The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 279 271 stories. Once upon a time.

While Mr. Druid is requesting a fax, he gathers information as he walks around the guild.

How to casually approach the adventurers and listen to them if they have the information they need.

I gather information this way even in town, but the guild gets nervous because it's where adventurers gather.

At first I felt like I was doing something wrong.

But now I'm used to it because it's important to travel.

Now that Mr. Druid is with me, I wish I could talk to the adventurer and gather information, but somehow I take the old way.

Stop once near what the five adventurers are talking about.

While exploring what's going on around you so they don't notice, of course.

"Hey, this rain is crazy."

"Oh, you can snow now."

"That's kind of creepy."


It goes hand in hand with what Mr. Druid said earlier.

Is something wrong after all?

In the village I lived in, I didn't realize it was about a week of snow in the middle of winter.

"With that said, my grandmother used to say something like this."

"Is that true?

"Yeah, I was worried it was going to be the same this year because it was pretty damaging."

"My grandfather said that, too. I wonder what it is?

Has something similar happened before?

This might as well be confirmed by the people who live in this village.

Step away from the adventurers at the sign of Mr. Druid approaching us.

"Sorry, it took me a while"

"I'm fine. I could talk to Mr. Druid for a second."


"Yeah. Can we talk outside?


If you were eavesdropping, you need to be careful because someone is angry.

We need to change the way we gather information before it gets a little bigger.

Don't get nervous talking to adventurers.

Out of the guild, more and more clouds covered the sky than earlier.

Maybe it'll rain again.

"Young adventurers said this rain was strange. It's supposed to turn snow."


"It seems like something similar happened back in the day."


Answer Mr. Druid's surprised look, nodding.

"I think their grandparents and grandparents went through it a long time ago. That's when he told me he was worried about the damage."

Think of something in my words, Mr. Druid.

Perhaps you're thinking about who you should check with for information.

"I knew it was Mr. Rose. She seems to know the most about it at her age. Because Mr. Salifah and Mr. Dora would be about the same age as me."

"I'm going, you want to ask?


I'm headed to Mr. Rose's shop a little early because I've done something other than demon stone.

Will you still be in the store?

When you get to the store, Mr. Druid knocks lightly on the door.

"Excuse me, I'm a Druid"


Wait a while, but no response.

Can't you?

"Oh, Mr. Druid and Ivy."

When a voice hung from behind and turned around, Mr. Delose stood holding the bag.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Rose here?

"I think Rose would be home, but wait a minute"

Mr. Delose unlocks the lock and invites me inside.

I'll thank you and then I'll go into the store.

"Rose! You're not here?

".................. something. That's unusual, I can't believe you made that voice right after you left. What's going on?

Mr. Rose puts his face in the store looking upset, but when he sees our face, he gets a worrying look somewhere.

"Excuse me, I just wanted to ask you to keep the resurrected demon stone and hear a little bit about the past"

I lean my neck after giving Mr. Druid a horrible look at his story.

"Demon Stone? You'd have gotten it in the morning, wouldn't you?

"Yes, but I brought it because Flem brought it back to life full of dumps"

Mr. Rose, who gave me a surprised look at my words, immediately worried me about Flem.

"It's okay, it looks like you'll be better off reviving the Demon Stone."

"Really? What a strange thing."

Sure, you're right, so laugh and be deluded.

There's nothing I can do that I can't explain.

"So what is the story of the past?

"Rose, let's have a warm cup of tea first and have it slow"

Happy with Mr. Delose's voice, Mr. Rose immediately recommended the chair.

"Excuse me."

"I don't mind, Rose, just listen to him. Because I can have tea."

I'm sorry, thank you.

When Mr. Delose goes to prepare his tea, Mr. Rose sits in the chair across from us.

"How does Mr. Rose feel about his condition this winter?

"Condition? Oh, is it not snowing?


Mr Rose sighed one loud sigh and said 'That's unusual'.

"I don't know how long ago it was, but I heard there was a similar winter. Did you know?

"Hmm? A similar winter?

Mr. Rose leans his neck strangely.

Was the information wrong?

"Ah! That's right, Mr. Druid is right. Surely this state is similar."

Good, looks like the information wasn't wrong.

Mr. Rose warped his face slightly, remembering something.

"You really look alike. Or just like, 50 years ago."

Just then, Mr. Delose came back with tea.

When I include the tea I have received in my mouth, it twitches and warms from inside my body.

"You remember Delose, too, don't you?

"Hmm? 50 years ago?

Mr. Delose is a little surprised by the sudden story, but he seems to remember something and nods deeply.

"With that said, you're right. Snow's discovery into this unusual cold. And rain."

Is Snow's discovery similar to what it was 50 years ago, not just rain?

"What happened 50 years ago?

"It doesn't mean anything. Well, it kept raining in the unusual cold."

Mr. Delose's expression distorts sadly.

"More than half the people who lived in the village were frozen to death because they weren't prepared like this one."

More than half!

It is.

"Was it? What does winter in this village look like?

"I've been through winter in other villages, but you haven't changed. It gets cold and it snows for about a month and spring comes. Here's the deal. It was only 50 years ago."

Only 50 years ago is abnormal, and this year is also abnormal.

Wasn't there an unusual winter before that?

"Fifty years ago, did your family and the people around you ever talk about something similar?

"How was it? How's Delos?

"Right. I was only six then."

"Well, I must remember a lot more than Delos because I'm 11, but I've never heard of that."

I wonder if that is a recurring anomaly.

"It's going to rain."

The four of us look out the window.

The village is darker than it was earlier.

"Shall we go home before they come down?"

"Yeah, Mr. Rose, thank you, Mr. Delose"

"Thank you, Demon Stone."

When I left Mr. Rose's store, I trembled when I felt the wind was colder than earlier.

"Let's hurry, it's too cold"


Mr. Druid holds my hand and runs off.

Back to the inn with a little pull, Mr. Dora and the others were worried.

A ban on going out tonight was announced by both guilds, apparently.

Somehow, I'm glad I made it.

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