The Wandering Inn

Interlude Mundanity and Memorials

Interlude Mundanity and Memorials

[Firebrand is a new story by a friend of mine, Quill! Its about elemental spells, a magic school, and a journey to become the Firebrand. Consider giving it a read here! /fiction/56176/firebrand]

Let me in.

A Drake stood like a [Beggar] in front of a [King]s treasury. In every sense of the word, because the gates were open. A rich paradise ofcontent lay beyond. A trove, if not in exactly gold, then information, knowledge, and spectacle.

Yet the unjust, uncaring tyrant couldnt part with a single gold coin in this analogy. Not a copper penny. The Drake pressed his hands up against the blank air, as inviting as the open doorway it was

As solid as stone. He pleaded again.

Let me in. Please.

No. Go away.

The voice from the owner of the inn was slightly vexed. She had figured out that if she tossed something out of her [Garden of Sanctuary], it could hurt. The Drake had to duck out of the way. His dusky red scales, flushed darker with embarrassment and anger, were already covered with a bit of muck.

It did not go well with the cream-colored suit, highlighted by yellow. And yesit was a look. Hed tried it on, and it was not flying with his audience. But being disliked was almost part of Noass appeal. And this moment was television gold.

Let me in! Let me in! The world deserves to see!

Noass howled as he clawed at the opening to the [Garden of Sanctuary]. Erin Solstices aggrieved sigh was her only reply, but she stayed well out of sight; even the [Cameraman] couldnt get a view of her.

Go away! This is private property!

Miss Solstice, you cannot deny the entire world the right to see inside

Noass refrain was cut off by an [Unerring Throw]of a mudball to his mouth. He gagged and spat as Erin high-fived a delighted Mrsha.

Go away! No one gets in here! Drassis already in here, anyways.

Then let her report on


Here was the thing. The [Honest Reporter] was having a moment of journalistic struggle. She was part of the audience watching Noass try to talk his way into Erins garden. That wasnt the struggle; Drassi was all too pleased to watch him eat dirt, and shed let him eat shit if Erin could find some lying around and were willing to throw it.

Yetshe had to admit, Noass had a point. He often did. It was just that he and Sir Relz could find a way to package that point in a quintessentially Drake and often elitist tone. However, the scowling [Innkeeper] throwing mudballs from the side was Drassis friend.

More than thatshe was Drassis former employer, and shed helped Drassi get this very job. The Drake feltan odd compulsion to mention that. Should she say it if she ever covered a story with Erin? Or just let Noass do that?

Then againErin would never let Noass in her garden. But she wasnt keen on Drassi reporting on it either. However, Drassi wasnt an idiot. The Drake coughed and then whispered loudly to Erin as the [Innkeeper] called to Mrsha.

Mrsha, get a really yucky mudball. No, a snowball! No, a snow-mudball! With worms! Are there worms in?

Erin, maybe you should let me take a look around the [Garden of Sanctuary]?

The [Innkeeper] looked astonished. She was washing the muck off her hands as she stood in her garden after all the excitement of yesterday. It was early morning, and the excitement was still palpable. Howevereven Drassi didnt know where the staff of the inn had disappeared to, and Erin had ejected everyone out of her frozen garden soon after theyd identified it.

The [Strategists], the crowds, and yes, even Wistram News Network were here after word had spread. Yet Erin wasnt having it.

Mind you, she looked better than she had for the last three weeks. No more wheelchair, and the blotchy skin, coughing, and her weakness had faded. Thanks to magic, she could now walk and dress herself, so shed actually put on some comfy pants that Drassi and Selys had bought for her.

Erin talked a lot about jeans and the fashion of her world. There werent always the same fabrics, but Drassi had found some wonderfully matte, dyed black pants made out of a thin leather layer and cotton composite. The leather she thought might actually be Wyvern, from the raid on Pallass. It was apparently jean-like, and Erin had put on one of the light Silverfang shirts that had some silver hemming. Just a fairly light green cotton, aside from that with Liscors logo of a city over water, but it looked good.

Interview-ready. Drassi herself had clothing to fit a possible [Reporter] jobunlike the tracksuit shed been gifted to interview and keep up with Joseph and athletic people in, she had on a dress that looked simply austere, a deep rose-red to compliment her sun-yellow scales. However, if she moved or whirled, you could see that the folds were actually yellowit looked like a flower opening.

If you did it right. Which Drassi had practiced in front of a mirror and Selys for nearly two weeks before debuting it today.

Intention. The reason why Erin had clothing that nice was because Selys had bankrolled a shopping spree. Drassi was far more deliberate. So was Selys, at least, lately. But Erin was in the camp that Mrsha, Bird, and a few others occupied.

Then againMrsha was a child. Octavia was closer to Erin, because the [Alchemist] would forget to change her clothes, and neither one would like that comparison. Mrsha might be pleased to run around with no clothing, but she was growing up.

She wore that kilt more often than not when going into the city, and she was now fairly nimble on her two legs. She wasgrowing up. And whether it was Visma, age, or anything elseDrassi saw the Gnoll girl notice her dress. She was getting an appreciation for clothing, even if she didnt bother.

Erindidnt notice. She scowled and pointed at Noass, who was out of dirtball range.

Drassi! Im not even letting Niers students into the garden right now. I dont even trust themlet alone Noass or Chaldion!

Hah! You hear that, old man?

A naked Drake danced through the gardens door and waved at a scowling old Drake outside. Drassi sighed. There were magic censors since Wistrams broadcast was on a ten minute delay, but the [Mages] complained about having to censor Saliss since someone had to stare at the image.

That was someone else who didnt think about clothing. And if Erin had thought in clothes-language, she would have realized Drassis intention. That was the point; the Thronebearers and Lyonette surely had.

At any rate, the [Innkeeper] gnawed on one lip as she turned to Drassi.

The Gardens aresort of secret, Drassi. I dont want to show everyone, like, everything, you know?

And there it was again. Some kind ofinstinct? Or just her conscience? The talks she had with Rmi Canada? Journalistic conflict. Drassi hesitated, but she stepped forwards and lowered her voice.

Thats true, Erin. But if we show everyone a lookjust a quick look at the new [Garden of Sanctuary], theyll be satisfied. Its mostly buried, anyways. Just give usforty-five minutes? It wont even be full coverage. You can let a few Drakes in with shovels or Jewel or someone else. Theyll probably waste time.

Erin hesitated, and there it was. The [Honest Reporter] watched her expression carefully.

Drassi. Not an idiot. Unlike Noass, she knew how to talk to people. And she had realized something after listening to the inns family. Even if Mrsha couldnt speak, she had a big, big mouth. Drassi wondered how many other people had noticed

There was more than one [Garden]. Drassi was a resident of Liscor. Unlike Chaldion or Altestiel, she knew what kind of flowering trees surrounded Liscor or were in the gardenand none of them had pink petals.

However, Drassi didnt need to report on this. She was an [Honest Reporter], and that cut two ways, she was realizing. Erins gaze flickered as she thought of the same thing Drassi did.

The new garden? The other one?

Just one look, Erin. Its not even the biggest piece. Youre famous because of the <Quests>. [Innkeeper] has two gardens in a famous Skill. The Dullahans will have commentaryits a one-day piece.

I guess. Because yeah, its my new gardenand the one I want to explore first. But a quick peek, this onceI guess I can let you in. Forty-five minutes?

It was actually amazing. When Erin lied, it was usually obvious. Unless she was lying. And she was concealing the other gardens quite well.

Drassi was curious, but she instantly agreed, and she held out a clawed hand. Erin shook on it and, sighing, went over to the doorway.

Alright, Noass. You win. Come on in.

The beaming Drake strode towards the door and face-planted into the wall as Drassi watched. Erin cackled as the [Reporter] snorted. The [Innkeeper] pointed to Drassi as the Drake grabbed the magical microphone.

Drassi Tewing, taking over for an exclusive look into a famous Skill. I believe we have commentary from the Iron Vanguard and Archmage Blackwood waiting. Ill leave that to you, Sir Relz. Nowlets just wait for Erin to open her garden and well see whats happening. Erin, by the way, actually employed me as a [Bartender]. Imdisclosing that? And she helped me get this very job, so let me just say, Im very biased in her favor. And a friend. And well be respectfully entering the garden

Some days, it really did seem like it was all about Erin Solstice. But then, if you watched the news or just listened to the town crier, you got a very small snapshot of the world.

To listen to the streets of Liscor, the war with Hectval had been the only thing happening in the world for a long time. The north was still buzzing with the fallout from the Circle of Thorns being unveiled, although theyd moved onto the war with Ailendamus and Magnolias scandalous proposal.

Narrow viewsslices, reallyof reality were how you learned about the rest of the world. The trick wasknowing it was a snapshot, a single point on a grid.

And when it was done right, that moment was indeed magical. The reason Erin had a presence on the news was because she could provide that.

That was why every eye was on Drassi. In the scrying orb, the hilarity of Noass antics faded away. The [Honest Reporter] checked herself. She accepted a heating spell since it would be cold and she was wearing a dress, but the audience got to see the camera-crew for once.

No, no makeupwere going in. No one kill any Snow Golems if you canwhos coming in? Adventurer Jewel?

On bodyguard duty. And excavation work for Miss Solstice. Im Captain Jewel of Glitterblade

The Human woman was trying to get some camera-time, but Drassi stared at the closed door. Erin had shut it, yet some cold air was leaking around the frozen handle.

Stone. The door had changed. It now looked out of place. It would have fitsomewhere else. A frozen fortress. Perhaps a door set into the side of a keep, and it was larger. Fit for a [General]. Drassis words were quieter now, and a Gnoll backed up as she turned to the camera.

Ito give you all some clarity, I believe we are about to enter the [Garden of Sanctuary]. A legacy Skill inherited from person to person. This is not Erinthe [Innkeeper]s. She has apparently gained access to an older garden. This was the domain of the leader of the Iron Vanguard over seven thousand years ago. Before the Creler wars, Dolost the Adamantine was said to have this Skill.

A visible shiver ran down Drassis scales. She breathed out.

They called that age the Wars of Complacencybefore the Crelers emerged, Rhir was left mostly barren. There were no Demons. [Archmages] were common, and if my research is rightso were even Dragons, although the times of Dragon-empires were long gone. Think on that. The Iron Vanguard was there. And their leader wore Adamantium armorhe had this Skill. We cannot confirm this is the very same garden, but the stone and design matches that of Invictel, the capital of the Iron Vanguard. We may be walking a place untouched for seven thousand years.

Her voice trembled, and her eyes were locked on her audience. That was magic. Andwhether Erin liked it or not, that was the value of The Wandering Inn.

It was so gripping that no one was speaking. Even people in Liscor were watching the scrying orbor hurrying to crowd the inn. The Dullahan audiences were just as rapt. Maughin had abandoned his lovethe block of Adamantium he was trying to learn to forgealthough hed taken his other love, Jelaqua, to join the crowds in the inn.

However, even though he could have been thereeven though he had every right, and more than mostone person watching the scrying orb was not fighting to get a peek.

He had no doubt it was magical. He wanted to see it all.

But Garry the [Baker]-[Chef] had a stall to run. And Garrys Antinium Edibles was open every day of the week. Count on it.

His audience wasnt purchasing his goods. They were all staring at the scrying orb. None of them could afford one, Garry guessed. He based this on the fact that they were here for his deals on breadand they were regulars.

And that half were children. Children were not fiscally wealthy in his observations. Except for Mrsha.

But they were not children like Mrsha. So as he watched and listened, Garry got their orders ready.

Look at the door. Shes opening it! Look at the snow! Its at that inn. The one that kills people.

The children were whispering. Garry interrupted them gently as he pushed a loaf of bread over the counter.

It does not kill people directly. Here you are, Hisnis. One loaf of bread. I have included a new idea this time.

One of the Drakes might have been fourteen. He was at that stage where they shot up, or so Garry had been told, but he was shorter, yet to really climb.

He was also not going to purchase anything like Garrys scrying orb any time soon. Which was why he often came to watch. He had on cheap hide clothing.

Cheap clothes here werent cottoncotton was imported. Corusdeer hide was one of the most common commodities from [Hunters], so if you were strapped for coins, that was what you had. His was old and handed down. And it didnt fit properly.

The Drake boy stared at Garrys loaf with great apprehension. He knew what that usually meant.

Does it havemaggots? Live maggots?


Garry saw the Drake boy poke the loaf as the others stared at it. One Gnoll girl stood on her tiptoes and sniffed it very suspiciously.

Smells good.

She informed Hisnis. The Drake hesitated. He wouldnt have associated with the young Silverfang girl a few months ago, but she was a regular like him. Even so, he didnt take it.

Does it have anything alive in it?

No. Maybe yeast, but it is fresh and baked. It has no bugs.

Does it have bug parts in it?


Dirt? Slime? Monster organs or anything they make?

No, no, no, and no.

The Antinium [Baker] was being very patient. The young Drake was almost convinced.

So what does it have?

That is a secret. You must eat it and see. Please tell me if your family likes it. Oh, and here is the rest of your order.

Garry added a pie hed been keeping warm and a small box of his newest project. Erin had shown him how to make dumplings, and hed finally managed to make them stick together. The Drake repeated his questions, but his stomach growled, and he almost snatched the food.

More than enough for a hungry young man. And enough for a family of three. Garry politely indicated his jar where he held coins.

That will be three copper coins, please.

Hisnis fumbled with his pouch, but he had three copper coins. One for each item. He put them in the jar, embarrassed, but Garry smiled, and they knew him enough to recognize an Antinium smile.

Thank you for your business. Would you like to buy anything else?

No. Thankswait, we missed the door!

Hisnis pointed, and everyone spun around to Drassi ducking an angry Snow Golem hurling snowballs at her team. They crowded around, but Hisnis grabbed the food and hesitated.

Illget this home. Ill be back. Dont let her do anything interesting!

He shouted at the others as if they could stop Drassi. Garry nodded and watched the Drake run for it. He had to bring the food back to his mother and his younger brother. It might be breakfast.

It probably was breakfast. And the other guests of Garrys stall, reminded of their stomachs, began asking for their orders. He delivered them, and his prices were fairly consistent.

One copper coin. One copper coin bought you a canteen of soupso long as you brought back the canteen to refilla loaf of bread filled with jamthat was what Garrys secret ingredient was, Prelon jamor half a duck roasted in fat.

The older Drake lady looked dismayed when Garry offered it to her.

Thats my special today? Duck? Wherever did you buy that?

Invrisil, Miss Biscale. They had a sale on ducks. I had to use half for a project, but the other half is quite tasty.

The other half of the project was a duck fat glaze and cuts for some potatoes au gratin. Mind you, that was just for taste and a bit of varietyGarry had made a huge, huge tub, and his helpers, Pisca and Runel, the Flying Antinium, had peeled two hundred potatoes.

Half a duck wasnt much. But it was all he could save from the seventeen hed used. Add in to that some tasteful Shield Spider cuts, pan-fried, a lot, a lot of goats butter, all the cooking in the six ovens he had

Well, it had been a project. Miss Biscale tried to offer Garry a silver coin, but he politely asked for his copper.

It is a copper for good customers, Miss Biscale. Thank you.

She gave him such astrange look. A familiar look. Garry felt like he looked at Erin the same way.

Thank you very much, Chef Garry. I will bring you some recipes tomorrow. Ill write them down.

He beamed.

That would be most welcome, Miss Biscale. I will see you tomorrow. Have a good day.

She had no family, but he hoped that would be a lot of food, and she did have friends. That duck might be part of a potluck.

Drassi was exclaiming over the keep as Garry handed a young girl a box of meatballsbig ones for eating while you worked.

Does your family have that mining job now?

Yep. Theyre all making the new district. We can pay you more, Father said. There are lots of Silverfangs in the city, and they say were a tribe now, Mister Garry.

Well, I would prefer to be paid the same because it is easy to count. Why dont you take one of my experimental candy-sticks? See? It is strawberry flavored, and there is an acid fly inside. Miss Imani and I have been making them.

Ew! Okay, Ill take them. Do I tell you how it tasted?

Yes, please. There is no need to pay for them. They are experimental.

Four red, slightly gelatinous lollipops went with the meatballs for breakfast. That was receivedless well by some of Garrys patrons.

Mind you, they ate it. When hed first run Garrys Antinium Edibles, the Worker had been very surprised to see people buying his food even with bugs.

Given his prices, it had made sense. But Garry, as a new stall owner, hadnt realized why until a month later. Then hed begun offering his specials and taking the bugs out of them.

It occurred to Garry, as he watched Drassi navigate the [Garden of Sanctuary], that he didnt visit as much as he should. He had been far too sad when Erin was dead, but he and she hadnt had a lot of time to cook together.

Why, she might not know how successful Garry was. He believed he sometimes, on a good day, broke even with his shop. Which was far better than the gold it tended to bleed week-to-week.

The Free Queen didnt care. Neither did Garry. He leveled up, which the Free Queen told him was infinitely better than the gold that the Free Antinium had little use for. MoreoverGarry thought that his food was feeding a lot of people for very little.

And thisthis was a good thing. Because Hisnis, without Garrys food, might have to spend a lot of the money he managed to makeor steal, as when Garry had first met himon worse food.

It was a strange thing. Garry had never set out to do this, but he knew most of the customers who came for his special deals at one copper each, and he listened to them and sometimes gave them more food.

He could not help them with their large troubles. Which concerned Garry greatly, like how Miss Biscale had been about to be evicted due to the soaring rent prices until the rent had been cut by the Council. Or how Comrei, the Gnoll girl, had been worried about her familys situation, and Hisnis being arrested by the Watch for theft.

All he could do was give them food. Which he did. And sometimes food made it so you didnt have to worry about coins. A fresh piewithout bugsmade a [Landlord] forgo the rent for a month. Or make a [Guardswoman] more inclined to let Hisnis off with a warning.

