The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 337 327 Stories Dumpster Location

Get fax-only paper before you leave the commercial guild.

When I got to Hathahi Village, I contacted him and he faxed it to me last time.

I can afford to get to the village sooner than planned, but I'd better send it before I forget.

Forget it and you'll be worried.

I feel a warm breeze when I leave the commercial guild.

"That's warm."

"Yeah. Spring."

"Ha, it's spring. Well, shall we go see this village dump?


It's important to check the location because there's also a sol meal, right?


"Can we hunt around this village?

"That's not a problem. But I'm sure there weren't any rabbits around here."

"He's not here?

I'm under the impression that I'm everywhere.

"Oh, there will be no wild rabbits from around here. If we get a little closer to the king's capital, the wild rats will be gone."

Yes, it is.

I'm a little shocked.

These two kinds of animals, they were trying to make money and get through it, weren't they?

You're scared of ignorance.

I need to study a lot more.

"Is that it? Then there's no dried meat in Wang Du?

"No, instead, dried meat with a demon named Novea is popular"

Novea the Demon?

If the place is different, the ingredients that become dry meat are also different?

Do I even hunt for a Novea?

"It's just that this Novea is a little fierce. So dry meat is traded at a higher price compared to the neighborhood."

Is it ferocious?

You don't seem to be able to hunt.

"If there were no wild rabbits, would there be only wild rats around here?

"No, wild rats and obituaries should be able to hunt in traps around here"


"Oh, it's just a little magical stuff, but it won't be a problem because it's not so strong"

A demon that can use magic?

Uh, is that really okay with me?

"Me, no offensive magic at all, but okay?

"It's okay, because obituaries can use the magic of thunder to the point of tingling"

I guess I'll be fine as long as it's tingly.

Or if I could hunt an obituary, I'd be the first to hunt a demon.

If Mr. Druid says he's okay, he'll be fine.

You're getting a little excited.

"But what good is a trap?

The trap has evolved a lot since you started trapping with Mr. Druid, hasn't it?

It's completely different from when one person is a rope thickness, how to hide it, and how strong the net is.

"Obitunes nails aren't that strong, so the rope doesn't have to be that thick. Is there any chance we can get away with this by magic? Mm-hmm, I don't think I need to worry about that power breaking the basket..."

View Mr. Druid walking next door.

With as much power as he has, I think he could hunt a lot more in other ways than hunting in a trap.

Yet I make a trap that looks fun, think a lot about it, set it up, and go see the results with pleasure.

I saw confusion in the beginning, so I thought you must be up to me.

I thought that made me sorry...

"No, does thunder weaken the strength of the basket if it is multiplied several times, even if it is small? The basket still needs to be reinforced. The question is what things make you stronger. Thunder could cause a small spark. Mm-hmm. What do you want?

Now, that confusion doesn't seem like much fun anymore, does it?

I wonder what fitted so well?

"Hmm? What's up?

"Nothing. Does Obitune make it a basket trap?

"Oh, I'm going to. It's about three times the size of a rabbit, so you're gonna need a little bigger basket."

Three times the wild rabbit?

Is it that big?

One day, Mr. Druid is going to say something about hunting a bigger prey in a trap.

It was a big trap page when I saw it because I was seriously reading a book that also had a way of hunting during this time.

I wonder where you're going?

You're a little nervous.

"Let's not aim for too big a prey, shall we?

"If it's about the obituaries, we'll be fine now."


Is that it?

The reply now is, uh...

Us now?

Well, I guess it's okay.

"Next time you get used to it."

Maybe it's not okay.

Look next door to Chirali.

I don't know what you're thinking, but you look like you're having fun.

... It may not be possible to stop it.

Walk around the woods looking for a dump through the gate.

"No, sir."

I look around but I don't see anything that looks like a dump.

Besides, the place you are now is too far from the village.

"Maybe he went in a different direction."

"Yeah, that way because the roads were split along the way?

"Let's go"

"Oh, wait. I want Sola and the others out of my bag."

