The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 424 408 Stories Similar Parents & Children

Melissa and Etchey left the room to cook dinner with great excitement.

The captain seemed happy to wake up.

However, I don't think the captain who just woke up could eat that much...


Mr. Nargas smiles when he sees Early talking to the captain.

"No. Mr. Early and the captain seem happy"

"We had a big fight a while before the captain fell, and then we were hanging out with each other, trying not to even look at each other. I want to rush when I fall, but I can't go because I'm weird. The captain wants to see his face, but he doesn't care. And then you're unconscious in no time, right? Early guy, 'cause he seemed pretty sorry."

Glad the captain saved you.

Take a good peek at Mr. Nargas.

You notice that gaze, tilt your neck and look at me.

"Did you talk to Mr. Ginal properly?

"... ahhh, not yet?

"We can always talk"


"Yes, if you think so, that's a mistake. I don't know who's coming tomorrow."

Keep a little eye on my words, Mr. Nargas.

And he looked full of bitterness.

"I know, but it's pretty good"

"Why aren't you bumping into me? Even though we're at a distance where we can talk. Well, I guess that's mutual."

Mr. Nargas laughs slightly.

"Ever felt Ivy scared?

"What is it?

"Mm-hmm. I don't know if this is gonna work."

"... Mr. Nargas's relationship with Mr. Ginal is already broken, isn't it? And I'm scared too."

"Mr. Ivy, you have no mercy. Well, it's true, so I can't help it."

Mr. Nargas drops next door.

I guess I should have been a little nicer.

Given the possibility that your relationship with your father could break, I'm scared too.

I'm so scared.

But that's why every day is important, and I want to tell a lot of stories and make a lot of memories.

And make it a force when something happens.

Not to be memorable, but to the power to face your father.

"Mr. Ginal, I seemed so happy when Mr. Nargas told me that he had become a top adventurer. When Sol's treatment is over, but he hasn't healed his magic wounds yet, he's like an abandoned man."


Is that it?

Didn't I tell you?

"Yes, Mr. Nargas is. So, there was no look on Mr. Ginal's face when he saw Mr. Nargas, who had become obsolete. I don't think they took the reality in front of them. Mr. Ginal's joy when he returned to Mr. Nargas today wasn't much in his attitude, but it was real. They take care of you, Mr. Nargas."

Ms Nargas' gaze turns to Mr Ginal, who is explaining the situation to the head of the regiment.

Looking at him, his mouth is slightly up.

This parent and child are everywhere alike.

I wish I could put an attitude on the table that I'm a little happier.

"We're ready for dinner. Let's eat."

When Mr. Ginal and the others finished explaining the situation to the captain, Mr. Etchey just came to the room.

A special meal was prepared for the captain, and we behaved with Mr. Melissa's prized dish.

Sounds like a little party, and the Solas are happy.

Or they are so adored around.

"That's popular."

At the end of your father's gaze, Sol on the captain's shoulder.

Is that okay?

Even though it's sick.

"With that said, the captain is very well"

Tilt your neck to a condition you don't think you woke up unconscious.

"That must be the power of Sola. I also thought when I lost one arm, my recovery was amazing."


"Oh, I must have had that kind of bleeding because I was losing one arm and I was falling. Yet I was able to return to town on my own feet that day. 'Cause normally I can't."

Yes, it is.

Sora's power just doesn't stop healing wounds, does it?


Moving his gaze from the head of the regiment into the room, Mr. Ginal and Mr. Nargas were sitting on the couch with him and eating.

Both look uncomfortable, kind of funny.

Watching how it went, I found myself in a pompous, pompous conversation.

"Those parents and kids look alike. I'm strong on non-family issues, but I'm weak on family issues, you see, that's with me."

"Pu, kuku"

I don't know what we talked about, but they both look a little happy even though they're pointing at each other that way.

Well, I wonder if I managed to fit in.


When the meal was finished to some extent, what was to come was discussed.

"Thank you, Mr. Druid, Ivy, for this time."

The captain bows his head on the bed.

That caught my face a little when I saw it.

Why is Sol moving from shoulder to captain's head and flirting?

"No, never mind. Kuck, I'm glad I woke up. Pfft."

Your father manages to reply, but sometimes laughter mixes.

The captain looks up at it strangely, but is panicking as the sol is about to fall over his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't. haha. Dad, there's a sol over your head."

"What? Oh, 'cause I've been settling in here for some reason"

The room, which was a little tense, loosens up with Sol's actions.

What is it now, on purpose?

I receive the sol from the head of the regiment with an apology.

"Sol, stay with me."


Mr. Ginal slaps his hand gently in the bread.

"Let's get back to it. I've decided what to do next, and I'd like to ask Ivy and the others to cooperate."


The captain gives two sheets of paper to your father.

Definitely a contract.

That's a lot in this village.

Write down your father's and mine, each holding one.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, but could you free Gilmouth and his assistant from surgery?"

See how Sola and the others are doing to the captain's story.

My eyes sparkle and I'm staring at the captain.

"It looks fine. We can help."

The captain of the regiment gives my words a palliative look.

"And I want to ask someone in the Wang capital to cooperate. I've already told the Ginars, but I need permission from Mr. Druid and Mr. Ivy."

Tilt your neck to it.

Why do you need our permission?

If you think you need a captain, I think you should contact him.

"I really need the help of that person more than the magic team is involved. To protect the adventurers in this village."

"It's okay. Keep in touch."

The captain bowed his head small to your father's words.

I was so relieved that something I've been wondering about seemed to be resolved.

In Sol and Sola, there are limits to who helps.

All the adventurers in this village cannot be saved.

So I was anxious about what I was going to do, but apparently someone could fix it.

"How did you get in touch? I think we should stop at the guild."

Because you certainly don't know who the enemy is.

"As a spare when things go wrong, the captain and Gilmouth are paid a" fumble ". We'll use it to send it from this house."


Don't worry about that.

Someone in the King's Capital... maybe I should contact Lord Foronda.

Yes, I was questioning your master about the demon in question.

I'd like to go get some commercial gids, but are you okay?

You may not have detected this move yet, but what if they did?

"Um, can I use the fax too?

"Hmm? Contact who?

"I was asking your father's master about the demon, and he wondered if I should go get it from the guild. I'd like to contact Lord Foronda again."

"Lord Foronda? Do you know him?"

"Yes. Do you know the captain, too?

Then I'd be quick to talk.

"No, he's famous because he's one of those nobles who remembers well from the royal family"

Yes, it is.

You didn't know that.

No, royal...... like you heard something?

Well, okay.

"Lord Foronda, if you ask him to cooperate... I'm sorry, but could you introduce me to Lord Foronda?

"Yes, I understand."

It's okay, isn't it?

I'm sure.

With that said, I'm asking for contact information in an emergency, can I use that?

It's urgent, I guess.

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