That was Garrys Antinium Edibles, and it had a very select customer base. It did business with the occasional passerby who was often dared to eat something he made, but those who had his food were often surprised by the lack of bugs and quality on display.

Garry quite enjoyed taking orders. He had begun offering birthday cakes to his regulars, which mystified some people, because the rare confectionary, even in Liscor, was something Garry had no problem making. Nor did he count the cost in sugar, and again, his budget was backed by the Free Queen.

He thought of his stall, in fact, like Erins inn. Garry hadnt realized it at first, but Hisnis was likeGarry had been to Erin. Sometimes you needed somewhere to eat food and not be worried about Mister Soots minions or whomever was in charge now.

Garrys shop was right outside the Free Antiniums Hive. He didnt have a problem with crime. Crime had a problem with eighteen Soldiers who would charge out of their Hive. Garry had begun adding seats, and the scrying orb kept his crowd busy.

Does anyone have a special order for tomorrow? I am going to order from Miss Krshia, and if she is to send a Street Runner to Invrisil, I must know now.

The new cities had really opened up Garrys markets. He listened as a Drake boy shyly asked if Garry could make something special for a Level 10 celebration and decided hed make a variation on Erins bisque, perhaps. He ran it past the Drake boy and sighed.

Lobster bisque? They are very socially acceptable water-borne insects. No? A cake? A lobster cake? No? Just a sweet cake. Very well.

He wrote down the order and happily went to order some food. Garry was glad Erin was having so much fun on the scrying orb. What he didnt realize was that if she had knowledge of his humble stall, she would have been quite, quite proud of him.

But that was the city of Liscor. It was changing, and Garry, more than Erin or Lyonette or even Relc and Klbkch, could see how much it was changing.

The Antinium Worker trundling around the city with a basket and a list of groceries for Krshias shop, dubbed the Silverfang Emporium since she was so busy she could seldom run itand hadnt been in Liscor for monthswas not an unfamiliar sight to Liscor.

Antinium had been in the city for over a decade now, but their role was changing.

Selys grandmother, Tekshia Shivertail, often sat with some veterans and old Drakes and sipped spicy tea in the morning. It was a bunch of grousing old scaleheads who complained and argued.

Funny. When theyd first started getting together, they didnt play chess, but cards. And whenever one of them saw Antinium, theyd spit or argue about the decision to let them in. In those days, Workers moved around in a group and often out of sight, at night.

After that, Senior Guardsman Klbkch had started his routine, and people would stop him just to hear an Antiniumthe Slayertalk. But after hed captured a [Killer] on the streets and slain several monsters on patrols, and after years, hed actually been a welcome sight, especially if you wanted a competent [Guardsman].

Laterthe patrols had started, and everyone would clear the streets when they came by. Tekshia was just one of the Drakes staring at the Antinium show of forceuntil she noticed one with Yellow Splatters and saw more colors day by day.

Then Hectval. Then the siege and so much more.

These days, the Antinium marching by the Drakes sipping tea was how they started their day, and if they didnt march by exactly at half-past six, the group would be off-kilter for the rest of the morning.

Wheres the gemstone fellow? I told you to bring that one. The one with the gemstone on his forehead.

One of the Drakes harangued the patrol leader as they passed. He was being crotchety, but the Worker turned and actually spoke.

I apologize, sir. I am Archer E41, and I was not present yesterday. Gemhead is likely on guard-duty. I will report this failure to Strategist Belgrade upon my return.

OhI didnt mean you had to. Just so long as I see him sometime this week.

Tekshia snorted as the Drake tried to clear things up. Antinium were entirely literal. They were also getting more and more interesting.

First paint. Then some decided accessories were as much their personality as paint, like the one which had no paintsave for a gemstone they wore like a kind of tiara between their antennae.

That was just as much an indication of Liscor changing: the fact that people spoke to Antinium and didnt seem as mistrustful. Howeverit was still a huge change in one year.

Erin Solstice or not, there was more at play to how fast Liscor was changing. One reason was the Antinium themselves, but another was a power even Tekshia realized most were beholden to. From her Guild to Liscors Council

It was the power of economics. Specifically?

Antinium economics. The patrol of Antinium often took this route, and, as a result, they were not halfway down the street when a panting stall owner wheeled up, smoke and a meaty scent wafting from the stall.

Im late! Imoh, Ancestors. Good! Hello! Can I interest your patrol in some hamburgers? Antinium-friendly cornmeal buns! See? Hot and very reasonable! Only one silver and two copper per!

Tekshias snort made the Gnoll hesitate, but the Antinium leading the patrol twitched his antennae and then counted the Antinium present.

The inn is very busy. How many here have had a hamburger?

He counted the five hands raised out of the entire patrol and decided that it was a good purchase. The Gnoll stared at the gold coins avariciously as another stall owner hurried down the streettoo late.

Antinium economics. The Free Hive had a lot of gold, and until now, The Wandering Inn had been getting most of it. It had taken a bit for the restaurants and other sellers of food to realize what they were missing. Only when Pawn had approached a few and bought huge amounts of food at their prices did they realize the Antinium were a literal goldmine.

You might not like them at first, but if you sold to themnone of the Antinium seemed to care that they were being overcharged. They ate happilyand it was good food they wanted. They would not ever say if it were bad foodbut Tekshia noticed they were getting pickier and pickier with whose food they bought. Before, anyone offering food would get a sale, no questions asked. Now? You had better know the Antinium were intolerant to gluten or youd be passed by.

She wondered if she should tell the patrol leaders not to pay so much. Then againTekshia also knew about Garrys stall, and she considered that a boon for everyone in no small way. With the Humans and new parts of the city under development, Liscor really was feelingnew.

For instance, an older Silverfang Gnoll was pondering his next chess move, a tentative addition to the Drake group. Tekshia wondered if shed get along with some Humans. She sipped at her tea cup and decided they had to try this boba thing that Imanis kitchen was offering via Timbors inn.

It was hard to get Imanis new treats, but Tekshia had a granddaughter, and Selys was going to get it for her.

What even the canny Guildmistress, Spearmaster Tekshia, didnt know was that the Antiniums over-expenditures were being noticed by the one authority who could make it her concern. Yet the Free Queen didnt care.

The Antinium Queen had a giantcup. It was more like a vat, and she had tea to start her morning too and a huge amount of potatoes for food. Garrys boba were more like chunks in the giant wooden straw hed had to commission, but the effect was mostly the same.

The patrols are doing well.

That was the Free Queens comment to Klbkch as he watched the scrying orb. He glanced up.

What? Yesindeed. The Hive is doing exceptionally well. I believe there is nothing more to discuss. I shall take my leave.

As far as I am aware, you have no [Guardsman] duties at the moment. We are reviewing the Hives performance, Klbkchhezeim. Unless something takes priority?

The way Klbkch hesitated for just a second. And his response.

Nonot at all, my Queen.

If Antinium could smirkshe saw him glancing at the scrying orb. The Free Queen, Xevccha, took a long sip of her tea.

How much do we expend on the Antiniumactivities, then, my Queen? Perhaps we can curtail their budget.

Klbkch fidgeted, so unlike him, but he tried to direct their meeting to business. The Free Queen nodded to him.

You are in possession of our written ledgers. We accumulate more gold via our construction work.

She had a verysimplistic view of currency. The Free Queen, upon moving to Liscor, had realized that her Hive needed gold for some expenditures. She had obtained it over a decade of Antinium working menial tasks for literally no expense to themselves. Now, she was spending it. She had a fortune in gold and often let Klbkch buy artifactsbut she didnt really care if it was all gone.

The benefit of people selling to Antinium, or Garry levelling for his work, was all she needed. She wanted gold only so he could buy more food for her. And as long as more money came in than went out, everything was well.

That was about how much the Free Queen thought about finances. She was far more deliberate when she had an accumulation she wantedand she had broken into Liscors market very, very deliberately.

The Free Queen had made her Workers act as laborers and shown Liscor how cheap it was to have Antinium-made goods. She even dabbled in imports these days.

Klbkchhezeim, I am meeting with the Armored Queen later today. She is sending me two hundred trees of wood. Do you have anything else the Free Hive needs?

Two hundred trees of wood? May I askwhy we require that, my Queen?

Xevccha waved an idle feeler.

We will sell it to Liscor for building materials. The Armored Queen agreed to locate suitable trees and has even begun an attempt at a forest of her own.

Why would she go to this amount of effort in her own Hive, my Queen?

Klbkch actually looked away from the scrying orb. The Free Queen raised her mandibles.

Because I offered her two hundred pounds of Garrys cooking.


The Free Antinium Hive was in a wonderful position. It could sell many things it could acquire cheaply that Liscor wanted thanks to its route to the Hivelands and Antinium labor. And it could also give the other Hives what they wanted. Food, resources you could only buy from an [Alchemist], magic, and so on.

Everything was wonderful. Save for one thing. The Free Queen actually turned her head, but somehowthe other Centenium in her Hive had cut her off. Then again, one of her antennae was gone.

Klbkchhezeim. How is Xrn?

The Slayer hesitated, and he rested his hands on his swords. He was far more mobile, more at home in his new body, but that just made his old form shine more brightly in his memory. Three leftand one was now wounded.

I do not believe the Grand Queen will be satisfied if Xrn returns to her Hive. Despite her repeated requests. Xrn isfocused.

And that was the most evasive answer Klbkch had ever given her. The Free Queen had no skin to crawl, but she sucked down the last tea, and the loud rasping, bubbling noise filled the room.

I believe I will have a refill of tea. Continue informing me of her condition, Klbkchhezeim. Whatever she wishesyou may go.

He was halfway out the room as the Free Queen sighed and let one of the Flying Antinium hurry over with a team of Workers to fill her cup. It was all going well. So wellshe wondered if she had spare time.

To work on the project the Grand Queen had abandoned? If she had so much timea part of her longed to do what the Grand Queen had confessed to and create her own statues. But thatthat was a luxury. The Free Queen did have work.

Keep my drink chilled. I will return in two hours.

She moved herself over to the work rooms, and the Antinium backed away. The Free Queen stared ahead.

If only they had the knowledge of old. They had levelling even the True Antinium had lacked for in such abundance. If onlyshe brushed the thought aside. It was better than it had ever been. But oh, the dead did weigh on her. A hundred heroes.

They all deserved statues. Yet no matter how hard he lookedshe whispered to Klbkchhezeim.

They will not be in that garden. They deserve to be. But who will remember them save us?

It was about memory. It was always about memory. The [Gardens of Sanctuary] were on the nose, but everything that made Liscor better, all the gloriousness of now was built on what was lost or would never return.

Evenno, especially immortals knew that.

Ryoka Griffin tried not to stare. She didnt have a fetish. But even soshe leaned on the railing, then sprang into the air to show off. Just so the [Sailors] looked up and waved and laughed. She gazed down at a sea of faces as she flew overhead.

Half-Elves. Two ships were sailing the treacherously unknown seas to Izrils north. Ryoka flew around them only for a few minutes, calling out greetingsbut she couldnt stay.

The Pride of the Wellfar was that fast. It didnt rely on natural wind or currentsit cut the waves like a shooting star. And besides, they were almost back from Terandria.

It was quite amazing how fast theyd returned, actually. Nevermind Tyrion Veltras being able to ride at speeds unmatchedHouse Veltras had headed south from Ailendamus borders, embarked on the greatest ship of House Wellfar, and sped to Izril.

Yes, they had a Citadel-class ship that could scare the Illuminary if it came to a pursuit at sea. Yes, Tyrion was the famous [Lord] of speed. And yes, they wanted to be home.

But mainly they had gotten back to First Landing so fast because Tyrion had conveniently ignored every diplomatic overture from Calanfer and the other nations trying to host and celebrate him. Or at least pin a damn medal to his back.

Ryoka hadnt realized how many offers hed snubbed until Jericha had brought it updelicately. The [Lord]s response was simple:

We have been away from home too long. Sammial is waiting for us in First Landing. Hethon is with Buscreis family. We shall return with no delays.

And that was that. Honestly, from watching Jerichas face, Ryoka thought even the rowdy and irreverent Veltras would have made Tyrion at least greet Calanfers [King]. Even Lord Swey and Buscrei, let alone the others, were conscientious of diplomacy.

HoweverRyoka also guessed that Tyrions loss of levels was a reason his House wanted him away from nosy appraisal Skills. He was warded with the best magic they had, but that couldnt hide the fact that hed lost countless levelseven his old class.

That Tyrion had told her was shocking. And another sign of his bad judgment abilities. Ryoka was on deck as First Landing came into sight. There she stood, as Buscrei waved a final time and loosed a magical arrow into the air in the half-Elves direction. The faint explosion and glittering colors made Ryoka start.

Courier Griffin. Do you have need of?

Someone appeared like magic and offered her a towel in case the ocean air and spray had gotten her wet. Ryoka glanced at the livery of someone from House Veltras and looked around.

Oh. I, uhthank you.

She scrubbed at her hair and the seawater. She was going to drape the towel around her neck until she realized that she could hand the towel back. The servant bowed and backed away, and Ryoka almost went flying after the half-Elves to beg them to take her with them, slower journey or not.

Here she was again. House Veltras surrounded her, and the servants treated her like a guest or worseas a member of the nobility. She had almost forgotten what shed been so worried about.

This time, do it better, Ryoka. Justa bit better? Please? 

If she went two months without killing someone, shed call it a win. Ryoka leaned on the railing and tried to exhale. But no sooner had she leaned there than someone strode up.

Tyrion Veltras was not a man who had a casual stroll. He strode like someone who did not want to waste a second getting from point A to point B. He came to a halt at the railing, and Lord Pellmia Quellae covered his face.

Tyrion had no tactical approach. But he was doing his best, and amazingly, Ryoka didnt jump into the sea to avoid him. She owed him far more than that.

I almost feared you would land on the half-Elves ships and sail to Baleros. Or the new lands of Izril. I would have had to spend another month in pursuit.

Ryoka almost choked as she began to take a sip of water. She looked at Tyrion.

I wouldnt do that! I was just saying hello to them.

As mentionedas he was famously depicted in most images or even verbal accountsLord Tyrion Veltras was like a statue. Straight-faced, his beard usually trimmed to exacting fineness, and almost always wearing armor, or, as now, the green and whites of House Veltras. Casual clothing looked like old military-style attire on him.

Ryoka, by contrast, had the Runners loose clothing, bare feet like a lot of House Wellfar on deck, actually, and a belt festooned with pouches and tools of the trade, not least of which was the Faeblade.

They cut an odd duo, especially given their personalities. Well, they were closer in height, which was one similarity. Their ability to insert their own feet into their mouths was another striking commonality. Tyrion Veltras hesitated with Ryokas reply. He glanced at her and then stared at the city coming into view, a massive harbor flanked by two gigantic gates emblazoned with five seals of each noble house.

First Landing. Tyrion had seen itRyoka had not. She stared at the massive city, the largest in the north, as he responded.

That was a joke. My attempt to be humorous.


I can see it has failed. Comedy is not my forte.

Ryoka heard a snorting sound from the side. You wouldnt know that to see Buscreis red face as she laughed into her arm.

Now, Ryoka was not immune to embarrassing situations. She was positively an infinity-generator of them. However, she was exceptionally grateful when someone else moved insmoothlyto join the conversation.

Miss Griffin, it never fails to astonish me to see you fly like that. Id caution you to beware doing it in First Landing, though.

Lord Pellmia Quellae, the [Lord of Love and Wine], was the kind of person you liked. He was, in the world of social parlance, a net positive to most situations, be they formal or simply casual. Both Tyrion and Ryoka relaxed around him.

Whys that, Lord Pellmia? Anti-air spells? Something else?

The [Lord] waved that off.

Were not at war, and there are a few domesticated Griffins about there. Hawking is a very noble sportnot at all. Simply that if you fly once, every noble from here to Invrisil will demand to see you do it and try your glider. Which is entirely its own problem.

Ryoka winced at the idea of a panicking member of the nobility doing a nose-dive by accident a hundred feet up.

Very well advised, Pellmia. Ill try tolower expectations.

Im sure we could ride together. It would be pleasant conversation, I trust.

Lord Tyrion interjected, and Buscrei, Swey, and a few of his cousins oohed in the background. That had to be Pellmias influence. Buscrei held up a piece of parchment.


Pellmia glared in their direction, but for some reason, that made Ryoka feel vaguely better.

Iwouldnt actually mind that. I really want to see my friends

Of course. We can arrange your transport southwards as fast as

Tyrion shut up as Pellmia pointed a finger behind his back at him. Ryoka wasnt done.

but I, uh, wouldnt mind staying in First Landing a few days. If you and Sammial dont need to get to House Veltras right away. Its the biggest city in the north. Id love to justsee what it has.

Were pigs flying? Buscrei was staring up at the sky in awe, but Pellmia leapt on the suggestion.

A wonderful idea! Lord Hethon may be travelling north alreadyand its true, how many chances does one have to see First Landing? There are countless wonders there.

Really? Like what?

Ryoka knew more about the Walled Cities fame than First Landings. It was so remote that, frankly, she felt like Drake customs and attractions were more familiar to her. For instance, public bath houses were a very Drake thing.

Not so in First Landing. But Lord Pellmia instantly began counting off attractions.

Aside from your usual run of pursuitsyou could do hawking or anything of that kind in House Veltras, who arguably have finer animals and better wilds. However, there is famously a racing course for horses. Griffinsdomesticated Griffins, Miss Ryokaare available to ride. For buildings, perhaps the House of Altreidva would be a stop? That is the gallery of some of Izrils greatest [Artists]Drakes, Gnolls, and Humans. You know, I wonder if the Players of Celum are there? But youd know them. Lets see. Colousas Relics is up there. Izrils best [Enchanter].