Explore the signs around you.

There are no signs of people around here.

Looks fine.

"Sorry I'm late"

When I open the bag, Sora and Ciel pop up.

Flem seemed awake today too and jumped out of the bag.

"You don't have Sol. Are you still asleep?

Peeping into the bag, Sol and I get eyes on each other.

He seems to be awake, but when he looks into his eyes, he's still asleep.

"I'll wake you when I get to the dump, so you can stay asleep."


Sol closes his eyes softly when he rings a word.

"I fell asleep"

Close the bag and watch Sola and the others.

"Ciel, do you know where the garbage dump is?


When Ciel returns to Adandala softly, he turns back the way he has just come.

It still seemed like the wrong way to go.

Walking for a while, the lost split.

If I thought I was going the other way, I would go straight to the road that approached the village.

"Sounds like a completely different place."

You've never missed a prediction.


When the village approaches, it walks off the road and into the woods.

And after walking for a while, I saw a place that looked like a dump.

The dump seemed to have been created exactly the opposite of where we really predicted it would be.

And close to the village.

"Ciel, thank you"

My tail shook when I thanked Ciel.

"The dump here is kind of organized,"

"Right. I'm guessing the dump keeper is solid."

"Sol, wake up. We're at the dump."

Sol out of the bag.

Looking around and checking the dump, he rolled off momentum.

I guess it's time to jump and move.

"Well, that's a basket. I wonder how I can add strength."

Mr. Druid also heads to the dump with a pleasant look on his face.

It must be good to have fun, right?


"Ciel, thank you"

When I stroked my head slowly, I rubbed my head against the rind and my hands.

That's really cute.

"Well, I guess I'll pick up what I need too"

View the dump.

Around Sol, there is a massive rise of black magic.

A short distance from Sol, I see Sola eating a sword.

There's a frem near there, but he seems to be eating potions very hard today.

And Mr. Druid wandering around with a basket inside the dump.

You're free.


Gently stroke Ciel's head with a pong before entering the dump.

Pick out what you need, paying attention to the signs around you.

I chose to talk to Mr. Druid about the intensity of the basket, so it took me a little while.


There were signs of Ciel approaching us when he explored the signs around him.

Look around.

Looks like Sol's meal is already over.

"Guys, come here for a second. Somebody's coming."

At the sign of a person, the number is three.

Probably look around.

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"

Putting Sora and Flem back with Piong in the bag.

Pick up Sol, who was on his way, and put him in his bag.


Ciel changes into a slime when she gets to the side, so I put it in my bag.

Mr. Druid will check to see if Sola or Flem have left anything behind.

"I'm fine. Nothing had fallen."

Leaving the dump with Mr. Druid and what he needs.

"Is that it? Are you a traveler?

As soon as I left the dump, I heard a man.

Turning his gaze, three men dressed as members of the Village of Hattahi vigilante.

"Yes. Just us, though? What's wrong, sir?

"No, I feel like I've felt a lot of magic around here."

Dokiri and his heart bounce, but he manages to fix his expression.

"No, we were the only ones."

"Really? What did you do?

"I was sourcing what I needed because of the trap."

To Mr. Druid's words, the vigilantes give a strange look.

"Build a basket trap and hunt."

Three people who, Mr. Druid explains, look impressed.

Apparently, I'm not familiar with the trap at all.

"You hunt a lot of fun again."

One of the vigilantes says the other two are nodding.

"It's funny. I'd love to have my prey hanging on my own trap."

"I see."

"Then we go back to the village. After you."

"I know it's okay, but I'm concerned about the magic I just felt, so be careful"

Gently bow your head to the three vigilantes and head to the village.

Walk silently for a while and exhale small as they come to a point where they cannot see.

"The dump location is too close to the village."

Probably about half, considering the distance between the village and the dump so far.

For this reason, when we can get out of the village and come straight to the dump, we are in a hurry to hide the Solas.

"You have to be careful."

"Ah. Think of something to take care of"

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