but what am I supposed to do?

Object to us killing people? Not that all adventurersre like that, but youre calm as can be. Huh.

Jiupe glanced at one of the Bloodtear Pirates. Calm. Ice magic. She made a little sign.

Get me a [Dispeller].

Gorry watched as Aldrail grinned. Ceria, oblivious, kept speaking. She was scratching at her head, and Omusc feared she had lice. So did some of the other Gnolls, who backed up.

Listen. Look at it like this. If I do object to [Slaves], you killing peoplewhat am I going to do? Fight all of Bloodtear, Savere?

Thatd be a stupid fight. So youre not stupid. But lets say you and I go for a long walk and I take a nap. You not going to object then?

Aldrail watched Cerias face. She looked at him, and for the first time, a serious frown crossed her expression. She set her mug down, pushed herself back from the table, and spoke.

Have you ever fought a monster, Aldrail? A real monster?

The Bloodtear Pirates looked at their [Captain]. Aldrail began grinning.

From anyone else, Id teach them a lesson. From you? I havent fought Crelers at sea personally. My crew? A few. But I have fought undead. Goblins. The worst monster I fought?

He closed his eyes for a second.

Rech o Hell.

The others shuddered. Cerias ears perked up.

Whats that?

Giant monster. Lives in the ocean. Around Rhir. Hell itself. Grabs everything and drags it down. Nearly took out an entire ship one time. I had to dive to kill it. Deep. Two hundred feet down, as it ate my crew.

Omusc shuddered at the thought. Even Aldrails calm confidence turned to grim reflection at the memory, and the other Bloodtear Pirates sobered up.

Theres a monster you dont see often. Is that your monster, Ceria? Or can you do one more?

Gorry refilled tankards. Ceria smiled thinly.

Maybe. Its not a bad monster. I dont even know if Id call it a monster.

The Bloodtear Pirates looked at her. The [Cryomancer] spread her hands on the table.

Howd you mean?

Aldrail demanded angrily. Ceria shrugged.

Well, it sounds nasty. I dont want to fight it. Butits just a killing machine, isnt it? Like Crelers. Adult CrelersIm fairly sure they think, but even theyre just things that live to kill. A monsterIve seen a few monsters. Monsters like what they do. They enjoy it. Skinner. That was a monster. Facestealer. Another monster. Same dungeon. They killed my friends and I was surethey liked it.

Her eyes rose, and those pale, snowy eyes fixed the group. Now the Bloodtear Pirates leaned in. These were the stories they had come for. The true tales.

Did you kill them?

No. One died. The others out there. And its unbelievably tough. Icouldnt kill them. But listen, Jiupe. Aldrail. There was one monster I was ready to kill. I nearly did. A monster who enjoyed doing the worst of things. He didntkill nearly as many people as a Creler. He wasnt as mindlessly violent. In fact, he thought he was doing the right thing. But I looked at him and hed lost his mind. Lost his mind, his honorhe led the Raskghar, these monstrous people, to kill and sacrifice Gnolls.

The Gnolls among the group shuddered. Gorry looked at Ceria and she continued, voice level, hands clenched.

That was Calruz. My old team captain. Captain of the Horns of Hammerad before I took over. I thought he was dead. When I found himwe defeated him, didnt kill him. I was ready to. Because that was a monster.

She looked up and met the eyes of the others.

You understand? I dont like what you do. [Slaves]? Killing people? Thats not me. But my team is out there and they need me. So

Someone edged into the room. Jiupe glanced up, pointed. A [Mage] grinned and began casting a spell. She froze as Ceria turned her head.

The half-Elf stared right at the [Dispeller]. Aldrail watched, and Jiupe tensed, but Ceria just exhaled.

Go ahead.

The [Dispeller] hesitated, and Jiupe nodded. She murmured a spell. Ceria stared at the womanthen settled back. Her face didnt change. She stared at Aldrail, and now the Bloodtear [Captain] looked at her, curiously.

Did you think Id blink?

That was all the half-Elf said. She looked around.

Honestly. Do you think Im a Gold-rank because I havent seen terrible things? Ive taken bad jobs. I try not to. I have regrets. Ive left my friends to die and watched them die. Im not going to fall for provocation. Because my team is out there.

So what are we? Monsters if we enjoy killing? I think were just free.

Ceria looked at Jiupe, who looked genuinely curious. She shrugged.

At the end of the day, maybe your crew is, Captain Jiupe. Laws are funny. Some are terrible, and my best friend does things that everyone else tells her she cannot do. I admire her for that. If youre happy, and youre living as much as you wantIm an adventurer. Odds are Ill die young, but its worth doing. Like finding my friends.