Really? The best [Enchanter]?

Ryoka was surprised, but Pellmia instantly nodded. He raised his brows.

Save for a Walled City or another major citywhy would the best and most high-level individuals not be present? I believe First Landing can lay claim to the highest-level [Enchanter], [Sculptor]never the [Bard] with Barelle so mobileoh!

He snapped his fingers.

The Adventurers Haven! We must pay a visit to the highest-level [Innkeeper] on the continent. Shes moving her inn, and if you have not visited already

Shes moving?

Even Lord Tyrion raised his brows at that. Pellmia nodded seriously.

I heard from home. It must be a huge scandal.

Why? I had no idea an inn could move.

Ryoka had heard of that inn in the vague way she knew of First Landing and famous Archmages, but Pellmia elaborated.

It has always beenmm, fairly mobile. It often changes crossroads, but it is a famously attractive inn. Couriers and the nobility flock to it. They must be in uproaras entertainment goes, The Adventurers Haven is one of the best, Miss Griffin. Someone of the owners level has so manyfascinating abilities. She was a Named-rank adventurer before she retired, you see. A famous [Mage].


The only [Innkeepers] of note that Ryoka had met besides Erin were, er, Agnes, Mad Medain, and the [Reader]. She wanted to know what a Level 50 retired Named-rank [Innkeeper] could do.

If youre going, well join in! Its pricey at times, but I love to visit the inn. Something for everyonealthough Im no longer a young woman, so I cant have all the experiences. Quite a lot of lucky nights can be had there. Its a feature.

Buscrei winked at Ryoka. The other nobles from each family knew the inn too and, apparently, all thought well of it and wouldnt mind another visit.

It is certainly a spectacle, but I dont care for the Adventurers Haven.

And there came in Tyrion, with such blunt honesty that even Pellmias new class couldnt stop it like a mallet to the face. He amended his statement after a second.

But Im sure it would be excellent for Hethon and Sammial to see it, as well as you, Miss Griffin. Before it leaves.

I shall take it upon myself to show you all around. And celebrate our survival of this war! First Landing awaits!

Pellmia rescued the situation as he pointed to the harbor. The gates were open, and as The Pride of the Wellfar came in, even the harbor slowed to see the greatest ship on the seas come into port.

Frankly, Ryoka thought that the people in the city got a better show than she did. Even the ships inbound and outbound stopped as the Pride signaled the docks. Amazingly, there were berths for even her class, and she slowed to maneuver into port.

Etril Wellfar, the [Captain] of the vessel, only emerged as they were heading straight in. He looked around, and his eyes fixed on Ryokas. She startedbecause here was someone else with a claim on her time.

He was Gresaria Wellfars son. They hadnt been able to speak longhed wanted to get away from Ailendamus because they were still technically at war until peace was declared. But here was someone else she had a debt to.

Him and the rest of the world. He bowed slightly to the other nobles waving at the crowds gathering on the docks. As Ryoka had been told, there was a high population of the nobility in the city. She wondered if there were even Reinharts, the most reclusive of the Five Families.

She wanted to explore this city, but she was also in the eye of the storm. Etril spoke.

Lord Tyrion, House Wellfar has taken you to Terandria and back. The war isnt at an end, and it may be Ailendamus will damn the seas with blood if they refuse to make peace.

Ryoka had thought they would sign a deal, but Rhisveri hadnt officially made peaceperhaps because he couldnt. The other nations saw this as Ailendamus moment of weakness, and despite the ghosts, were pushing on the borders. Etril continued briskly.

But weve succeeded at the task you swore to me. Veltras and Wellfar ever stand together, forest and sea. I hope I can call on you if ever we need to.

Tyrion reached out and took Etrils hand.

By House Veltras, we will. Whenever and whatever the odds. I will not forget this, Lord Etril.

From another man, the short address might have sounded cheap given all that had passed. From Tyrionhe meant it. Etril almost smiled, but he glanced towards the people on the docks.

And itll be Krakens at sea once we dock. The things weve seen beggar belief. I must report to my House, but I hope I can speak with you before you fly off, Wind Runner?

A-absolutely, Lord Wellfar. Should I call on you here or?

Ryoka didnt know where hed be going, but the [Captain] smiled wryly.

I dont doubt Ill find you. If I need to, Ill just sail towards the nearest war.

Her expression was so colorful that Buscrei began guffawing with Swey. But to Ryokas surprise, Etril threw his head back and laughed.

Peace! Dont glare at me so, Lord Tyrion!

He had a sense of humor. She really didnt know him. But he was Gresarias son andRyoka didnt know her much at all either. Only that she was one of the people whod died when she challenged the Assassins Guild. But as First Landing came closershe realized something.

The city remembered Gresaria Wellfar. It had not been long since the Circle of Thorns was unveiled. And if

If the theme of the day was television, or a changing city, or just the Free Queens wishthis moment would be the catalyst for all of it. For as they landed, Ryoka saw the first signs of how much her reputationor everything that had happened had changed abroad.

Because fighting for position at the front of the crowd were a bunch of [Mages] wearing those damned robes with Wistrams admittedly splendid insignia. A television crew, and a Human man was speaking excitedly into the camera.

going to have to break in, Miss Drassi! The Pride of the Wellfar has landed, and the victorious House Veltras is disembarking with the famous, nay infamous Wind Runner!

And while Ryoka Griffin had not seen Erin Solstices antics, what with travel and the restit was an [Innkeeper] hucking snowballs at Noass from her garden who looked up and saw Ryoka.

First Landing was founded in a time before even General Dolost. Not that much farther back, actually, in the grand chronology of this worlds historywhich admittedly had gaps.

Humans were new to Izril. New enough that they hadnt spread across all of Izrils wilds.

Then again, the reason there were more wilds was because the wars of invasion had scorched Drake and Gnoll lands already fractured from their long war that had seen Walled Cities burn. However, the Five Families dealt the final blow to Drake superiority in the north. The first scions of Veltras, El, Wellfar, Reinhart, and Terland destroyed the last northern Walled Cities.

First Landing was the product of the same hands that had razed the greatest cities of Drakes. And the Five Families had been at least as good at building as destroying.

The harbor should have still been, well, a harbor. No matter the achievement, harbors were inherently messy, busy places where [Sailors] and crew would be fuelling the lifeblood of a port city.

It was just that this harbor had some, um, differences. For instance, First Landing was flanked by two gates bearing the crests of all five families. Wellfars sigil was split in half and would only be centered when the two metal gates closed. And when they closed, the tides themselves would change, because the gates were fifty feet tall over the waves.

They had some kind of greenish tinge to pale silver, which was apparently what happened to mithril-alloy over thousands of years. However, the details were barely faded; mithril didnt age much.

The docks themselves could hold fleets of ships. The Wellfars berth was one of fivefittingly. And that was for the largest ships in the sea. Ryoka had to rotate just to see the rest of the harbor, and that was when the irregularities began cropping up.

Firstly? No bilge water or filth on the docks. No barnacles, no understandable wear from constant water. The stonethe docks were stonelooked fresh, rather like sandstone, and tiled with brighter walkways. She put it down to enchantments to block that kind of thing, but then she saw the real cause.

Ryoka Griffin had never been to Wistram Academy in truth. If she hadthis would have been a slightly familiar scene. As it was, her skin chilled a second as she saw House Terlands great gift to the north.

Golems. They were uncannily humanoid, many of them. Some were the giant, bulky laborer-types slowly dragging cargo from their ships, but others looked like, well, servants.

To Ryoka, Magnolia Reinharts servants had seemed uncannily familiar to a certain era in Earths history. Now she realized Magnolia had based the dress and style of her servants off of Terlands Golems.

They had been carved into their clothing, and they tirelessly pushed mops or maintained the docks. In factall of First Landing was more magical than any city Ryoka had seen save Pallass.

She watched as an experienced crew of [Sailors] stepped back from unloading their cargo ship. Theyd piled a lot of crates up high on what looked like a dais of stone, a rectangle with a glowing gem in the center. As Ryoka watched, it levitated slowly, and a regular-sized Golem began to pull it on a short tether.

Mage lifts. It must be priority cargo like Reinharts damned sugar. We dont have as manymostly the unloading is manual these days. Or simpler.

The comment came from Etril Wellfar. He nodded to another ship, and Ryoka saw a giant clay Golem being tethered to a unique harness. It had to pull a wheeled cargo container towards a warehouse. In fact, Ryoka saw a primitive rail system to make sure that the wheeled lift wouldnt slip into the ocean.

How far weve fallen. But this is House Terlands efficiency at work. With Wellfars help. I hope you will visit our lands where you might see the true potential of Golems unleashed.

A [Lady] with a fan idly spoke, and Ryoka jumpedone of Terlands representatives was watching the docks with a slight frown.

As if a semi-automated dock were something to scoff at. But thenshe had grown up here. And the floating archer-Golem capable of miles-distant bombardment was calmly waiting to return to House Terlands custody.

So Ryoka understood. She understood this city was going to be wild.

Already, she could see landmarks across First Landing. What was notablewell, aside from the dockswere a few elements Ryoka quickly chronicled for later questions.

Firstlythe city was not all old buildings. Some was mundane stone and wood, which fit a city constantly expanding. It had that old inner city with sturdy walls and had progressively gotten more sprawling as it had grown.

Ryoka saw the largest and most impressive towers and buildings were mostly in the center, near the docks, but a few outliers appeared later on. Each one tended to belong to one of the Five Families.

House Reinharts sigil was the only one that Ryoka knew by heart along with Veltras, but they werent exactly hard to guess.

Reinharts was twisting vines and a single flowerbut the vines sometimes looked like snakes. More ornate versions of the sigil included falling petals. House Veltras, by contrast, was of a tree that a bow and lance had been placed against, leaning across the trunk. Like Reinhart, sometimes there were variations.

One of the sigils that Ryoka had seen in the keep had a tiny, tree-like figure half-hidden behind the tree and a Unicorn resting on the grass.

At any rate, she picked out House Reinharts sigil from one of the towers. It waserglowing. A hazy blue-grey light leaking from the crystalline heart of the tower. She pointed it out to Etril and Tyrion.

Ahis that a magical tower?

Both men glanced over, and Tyrion grimaced.

Tower Tuell. Reinhart. I believe it was first home to an [Archmage]. I dont believe it is open for general visitation. I could petition House Reinhart to visit. However, not all their structures are

He looked at Etril for the right descriptor. The [Lord] raised one brow.


Lord Pellmia frowned.

Pleasant. Most of the greatest structures are ruled in some way by one of the Five Families, Ryoka. They were funded or claimed after their owners passed. Tower Tuell was a famous laboratory of magic. Now, I believe it fulfills many of Reinharts wants magically.

Such as?


Everyone in earshot chorused at once. Ryoka actually saw House Terlands [Lady] smile, before hiding it behind the fan.

It seemed that the Five Families got along much like, well, an extended family. Grudges and prejudices. Ryoka turned back to the citythere was a huge crowd at the docks. And someone with a scrying orb. But they had moments to look while the shouting and swearing [Helmsman] brought them in and anchored.

The second thing Ryoka noticed was that the outer walls lookedodd. She pointed them out and saw that entire sections had beenvaporized. Blown in. An eighty-foot gap was visible from the harborbut someone had erected a hazy barrier of light magic there. Other sections were covered with blooming vines and flowers.

Was that from?

The Second Antinium Wars. The Goblin King broke First Landings walls in many places. Those are the repairs. We have not commissioned finer.

Tyrions face froze up again, and all the nobility fell silent. And againRyoka remembered that the Sacrifice of Roses had taken place here.

Classic Ryoka. However, Pellmia shook himself with a slight laugh.

We might as well replace all the walls, then! Those repairs are stronger than the original, Ryoka. See the vines and plants? That was from the Crown of Flowers. They bloom with each season, flowers even in the winter. [Alchemists] love them.

People with pollen allergies hate them. Like me.

Lord Swey announced, pinching his nose. Ryoka nodded slowly.

So even First Landing had seen foes to bring it to its knees in the modern era. And as if that thought heralded something else, Lord Tyrion calmly pointed to something close to the harbor. A black patch of street, a blasted building and rubble.

There is the Assassins Guild. What remains of it. No more of them. No more rot within First Landing.

Etrils head rose, and his teeth bared. Ryoka looked at him, and then she saw that rubble and her skin crawled. The scars on her back itched.

There it was. No one had built over it. The Five Families had dug up the very firmament, ensuring no hidden passages or secret tunnels remained. Like a rats den, they had purged First Landing of the Assassins Guild.

But that had come at a great cost. Ryoka hadnt been here. But she knew the tale. Her eyes slowly travelled from the Assassins Guild to an edifice along the harbors docks. A bell stood high above the ships, silent despite the wind that tried to move it.

The Bell of First Landing. It waited, never rung except for war or the death of one of the leaders of the Five Families.

It was right there, on these docks while Maviola El, Saliss of Lights, and the Wind Runner were racing for Tyrion Veltras, that someone had rallied the Five Families. Maviola El had flown the banner, but it was her great friend and rival who ignited those flames in First Landing.

Gresaria Wellfar. The [Harbormistress] had charged the Assassins Guild and paid for it with her life. That had been the catalyst that had doomed the Assassins Guild here and across Izril, as the nobility broke their fear of them.

it wasnt the Five Families who charged over those docks and killed the [Assassins]. I was there, Tyrion Veltras. I watched my mother and father die like tempests at sea.

Etril Wellfar spoke, and Ryoka turned and saw his strained expression. He stood on the docks of the ship from where Regein Wellfar had launched every magical spell at the Assassins Guild. He pointed, and Ryokas shivering grew worse.

Gresaria Wellfar stood there, spear in hand, atop her chariot. She called down to the frightened nobility, challenging an army of faceless figures waiting down the street. 

She charged them, alone. They watched as she surged into the [Assassins] and fell, never striking a blow. 

Thenit wasnt the nobility who came to her defense. Not at first. It was a [Captain] from Cenidau, then the crews of the ships.

[Pirates] and [Sailors] avenging the [Harbormistress] of First Landing. 

Only then did the Five Families move. Then came the reckoning. But what Etril remembered, what the seafolk remembered, was that it had been them. Not for a noble house, but for the [Harbormistress].

Ryokas eyes stung as she listened to the retelling of that story. She hadnt known.

She hadknown the [Harbormistress] was one of the people whod died, but never met anyone who had known her. Etril was her son. Now Ryoka understood why he wanted to meet her. She searched for something to say as he looked at her. His ruffled clothing was like an older ships captain, practical and ornate. But he seemed more like a [Sailor] than [Lord], sometimes.

ILady Gresaria

Harbormistress. She was a Duchess, for whatever it was worth. The Duchess of Salt, they called her. But she liked being called Harbormistress.

Ryoka hesitated. She looked at Etril, and eyes like the salt-grey skies waited.

She died because of my arrogance. Im sorry.

No. Those were entirely the wrong words. She died because of me? Ryoka had said something like it before and been reminded of her arrogance. What else?

I wish I could avenge her? I wont forget this?

No, and no. At last, the Wind Runner gulped. She looked Lord Etril in the eyes and nodded.

I wish I could have met her. She sounds like she was a hell of a woman.

Tyrion blinked, but Etrils eyes widened slightly, and he threw his head back. He laughed once, almost in relief.

She was! A hellion worse than her children. She always told us we were too calm and mild. She tore up Izril with Maviola El. A hell of a woman. I like that.

Ryoka exhaled, and Etril shook his head, chuckling. She had gotten it right this time. And Etrilhe turned and pointed, and Ryokas breath caught again as the gangplanks were being lowered.

Dont worry. You can still see her. Look there. It went up two months ago. Ive sailed so constantly after the Circle of Thorns I barely saw it myself. But there she is. Our famous [Sculptor], Haeis of Marble, did it.

And there she was. Ryoka Griffin saw, next to the Bell of First Landing, a smaller statue.

Still life-sized. That was how big the bell was. Someonea true masterhad taken a block of marble and carved

Gresaria Wellfar. She stood there, spear in hand, pointing outwards, head thrown back, white hair tinged the faintest green blowing in the wind. Even her skin seemed weathered by the sea, but her eyes were flashing as she stood atop that chariot.

It was so lifelike that, but for the right color, Ryoka expected the woman to move at any second. In factRyokas heart raced as Lady Buscrei spoke softly.

Has she changed postures since last I saw her?

She has. Thats Haeis for you. His works change posturelike how some paintings change. Do you know, he put it up in secret?

House Wellfar didnt commission it?

Even Tyrion was interested. Etrils eyes lingered on his mother as he sailed home.

No. We didnt pay him a thing, and I would havehe put it up in the middle of the night. I think it caused a stir. Itdamn. Are they still arguing over the statue limit?

His smile became a frown as they pulled into harbor. Ryoka saw a commotion at the docks. Andshe noticed something elsethere was another crowd around the statue of Gresaria Wellfar. They had ropes, tools to winch something heavy, a number of horses, and two Golems.

But the [Laborers] took one look at the oncoming Pride of the Wellfar and Lord Etril and backed up fast. He strode towards the gangplank as Ryoka heard the shouting begin. Cheering from the people at the docks, calls to Lord Tyrion, the news crewshe stared around and felt hundreds, thousands of eyes on her.

She hoped this wouldnt be a scene. But then Ryoka realized her first mistake. Even without the Ryoka specialeveryone else here was quite adept at causing a mess themselves.

Erin Solstice had no understanding of First Landings cultural heritage or even most of the people with Ryoka. But she didnt need to know that right now.

Shes alive! Shes alive, and she hasnt lost any fingers. Mrsha, see? See?

Drassi wasnt being broadcast at the moment. She was still digging towards the keep in the frozen garden, but the fickle news had switched over to The Pride of the Wellfar coming into port for a bit.

