The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 315 306 words, bath is required.

I'm here to report to the Adventurer Guild, but I can't fix Mr. Druid's mood.

She does something clever like spit out poison with a gentle voice.

That makes the adventurers look worse and worse.

Are you all right?

"Mr. Druid, what if it's time to forgive you?

"We need to make sure we don't do the same thing over and over again."

No, I think I fully understand.

I'm desperate to keep them all out of sight, and some of them are already in tears.

Oh, Mr. Pliagilmuth is here.

Now I feel safe.

"What is it?

Explain how it has been so far and how it has left its demons in the dump.

You should leave it to him later.

"I see, is that right"

Is that it?

I think I'm kind of scared of how Mr. Pliagilmuth is doing, but I'll take care of it, okay?

No, the adventurers are like the people in this village, so they must know, and they should be fine.


"Mr. Druid, I'll ask you later to go"

I'm worried that Ciel's condition was a little strange.

I didn't get hurt or anything, but I want to stay by my side because I'm worried.

"Oh, right. Pliagilmuth, please."

"I'll take care of it"

You're anxious to be told to leave it to me with such a black smile.

Adventurers, are you all right?

"Mr. Ivy, I'll be very careful, I'll leave you to it."

"Uh, it's fine on the way. On the way."

I was nodded with a beautiful smile, so let's believe it.

Yeah, I'm sure it's okay.

Leave the Adventurer Guild and hurry back to the dump.

In a little while, the adventurers gather at the dump to move the demons.

We need to move to the back of the woods before we do.

On my way to the dump, I was able to rendezvous with Ciel and Mr. Sarpent.

Two of them were moving us near the village.

When the adventurer told me he was coming, Mr. Sarpent took me and Mr. Druid on a ride to the back of the woods.

I'll check on Ciel, but I don't feel the discomfort I felt earlier.

I wonder what it was?

Ask him to stop in the back of the woods and face Mr. Sarpent.

"Thanks. You didn't thank me properly earlier, did you? And it's been a long time."

It's been about January since you showed me to Bearce's address.

"That's true."

Oh, looks like Mr. Druid's in a better mood, too.


If I was horny, Mr. Druid would stroke my head softly.

"Are you all right?

He attacked me, so I guess he worried about me.

My cheeks loosen in my hands that caress me gently.

"I'm fine. Thanks"


Ciel also seemed worried and leaned softly against me.


Gently stroke Ciel's head.

The warmth coming from my hands brings me a grin.

Mr. Sarpent shows up in front of me and stares at me.

Is it possible you're worried about me?

"It's okay. Thanks."

As Mr. Sarpent narrowed his eyes, he rubbed the tip of his nose against me.

A few strokes give me a satisfying look.

When I get Sola out of the bag, I play with Ciel and Mr. Sarpent.

Flem and Sol, well, it's the usual thing to do during the holidays.

I've been watching 3 of them play for a while but it's still cold.

My body trembled in the cold, so I call Ciel and Sola.

"It's getting cold, let's go home"

To my words, Sora, who was a little far away, jumps into my chest.


You were happy to hold me well, pull and tremble in your arms.

She's cute, but she had a little bump in her chest about the momentum.

"Sola ~"


Ha, Sora really likes to hit me unintentionally or something.

I thank Mr Sarpent for sending me near the village.

"Thanks for everything. See you later."

Dropping off Mr. Sarpent disappearing into the back of the woods before heading back to the village.

When I greeted Mr. Gatekeeper, I had received a message from Mr. Pliagilmuth.

There was nothing wrong with the demon, so it was dismantled.

And he wanted me to come and pick up the money for the meat that broke up and came out.

"Is that okay?

We're not the ones who carried the demon or dismantled it, but is it a good thing to pay for it?

"Oh, you're gonna be okay."

"Oh well."

If Mr. Druid says he's okay, I'll take it.

Nevertheless, he expressed his hopes that it was not a rampage and that he could not find any other problems.

Also, because I was thrilled to see if I'd get caught up in something.

"Shall we go get it like this?


When we reached the Adventurer Guild, Mr. Pliagilmuth responded.

The problematic adventurers seem to have decided to learn a lot with senior adventurers for a year.

The look on Pliagilmuth's face when he said about the senior adventurer shook his spine all the time.

In the meantime, I asked for a message saying good luck.

Take the price for the dismantled meat, write your name on the paperwork and finish.

I only had a little bit of meat divided at that time.

It was a demon I'd never even seen, so I wanted to try the meat.

"With that said, what's the name of this demon?

As I walked towards the inn, I realized I didn't know anything about the demons.

"Sure, they call you Sheep."

"Is it delicious?

"That's a little hard meat."

Hard meat?

That means it might be too hard if it's cooked normally.

I wonder how I'll cook.

If I simmer it carefully, will you soften it up a lot?

Let's cook and taste a little when we get home and then decide how to cook.

That's a bath before that.


"I'm home."

"I'm back now"

When you enter the inn, the warmth twitches through your body.

Looks like he even cut cold to the core of his body today.

"Shall we take a bath and warm up first?"


Take a quick bath when you get back these days.

It is a moment when I am glad to make it an inn with a bath.

When Mr. Druid said bath included in the terms of the inn, I didn't think it was so necessary.

But I can't have no more baths when I actually experience bath gratitude.

I feel smudged when I grab a hot tub that I absolutely need a bath, especially in the cold winter.

When I said that to Mr. Druid, I said, "Right?" He gave a satisfied look.

When I get out of the bath, I get to cooking sheepmeat for now.

I tried cooking and eating a little, but it does smell a little beastly on the stiff flesh.

I think I'll add more herbs to eliminate the smell and simmer it carefully.

"Do you think I can use it?

Mr. Druid asks me a little worried if I know the characteristics of meat.

"It's gonna be okay."

"Good. Yeah, you should tell him we're going on a journey with the next one."


Cut the meat into 2 bite sizes and also cut the vegetables into larger pieces.

"Because when you get 'fuzzy' to Ivy in this village after your journey, it's gonna be easy"

I see.

"What happens to faxes that arrive after they're gone?

Add meat and water to the pot where the meat comes in first and bring to a boil.

Once boiled, simmer slightly intact, stopping the fire and discarding hot water.

Wash off the dirt on the meat and add the meat and vegetables to the larger pot.

Light the pan with water and 5 different herbs and start simmering.

"You're gonna have to pay me to get you somewhere you can get it."

Does it cost money?

Write a fax by the end of the day so you'll never forget.

"Should I also write down my next destination?

It was Hathahi village, wasn't it?

"Oh, that would be better."

When the water boils, take the ash juice that has been floating.

Bring to a boil for about 3 minutes, weaken the fire and begin simmering.

"Copy that. All right, over."

"End of story? Not fast enough?

Mr. Druid peeks into the pot.

"Because I'm going to simmer slowly for the next day"

"Oh, I see. Looking forward to tomorrow."

You should come back sometimes later to see how things go.

Just be aware of the amount of water.

Okay, let's write a fax.

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