The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 560 Episode 519 The King's Brother?Son?

"The facade was trying to make a magical child."

Face Mr. Ginal's words.

Is that what it looks like?

I think the contents are pretty bad.

"Um, what's the truth?

When I saw Ginal and Fischer, they both felt uncomfortable.

"It seems to have been used to move the magic team."


"Magic Faction?

My father looks at the two of them in surprise.

Yes, it's a magical team.

Mr. Ginal really doesn't like that.

I didn't think the magic team would come out here.

"We couldn't find out if this was true.Someone checked it out and it seems true.They were gathering the most powerful and moving their magical team underground in the castle. "

Oh, no.

Is that it?

"Isn't that funny? Weak magic has nothing to do with a strong magical formation, does it?

Nod to your father's words.

When I didn't know the truth about the Magic Faction, I thought I could use it with less magic.

"At that time, I didn't know more about the magic team than I do now."

I see.

I don't know, so did you gather people with strong magic to avoid failure?

"That said, there was another story for this king.Before I became king. "

Before you became king?

When you were a prince?

"It's not about the King, it's about the King's brother, the Prince."

Mr. Fischer shook his head to the side of Mr. Ginal's words.


Mr. Ginal is leaning his neck, whether he remembers it or not.

Mr. Fischer had corrected the village's name earlier.

Maybe Mr. Ginal isn't very interested in the old story.

"The king's brother? You've never heard of him?The kings of all generations thought their first son would succeed them. "

He doesn't seem to know anything about it either.

"It seems that when the king took office, he burned all the records about his brother and hid them.It's probably because of that. "

I bowed my head to Mr. Fischer's words.

If the King burned down the records and hid them, where would he come from?

It's really weird.

Do you have an amazing information network?

... I guess you shouldn't ask.

"What are you talking about?

I'm interested in talking about royalty.

"It's like talking about the king's brother, but I went to church and met a ghost.Isn't it?



"No, it fits, but it doesn't."

Which one?

Mr Fischer is astonished at Mr Ginal's brief explanation.

"Describe it gently, 'Prince Wang is being targeted for his life by assassins during an inspection.The guards managed to escape Prince Wang and make their way to the royal castle, but on their way, the assassins caught up with them.To protect the injured Crown Prince, the guards left the road and ran through the forest.Then you reach the village that disappeared from the map.There was a lonely church there.The princes stepped into the church to rest a little tired, lurking in one room.

The injuries of Prince Wang and the two surviving escorts were worse than I thought, and they understood that this would be a place to die if help did not come.Like laughing at it, I heard the church door open momentum.The Crown Prince, who understood that the assassin had come, laughed as if he had given up.With creepy laughter in the church, the assassins thrust through the church in order to play their part in a moment of fear.When I came in front of a room, the laughter suddenly stopped.The assassin shows a moment of hesitation and watches.I hear a faint voice, but I don't know what I'm talking about.The assassin with the sword out of his sheath put his hand on the door of the room.A moment later, the assassin was wrapped in a bright red flame. "

Did you just touch the door and get wrapped in flames?

Magic Faction?

"'Just before the assassin was wrapped in flames, a man appeared before the Crown Prince.The Crown Prince who saw him immediately decided that he was not a man.Because the man's body was clear.The man said to Prince Wang, "Do you want to live?'he asked. Prince Wang laughs at the monster in front of him.And I say, "Of course."The man laughed bitterly at the answer and said, "Then take your hand.I'll help you, "he said.The Crown Prince grabbed the man's hand without hesitation.The next moment, the demon echoed the lonely church. "

Is a man a ghost?

But Prince Wang said he was a monster.


You mean the monster?

Man-shaped monster?

It seemed to be clear, so it was a ghost?

You mean Prince Wang was saved by a ghost?

"'The man healed the wounds of Prince Wang and the wounds of the two guards when the demon of Abandonment disappeared.'"

Is healing a ghost with light skills?

Wow, even if you become a ghost, you can use your Light Skill.

"'The Crown Prince will soon return to King's Landing, but the man will stop it, saying,' You cannot be king now. 'And now that you've saved my life, you have to follow my instructions.And the rebellious Prince Wang.But I can't say anything to the man's words, "Will you die soon?"Because I know the power of men.The man took Prince Wang and his two escorts and disappeared.A few years later, my brother became king.And a few decades later, the king's younger brother died.A month later, the son of the former king's prince became king. "


Not the Crown Prince, but the child became king?

That was a little unexpected.

You mean the king's blood wasn't cut off?

I noticed what your father said.

What, was the blood handed over properly?

I was thrilled that I didn't need it.

"That's what happens.Some of them said, "I doubt if it is really the child of the former Prince Prince," but the people who have served in the royal castle from time immemorial decided that there is no doubt.The child looked just like Prince Wang when he was young.Some of them were afraid because they were too similar. "

You look like you're scared?

Is that it?

I wonder what happened to the former Crown Prince.

If you come back with me, you're going to be king.

The fact that the child became king...

"Um, is the ex-Prince King dead?And the guards?

"It's been documented that the ex-Prince King and his two guards died of an epidemic."

An epidemic.

Then only the children of Prince Wang came to the royal castle?

"Did you revive the records of the former Crown Prince?

Mr. Fischer shakes his head against his father's words.

But you said it was recorded as an epidemic, right?

"It is the son of the former king's younger brother by the nobles who did not want the problem of royal succession to come to light.My younger brother's child was separated due to illness.The record says about this brother.My brother and the two guards who were protecting him died a short time before the death of the former king because of an epidemic. "

Is the royal record too much?

Erase my brother's records or let my brother appear.

Oh, I wonder if I really had a brother.

"Did the king have a brother?

Mr Fischer nods to my question.

"Dead under the curse of the former king, but it was never there."

Was it?

Have you seen the royal records?

I'm curious... but let's not go deep.

"Do royal records ever tell the truth?

Dinal and Fischer laugh at your father's words.

"In my opinion, about half of them are true."


Half of it...

It's more like creating evidence than a record.

"Mr. Fischer, is there anything else about the man who saved the former Crown Prince?

I wonder if this man is a ghost or a monster.

"There's been sightings of monsters in the castle from where the children of the former King Prince came to the castle."


... don't you have a word for ghost?

I'll ask your father later.

I wonder if that's what happened to the child because the former Crown Prince died?

What did a man want to do?

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