They hadnt really figured out that they could delay broadcasting the news for later yet. So this live event was showing the gigantic ship as it came in, and there was a familiar head of raven-black hair. Of course, she was so far away it could have been a number of people, especially since you couldnt see the bare feet.

The real clue was the way she kept shifting awkwardly and the wind that was furiously blowing around her despite the more placid breeze elsewhere. Mrsha stared at Ryoka and smiled. Well, well, well. You made it again.

Everyone else in the inn was less happy to see Ryoka, or her company. Noass was waiting to get back to Pallass, but he spat.

Tyrion Veltras. The hound of the Five Families himself.

Erin stared at the spit on her floorboards. She pointed at Noass accusingly.

Clean that up.

Then she went back to watching. Ryoka was keeping bad company, but what else was new? Well, apparently a lot of things.

Whoever this reporter on the ground was, he was fairly energetic and a good speaker. Candidate for an actual [Reporter] class and employment by the Five Families.

this is the triumphant return of The Pride of the Wellfar, Sir Relz. One of two Citadel-class ships out at sea. As you well know, House Veltras fought against Ailendamus alongside the Dawn Concordat, and Tyrion Veltras himself is returning, covered in gloryand far younger! I would be, of course, remiss to not mention that House El, House Wellfar, and House Terland also contributed to the war effort. House Reinhart is typically absent, but the others will no doubt be claiming some of the glory, and I expect the celebrations will shake First Landing!

Sir Relz was on the splitscreen broadcast. As Drassi had said, he really could be clever, but right now he had the bemused expression of a foreigner trying to show mild interest in something he really didnt care about. The Drake adjusted his monocle.

I, ah, see, Mister Wetiole. I assume theres a custom of celebrations? You do seem to give the Five Families a lot of credit.

The Human man didnt seem deterred by Relzs attitude, which endeared himself to his viewers, Erin included. He beamed as he gestured towards the gangplank being lowered.

One has to, in First Landing, Sir Relz! The Five Families or nobility in general take offense, and their fighting is to the north as the Walled Cities squabbling is to the south!

Relz huffed.

I dont think thats an entirely appropriate analogy. Can you get an interview with this Wind Runner or Lord Tyrion?

We will try! Although Lord Tyrion is infamously aloofoh, but theres Lord Etril Wellfar, the [Captain]-appointed head of The Pride of the Wellfar. A very prestigious position after the passing of the late, irreplaceable Gresaria Wellfar, who died challenging the Assassins Guild. In this very spotI think there might be some trouble. It looks like they were trying to remove her statue again, and Etril Wellfar is not going to take that well. Oh dear.

The camera swung back to the statue, and Erins head jerked up.


The name reminded her of someone. Her eyes locked onthat old woman whod come after Maviola! But Erin remembered someone else. Someone she had met in the lands of the dead, who had helped save her.

Gresaria Wellfar. And then she saw the crews about to do something to the statue, and Erin felt a pulse of anger in her chest. That was nothing to the look on Etrils face as he stormed down the ramps.

The cheering and the crowd of nobles prepared for some kind of ceremony stopped as his voice began to sound off in the background. The wincing Wetiole gave commentary.

Its, uha First Landing problem, Sir Relz. You see, the greatest [Sculptor] in Izril, Haeis of Marble, pulled a Sellme the other day. I think thats a Drake analogy you can understand? Its a wonderful tribute to the [Harbormistress] and a work of artshe moves and changes posture, you know. But its interfered with First Landings statue-limitations law, and it is a problem.

I dont know if greatest [Sculptor] in Izril is an appropriate claim to make. Have we compared his levels with Drakeor Gnoll artisans? But do go on about this statue argument? I wonder if we could check in with Drassi again? I dont think we need to delve into civic details, Wetiole. You are live.

Sir Relz inspected his claws. At this, the energetic mans smile faltered.

I think its a bit relevant, Sir Relz. I, uh, could I talk to Drassi? I feel like theres a bit of hostility here, and she is my inspiration.

The monocled Drakes brows drew together in outrage.

Drassis busy. And I think we can all appreciate some unbiased coverage from another species who understands that, from an outsiders perspective, the minutiae of another nations customs are not

Erin was about to chase after Noass and shout at him. She was just turning when Sir Relzs viewpoint disappeared and Drassi appeared in his place. She was pointing at the ramparts of a keep buried in snow; the garden was so filled that the top of the keep was being excavated by Jewel and some others.

I think I see a door. See ifwhat the heck?

She jumped, looked around, and then listened to something in a speaking stone in her earpiece.

That idiot didahem. Hello! Who am I speaking to? Whats going on? Oh, Ryoka Griffin! Personal acquaintance of mine. Distant friend. Friend is, uh, putting it generously, but Ive met her. And is this First Landing?

Reporter Drassi! Wetiole here

The man beamed and introduced himself as Drassi found herself acting as news-anchor from the garden. She nodded rapidly as he did a recap.

I seeso what is the statue-limitation law? Im interested. Petty people are tons of fun.

The people in the background of Wetioles feed laughed. He smiled and went on.

Well, this is as petty as it getsin a sense, Reporter Drassi. Basically, there is an old law on the books in First Landing that none of the Five Families are allowed to have more statues of each other than any other. This unauthorized statue of Gresaria Wellfar has put House Wellfar ahead, and the other Five Families want it goneor to all have another statue of themselves. And between you and me, no one wants more of the nobility enshrined!

Ancestors, that is petty! So theyre trying to remove it? And Lord Etriluh oh. Bad taste?

And bad timing!

Lord Etril was having a heated argument with House Wellfars leadership, an affronted [Lord Admiral], as the other members of the Five Families watched. A [Lady] of the Reinharts was watching with a delighted smile as House El looked resigned and House Terland horrified at this breach of decorum.

not going to take down her statue.

The law of statues, Lord Etrilthis is not the moment. Lord Veltras is waiting to disembark.

Then move your work teams back, or Ill toss them into the surf myself!

Etril barked. Erin saw the camera moving slowly towards him. In the background, she saw a telltale pair of bare feet.

Ryoka! Ryokaoh, wait. Thats not Ryoka. There are more people with bare feet? Oh no. Its spreading!

Erin pointed at the second-in-command of the ship, another of House Wellfars folk, a [Lady Navigator]. House Wellfar apparently had its nobility serve as actual members of their ships, hence theirdown to earth or down-to-sea natures.

However, there were clearly differences, like the [Lord Admiral] who really did not want this argument right now.

Her statue will be removed to a private space. Perhaps to Wellfar lands. It will not be destroyed. Nothing can be done right now, Lord Etril. You know the laws on statue-limitations. We already have three statues in radius of the harbor. Lord Shellac, for instance.

He pointed at another statue standing proudly on a huge park looking down over the docks. It was one of those plazas you could walk around. Etrils eyes narrowed as he stared up at it.

Indeed we do. One moment.

He turned and stormed back up the gangplank. The nobles muttered, looking offended, and Erin felt like Etrils political stock was probably dropping. However, that wasnt what drew her attention.

Hey, did he look weird to you just now?

She turned to the others watching with her. Mrsha scribbled furiously, but Lyonette beat her to the punch. She gave the image a wary look and then turned to Erin.

I fear hes going to do something stupid, Erin. He did indeed look off to me. Rather like you do whenever you lose your temper.

Erin squeaked.

Me? What does

Then everyone saw Lord Etril Wellfar appear on the railings of The Pride of the Wellfar. He called downcalmlyto the nobles on the docks.

Lord Admiral Deinol, I hear and understand the issue of statue limitations. Allow me to rectify the issue.

Rectify the

The mustachioed man caught on a second too late. He began waving his hands as Lord Etril turned and pointed.

Dont you dare! Krakens damn you, Etril! Dont you


And then Erin went blind for a second. The person holding the camera actually had the wherewithal to aim it at the distant statue on the plaza.

Erin didnt know what it was made of or which [Sculptor] of antiquity had created itbut whatever it was, it wasnt proof against a bolt of lightning as large as the statue blowing it to pieces.

The Pride of the Wellfar was a magical ship. It had magical artillery that had forced Ailendamus to flee it on land as well as sea. The first bolt blew half of poor Lord Shellacs head off and sent an arm spinning into the sea. Two more lanced the statue with pinpoint accuracy, and then a pair of legs and a ruined pedestal were all that was left. Right until the molten fire landed on it and clung, burning, to the base.

When the ringing finally stopped, Etril Wellfar turned back to the stunned crowd.

There. Problem solved.

Ryokas mouth was open as wide as everyone elses in the background. Erin gazed at Lord Etril, and Mrsha applauded her new favorite [Lord] ever. The [Innkeeper] heard Lyonette exhale loudly.

Well, that has put the cat in the royal coop. Of course Ryoka associates with people like him.

Then the shouting really started.

Ryoka had seen Etril snap. She was familiar with snapping. He had the opposite of chill. However, he was not blind with fury, either.

He had a list of targets he could have erased with the Prides firepower. Any statue, really. But he had chosen a Wellfar statue, because he wasnt stupid.

Exploding another Houses statue seemed like a really good way to start a feud. This? This only got him in trouble with his own House.

Mind youit was a lot of trouble. Lord Admiral Deinol. Ryoka didnt know his exact rank, but she had to assume he outranked Etril and was probably one of the leaders of House Wellfar. As she recalled, they had a kind of shared authority unlike the other Five Families.

Etril Wellfar, you fool! Youve destroyed Lord Shellacs legacy!

He only invented the sailors telescope! And he got that from Drowned Folk! He was a damned landsman politician, not a hero of House Wellfar! He commissioned his own statue!

Etril bellowed back. Another [Lady] of House Wellfar sporting a noble dress, delicate brocadeand a huge tattoo that Erin was pretty sure Mrsha shouldnt be seeinghowled up at him.

And hes been standing there for three thousand years, you salt-headed fool! Come down here, and Ill spank you like I used to, you brat!

Wellfarwas fairly casual. Which was hilarious, because the other noble families were watching this spat with horror or amusement. Erin saw a [Lady] and [Lord] laughing so hard on the ship they could barely stand upright.

This was definitely good televised content. Drassi was chortlinguntil Wetiole spoke.

Oh dear. Can we move the camera crew back? I think this might get ugly.

He was more prescient, knowing what the Five Families were like. The purpling Lord Admiral Deinol had had enough. He shouted, and Erin thought she saw his aura manifest for a second, like the roar of a crashing wave silencing the humor.

Enough! Lord Etril Wellfar, you are stripped of command! Remove him from The Pridehe has no right to captain her!

He pointed at the ships crew as Etril folded his arms, grimly satisfied. The [Sailors] on board stirredand then that barefooted woman came striding along the deck. And it got weirder.

[Lady Navigator] Heis was not someone Ryoka knew. She was just one of the crew, but she was a member of House Wellfar and placed highly enough to navigate and essentially run second-in-command to the entire ship.

If anything, she was arguably more competent than Etril; captaining this ship was supposed to be mostly ornamental since Wellfar did not risk their Citadel-class ship and Etril had already been in trouble for taking it into a warzone.

However, Heis barked down the length of the ship at the [Sailors], [Soldiers], and at the people on dock alike.

Lord Admiral Deinol! I must respectfully decline your order! Circumstances have arisen that require a full Conclave of Ships! Lord Etril Wellfar is to be [Captain] of this vessel!

What? What? I gave you an order!

The man looked incredulous. As well he shouldRyoka saw even Pellmia raise his brows in surprise. Noble families might squabble, but Wellfar had a hierarchy. But Deinol didnt wait for an explanation.

[Sailors]! Remove both the [Navigator] and [Captain]!

He pointed at Wellfars people. They knew the score and who was in charge, at least, locally. The [Sailors] looked at each otherand leaned on the railings. One of them, a wild-looking ships officer with a half-shrimp face, called back.

Ships spoken, Lord Admiral. No can do. The first man or woman who tries to remove Captain Etril Ill throw into the waters myself.

Deinols eyes bugged out. Ryoka looked around wildly, and she heard a murmur from the crew.

The ship spoke.

Will of the Wellfar.

Shhkeep it quiet till they convene.

Then she realizedsomething had happened on this ship. Ryoka could not know that this ship had been visited by one of the ghostsbut it wasnt a hard realization to make for a certain [Innkeeper].

It was definitely not the way that either side wanted this to be revealed, though. Etril glanced around, surprised by the defiance, but Lord Deinol was currently freaking out. He whirled.

Take the entire crew into custody!

The noble escorts were quite plentiful. Wellfar soldiers looked up at the giant ship and exchanged glances, but Deinol howled.

Summon the Watch! Anyone who resists will be mutinying before the entire House! Tell them to lay down their arms, Etril!

Deinol! Give us a chance to tell you what we saw and heard! Dont be mad

Exasperated, Etril called back, but the first Wellfar [Soldiers] were coming up the ramp. Theyd almost reached the deck when an arrow sprouted in front of their [Captain]. The man leapt backwards, hit two more, and went sprawling into the waters of the harbor.

The shouts and screams were followed by a second flight of arrows. The nobles shouted in alarmand then looked up.

Who dares

Deinol had reached for a sword, but he froze as he saw a man pointing a finger down at the ramp. Lady Buscrei lowered her bow and swore softly, but Lord Tyrion Veltras spoke.

House Veltras. Draw arms. The moment to remember our debt to Lord Etril is now.

Lest you forgetHouse Veltras had sent thousands of their finest soldiers to follow Tyrion Veltras to war. They were all ready to disembark. Instantly, Ryoka saw Jericha draw a sword and lift a wand.

Oh shit. The Five Families looked up as Lord Deinol turned white.

Lord Tyrion, have you taken leave of your senses?

Tyrion ignored him. He glanced at Etril Wellfar, who looked as astonished as everyone else.

Lord Etril Wellfar will not be taken into custody. Anyone attempting to do so will face House Veltras. Withdraw your forces, Deinol.

Now, the nobility were in full retreat and fighting with the common folk who werent giving them an escape route. Deinol hesitatedthere was an army of guards at the docks.

But there was a real army on that ship.

If you raise a blade against us

And again, Tyrion cut him off. His cousins were looking uneasily at him, and Pellmia had a grip on his arm.

dead gods sake, Tyrion! Dont

But the [Lord] just called out in a ringing voice.

House Veltras. Sortie and clear the docks of hostile forces on my signal.

He lifted his hand, and at that, everyone began running. Because it was Tyrion Veltras. And standing here, watching the train wreckno, the train going off the rails, hitting the schoolbus and setting a gas station on firewas Ryoka Griffin.

And she hadnt done anything! She hadnt said a word! This wasRyoka was hyperventilating. How were other people so good at causing trouble?

They could not have a bloodbath. Not in Wellfar. Not between Wellfar and Veltrasnot in general! She had to do something.

Ryoka was halfway towards Tyrion before she realized what was happening. Then she lunged and grabbed him as he half-turned. She grabbed his arms and put both in a bear-hug.

Tyrionstop! Just pull your forces back, please!

He stared at her as Pellmia exhaled in relief. The [Lord] took Tyrions other side.

I was just

Stand down! Just tell them to stand down and everyone relax! You won a waryou came back! Etril, do something!

The [Lord] blinked at Ryoka, then raised one hand.

Wellfar, stand down! Well disembark in peace, Lord Deinol. Lets settle this at the Conclave of Ships.

A-agreed! Peace! Veltras

But House Veltras was already standing down. Jericha signaled them as she eyed Ryoka. Tyrion wasnt resisting much. He just blinked at her as she spoke rapidly.

Tyrion, Sammial is somewhere in First Landing! You cant start a war! Justlet Etril sort it out and help him later!

He nodded fractionally. The nobility turned back, and everyone looked at Ryoka as Etril came striding down the gangplank, looking slightlyamused? He glanced up at Ryoka, and she held onto Tyrionjust in case.

You may release me, Ryoka.

Youre not going to start a battle?

The [Lord] exhaled slowly as Pellmia eyed him on his other side. He looked from one to the other and raised his brow. Quietly, very quietly, he averted his head and lifted a hand to whisper to them.

I was not intending to from the start. That was a bluff. I am aware of the fallout.

Ryokas mouth dropped. Pellmia copied her. They stared at Tyrion. Straightlaced Tyrion whocould indeed pull off a feint. It was just that no one expected him to deceive

In fairness, it had fooled a lot of people on the docks. And in fairnessRyoka had just watched a Dragon and Wyrm nearly fight to the death, so she was understandably jumpy about confrontations.

Then Ryoka looked down and saw the eyes of the Five Families on her. She saw a shining scrying orb and realized how it looked.

There she was, arms thrown around Lord Tyrion as she stopped him from launching an attack into First Landing itself. The Courier of the hour, who had perhaps been the very reason he went to war. Ryoka let go of Tyrion as if he were made of molten metal, but there it was.

Chaos on the docks. Infighting in the House of Wellfar. A statue burning, another under debate, and theyd barely set foot onto First Landing. A voice sounded in Ryokas ears, accusatory.

This is all your fault. I dont know how, but its all your fault.

For a moment, she looked around to see if sock-Rhisveri had followed her across the sea. She didnt put it past the Wyrm to have cursed her with it. But no. It wasnt a sock puppet.

It was a young boy with pale blonde hair, staring up at Ryoka. His hands were on his hips, and he looked delighted. A familiar man with tattoos was grinning as an orangutan, which had swung them both onto the ship, happily patted the deck.

Seve-Alrelious, the Hundredfriends Courier, and Sammial Veltras looked at Ryoka Griffin as Tyrion whirled. Then Sammial launched himself forwards and hugged Ryokas leg.

You survived! And youre causing trouble! I missed you!

He beamed as Tyrion froze up. Ryoka blinked and then bent down and hugged Sammial fiercely.

Youre okay! Sammial! Did the voyage go well? And

She turned to the Hundredfriends Courier, and he lifted a hand.

