The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 557 Episode 516 Ancient Monster

"Wow, that's tough!

I was hesitant...

Dinal strokes Dora's head.

When Dora put her head out, she was in a bit of a hurry, but she liked it when she touched it.

He strokes his head over and over again and enjoys a hard feel.

"Touching too much makes me angry."


Dinal stops at my words.

When I saw Dora, she said she was away from Mr. Ginal.

"Eh... is it pulled?

Dinal is a little shocked by that state of affairs.

Rather than pulling it, I think I hate it.

He doesn't know the limits.

One Dora in front of Mr. Fischer.

I think I miss how to touch it moderately.

A giant mole is hanging over Mr. Fischer.

... cute.

"You missed Fischer."

Mr. Fischer seems happy with your father's words.

I thought you had a good relationship with Sierra.

I wonder if you're good at keeping distance from monsters?

"That's right. Can I ask you something?

Mr Fischer sees me and my father.


"Why are you going to Kashime?

"Ah, that's...."

My father shuts up a little.

"The fortuneteller who helped me asked me to go to the town next to King's Landing.So I thought I'd go. "

Mr. Fischer leans his neck against my words.

It's a little strange after all.

I hadn't thought about it before, but now I think it's a strange wish.

I'm not asking you to do anything, I just want you to go.

Besides, he said he didn't have to go.

"If it's next to King's Landing, there are other cities like Qasim and Qassis.Why Kashime Town?

"There's a forest of light in Kashime Town, so I wanted to talk to my father."

"Hmm? What town didn't you designate just next to King's Landing?

When I nodded at Jinal's words, Jinal and Fischer looked at me strangely.

I knew it would be strange.

Why didn't you ever think so?


Even so, the Forest of Light.

Is that it?

Mr Fischer's way of saying is that he doesn't have very good feelings.

Is there something in the Forest of Light?

"That's... a strange place."

Mr. Ginal has the same vibe as Mr. Fischer.

When I saw your father, I looked at Fischer and Ginal with a slightly sharp expression.

"What do you got?Could it have anything to do with the church?

In response to your father's question, they shake their necks sideways.

"No, the church in the forest of light has nothing to do with the church outside.It's been checked many times, but even church officials haven't made it to the Church of the Forest of Light.Looks like he's been trying again and again. "

Even though it's a church, church officials can't get in.

I wonder who built it.

And how the hell do you keep them out of the woods?

"Um, is it magic you can't reach the church?

Maybe if it were magic, we shouldn't have come near it.

I don't want to get near you because I learned how dangerous magic is on this journey.

"I don't know.It looks like the church and the royal family checked it out, but nothing. "


"Is there anything in the royal records?How'd you find out?

In your father's words, Mr. Ginal laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

I checked.


"Unfortunately, I looked into it and found nothing.Someone has looked into it a little bit more, but the record of the beginning of the royal family already begins with "There is a church in the Forest of Light."I don't know who built it for what purpose. "

Is it already on the record of the beginning of the royal family?

Does that mean there was already a church before this country started?

... how was this country created?

"The Church of the Forest of Light has monsters."



Both my father and I bow to Mr. Ginal's words.

I feel like I've just heard a strange word.

It's a monster.

Dinal's voice reaches my ear.

"A monster? A monster?

Dinal looks at his father's words.

"No, I didn't mean to frighten you, but in the information we gathered from our colleagues," The Church of the Forest of Light is home to an ancient monster.Whoever is invited there is special.I found a document that says, "Don't be invited, run."

"Run for the Ancient Monster" or should I not go?

"I heard, 'The chosen man can only come in once and make his dreams come true.'"

Dinal nods at his father's words.

"Every literature has similar content.It's not the literature that says run.But when I looked at the people who wrote it, I realized that they might have entered the church. "

The words of the person who actually entered the church.

That's because it should describe that person's experience... does the church really have ancient monsters?

I am thinking about whether your father has judged the information to be unhindered.

"... please."


Is that it?

I looked around.

I just felt like I heard a voice.

It's your fault?

... I feel like I missed her voice.

Who is it?

What's the matter, Ivy?

Turning to his voice, his father looked at me strangely.

Both Mr. Ginal and Mr. Fischer are turning their heads on my actions.

I realize that I was the only one who heard those three attitudes.

Is it my fault?

... but I heard that voice somewhere... long ago...

"Ivy, what's going on?

I feel relieved by your father's worrying voice.

"It's okay, I'm just..."

I'm worried that you could hear me.

I don't think anything actually happened.

I just remembered something.

Ah, I thought you remembered what I heard.


"Yeah, but I just thought about it because I didn't know what it meant because I remembered it halfway.It's okay. "

I see. Tell me if you have any concerns. "

"Thank you."

That voice... nh, I can't remember.

You said, "Please."

What does that mean?

"... please?

"Hmm? I'm sorry about what?Ivy? "

Face down at Fischer's words.

You were surprised to see Mr Fischer suddenly raise his face, his body slightly upside down.

"What's wrong?

"No, sorry."

Maybe the word was "I'm sorry."

But I wonder who apologized.

Why can't you remember?

Important... important?

Ah, "I'm sorry.That's all I can do. "

It's a fortuneteller's word.

Yes, I remember.

That's what I was told when I checked the contents of the magic bag.

Maybe the words came back to life because I remembered the fortuneteller.


When I saw my father, there were wrinkles between his eyebrows.

You may have behaved rather suspiciously.

"Sorry, I remembered the fortuneteller a lot."

"Oh, my God.Was it? "

I smile at your daddy's warm expression.

Good, remember.

I've always wondered.

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