She looked around. The Bloodtear Pirates murmured, and it sounded like admiration to Omusc. The [Pillager] just watched Ceria. The half-Elf brushed at her hair.

So Ill hire Bloodtear, do whatever the Siren asks, so long as I can get to my team. But heres the thing. If I saw Pisces, Yvlon, or Ksmvr haul off and do what you did to that poor Garuda?

She nodded to the stain on the floor. The memory. Ceria looked at the Dullahan [Pirate].

I would have stopped them. Id be shockedId take them to task. If I saw them doing something like thatKsmvr? Pisces? Something monstrousor if someone tried to do that to my friend? Yes, youd see me fight.

Her eyes were cold. Gorry saw Captain Aldrail look at her, frowning.

And whats the difference between them and me, eh? Circumstance? Respect? Fear?

Ceria shook her head.

No. Ill throw down with you if you got every [Pirate] in the world. Maybe not stupidlythe difference, Captain Aldrail?

She lifted a tankard, smiling wryly.

Youre not on my team.

The Bloodtear Pirates sighed. Ah. There was an answerJiupe looked at Ceria, then she began to applaud. Gorry banged a mug on the table. They laughed.

Now theres something we can respect!

Ceria Springwalker laughed. She raised her hand absently, cursed, and scratched at her head. Aldrail swore.

I like you, Ice Squirrel, but if you have lice and it gets on my ship, I will keelhaul you. Much less me!

The half-Elf sighed.

No. Sorry. Its justIm so itchy. Hold on

She absently raised her hand. Lifted something up, put it on the table, and gave her head a damn good scratch. Ceria put it back on, and saw the Bloodtear Pirates, Omusc, all go suddenly silent.

Its so clever, you see? I know its dangerous, but once I realized it was just a simulacrum, there was nothing to fear.

Omniscel the Omniscient pointed at the circlet he was carelessly waving about. The Siren kept flinching every time it passed near her face, but then she stopped.

A what?

A simulacrum. A copy. Its not the real thing. But you knew

The Drakes voice trailed off. The [Enchanter] looked at the copy in his hand. He spoke slowly, his eyes slowly rising to meet the Sirens.

It mimics other relics. Well, I suspect it can change forms with ease. The true nature is hard to divine, but I can tell you what it is.

She said not a word. The [Enchanter] slowly placed the circlet down.

At least in part. You see, I am good at my job. And I can cross-reference known enchantments to artifacts, more or less. And Im sure I know at least two. The firstwell, the first is bog-standard on any [Mage]s gear. Although

What is it?

Omniscel lifted the circlet and breathed longingly.

Intelligence. Mental acuity. The most powerful booster spell Ive seenworthy of an Archmage. No. An [Archmage].

The other [Mage]s eyes grew wide. The Siren saw Omniscel lift the circlet, but he placed it back down.

Not that I would ever put it on my head. You are right, Siren. Im sure there are other aspects that might be curses. Or enchantments. I will need to research this quite some time. But youre lucky. I had a list of possible curses and

Spit it out. What is it? Shes wearing it. Sheshe was wearing it all

The Siren recoiled from the circlet. Omniscel froze, and everyone turned to him. The Drake gulped.

Wellthe spell isnt a curse depending on how you look at it. Its just an enchantment. Freedom, actually. Freedom FromMorality.

Ceria Springwalker slowly conjured a mirror made of ice. She looked into it. She saw a half-Elf with dirty blonde hair, a splatter of blood on her cheek, and pale frosty eyes. The tips of her ears waggledand then she saw a thin circlet, sitting on her head. It shone with power now, now that she realized it was there. It had been so invisible, but of courseher mind connected the dots.

Oh. I put it on after all.

She blinked at the circlet, at her stunned audience, and then she smiled. She reached out and grabbed another handful of peanuts. Slowly, Ceria began to chew on them.

That changes things, doesnt it?

Authors Note: Im flying out in like, 27 hours and I need to pack and I hate travelling.

Not flying. Flyings okay once youre strapped in. Everything about it sucks. Give me a broom, flying carno, wait. I hate cars too.

Im done for a bit. Im off to see family and thats very important, especially in light of all thats happened these last years. But I will be back by the 30th! I hope you enjoy this chapter, which has nothing at all to do with anything interesting, but sometimes we need the salad life.

Not that Ceria knows anything about that. I will be back, but in the meantime, consider listening to Book 5! Buy those presents for Christmas if you celebrate it, and hopefully well have some more story soon! Big things await, the comic especially.

See you in a bit!


Book 5s Cover by JAD Illustrated, cover lettering by Shawn King!

JAD Illustrated: /

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