From sea to land, Couriers all. Greetings, Wind Runner.


The orangutan, Erek, waved as Ryoka, flustered, tried to bow, hug Sammial, and speak at the same time.

Yourethe Hundredfriends Courier! Thank you. Is the Waterbear, I mean, Courier Worroar of Cerun?

Shes alive and on her next assignment. I agreed to wait hereLord Sammial Veltras refused to leave once he heard you were all inbound. I believe Worroar had to leave. For her own sake.

Seves eyes twinkled with good humor, and Ryoka finally prised Sammial loose.

SammialTyrion. Lord Tyrion

The two looked at each other, son and father. Tyrion was still frozen up, but as Sammial turned to him, he cleared his throat, knelt down, and looked Sammial in the eyes.

Sammial. You look healthy.

Hi, Father.

Sammials beaming smile turned wary. Ryoka looked at Tyrion and then at Sammial. Tyrion searched for wordsyou could see it on his face.

I trust Ailendamus treated you with all due respect while you were a hostage? I am sure you conducted yourself as a member of House Veltras.

The young [Lord]s face screwed up, and Ryoka kicked Tyrion. She didnt mean to, but she justkicked him in the side. He blinked at her, and everyone stared at Ryoka.

What I think you mean ishug him? You fought a war for Sammial.

She stared Tyrion in the face, more amazed by this than anything else. He blinked at her, and the [Lord] looked at Sammial. Awkwardly. Then he nodded.

Of course I did. Why would I not?

Sammial blinked at his father and then rushed forwards. He hugged Tyrion, and the [Lord] actually hugged him back and picked him up. Awkwardly, but Tyrion was carrying Sammial.

It wasnt just Buscrei who sighed, or Jericha. Ryoka saw Tyrion holding Sammial, checking him, and in that moment

Well, it was all well. She turned to Seve, embarrassed.

Im sorry. Im so grateful

Couriers help each other. Seve-Alrelious. I know its a mouthful. And you are Ryoka Griffin, the Wind Runner of Reizmelt. I wanted to meet you.

Ryoka took his hand and felt a strong grip, callused, and smiled. She looked at Seve and then felt someone take her other hand.

Erek! Sorry, thats my companion.

Erek held Ryokas hand and tugged her down the gangplank. Seve scolded him, but Ryokas smile was actually genuine. Sammial called out.

Ryoka! Ryoka, I want to fly! Ive been telling everyone here you can make them fly, and all the other kids want to do it! And you should see all of Seves friends! The Waterbear was boring. Courier Worroar didnt want to fight an orca whale we saw, and she said I talked too much. Lord Etril, can I melt a statue with the ship?

That was how they entered First Landing and high society. House Veltras, Ryoka Griffin, and scandal. But the key wasshe wasnt running away. Ryoka Griffin walked down the docks, hand in hand with a monkey and Sammial. Somehow, she looked better than before.

The Wandering Inn was in uproar. Hilarity, disbelief, resignationMrsha was demanding to know what Erek was. She had never seen a monkey before! She was confused why Ryoka was friends with the evil Lord Tyrion and who that annoying boy was!

Lyonette just scowled at Ryoka. Meanwhile, some of the other people who knew Ryoka were talking.

House Veltras? Ryoka? That is the leastI mean, of all the Houses, she would choose them. But Lord Veltras? They lookedfamiliar, dont you think?

Yvlon was whispering with Ceria. The half-Elf was laughing.

I think this is great. Lets consider doing some work for House Veltras! Pisces, do you remember First Landing? Did you visit? I was too poor to do anything but walk the streets

Me? First Landing? Hardly, Ceria. I too was mostly impoverished. Iimagine its something of a sight. Ryoka is looking well.

The Horns were talking at their table. A Drake slid into their conversation.

Ryoka? Shes looking good. Whats this about that [Lord]? She saved his kids, right? I guess thats why theyre hanging around each other.

Relc Grasstongue glanced at Ryokas image a bit too long. Then he sighed. Yvlon hesitated, but Ceria patted his arm.

Better not listen to any rumors, Relc. But you know Ryoka.

The Drake sighed.

I do. She has a soft spot for weird fellows. Huge flaw. But Im glad shes alive.

Even Ceria decided not to add to the rumor mill around Ryoka. For the moment. However, the consensus seemed to be that. It was good Ryoka was alive.

However, the news had hit at least one person in the inn harder than anyone could have guessed. And that person wasErin Solstice.

She was peering at Wetiole covering the news, trying to interview Ryoka but being kept back by the [Soldiers]. And surprisingly, Erins attention was not all on Ryoka.

Hey, what did they say about that statue? Theyre gonna take it down? They cant do that. Thatthat was Gresaria. Shes a hero. Sheshe saved my life.

The words popped out of her mouth, and Lyonette turned.

She did? We only met her once, Erin.

The [Innkeeper] shook her head.

SheI met her again. She saved my life. Thats not right. They cant take that statue down. Will they? That Etril guy blew one up.

Everyone looked around for someone who might know. That turned out to be Yvlon Byres. She chewed the question over.

They might. Wellfar will throw a huge fussthey might relocate Gresarias statue, just because it caused the issue. But the [Sailors] and [Captains] might protest. She was beloved. But its about pride, and you know how that is.

She looked around and realized her audience might not. Erin clenched one hand.

No! Gresaria deserves more than one statue! She deserves, like, hundreds! If they dont want it, Ill take it. Liscor can put it in its plaza orshe deserves a statue.

Doesnt she have one?

The question dropped into the back of Erins mind like a splash of cold water. She looked around, and a figure leaned against the door to the original [Garden of Sanctuary]. He lookedbulkier, not leaner, actually. The armor had something to do with that, but he looked far older. His scales were still light blue, but he had changed from being bookish to being

Well. A [Strategist]. A [Commander]. A [Strategos].

Olesm Swifttail raised one claw as Erin whirled about.


She ran towards him and threw her arms around him. He blinked as she squeezed.

Erin. You can walk? I heardIm back. Sorry it took so long. I cant leave command soErin?

Olesm! You look bigger! What happened? I heard there was a war andits so good to see you!

He gave her a weak smile.

Yayde re~. A lots changed.

What? What? Yayde to you too! Do you have a fever?

He coughed.

No, thats how the Yoldenites

Relc groaned loudly. He put his claws over his earholes and raised his voice, suddenly distracted from Ryoka.

No! No, no, no, no, no! Please tell me its not them! Not those yodeling idiots with their ponies! They walk around asking what everything is. And they sing at the crack of dawn, and their stupid helmets

Erin was laughing in confusion as Olesm grinned. She let go and beamed up at him. And noticed he was different. Olesm would have definitely been blushing and stammering, but this Drake lookedwell, tired but smiling.

And reserved. And hed been in the [Garden of Sanctuary]. As Mrsha raced up to get a low-five and Lyonette came forwards for a drink and a hug, Erin peered past Olesm.

What do you mean, theres a statue ofoh.

Olesm jerked his claw-thumb over his shoulder.

I came to say hi to Maviola. I was surprised because I didnt recognize Gresaria for a moment. How do you? No, why dont you take a look yourself?

Even if they were gone beyond being ghosts, Erin remembered them. And she wasnt the only one. They were in her <Quests>. Something remembered them too, though they were erased. Eaten.

But someonesomething had decided they still mattered. Even if their classes and identities were gone. When had they begun reappearing? Erin thought she knew the answerdays before she had been worthy of the Key of Reprieve.

It was as if what was lost was being restored. But there was no record. Yet stubbornly, piece by piece, the statues were reappearing. Because Erin had been there. So the gap was being filled from her. And thatthat change in how things were done, had always been done, out of necessity, out of outrage perhaps at a flaw, an unfair lack

Well, nothing else would come of that. Just statues. And quests. And

The statues were there. Everyone that Erin had ever met and lost.

Not Olesms soldiers. He had walked the hill and seen so few of them, even the Antinium [Crusaders]. But a few were there.

The statue he had come to see should have had fiery hair. It trailed around her shoulders, loose and wild, like flames from a fire. Maviola Els head was turned, and she looked exasperated, caught in the middle of an argument. A brief spark of exasperation and fondness in her gaze.

The young Maviola El. The one shed always been. Her body had aged, but this was how she had always burned. The garden had chosen that, not the older woman. AndErin came to a stop as she saw the plain wooden bench in the grass where the [Lady Firestarter] sat.

Apista was napping on the bench, between two statues. She fanned her wings lightly as Erin laid her eyes on the second statue and gasped. For there was a second young woman. Lyonette paused in confusion, and even Yvlon was dumbfounded.

Is that?

There was barely a soul alive who could even tell if this statue was accurate. That it was here was proofbut only Erin knew for certain who this was.

Gresaria Wellfar looked like she had in the lands of the dead. The younger woman who had lived well, with her husband. Her hair was bright green and brown in Erins memory, though the statue only had grey, and Gresaria looked like a [Sailor] as much as a [Lady]. She was mid-laugh, in some kind of argument with the exasperated Maviola.

Two eternal friends and rivals sharing a bench. Erin covered her mouth as her eyes stung.

Gresaria. And theres Regein.

She pointed, and everyone saw a fellow leaning against a tree, hands in his pockets, glancing at the two arguing young women from a respectful distance as he stared into the distance, at peace with the moment. Olesms brows rose.

Thats Regein Wellfar? Hesyoung.

Its him. I didnt realize they were here. Of course they were. There are justso many.

Lyonette looked sharply at Erin, and Mrsha stopped bawling long enough to look around. But Erin Solstices head turned, and she whispered.

Theyre here. They must all be here.

Not just the Antinium. Not just the adventurers she had known or Goblins. But if there were so many statuesErin glanced at Olesm, and he slowly sat down next to Maviola.

This is the greatest Skill Ive ever known, Erin. No wonder the world is talking about it. But its a painful one to have. I dont know how any [General] could bear to have it if this is what it did. Im glad youre alive. So much has changed since you were dead.

Slowly, Erin sat down. Olesm rested there in the grass, next to Maviolas statue.

What happened, Olesm? I heard you led an army

The Drake plucked some grass from the hill top and tossed it into the wind. He shook his head bitterly.

I led one. And it was a stupid mistake. I got a lot of good people killed because I was a fool. Then Hectval came after us again and again. So I went to war. That was the difference. Were still at war, Erin. Liscor has a second army, and I intend to take them to Hectvals gates if we must. Ancestors, Ill buy trebuchets and bombard the city for a month. If they want peace, theyll pay for it. Then well see what happens after that. But were advancingslowly. The soldiers are getting a lot of time off. I think they deserve it before we get back to fighting.

Erin heard him, but she didnt quite understand. She looked at Olesm.

But Imalive, Olesm. You dont have to attack their city, right? Didnt you win?

He glanced at her.

We won a few battles, but Manus intervened. They killed a lot of Antinium, Erin. And Drakes and Gnolls and Humans. Manus withdrew, but Hectvals stupid alliance wont quit. Theyll just attack or raid us. I will have a magical contract enforcing peace or Ill ruin Hectval.

But I

Its not about you, its about everyone. They killed Maviola.

Olesm gently touched the statue. Then Erin looked at him and saw a familiar look in his eyes. Not cold decisiveness. Not the impartiality of some kind of monster. Even Chaldion didnt really look like that.

What made a [Soldier] a [Soldier], or a commander, was the way Olesm talked about it. Not a lack of emotion, not some vague hardness of the soulyou could have all these things. It was just in his eyes. The way he didnt stammer or trip over his words or re-clarify.

He talked about the war with certainty. It would be done. Erin opened her mouth, and he looked at her.

Lets not argue about Hectval here, Erin. Im glad youre here. And if you wanted a tribute to Gresaria Wellfartheres none more fitting. This will last a lifetime.

He nodded to the perfect statue of Gresaria, even more perfect in its way than the one in First Landing. Erin glanced up at it as she closed her mouth and had a thought. She shook her head and whispered.

No. I meanyes.

Olesm raised his brows. Erin pointed at Gresarias statue.

Itit will last a lifetime. Mine. But I dont knowno, Im sure. It wont be here if this [Garden of Sanctuary] passes from my hands to anothers. That [General] has no hill.

Mrsha looked up from rolling around in the grass with Apista. Olesm nodded slowly.

I guess thats how it is. This is a Skill. Unless you did something, it wouldnt stick. At least we can come here to see

He gestured at the statues. Erin turned her head again. She stared into the mists around the hill, and Wil Kallinad, standing at a respectful distance, peered at what she was looking at.

He saw nothing. Nor did the Drake. The [Strategos] glanced his way, and Wil felt a slight shock.

Strange. Was he, the Titans student, intimidated by?

Someone who had the class. Whod led armies in battle himself. He nodded at Olesm, and the Drake dipped his head in reply. Olesm looked at what Erin was staring at and saw nothing.

She had to show him. One could not simply walk into this garden and find statues that didnt belong to you. That was thelimitation of the [Garden of Sanctuary]. It was a weak one, but it suddenly bothered Erin.

She stood up slowly and took Olesms claw.

Im so glad youre here, Olesm. I have a lot to sayand there are a bunch of chess-heads. I bet you want to play them.

He smiled ruefully.

I dont think I can keep up Chess Weekly anymore. But Id love that. Is there something you wanted to show me?

MaybeI dunno. Theres a lot of secret stuff.

Erin was thinking hard. Olesm watched her and spoke carefully.

If you want to take it to the grave, go ahead, Erin. But that comes sooner than you think.

She turned and gave him another look. He ducked his head after a second.

Sorry, that really was insensitive.

He had changed. But there was still some old Olesm left. Erin exhaled slowly.

Youre right. I guess its just a balancing act. Here. Take my hand. Mrsha, do you want to see too? I need to find someone. Not just Gresaria. I wonder if I can show you

Mrsha raced over and grabbed Erins hand. Olesm took her other hand, and everyone drifted after Erin. But she just began walking into the mists. And suddenlythey seemed thicker, obscuring everything. Lyonette called out as she hurried after Mrsha.

Wait, Erin, Ill come with

She lost sight of them in a swirl of mists and then stumbled through right where they should have been. Lyonette whirled and looked around.

Where are they?

No one knew, nor could they find whatever Erin was heading towards. It was just Olesm, Erin, and Mrsha. They really had changed. And that was bittersweet but

Ancestors! ANCESTORS! Dragon! Draa

Olesm came screaming out of the mists, slashing with his unignited Kaalblade as Mrsha went tumbling backwards, fur poofing out in fright. He whirled, looked around, and Erin threw up her hands as she stomped out after him.


not that much. The Drake sheepishly lowered his Kaalblade as Wils eyes bulged out of his head. Erin seized Mrshas paw, scolding Olesm.

Its a statue. Alright, he does look like hes gonna bite you. No questions! Follow me. Whosoh. Hi.

Olesm had a hand over his chest and was panting with a near heart-attack. He went for Erins hand with Wil, Peki, and half a dozen others, but Numbtongue elbowed him aside. Lyonette gripped Mrshas other paw as the Hob grinned at Erin.

Can I see?

She nodded and winked at him. Olesm saw Numbtongue offer him a claw, but hesitated a second too long. Bird happily grabbed his hand, and more people tried to form a living chain as Erin looked around, amused. She walked forwards and

Thought of who she wanted to see.

Who are we going to see? Erin? Erin? Who are

Lyonette felt something happen as they walked into the mists. She walked forwards, and the feeling of holding a little paw changed into

Bird walked out of the mists with Lyonette in hand. Wil cursed as he realized he was holding onto Lyonettes other hand. Mrsha, Erin, and Numbtongue were gone. Bird stared at Lyonettes hand. He clacked his mandibles accusatorially.

What have you done with Numbtongue?

Erin walked onto the same hill, just with fewer people. Figures stood in the mists, which cleared away, revealing them as she passed through

Perhaps even the [Garden of Sanctuary] had never had so many statues to hold. It seemed to be struggling to contain them all. Numbtongue and Mrsha looked around, wide-eyed, as they passed by statues.

The first one made Numbtongue flinch, and he nearly let go of Erins hand to draw a sword himself. But, forewarned, he didnt blink as she pointed up.

Thats the Silver Dragon-Knight, YgYderigrisel. I think I got it right.

Yg-what? Dragons can become [Knights] too? Who cant?

Numbtongues jaw dropped. Erin laughed and tried to explain. She let go of Mrshas hand to gesture, and the Gnoll threw her arms around Erins legs.

Dont leave me in the mists to die alone, meanie! Ill starve!

Mrsha! Its safe. Its justhard to find the statue I want. Okay, stay close, you two. And berespectful.

It was so rare for Erin to say something like that, both Gnoll and Goblin nodded. So she led them forwards.

There were only a few statues Erin wanted to see. There were so manybut she passed by a few on her way to the one she sought.

The first was Zel Shivertail. He was standing next to a slimmer Drake, in the shelter of the tree. Very close. Intimately close, as if they had slunk away from some kind of official party and were having some quiet words. Mrsha saw Sserys of Liscor glancing over Zels shoulder as he stood, hidden by the Tidebreaker.

Erin passed by them with a sad smile for Sserys.

He really messed up my body, right?

Um. In one way of saying that, yes.

Erin gave Numbtongue a blank frown and a pointed look at Mrsha. He shrugged, grinning slightly.

They would have laughed.

Yeah, probably. Because theyre guys. Come on.

Erin walked around the tree as Mrsha clung to her pant leg. Next, they came across a strange figure. She was sitting cross-legged, fingers dancing as a beautiful crown of bone sat atop her head. Her cheeks and eyes had a kind of paint on them, highlighting her features. She wasa [Necromancer]?

Ive got to introduce Pisces to her. This isKhelta.

Of Khelt?

