The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 282 274 stories nostalgic

I saw a giant body move picklessly as creepy magic gushed up to cover Mr. Sarpent.

Could you have woken up?

"Mr. Sarpent!

"What's up?

"I feel like I'm moving now."

A little closer to taking a closer look, something gray will cover Mr. Sarpent and hide him.

"What's this? Magic?"

There shouldn't be any color in the magic, but I felt the magic of stabbing my skin gained strength from when this appeared.

In the meantime, I'll move to see if there's anywhere I can see Mr. Sarpent at all.

Looking at the whole thing, I found a place that was just a little gray.

Go to that place and stare at what's going on inside.

Then I noticed that Mr. Sarpent's eyes were open.

"Mr. Druid, your eyes are open."

"Is that true? But what is this creepy thing? I feel like magic, but I've never heard of colors."

Mr. Druid also seems to feel that something of this gray is magic.

Disgusting magic that stings your skin.

It looks like it's gushing from Mr. Sarpent, but it's not Mr. Sarpent's magic.

His magic was warm and not such a cold, unpleasant magic.


A scream that accidentally caused pain was heard from nearby.

I look at him for a moment wondering if something had happened to Mr. Druid, but he was looking at me too.

The moment I decide not, I see Mr. Sarpent.

It's hard to see with something gray, but I found myself suffering with my body floating a little and rocking left and right.

"What shall we do?"

The thrill and anxiety push.

I have no idea what to do.

"Oh, God."

Never heard of Ciel's voice echo in the cave.

At the next moment, I could see Ciel's magic filling the cave.

My head flutters to too dark a magic, and I sit down, but I manage to turn my gaze to Ciel.

There was Ciel, who was reversing his hair and revealing his anger toward Mr. Sarpent.

After a while something grey disappears more and more.

At the same time, the unpleasant magic that stabbed my skin disappeared.

Was something gray still magic?

When it all disappears, Mr. Sarpent collapses to the ground and Pickle stops moving.

I want to get close to Mr. Sarpent, but I can't help my legs.

"Heh, that was amazing magic. Ivy, are you okay?

"That's what I can't stand for."

"My body must have reacted with rejection to the powerful magic. My legs are cracked, too. It's dangerous, just sit there and wait for me to calm down."


Mr. Druid slowly approaches Mr. Sarpent.

Now there was nothing to stop Sora either.

"Are you dead?

My voice will plunder a little.

Mr. Druid puts his hand gently against Mr. Sarpent and closes his eyes.

After a while he smiled at me.

"It's okay, he seems weak, but he's breathing."

Strength falls out of your whole body.

When you turn your gaze softly to the ground, something catches your eye.

"Mr. Druid, at your feet! It's a magic formation!


Mr. Druid's gaze looks down.

When I checked the magic formation, too, I realized I was on top of the magic formation, too.

"That's a pretty gigantic magic formation. Is this what you found that creepy magic?


It rings so that Ciel can cling to Mr. Druid's voice.

Could he have known?

"Ciel, did you know that Mr. Sarpent was being caught here?


Didn't you know that?

"Did you feel that creepy magic?


"That's awesome, Ciel. I can't believe you noticed the magic behind these woods."

Oh well.

Were you acting strange because you noticed that creepy magic?

It's good to know what caused it.


"What's wrong with you?

Whoa, I can move my legs.

I guess it's time to get up.

You need to report this.


Yeah, you can't just leave someone with this kind of magic formation behind, can you?

It's unclear who has anything to do with it.

And I'm worried about that creepy magic.

"What shall we do?

"Hmm, do you rely on Captain Tableau?

I guess that's the best.

I'm the head of the vigilante.

"Even though it's a lot of trouble, you're annoying me"

"Well, I have no choice. Because I'm the captain."

Sure, I need a report because it's a problem in this village, but I'm willing to rely on someone who's busy working.

All I can think of is Mr. Pliagilmuth, but I don't know him very well, and he'll be busy.

I knew it was going to be Mr. Tableau.

"Teriyu ~"


With that said, where are you?

Looking for the one who spoke, he was surrounded by Mr. Sarpent's children, the black spheres.

Stand up slowly and see if you can get your feet firmly into it.

All right, you're all right.

It still flutters a little, but it revived me to the point where I could walk without any problems if I walked carefully.

"Are you all right? Don't push it."

"Probably fine. And Ciel's magic, it was amazing."

"Oh, that's just Adandala."

You were a darker, more beautiful magic than I could ever imagine from the usual Ciel.

Walk slowly and carefully to approach Flem.

"Frem, what's wrong?

The black spheres notice me and pave the way to Flem's place.




What's a pong?

See the direction in which the sound sounded.

Before Frem's eyes, I could see a slightly larger demonic stone of transparency rolling with a mixture of silver in the water.

Oh, the sound of a demon stone.

Or were you building a demon stone?

One of the black spheres cleverly lifts and moves the demon stone as he tries to take it with a little wonder.

If you follow it with your eyes, you will apparently take it to Mr. Sarpent.

Mr. Druid also notices a black sphere with demonic stones and looks at it flashly.

I was not sure if I should stop it or watch it, and I watched, and the black sphere with its demonic stone threw its demonic stone into Mr. Sarpent's mouth.


Uh, turn your gaze with Mr. Druid and the two of us tilt our necks.

I honestly have trouble figuring out how to react to this.

"What about that demon stone?

"It's a demonic stone made by Flem."


"Yeah, it was a beautiful demon stone mixed with silver in water."

"Silver in water?

From Mr. Druid's condition, Flem realizes he has made another rather rare demonic stone.

"The Demon Stone"

When Mr. Druid tried to say something, Mr. Sarpent was wrapped in a beautiful light of water and silver.

I feel magic in its light as I did earlier, but unlike earlier, I felt warmth in its magic.

I just see that magic disappear sooo much.

"Ah, uh, what's that now?

I can hear Mr. Druid's confused voice but I don't know how to answer it.

For now...... I wonder what.

A little confused for the two of us, Mr. Sarpent's body, which was falling in, lifted.


"Mr. Sarpent, are you okay?

Speaking up, I could see the flutter and Mr. Sarpent's magic spread.

And the magic disappears sooo much.

I tilt my neck, not knowing what happened, and I look at Mr. Sarpent.

Then there's Mr. Sarpent's face in front of me.

"Wow, I'm surprised"

When I stared at him, he licked his cheek with his tongue all the way to.

Over and over again.


"You're nostalgic."

To Mr. Druid's word, after all? I think.

I'm happy to be missed... but my cheeks are fine.

Can I stop this?

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