The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 568 Episode 527 Reality

When she stroked Sora's head, she stared at me.

I feel like I'm suing something and lift it up.

What is it?

"Sora, what's going on?"

"Pupupupupu ~"

In her arms, Sola sounded disgusting.

I wonder what it is.

Maybe you didn't play enough?

"Pupupupupu ~"

Terururururu ~

And Flem?

Speaking of what I did when I entered the village, I looked at the house and looked inside the church.

It wasn't a place where Sola and the others could play as much as they wanted.

"Sola and I love exploring.It was a little less. I'm sorry. "

When I stroked Sola and Flem's head, they sounded like they couldn't help it.

There was a smile on those solas.

"Speaking of which, what happened to the surpents?"

I looked around in a hurry at Mr. Ginal's words.

There it is.

Turning to his words, Sarpent and the others were a little further away.

You noticed our gaze, and then the Sarpents came here.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

In Ginal's words, one of them leaned against Don and Ginal's stomach.

However, I wonder if the momentum was a little good, Mr. Dinal's body is floating in the air.

"Wow! That's a lot of momentum!"

Dinal clings to Mr. Serpent in a hurry.

As he smiled, he heard his father and Fischer laughing as well.

Is Sarpent-san enjoying herself or is Ginal shaking her face from side to side with her face on?

"Come on! Put it down!"

When Sola sounded pleasantly to Jinal-san's voice, she headed towards her.

Pupu ~!

"Sora, wait! I'm not playing!"

Sola, who jumped at Ginal, seems to have failed to land a bit.


Nicely, I bumped into Mr. Ginal's face.

Sounds like fun.

"Doloid, I don't need any weird feelings! Stop it!"

As his father approached with his shoulders shrugged, Mr Serpent stopped moving.

"Why are you asking me if I'm a druid?"

Come on?

Father leans his neck strangely and holds Sora up on Jinal's head.

"Ha, I'm tired."

Serpent, who was swinging around with Ginal, was staring at Ginal.

"Looks like you want to play."

Ginal with a strange expression in Fischer's words.

When Fischer pointed to Serpent next to Ginal, Ginal sighed.

"I'm not playing. I'm not playing."

I don't think I'm playing, I think I'm playing.

"Looks like you liked the Serpent, the Digital."

Fischer nods at his father's words.

Actually, I thought so too.

"I've probably never seen her before."

"What? Can you tell?"

Mr Fischer looks surprised at my words.

"Oh, no, I'm not sure I can tell the difference.However, do you know the first child and the other child somehow?Some of the kids have seen each other a few times, but that's not all of them. "

"It's amazing enough."

Mr Fischer looks at me in an impressive manner.

It's a little embarrassing.


Turning to Jinal's scream, Jinal was rolled over by the Sarpent earlier.

I wonder if the surgeon that Ginal liked was still young, but he didn't seem to be able to use a lot of strength.

"I'm really in trouble with that ginal. Interesting."

Fischer looks at Dinal with interest.

Ginal, who is nostalgic to Sarpent-san, strokes Sarpent-san's face with a troubled expression.

The stroked Sarpent seems to be in a good mood.

What are we going to do now?

Ginal looks at her father as she strokes him.

It's time to get a place to sleep today.

"I see. Find a place to rest around here."

The Sarpents move on to your father's words.

"Looks like you know.Shall I come with you? "

Everyone nods to Fischer's words and follows after the moving Sarpent.

Looking back at Chilari and Sarpento, they stopped after a few minutes.

"It's a nice place to put your tent up."

Dinal looks around in his father's words.

"Yes, there are Sierra, there are surpents, and I feel safe sleeping in my tent."

You're used to it.

Dinal laughs bitterly at Fischer's words.

Sure, I was initially reluctant to put up tents on small group trips.

"You'll have to get used to it."

Ginal laughs and leaves the tent from the magic bag.

"Yes, why don't we put out a big tent today?It's going to be okay here. "

"Ivy, what do we do?"

Nod to your father's words.

Large tents are hard to come out of on a trip.

It's hard to find a flat place to spread out in the woods.

But the place Sarpent-san taught me is fairly spacious and flat, so it looks like a big tent would be fine.

"I agree."

Ginal, who heard my answer, takes another tent out of the magic bag and gives it to Fischer.

Let's do something else while Daddy puts up the tent.

I'll pick up a branch or something.

Sola and the others follow her as she tries to speak to her father and look for her.


"Hmm? Will you show me?"


Walk in the woods after Siel, who walks just before me.

On the way, he kept putting a branch of affordable size into the magic bag he brought.

Do you need a branch when you cook dinner and at night?

Let's stop the wet branches.


"Pupupupupu ~"

She turned her gaze downwards to the voice of Sierra and Sola.

A little further away, there is a tree with big blue fruit.

Sierra is sitting next to her.

"You wanted to show me this?"


Blue fruit?

Is this delicious?


Let's bring it back to everybody.

When I look at the tree, there is a place where I can hang my feet, so I think I can climb to where the fruit is growing.

"Pupupupupu ~"

Looking at Sola's voice, she flew toward a tree of pure blue fruit.

Wow, that's great!

After Sola, Flem jumped to her heart's content.

Sol is looking up under the tree.

I don't feel like climbing a tree like Sola and the others.

When I stroked Sol's head, I put a magic bag with branches on it.

There must have been another one.

Remove the small magic bag from the pocket of the magic bag and place it in the pocket.

Okay, let's climb.

Grab a branch and lift your body up, look at your feet, and find a place to hang your feet.

Hang your feet and look up for the branches you can grab.

Speaking of which, you haven't been climbing trees much lately ~

It was only natural to travel alone on a tree.

But now, I can only climb when I pick nuts.

It's been a while since I've had some fun.

Reach out with your feet, repeat the steps, and climb to a place of blue fruit.

"Fu ~, I feel like it's easier to climb than before"

Look at both hands.

Speaking of which, did you eat well and grow taller again?

Besides, my hands are bigger than before.

However, when you lift your body up, it is more powerful than before.

Pu ~?

Sola looked at me strangely.

"Sola, I'm growing up."

"Pupupupupu ~"

I kind of felt it.

Reach out to harvest the blue.

Put it in a small magic bag.

"It's enough for everyone to eat."

Even so, it's a bright blue fruit.

I'm sure it's a delicious fruit because Sierra introduced it to me.

Even if you smell it, it doesn't smell sweet.

Is it really delicious?

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