Mrshas jaw dropped as she met Fetoheps forebear. She was so pretty! Nothing like Fetohep, who could have used some of that makeup. For his entire face. Erin stared for a long time at Khelta.

She really was amazing. There are so manyyou should meet Serept. And His-Xe. AndIll show you them all.

One by one, they walked past the rulers of Khelt. And then a coven of [Witches]. Numbtongues eyes widened as he saw one shaped like a treeand another quite fetching [Witch] who was half-Shark.

Nice teeth.

Numbtongue! Shes the most powerful [Witch] ever to walk the sea floor!

Yeah. And she has nice teeth. They would like the compliments, I hope.

Barsoijou grinned at Numbtongue, and Erin wiped at her eyes.

Yeah. I bet she would. Come on. I dont seeI dont see Xarkouth. I hope I never do. He was the bravest

Who? The Goblin and Gnoll looked at each other. But Erin took something from this walk. Her back straightened. She looked around and called out.

This is the statue I wanted to see. The statues, I mean. Theyre all the ones I want to see. But not the one Im thinking of. Show it to me. They deserve a place, or do they predateyou? They deserve a spot. Show me.

The mists gathered so thickly around her that the [Bard] was afraid hed be cast out of whatever was happening, despite everything. Mrsha was hugging Erins leg, no longer as excited.


I cant see them. Where are they? Light. I need

Since she had one free, Erin raised a hand. She conjured a glowing ball of fire. It was blue. Blue like depression and sadness and this garden. It didnt illuminate very far until a pink glow flickered through it. Numbtongue stared as the fire of depression and glory mixed, twin flames pink and blue.

I should have brought that lantern. I need better fire. I needthis might do for now. Two flames beat one.

Erin held the two flames aloft, and they burned fiercer. The mists began to part. But they stillstruggled. So Erin hesitated. Then she lifted her burning palm to her lips. She closed her eyes and blew.

The flames burned outwards from her palm, impossibly far. Not like Dragonbreathmore like a billowing cloud of gentle fire, piercing the mists. They blew past a [Witch], a stern woman with spectacles that Mrsha was sure would pull her ear and teach her things. But Califor was half-smiling. With rare approval. The flames licked past her and illuminated a shape in the far distance.

Numbtongues breath caught. He didnt know why. He just sawfor a secondsomething in the far distance that made his heart stop in his chest. Not figuratively. Literally. He clutched at his chest and let go of Erins hand, but he wasnt ejected. Not yet.

The flames of nostalgia burned around a short statue. Noa lot of short statues. And one tall one. Numbtongues crimson eyes widened. He averted his gaze. Erin didnt notice the way he held his chest. ConfusedMrsha peered into the distance.

Was ita bunch of Mrsha-sized people? It looked like it. They even had facial hair. But Erin just sighed and smiled.

For the flames revealed a huge grin. A jesters laugh. They chuckled, waiting for her, knowing she could do it. Shed tricked even the garden. So there they were. She pointed.

Look, Mrsha. Gnomes.

Gnomes? Mrsha peeked wide-eyed at a Gnome with flight goggles and an astronauts vest. Zineryr waved at her. Erins gaze was locked on him.

But that was not who Numbtongue stared at. He had stopped as Erin took Mrsha forwards, explaining who they were and what a Bongcloud attack was. She didnt even realize he had stopped until he spoke.


The Goblin was clawing at his throat and chest. Actually clawingErin saw him tearing at his shirt. He was trying not to see, but his eyes were locked on the tallest figure. She looked back in alarm.

Numbtongue? Whats wrong?

Who iswho is that?

His voice cracked. The mists were still obscuring herthat was the only thing keeping him sane. He didnt want to see. Something was screaming at hima roar of so many voices, so deep down he feared it. Like the background noise of his soul. Erin turned. Then she saw what he was staring at.

Sprigaena. The last Elf

The people in the inn not allowed into the [Garden] were trying to see the hill, but they couldnt look into the mists. Those in the statue-area were waiting for Erin, but they couldnt follow her.

It was a lot of standing around hoping to be let in on the mystery. Which was all very well if you craved it, but some people had their priorities straight.

Ulvama had taken three blankets into the rec room. She also had eight snack dishes, four drinks, and pillows on the couch. She could watch the enchanted scrying mirror at her leisure.

Because the [Shaman] had such a nice setup, a few others had decided to join her. Since they were still eating for free, Rasktooth and Infinitypear were chomping down. Ulvama hadnt chased them off, just grumbled, but she did keep nudging Gothica for space. The [Goth] just poked back, and the [Shaman] was grumpily happy.

Right until she heard the howl coming through the [Garden of Sanctuary]. It was like something primal, something deep in Ulvamas core. She shot up, spilling popcorn everywhere as Rasktooth drew his dagger in a flash and Gothica leapt up with a shriek.

Every Goblin felt it. Numbtongue came hurtling out of the [Garden of Sanctuary], screaming murder. Ulvama raced out of the rec room after him. It sounded likethe [Shaman of the Old Ways] reached for memory and felt a chill.

It almost sounded like the way Velan the Kind had screamed when he became a Goblin King.

She was ready to cast a spell to knock Numbtongue into oblivion. But he did the job for her. He couldnt harm anyoneincluding himselfin the [Garden]. He came crashing out into the common room and hit the far wall. Then he fell over backwards.

Hecracked Erins wall. Ulvama came skidding to a stop and stared as Erin came panting after him.

Numbtongue! What happened?

What you do? What did you do?

Ulvama put Erin in a headlock and was screaming at her when Relc got Erin free. Then she checked on the [Bard].

He was lucky he had a hard headhe hadnt broken a bone. She was worried hed concussed himself, but he woke up after a few minutes.

Bad statue. I dont want to see it.

That was all he said. Erin looked just as shaken by what had just gone down.

I swear, I had no idea that would happen. I was just showing him a statue

Which statue, exactly?

Chaldion called out from his table. One of his [Bodyguards] threw himself forwards as Erin actually tossed a drink at him. Erin panted.

Id show you, but youre not allowed in. Anyone else got a smartass question? Because Ill ban you. Bring it!

She stared around, and Venaz lowered his hand. Erin was shaken herself, that was obvious. She gestured at the garden.

I just wanted toshow people a statue. But I cant even do that without nearly killing someone! And they wont stay, and not everyone can see them. I have to let people into the garden just to

She sat down as Numbtongue got up and let Ulvama check him over. He didnt remember what he saw. He didntwant to remember.

He wasnt ready. Ulvama listened to Erin, more furious than ever because the [Innkeeper] kept surprising her. Did she know what she had nearly?

Numbtongue wouldnt have become a Goblin King. Ulvama was sure he had no capacity to do that. But Erin had triggered something. Something only Goblin [Shamans] were supposed to know, like the trick shed taught Palt to wake Numbtongue up from his depression. How much did she know aboutGoblins?

Erin bent down, feeling at Numbtongues forehead. She helped him up as he rubbed at his skull.

Numbtongue? Are you alright? Im so sorry

What did he see?

Ulvama seized Erins shoulder with one claw. The [Innkeeper] looked at her, glanced around the room at all the keen eyes, and hesitated only a second.

A clue to one of the worlds biggest mysteries. I think. But I didnt realize they were part of it. Of course you are. I need

She bit her tongue.

I need to speak to Rags. She cant get here fast enough. Numbtongue, when she comes back

Yeah. Let her. Notnot me. What waswho was? Later.

There was genuine fear in the [Bard]s eyes. Ulvama looked at Numbtongue, then Erin.

What was it? Tell me.

She wanted to know. Wanted more than any jewel or artifact Tremborags people had fought over. Erin glanced at Ulvama.

I could. Butare you part of the inn or a guest or what? Rags Goblin?

Ulvama blinked at the keen look. The [Shaman] realized she was dropping her act and smiled widely.

Me? Just [Shaman]. Very curious.

Erin sighed.

Uh huh. Well, when you want to chooselet me know. Or wait for Rags. Numbtongue, you dont remember exactly?

He shook his head. He was pushing away the memories. Erin bit her lip as she helped him into a chair. She turned and looked around.

So what did he see?

Menolit looked very curious. Erin threw up her hands in exasperation.

I wish I could show them. Mrsha, you remember what you saw, unlike Numbtongue, right?

The Gnoll nodded. She began to write, saw Peki and Merrik staring over her shoulder, and put down her quill and began to fire off middle fingers until Lyonette scolded her. Erin sat down.

I want a statue of them to last. I wanthey, who did that statue of Gresaria in First Landing? Could I, like, hire them to do some for me? Id put them up in the inn. In the actual inn, or in Liscor if theyd let me. Can I donate statues to the city?

Every head swung towards her, and Lyonette rolled her eyes.

Hire the most high-level [Sculptor] in Izril? I dont believe we can afford that, Erin. Do you know how much a sculpture costs? A good one? And you do need an expert.

Well, II know that! How much does it cost? But I want one. Ill save up. Heckif there was ever a favor Id askit would be for a statue.

Chaldion had no ears to perk up, but at least one other [Strategist] did. However, Erin was thinking. Lyonette pointed out the obvious again, too-patiently. She knew statues; Calanfer had lots.

A [Sculptor] cant design something they cant see, Erin. Gresaria Wellfar is easy enough because there were paintings of her, but an [Artist] has to use their imagination or a reference.

I know. Does anyone have a [Sculptor] class in Liscor?

Someone slithered forwards and cleared his throat.

There are few experts in Liscor. There is a [Silversmith] among the Silverfangs who does excellent work, but thats not exactly what you want. Ive dabbled in sculpting, but only as a hobby. If you want an expert, Invrisil or Esthelm would be your best bets. And that will strain any budget, believe me. But I can certainly redesign your inn with that in mind. Am I late for my meeting?

Hexel, the [Architect], looked at the stunned Numbtongue, the crowds in the inn, and then at Erin. He raised one brow as Erin turned to him.

Of course, you remembered we had a meeting now? Ill take that as a yes if you need a moment. For some food.

Erin had forgotten all about her appointed visit with Hexel. However, it was almost as well she had gone into the [Garden] today; it had refreshed her memory.

She had a lot of foolscap blueprints, which surprised everyone, including Hexel. He stared around the inner Earther-rooms that Erin had rushed him into. Lyonette and Ishkr carried out a blackboard with some diagrams he eyed, but his attention was mostly on the blueprints. The [Architect] murmured as he delicately ate some roasted pheasant bites.

I knew you had secret interior rooms. Quite sensible and mostly [Rogue]-proof, although the higher-level ones will just teleport or phase through your walls, you know.

They can do that?

The [Architect] smiled politely. The Lamia was curled up with a workmans vestno lower garments. Not that he needed them, scales glittering bright, yellow flecked with browns and reds. His scar that Drakes had given him shifted when he smiled, but he seemed more at ease after being in Liscor for a while.

Countering [Rogues] is an entire game for certain specialists, Miss Erin. Im not one of them, but its quite difficult to create something totally impenetrable. And of course, if you have a delicate system with a hundred subtle counters, it might not stop a battering ram. Design to the clients needs. And it seems like you havean amazingly ambitious inn. What iswho made this?

His interested look turned to one of confusion. Erin was hardly good at laying out blueprints, nor was she trained, but she had captured most of the ideas, by dint of someone repeating the instructions a few thousand times.

The [Innkeeper] smiled sheepishly as Lyonette hovered behind her with some tea. Ostensibly to facilitate the discussions, but also because she was intensely curious.

You wouldnt believe me if I told you, Hexel.

The Lamia glanced up, and his slitted eyes narrowed on Erin for a moment. He looked down, sorting through a complex layer of blueprints, and spoke.

Drevish the Architect?

Erins spray of tea nearly hit the blueprints until Hexel swept them away. Erin gagged as Lyonette nearly dropped her teapot.

Howd you?

Ive studied Drevishs work. Theres not an [Architect] alive who hasnt. Thisfastidiousness. This obscene backward-design and complexity? Even the way he lays out the ideas is quintessentially him. Did you get this from some project he had? KheltId assume. But thisthis is tailored to your inn. How did you do it?

Hexel was shaken. But he was also intelligent enough to wait for Erins response. The [Innkeeper] hesitated. Then she remembered what Olesm had told her earlier. She took a deep breath. Could she trust?

She looked the Lamia in the eye and thought about how long hed been here. Also, Elirr liked him, and Mrsha said Hexel was good. She had to trust someone, so Erin leaned forwards.

Keep it a secret, Hexel?

He nodded. Erin whispered.


A one-word explanation. Lyonette rubbed at her forehead. But the Lamia? He looked at her with disbelief, uncertainty, sat backthought about what everyone had seenand then exhaled. He took a long sip of tea.

Please tell me he cant haunt the living. Or hell drive half the [Architects] to their deaths.

Erin laughed then bit back a sob.

No. Hes not coming back. No one is.

Oh. I see.

Hexel stared at Erin and then shook himself. He opened his mouth, shook himself again, and then grabbed the foolscap.

Ill scream about that later. Let me just focus onhe wants four floors. Inner courtyard. Hes designing around your [Garden of Sanctuary]. Dead gods, reinforced magic stone? Fire magicore for heating in the wall insulation. Is thatis that a ballista on top?

Lyonettes head snapped around to glare at Erin.

A what?

Erin was nodding, a huge smile on her face. She watched Hexel sort through the foolscap.

Mhm. Oh yes, this is by the late Drevish. None of his earlier-stage experimentation. Hes refined all his old processes and done more experimentation. Which he always does, to be fair. It generally works. If I do it rightand hes laid it out as if Im an idiotI love how there are actually ingredient lists for the versions of mortar he wants.

He was really insistent about that. He said people often cut corners or get it wrong.

Hexel snorted.

To be fair, they do. But I wouldnt make that mistake. How complex. Hes even included a lot of magical inlays to enhance your inn, assuming youre going to need them. Okay. If I did this, your inn would have walls most castles would envy. It would have a guest-occupancy of one hundred and twenty, which assumes youre not piling people into rooms. Ive seen bigger inns, but this one would be a complex mostly self-contained for defensive reasons. It would have an entire alchemy suite, indoor bathing, a proper cellar complexwarded from Antinium sapping

He flipped through the notes.

And specific designs incorporating your Skills. Including hidden areas only you can enter via your garden door. Its wonderfully overdesigned.

Can you build it?

Erin and Lyonette exchanged a glance. Hexel took a moment to sip from his tea cup.

Oh, absolutely. I can even add a few places for a statue. Although he has one in the inner courtyard, and I think the note says to have him there.

He did that? Thatthatokay! You can build it?

Hexel smiled. The Lamia flicked his tail at the blueprints.

Absolutely. I would do it for the levels alone! We can source a lot of the materials on the market, and despite Drevishs objections, Demas Metal and the Dwarves coming to the north will really help with the prices.

Weve got Dwarves on Izril?

Erin hadnt heard of that. But Lyonette was watching Hexels placid face. She coughed.

Um. Architect Hexel, I notice you havent brought up any fees. We have a consulting fee, though you didnt mention that. Do you want to discuss installments or?

Hexel laughed lightly and shook his head.

For Miss Solstice, I will gladly waive the consultation fee. If I level up from reading these notes, I will pay you. But I dont believe an installment plan is necessary. You cannot afford this. Frankly, until I see even ano, half of the budget, I wont even consider beginning work. There would be no point.

Erin gulped. She looked at the plans and thought of Drevish. Great guy. Grumpy, but greatand used to designing things for Fetohep, the King of Destruction, and monarchs.

H-how much do you think this would cost?

Hexel stared up at the ceiling. His lips moved for a while.

Lets assume I have Antinium labor. And that costs on some of the rare materials go down. Oh, and I can prevail on Master Pelt and Master Hedault and other mages in the area.

Uh huh.

I will also assume Im trying to get this done quickly, not in four years.


Well then, advance me roughly three hundred thousand gold pieces, and well see how fast it runs out.

It was Lyonettes turn to begin choking, but Hexel just indicated the designs.

Im not being facetious before either of you two object. Drevish wants magicore insulation. As in, magicore? That substance that [Mages] love? He wants enough to fill the lining in entire rooms. Entire pipes of the damn stuff. Oh, and he wants a plumbing system in copper throughout the inn. He seems to think you can have dedicated toilets in each room.

Oh no.

Erin had told him about modern hotels, and she saw that Drevish, up to the challenge, had designed a lot of guest rooms with an inbuilt toilet and shower or bath. Hexel tapped the blueprints.

Lets say I take that out. Make everything out of wood and stone. I dont know if some of the building would collapse, even with reinforcement Skills. Drevish was a picky bastard. He used to make plans such that if you cut corners, youd watch the entire building implode under the weight of inferior materials. You do know hes calling for mithril-alloy in some of his metals?

Erin covered her face. Lyonettes smile was waxy. Hexel glanced at both of them and shuffled the foolscap together.

So. Once you advance me the gold, Ill begin work. Well have to find a foundation if you dont want me redesigning the inn over your heads, but then again, I could easily just have the Antinium raise the hills next to this inn. By the time this inn is done, no one will be able to dig it out or use [Earthquake] to ruin it. Just let me know when youre ready.

Erins head rose.

What, in ten years? Twenty? Fifty? I cant get that money, Hexel!

The Lamia gave Erin a polite smile.

I am not going to disparage your claims, Miss Erin. But I do have eyes. Chaldion of Pallass, Earl Altestiel, and Niers Astoragon are all sitting in or around your inn. I also hear that delightfully precocious Mrsha is penpals with Fetohep of Khelt. Whenever you have my budget, let me know and I will make time for you. Now, did you want to talk about statues?

A statue cost anywhere from a few hundred gold pieces to tens of thousands. On average. That precluded exceptionally expensive ones made with Skills or with the artisan or materials jacking up the price.

The reason was that a few hundred gold coins paid for a good [Woodworker] to sculpt a statue for a few weeks to a few months. Depending on how cheap you wanted it, the majority of the price could be just finding enough wood of the right material.

But a whole damn statue quarried out of the right marble or granite? Thousands. Start at thousands and move upjust for the effort of finding a block of stone in that condition and transporting it. Even with chests of holding, few devices could hold something of that size.

Obviously, you could get someone else to finance it. And depending on the size, the price scaled down a lot. But if you wanted larger-than-life, the kind that could adorn a plazatens of thousands.

That was the simple economics that Orreh, the [Silversmith] of the Silverfang Tribe, knew off the back of his paw, and he wasnt even a [Sculptor]. He said as much to Krshia Silverfang as he followed her out of the gates.

Somewhat nervously. Everything was strange to Orreh. He had not been at the Meeting of Tribes. Hed worked hard, sent some of his best pieces out to fetch good coin or be gifts for the other tribes, begged for news of their great gift

And then heard Shaman Cetrule was dead. Heard that Plains Eye were ruined, Drakes were marching on the tribes, Doombringers were Doombearers

It was hard for him to take in. Liscorjust heading to Liscor was enough to make his head swim, but the Drakes were friendly here.

The Wandering Inn scared him. Krshia Silverfang had come calling, though, and [Architect] Hexel himself was paying social calls?

Orreh had been finding work not smithing silver but doing clay models for the Lamia, who liked them because they could demonstrate his work so his teams understood. His Skills let him model in three dimensions, but [Builders] liked a permanent frame of reference if the [Architect] wasnt personally overseeing them.

Why me, Honored Krshia?

The Gnoll [Councilwoman] looked tired, but she spoke respectfully enough to Orreh, who had some standing of his own.

Because, Honored Orreh, you are an expert in sculpting silver. You have done wonderful little sculptures.

Foxes, yes. Even adventurerscustom work. Vanity projects. A [Sculptor] does the same before making their piece in large. But Im no [Sculptor]. I dont enjoy stone or clay.

He protested, but Krshia just grinned.

Perhaps thats enough. Erin is a bit

Depressed. The first sight of the [Innkeeper] that Orreh got was a young woman lying on the floor. It could have been a murder scene with a bit of ketchup. As it was, a white Gnoll cub was poking her repeatedly in the side, and Orreh had to restrain himself from shouting Doombringer.

Eh. Eh. Ow. Urgh. Oooh. Stop poking me, Mrsha.

Erin was contemplating the realities of money as Krshia ushered Orreh in. The [Silversmith] wanted to make a good impression, but the first thing he blurted was completely accidental.

Tribes of old! Is that silverflesh? Menwomen of metal?

He saw Yvlon Byres and did a double-take. She blushed and almost tried to hide her arms, but Krshia stopped the blushing woman.

Apologies. This is Orreh, Yvlon. A [Silversmith]. Orreh, you know her arms?

Silverflesh? Its just a rumor. Metal like skin that moves and has feelingSilverfangs used to replace their missing teeth or cap them with silver. I heard Iraz Steelfur had a Skill similar to that, but Ive only met a few Steelfur Gnolls. True Men of Metal had bodies of metal that could change shape.

Ceria smiled and gestured to the embarrassed [Armsmistress] as the Gnoll tried to apologize.

Thats Yvlon alright. What, was there something special about silverflesh?

Itsuseful in combat. I dont take offense, Smith Orreh. Im used to it.

She waved his apology off, and Orreh hesitated.

Only that it was immune to most diseases and couldregenerate? Oh, and there was some great weakness it had to extreme heat and coldbut that could be said of regular skin. Flesh like metal. I dont remember. Does yours change from silver to iron or?

No, not at all.

Ah, then Im mixing memories. I could ask those I talked with, but my master only brought it up as legend. One arm gold, the other brass, a [Smith] who forged his body piece by piece. Stories like that.

Yvlon raised her brows.

If I, umstart losing more body parts or getting golden arms, Ill ask you. Thank you, Master Smith.

Flustered, Orreh turned to Krshia and back to Erin. The [Innkeeper] had sat up and was talking to Krshia.

Im just depressed. I know I cant even afford a statueLyonette says we cant use all our money on a statue right now, Erin. And even a small one would be super expensive.

We already have statues in the garden, Erin!

Yeah, but I cant take themyou see?

Erin gestured as Lyonette called out of the kitchen. Krshia pulled up a chair, produced a comb, and began running it through Mrshas hair as the Gnoll leapt into her lap. Orreh sat, trying not to stare at anyone too long.

I am well aware, Erin. But I thought to offer you a [Shopkeeper]s answer, yes? If the size is the issueOrreh is a [Silversmith]. He does figurines. He could at the very least do a small version, hand-sized, and you could have that to show, yes? And if you make a larger statue, these could be the basis for those.

Erins eyes lit up.

Figurines? Like chess pieces?

Or tabletop games.

Someone muttered from the side. It was, in fact, Troy, putting in a rare appearance from Pallass, his new home. Mostly because a certain Chaldion had wanted to see if he could enter the garden and report back.

Joseph punched his shoulder.


Troy punched back, and the squabble passed completely over Orrehs head. He had a sample for Erin to see, and she gasped as he showed her a beautiful little Shockwoolie sheep. It was done in such wonderful detail you could see minute curves on the wool.

I do the fine work with an actual needle. And an enchanted glass to see better. They are made of silver-alloy, but they are quite affordable compared to even a small statue. Architect Hexel has my time, but for a friend of Honored Krshia, I can do a few statues.

Would you? IId want a few. Gresaria Wellfar, Maviola, even Khelta and

Everyone was listening in, and Erin clamped her mouth shut, but Orreh shifted uncomfortably.

I, ercould do my best, Miss Solstice. But I am no [Artist]. If you give me a picture, I will try, but I often work based on my mind as well as what I see. It is hard to take a single picture and create a person.

Especially because a picture had few references of how large their head was and so on, and the artists took their own liberties. However, Krshias eyes danced as she turned to Erin.

I dont think thats a problem, yes? Erin can give you a wonderful reference, Honored Orreh.

Erins eyes lit up with delight. She laughed, clapped her hands, and took Orrehs paw.

Thats right! Come with me!

Orreh stared at a life-sized statue of Gresaria Wellfar. From every angle. He touched the stone and pulled his paw awayit felt irreverent. You needed reverence here. Thisthis wasnt a statue. This felt like a person encased in stone.

A memory.

Can you use that?


He looked up and remembered to breathe.

Iyes. I could copy this. This is far, far easier than any picture. I could copy this far more easily than coming up withit is just copying, yes? Whatwhat is this place? Why do you need a figurine if you have?

He gestured around the garden, which was a far more fitting tribute than he could even dream of. Krshia answered softly as she looked around. There was no Cetrule. There was no

Because even Skills fade. And she cannot show this to everyone.

Erin nodded solemnly. She walked over and showed Orreh another famous Drake, and his knees went weak.

Id like a lot of them. Sserys, Gresariaeven Kishkeria.

Krshia and Orrehs heads snapped around so fast Krshia clapped a paw to her tendons and howled in pain. But she was howling louder at Erin.

There is a statue of Kishkeria, the Archmage of the Eternal Grasslands, here? Show me! Did you think that was not important, youyou

Of all Erins friends, Krshia was one of the few whod grab Erins ear and pinch it. Not hard since they were in the garden, but the yelping [Innkeeper] showed them more statues. She leaned into Orreh as he stared in awe at Kishkeria and Serunial.

I think I have a lot of statues if you want the work, Orreh. But theres one I want more than all of them, and Im willing to pay you for priority work. And Id like it to be big. Likebig enough to be placed on a table, maybe. Youll need to use your imagination, but Ill pay top coin and help you do it.

He looked at her with a frown. So did Krshia. Because Erins eyes had a kind of gleam, a kind of half-twinkle they recognized.

She had an idea. Which had been building on her since seeing Gresarias statue. It was, perhaps, the same thing all owners of every [Garden of Sanctuary] came to. The garden was finite.

ButOrreh followed Erin through the mists. It was not as long or as hard as before, but when he saw the single, short statue waiting for him, his heart pounded so hard he feared he was having an episode like older Gnolls were. He pointed with a shaking paw.

Is thata Gnome? It cannot be a Dwarf. Is it

Yep. This is Zineryr. I want you to make a perfect replica of him. A bigger figurine than that little lamb. Silver doesnt cost that much, right?

That was a hilarious question, but Orreh was willing to cut her some slack. To carve the likeness of this Gnomehe shook his head absently.

I can do it. But wherewhere is the part you wanted me to do myself? This is no harder than any other statue. Less than some, in fact.

He turned, and Erin Solstices eyes twinkled. They sparkled. They danced and laughed almost as hard as the Gnomes. Even dead. Even in memory, she looked at Zineryr and spoke. It wasnt a prank. A prank was harmless.

This was a trick, a jest, and a move on a chessboard as crazy as the Bongcloud attack. But it was also effective. So Erin Solstice showed him a crude sketch that really, really sucked. But Orreh got the picture as she described it.

Okay. I want Zineryr standing here on a pedestal. Like this, you see? But he has one hand raised. Andyou dont need to draw many details, just make it uphave a Human man right here. Hes holding him by one hand, and the guys all beat up. He has a beard. And then hell be standing on top of this stupid guy in robes. There are six of them. You can have one, like, running away in fear.

Hes beaten all six? What does this Human look like?

Orreh pointed at the one being choked out by a four-foot Gnome, already a difficult scene to envision. Itd have to be a high pedestal. Erin beamed.

It doesnt matter. Make him, uhbald. With a beard! He has to have a beard. Dont worry, Ill give you descriptions for each one. Only a few details matter. Youre gonna have a really hard time with one of the women and thisshadow thing, but well make it work.

She was invested in this project, and even Krshia noticed how fast Erin was gesturing.

Were gonna have to have an insignia too. So it has to be big. A plaque. Zineryrs victory over hair loss, bad dancing, um Ill figure out the rest. Or maybe names. Tammyroon, Emmerwho, and so on.

Erin, why so much effort?

Krshia was bewildered. She recognized a vendetta when she saw one, but Erin Solstice just smiled. And there was a flinty look in her eyes that few had ever seen before. Few people, even monsters, were her enemy.

But this?

I want it done, Krshia. And Ill pay to put it up all over the place if I ever get lots of money.

But why?

The [Innkeeper]s eyes glittered.

Because it matters. Because even if the memory isnt one I can show Orreh exactlythats how Im going to remember Zineryr. Holding down six idiots with one hand tied behind his back.

Orreh gulped and nodded, and after receiving an appropriate downpayment, he began to work out some prototypes for The Wandering Inns first actual piece of art aside from Mrshas drawings.

When it was done, Erin promised it would be shown in the common room, for all to see. And if they asked, shed gladly tell them a story about the tale of the last Gnome.

That was how you remembered them. In any city, however they changed, there were still memorials like that.

Often, only for the rich or influential. The people like the [Baker] named Garry would not get a statue that lasted whereas a rich noble who stole designs from Drowned Folk might have a statue that lasted three thousand years until someone blew it up.

Howeverthe unfairness of who got a statue was not the point. It missed the mark that everyone should have one.

If they mattered to you, and you would die, perhaps the true way to remember them was to make sure theyd last forever in words or stone. The [Garden of Sanctuary] was a gift, but it was also painful and heavy.

It would only last as long as you, and then another garden would come to the person who needed it. Who was worthy.

One last city was having an unusual day. And that was Invictel. The largest capital of the frozen north, the Iron Vanguards stronghold.

Dullahans living in this city sometimes claimed that the smoke from the foundries could keep the city warm alone. However, the founders of this city hadnt wanted to risk it.

In Baleros north, the snap-freezes could make trees explode with the cold. And blizzards could rain down so much snow that theyd bury a building in dozens of feet of it over weeks.

It was a harsh place. However, that was why Invictel was built the way it wasthat was to say, enclosed.

Unlike the Drowned Cities, it had no bubble-shield which would have protected it against snow. Nor did Invictel fear armies climbing its walls, so it was no Walled City. Dullahans were distinctly against copying Drake culture.

Invictel was like a giant shell of metal and stone, from which the only openings jettisoned steam or smoke or were windows into the white landscape. Only during the brief summers would the city open much.

Bleak iron and grey stone from the soot against the landscape. Invictel looked like a misshapen piece of metal in the distance. A city as armored as the folk inside.

However, inside Invictel, the Dullahan city was as bright and extraordinary as any cityjust like Dullahans could be so reserved to strangers and outsiders.

Right now, Invictel, never booming with wild and raucous sounds, was quiet. Quietwith that kind of held breath. Many Dullahan cities probably were like this at this time, but this city was especially silent.

For they were still watching a lone Drake slowly opening the door to a keep in a [Garden of Sanctuary].

The [Honest Reporter] had forgotten her promise to Erin. It was long past forty-five minutes. But to be fair to Drassishe had almost forgotten she was reporting at all.

I thinkI think the door is open enough for us to enter. Jewel? Jewel, do you want to?

The Drake looked around and saw a Gold-rank adventurer stumbling towards safety. Jewels hands were red with cold, and she was shivering nonstopthey must have been digging for two hours. The snow had turned to ice. Jokingly, Jewel had called for Keldrass.

After twenty minutes of blowing fire, the Flamewardens had to retire, and the melted ice water froze almost as fast. The only reason the team had gotten the door to the keep excavated, some rooftop exit, was because of Maughin. The Dullahan had volunteered to help crack and shovel the ice, and he had worked tirelessly for two hours. Drassi herself was so cold her voice quavered.

This might be dangerousbut I think were close to Erins limit. II think we have to take a look. Master Maughin?

The Dullahan had frozen the moment he cracked the keeps door open. He stood there, his personally-forged armor complementing his huge frame, but every Dullahan could see his expression change to naked apprehension. He turned to Drassi.

Idare not. I cede the first steps to you, [Reporter] Drassi. Please.

The Drake was so cold she didnt notice the way he spoke, just motioned the cameraperson after her. If she did

Dullahans had such a complex culture of meaning and gestures. Even Kenjiro had trouble keeping up, but they didnt expect as much from him. If you read into Maughins words, youd see how embarrassing it was for him to countermand her offer. It was rude, especially since he had asked to be part of this. It was rude to General Dolost, perhaps, to let a Drake walk his keep first.

And yetthe entire garden was a kind of scandal. Nonot quite a scandal. This was a complicated feeling.

It was like looking at a Dullahan without their armor on. Intimate. Embarrassing because of that. This was his personal Skill. A place so sacrosanct no one had seen it, possibly not even his closest companions.

But every Dullahan wanted to see what a legend of their people had created. They also feared it. Tulm the Mithril, the Seer of Steel

The very existence of a [Garden of Sanctuary] for a [General] of their people impliedsecrets. It implied there was something that was shameful that he couldnt share with his people. At the very least, it implied he couldnt trust the Iron Vanguard of that era with it.

So attention? Drassi might not have known it, but an entire species was watching her slowly trail through the keep. No wonder Maughin feared what he might find here.

Itswarmer inside. I dont know how to describe this if youre watching, but the air is justwarmer. I cant even feel the cold from outside. I guess this is controlled magically somehow.

Drassis shivering stopped. Her footsteps trailed through stone corridors. Not poor, lumpy stone, but there were no rugs. This really was like a hermitage; even for Dullahans, it was austere.

Everyone in Invictel watched as Drassi walked forwards. What had Dolost wanted to hide?

You seeit wasnt going to be a flower garden. It wasnt going to be his passion for woodworking. If you had something like that, you would show your lover, a friendthe most significant act for a Dullahan was to show the inner beauty or passion they had. The value was in the trust of that.

This was something never meant to be seen. Or if it wasit was something Dolost would never reveal to anyone but the closest people in his life. Drassi trailed past rooms, shining a wand into them.

I think were passing by a library. You see?

She stopped, and the camera caught Maughin as his breath inhaled sharply. He raised his head and gazed into a ruined library. Books, frosted over, and snow. Drassi exclaimed.

Oh no. The window

It was open or the snow had burst through. Despite the temperature inside the keepno, because of it, the snow had frozen and melted, ruining most of the books. The ones that looked intact were covered by a sheet of ice.

Books from before the Creler Wars.

Maughin whispered. Tulm the Mithril and half the [Librarians] in the world began sending [Messages] demanding someonecarefullyinspect the library.

But the [Innkeeper] might never let them in again. To this garden. Of which there was only one other. Drassi knew the truth, but even this garden

There was a simple staircase, so wide that Maughin could navigate it with ease. Dolost must have been closer to a War Walker himself or this place was meant to let them in. Down, Drassi went, and the camera, following her, heard a voice.

The keeps not that complex. I think its three floors. Four if theres a baseoh. Ohoh my Ancestors. UmI dont know whatM-Maughin?

She came up the stairs, and countless hearts skipped as everyone craned their necks to see. Drassi whispered to Maughin, and the [Smith]s face was apprehensivethen confused. Then he put his head on his shoulders.

Let me see. I think Iexcuse me.

He navigated around her. Drassi stood back against one wall, and the camera captured the slow movement of Maughins metal form.

Tromp. Tromp. Tromp

Footsteps in the dark hallway. The faint, pale blue glow across cold stone. Melting ice. Maughins voice echoed from below as he reached the second floor, the one where Dolosts secrets lay.

Everyone heard an intake of breaththen a cry. What emotion was in his voice? It was sharpthen there was a thump. Metal on stone.

Maughin? Come on

Drassi hurried down, and the cameraperson hesitated. Was there danger down there? In a dead garden?

Down the steps. Twenty-eight, in the winding staircase. Then they saw a hall faintly illuminatedeach window set into the keep packed with snow.

Despite thatDrassis wand was not the only thing illuminating the room. It had fallen next to Maughin. He was on his knees. The Dullahans head lay on the ground.

But the candles still burned. Everburning candles, spaced around the room, their faint light giving the room a quiet ambiance. Illuminating each and everyhead perfectly.

For a heart-stopping moment, those watching thought they were real heads. Then, as the candlelight flickered and Drassi exclaimed, they realized what they were seeing.

Carved heads. What does itMaughin, are you alright?

He tried to speak. Then they saw it. And more than one watcher collapsed or made an unseemly display of emotion. Tulm the Mithril blinked, relaxing as he took his hand off the spell to cut off Wistrams scrying spell to the city.

The Seer of Steel was shaking. He was having a far more emotional reaction toDrassi pointed at something sitting at the far end of the room.

It was just a pillow, where you could sit with clay, stone, or wood in hand. There were simple tools for each. And upon that pillow youd sit and with a tablecarve.

Carve the details of a face into being. Not the rest of the bodies. Because they were Dullahans. Your armor was something you showed off, but you couldnt change a head. So the heads, thousands of them lining the walls, were the people Dolost had known.

Soldiers. Officers, perhaps family or civilians. There were no names. He might not have known all the names. But the Dullahan knew one thing:

He knew the statues he saw in the falling snow. So he carved them. Each and every head, and placed them here.

They stared down at Drassi and Maughin and the audience, smiling, frowning, weepingsilent in judgment. So this was what the great [General] of the Iron Vanguard had done.


Tulm the Mithril wondered if Maughin said it. That was what the [Strategist] thought. The perfect example of a hero. Tulm had beenafraid. Very afraid of what they might find. A [General]s confession. Some sin to make the Iron Vanguard tremble.

Maughin was overcome with emotion as he knelt there. He understood, like Drassis audience, what this meant. The effort of a Dullahan who had so little time to himself.

Drassi broke the silence after a long time. Her voice echoed slightly in the vast chamber.

I thinkI think I dont have the words for this. Nor do I feel like we should intrude any further. I will ask Maughin what he would like to saybut this was the [Garden of Sanctuary] the great General Dolost resided in. Now, it is a memorial.

It should be seen by my people.

Maughin whispered. Drassi tried to help him up, and he rose mostly of his own power. She shook her head slightly.

It was bequeathed to the current owner for a reason. Im sureshell be respectful, Maughin. But it is hers.

Erin Solstices. Tulm had not missed those books. Maughin shook his head.

One more moment. Please

He looked at the walls of heads. Now that the camera swung around, you could see the way the room was laid out. The heads looking down from each sidethe far wall had a banner, tattered by battle. A kind of altar to make the heads at. A workshop.

It would scare a little Gnoll or most species to death. Which was why Drassi had been so unnerved at first. But it was a Dullahan place, and it meant something to them.

Thislet no one touch this, at least. Maughin looked back one last time, and they turned. Dolosts memorial kept burning in the darkness as, quietly, Drassi led the group back out of the keep and gave a little speech with Maughin before leaving the [Garden of Sanctuary].

She closed the door behind her, and the snow was already piling back up. Not that anyone could get into the garden without Erins permission. That was their one look into the garden.

When the keeps door was closed, there was a finite amount of air in the keep. And darknessoh, lots of darkness. But it beat letting more snow in like the poor library.

A hand slowly closed the window at last. The falling snow reburied the keep, but a footstep echoed overloud in the keep.

From the inside. A figure turned to the closed door. It was well that Drassi and Maughin hadnt tried to go to the first floor. Or else something would have to be done.

The other hand lifted something, and a light illuminated the dark keep. It glowed pink and blue, the flames twining together in the lantern the [Innkeeper] held. She exhaled, then returned to the door leading to her inn. She inhaled; the fresh air was welcome in the keep.

Slowly, the [Innkeeper] descended to the second floor. She shivered, as she had the first time she had seen Dolosts memorial. She understoodbut it was not how she had done it.

Her door followed her down.

It led out of her room, and no one knew she was using it. It was late, and she had gone for a lie down. Nor did they realize that she could make the door appear wherever she wanted, wherever there was a wall.

She had the Key of Reprieve. She had hoped Drassi would give up, but shed let them get to the second floor.

Erin wondered if she should have turned the snow off. However, that was how it worked, wasnt it? She wandered down to the first floor of the keep and sighed. Erin raised her lantern higher, and the twin colors illuminated Dolosts home. His private place. Tulm was wrong to fear something scandalous from Dolost in anintimate or untoward sense.

However, everyone had secrets and failures, and the Dullahan had put his on display. Erin walked from room to room, but not for long. She heard a faint chiming sound in her room in the inn and hobbled over to the nearest wall. She collapsed into a chair and scowled faintly at the pile of objects on her desk.

Chessboard, Go board, a speaking stone inscribed with ancient magical encryption runes on loan from Kevin, letters from the Runners Guildand [Messages] transcribed. Oh, and the thing that had made a sound, like it was copying home

Her [Message] scroll from Niers Astoragon. Had he added that feature? The little quasi-ding sound?

You damn Fraerling. Youve doomed the world.

Erin grumbled, but she moved a piece on the chessboard, slapped a Go stone down, then exchanged a few moves with Niers as her moodand extremitieswarmed up a bit. Only then did she read his [Message]. Erin snorted and rolled her eyes.

If Niers could have seen her faceErin glanced around suspiciously. Scrying spells. The inn wasnt warded, even if she was. Another, longer sigh as she picked up a quill and wrote a response to the question. Just like DrassiNiers was smart. It was just that one of them kept needing to prove it. He had written:

N:So how many Relic-class items did Dolost have in his keep? Spare sets of armor? Asking for Foliana and all the Dullahans in my command.

The [Innkeeper]s response was slower, and she noticed a few telltale dots of inkhe was definitely about to write, and so the conversation was slower on her end as she took her time replying.

E: Thats not the point, you know. 

N: Of courseuntil you need to arm your [Knights]. Even if he left armor and weapons fully sized for your friend, Normen, you need potions, amulets, gear. I also wonder how much Architect Hexel asked to redesign your inn? Weve got gold. Can we trade? As I keep saying, I really would like to help.

E: I believe you. Theres not as much as you think. But again, thats not the point. 

N: I dont follow. You press your opponent and solidify your advantage in chess. I dont know if anyone could lecture you in sound strategy there. But leaving an item in a vault is just Drake-like. Treasures, gold, works for you only when utilized unless you have a [Hoarder] class.

E: Mhm. 

N: So

E:Whos worthy of wielding a magic sword that shoots thunderbolts? No one in my inn is ready for Adamantium armor. They wont level. I dont want gold for my inn, either. Its something I have to earn myself. Its super hard, but Im going to do it. Because I have to do it.

N: Ah, I see. But you dont have to refuse help. Im sorry, it feels strange to talk to someone who isnt looking for something. My students have the opposite opinion.

E:Probably. Theyre your students.

N: Hahaha.

E: We all have our tasks, Niers. I need to do more, I know. This is part of that. Im answering my debts. You helped so muchdo you want a <Quest>? Theres so much to do. Should you be wasting so much time talking to me?

N: Now that you mention it, Ive only been following along the last few days. Things are picking up here. Id actually confess I have no time for a <Quest> unless you have one relating to The Dyed Lands?

E:Nope. Too new. Sorry. Thats good. Ill let you know if I need a favor, but its like that. Lets catch up tomorrow? Good game.

N:I see, now. Just one more thing. Have you seen Paeth on the news?

E: Yes! They were so cute and cool! If I ever get to Baleros or if I can meet those FraerlingsIll have something to give them. I was working on it today.

N:What is it?

E: A great joke.

Then she put aside the message scroll, but kept up the sporadic, quiet clicking of pieces on the chess board. Erin played for a long while before she picked up the second object on her desk. Her heart pounded harder, but when she triggered the activation rune and spoke, it was easier. And she smiled almost instantly, after the heart-wrenching moment of

Um. Hey. Is this thing on? Its me.

Erin Solstice. I trust the vultures have not unduly troubled you of late? I have made subtle intimations to keep them away, but the most arrogant of the lot are baying dogs, some too close to remove, such as Grand Strategist Chaldion.

Fetohep of Khelt spoke so casually, it was as if they were back in his palace and she was just a voice in his ears, a floating ghost. Erin stopped to wipe at her eyes.

Iits just like were talking again, Fetohep. How are you?

His voice was soft. Kind. Tired, she thought.

Khelt trembles with all that has come to pass, Erin. I have spent half a month restabilizing it. I grieve. I work. It gladdens me to hear tidings of your inn. A certain Gnoll child pesters me from time to time.


She ismore precocious than most of the Gnolls who have come to Khelt.

You took them in? Of course you did. ThatsI think Khelta would be proud. All of them would. Serept especially.

I believeyou are correct. Queen Xierca was the one I thought of. You knew her as much as I. This is something she would have done, I think. Stood upon the borders and welcomed them with open arms. For the deeds and what they have done, nevermind the friction.

Erins eyes stung, but she was nodding even though he couldnt see it.

Yes. Absolutely. Fetohep, its so hard here. But Im levelling, and I remembercan I help you? Do you need a quest?

And again, the ruler hesitated as much as Niers had.

Khelt is not ready for such tasks. Khelta has left me with her own designs. We have been weakened by the battles and losses of this world. All have, but I will say no more, even between us. You surely understand. In timeyes. I merely hoped to exchange words with you.

Anytime. Do youdo you really talk to Kevin regularly?

Ihad exacting designs for my bicycles. He is something of a conversationalist. This was when Khelt was largely untroubled.

You dont hafta explain it to me, Fetohep. Kevins great.

I-indeed. On that topic, I have one thing to ask you, Erin Solstice. And it is pressing. I believe I know your answer given your class has not changed

A slight sound that made him stop. Erin clutched at her desk.

They all vanished, Fetohep. All of them. There was no one to give the classes.

He was silent so long that Erin knew he understood as much as she did. Fetoheps voice was level, without tremble or variation. But it did still change.

Then that shall be factored into the reckoning due. I will ask you in fullness, then, Erin Solstice. I have appointed my successor, a child who is of Khelt, but has seen the world. Brave and wise in her youth. She knows as well as I that I may choose another. Would you be Khelts heir apparent? If soI will grant you that class.

Would you be Khelts [Queen]? Erin thought of Khelta and her vow when she had just woken up. Her response was softer, but she did hesitate.

No. And not because I dont think its an honor, Fetohep. Im too far. Im not as good at ruling as this. The [Witches] and the rulers of Khelt knew I was an [Innkeeper]. Ive gotten nearly to Level 50 this way. I dontI dont have time to do it another way.

Fairly stated. Then let us talk of more pleasant things a moment. I have oft-described the Quarass of Germina to you, though she is one of the few individuals you have never met, only heard tales of, I am sure.

Erin shuddered.

The Quarass? Ooh. That scary lady. Or guy? Shes got a lot of enemies. Hadwhats she up to? I mean, shes a possible ally. If you dont mind checking your food for poison.

This one is more responsible. I had the strange privilege of watching her act as an [Innkeeper] for a day to obtain the class.

The [Innkeeper] laughed so hard she knocked a few chess pieces over. It was okay; she was fairly certain someone else, another Fraerling perhaps, was challenging her, so she was wiping the floor with them with one hand.

No. Way. Thats sowhat was it like?

I believe the mortals were slightly nervous of poison. I myself considered the option. How is the Mrsha-child behaving?

Umlet me tell you about Cerias breakfast challenge. You know Ceria, right?

I have met her. Is shewell?

They talkedgossiped, ratherfor another thirty minutes. But Fetohep left Erin as soon as she began yawning. Reluctantly, she put his stone down.

He didnt offer her Khelts riches. He got it. But Erin wasnt done. Now that she had begun, it was easier.

The next missive she pulled out was a bit florid, mostly because it was transcribed. It had to be, but the gist of it was that the sender was extremely apologetic and hadnt read her request until now. Erin skipped down the page until the ending.

His Majesty, Laken Godart, wishes you to know that your missives will immediately reach his presence at earliest convenience. Once again, he extends his relief for your recovery on behalf of the Unseen Empire. A personal note from the Gold-rank team, Griffon Hunt, also add their congratulations and desire to visit your inn at earliest convenience.

His Majesty dictates verbatim: This missive will only be read by myself and my most trusted advisors, Erin. Lady Rie Valerund is transcribing my words. I hold her in my closest confidence. May I ask why youre inquiring into Nanettes whereabouts? It is agitating some of the [Witches] here. They seemed quite curious of you when they saw you on the scrying orb, but they werent certain. What is your plan, and can the Unseen Empire help you or Ryoka?

His Majestys confidence in the sanctity of the words exchanged with Miss Erin Solstice and the Mages Guild are tempered by his knowledge of such methods. On behalf of the Unseen Empire, please consider any responses

Whomever Lady Rie Valerund was, she had a style of writing that Lyonette would appreciate. Erin just stuck to Lakens words. Her quill stayed dry a long time before she penned her response.

Hey, Emperor Laken, I know you were one of the people who helped save my life. I am in your debt. And in debt to more people than I can count.

I am going to repay all debts. At your earliest convenience, if you would like to tell me when is acceptableI will come to Riverfarm. I would like to meet and speak to Nanettethats all I can say right now, and the rest should be left for her.

It seems like its been a long time since I was going to go to the Summer Solstice party. However, if you are willing, I will visit you in earnest with my friends and family. I know you havefriends of mine. Not just Griffon Hunt. 

Lets meet in person. I would like to greet you and thank you. Well reckon with the consequences of our actions in full. But Id like to meet and leave as friends. Best, let me know,

Erin Solstice

Her hands trembled a bit as she put the letter aside for Alcaz to bring to the Mages Guild tomorrow. But so it went. Erin Solstice kept glancing at the wall, where the garden showed her more rooms. More gardens. In a bit, perhaps shed sit in the flower garden to relax.

But she forced herself to keep writing, pausing to think. However difficultthe next letter she pulled out made her think for a long time. Then she wrote her response.

From: [Innkeeper] Erin Solstice, The Wandering Inn, Liscor.

To:Archmage Feor, class unknown, Centrists Faction, Wistram Academy.

Dear Archmage Feor. Thank you for your letter and offer. It is exceedingly generous, but I have to decline. I dont believe I can help you yet. I do have <Quests>, but I would like to tell you this:

Everything you want lies above. You may not be ready. Zelkyr was a petty guy from everything Ive heard. However, you will never get there by staying in Wistram.

[Archmage] Kishkeria roamed Chandrar from her home in Izril. [Archmagus] Tolleve-beis, the Archmage of Dragonfire, another legend of old Chandrar, roamed the world as an adventurer. They did not become [Archmages] in Wistram. 

I would invite you to leave Wistram Academy. Maybe go to the new lands? Maybe elsewhere. They said of [Archmages], once, that a true [Archmage] had gone to a hundred different nations and cast a different spell in each one. 

Come to my inn and Ill give you a free meal and we can talk about magic. Not that Im an expert, but as it is now, even with Archmage Eldavin, theres more to learn outside Wistrams walls.


Erin Solstice.

She was getting a bit grumpy. Erin debated trying to write the letter again, but she decided against it. She had to roll her wheelchair over to the gardens door.

Excuse me? Can I get a snack from? Silveranwhy are you still working here? Okay, pass me something munchy.

She came back with a bowl of lovely crackers and some dips including the silkap dish. Silveran himself offered Erin a lovely Prelon juice. She sipped at it suspiciously, then sighed, smiled, and put the letter aside.

What next? She picked up another letter, read it, and began to write.

To King Itreimedes of Avel, I apologize, but Im not giving out <Quests> upon request. If I can say so, though, the royal line of Avel never became the finest archers in the world by sitting in their palace. 

Princess De-ra, the greatest archer of Avel, even more than King Avel himself, famously went from nation to nation challenging every archer in the world. Which really annoyed them, but she became the worlds most renowned archer without even becoming the [Queen] of Avel.

Have you considered going on a trip? Did you know that there are a lot of dungeons and secret places left to explore? The Crossroads of Izril let people travel across the continent far faster than normal. Terandria has no fewer secrets Id guess, but I dont know many of them.

We have delicious food in Izril. But even if Your Majestysorry, I forget titles and suchdoesnt want to go exploring on his own, maybe consider sending your subjects or expertise abroad. Even Gnolls love your bows. Could I ask about buying something from Avel, maybe? The Bow of Avel is famous. By the way, have you been upgrading it?

Shooting respect your way

Nah. Probably leave the last part out. Erin wavered, but Avels people had a sense of humor. She sat there, smiling, and thought of the statues. Tears dripped onto the desk now and then, but she kept writing.

Ghosts. Glorious ghosts. She knew their names and wrote them down and sent their legacies scorching across the world like fiery comets. So long as someone remembered them.

In statue, in word, in deed

That was something.

Authors Note: Im tired. It occurs to me you hear this every time and as stated in the AMA, Im realizing I need to vary things up a bit.

But what was supposed to be 18,000 words, a lighter break after a 16,000 word AMA has turned into this

I made this an interlude because I wasnt ready for the Volume 1 rewrite I had scheduled. Well, Ill try to do the rewrite next chapter and a short half-chapter on Saturday.

This is because Im taking my August break earlier and longer. I think I mentioned it but Im going on a family vacation and Ill be back around the 16th. Ill have the dates up but I hope you understand its a hectic week with a lot of demands in that dreaded real world for me.

Despite itI somehow wrote a longer-than-average chapter. So theres that. I hope you liked the AMA, and whatever I come up with. We do have obligations, but meeting them shouldnt always be a chore. If Erin can write a letter, I can sit in an airplane who loses my luggage and cancels my tickets. Something like that. Thanks for reading!

Dragon by Lanrae!

AI-Generated Mrsha! Cleaned up by Magma. Look at what technology can do.

Lights in the Garden of Sanctuary by /cmarguel

Twitter: /cmarguel

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