The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 5: The Essence of the Essence

Chapter 5

The vast Zhu Mansion was eerily quiet, with servants treading on tiptoes and barely daring to breathe, until the silence was broken by a carriage entering the courtyard.

Upon returning home, Lady Zhang dispensed with formalities and hurried towards the main hall. Seeing her mother-in-law seated there, she knew the situation was even more serious than rumored.

The Old Madam glanced at her daughter-in-law, asking, "Is Minmin alright?"

Changle answered, "She was a bit flustered at first, but quickly composed herself."

"She needs to stay composed. Even if we go to the ends of the earth, we'll be together as a family. But she must remain alone in the Capital City."

Zhu Maonian rose, filled with shame, and begged forgiveness, "It's my son's fault that you're suffering, Mother."

"When you were four, the Zhu family couldn't accommodate us mother and son, but we managed to survive on our own and even returned gloriously to this man-eating Capital City," the Old Madam lightly dusted her sleeve. "Surely it can't be more difficult now than it was then."

"Yes, I will certainly protect you, Mother!"

"Even Mother has to go?" Lady Zhang twisted her handkerchief. "As long as it's not confiscation and exile, isn't it normal for pregnant women and the elderly to stay in the Capital City? That's how other families have always done it!"

Zhu Maonian clenched and unclenched his fist, "The imperial edict explicitly orders the entire family to leave the Capital City and take up the post of county magistrate in Yunbei County."

"This is simply... simply outrageous!" Lady Zhang's voice changed from shock, becoming shrill and piercing. "Is this truly the Emperor's edict? Has he really become suspicious of you? Because of those baseless accusations? Is this how he repays your years of loyalty?"

"Don't speak nonsense..."

"I'm speaking nonsense? Mother is advanced in years, how can she endure such a long journey?" Lady Zhang pointed at her daughter-in-law who had just entered. "Hanmei is eight months pregnant, how do you expect them to travel thousands of miles? If anything goes wrong, you..."

"The imperial edict has been issued, we cannot disobey," Zhu Maonian turned his back, clasping his hands behind him. "We must depart early tomorrow morning. Go and prepare."

Lady Zhang nearly fainted from anger. One day, they were given only one day! How was she supposed to handle all the family's assets and make all the necessary arrangements in just one day?

Fine, just fine. After being the family's shield for over twenty years, this was how it ended up. How was this any different from confiscation and exile? Lady Zhang wiped tears from the corners of her eyes, curtsied to her mother-in-law, and quickly left.

Xu Hanmei, who had originally come with complaints, now didn't dare to speak seeing the situation. She gave a shallow curtsy and also turned to leave, not daring to question her father-in-law or the Old Madam.

Changle stayed behind. She wasn't too worried about her mother; her father had been in the eye of the storm for years, and her mother had always managed to balance relationships with other families. No matter how angry she was, she would still do what needed to be done as quickly as possible.

She was more concerned about her father. The usually spirited old man who was always plotting now looked deflated, even his beard drooping.

Zhu Maonian steadied his emotions and turned around to speak for his wife, "Huiru was just upset, Mother. Please don't blame her."

"It's been so many years since she's lost her temper like that. I almost forgot that what attracted me to her back then was that fiery personality that wasn't afraid of anything or anyone's opinion," the Old Madam drew Changle, who had snuggled up to her, into an embrace. Changle smiled at her, eyes crinkling, looking carefree. The Old Madam smiled too. That's right, it wasn't such a big deal. Life always has its ups and downs; this was just another one.

"I almost forgot too," Changle nodded in agreement. Memories of her mother chasing her with a feather duster when she was little surfaced. As a child, she had always felt her mother was different from other mothers, but after following her master, she realized her mother was actually very gentle.

"Was it that family who caused this trouble?" The Old Madam pinched her granddaughter's cheek, but her words were directed at her son.

Zhu Maonian nodded in affirmation.

"I remember you had put them in their place a few years ago."


Zhu Maonian didn't explain why he hadn't prevented it this time, and the Old Madam didn't ask further. "As long as you know what you're doing. I'll go prepare as well."

"Yes." Zhu Maonian breathed a sigh of relief. "Changle, escort your grandmother back to her room."

"Alright." Changle agreed, but instead walked forward and took her father's arm. "Father, we'll fight our way back someday. It's not a big deal."

Zhu Maonian was taken aback, but accepted his daughter's somewhat crude comfort. He managed a rare smile in front of his children and patted her hand, saying, "Father knows."

"Hehe." Changle bounced back to her grandmother's side to support her as they left. Her skipping and jumping lightened the heavy mood of the father and son left in the room.

Steward Zhou, showing great tact, closed the door and stood guard outside. Zhu Maonian looked at his eldest son, who hadn't spoken a word since learning of this matter. After a moment of silence, he said, "His Majesty doesn't want us to leave any family members in the Capital City, lest they be used against us."

"So he forgot that your elderly mother is advanced in years, and your daughter-in-law is about to give birth?" The anger Zhu Changwang was suppressing couldn't be hidden even though his tone remained calm. Retreating to advance had been his suggestion, and even going to Yunbei County was his idea. No matter how poor or remote it was, it wasn't a problem for him. They needed to temporarily distance themselves from the center of power, to let those people think the Emperor had lost his greatest support. Without the balancing force of the pro-emperor faction, the other two factions would fight among themselves, wearing each other out, which would be most beneficial to their side.

But in all his calculations, there was never a condition of sacrificing his family!

If even his family couldn't be protected while serving the Emperor, what was the point of all his scheming?

"Changwang, he is the Emperor." Zhu Maonian sat down by the octagonal table, wanting to pour himself a cup of water but finding his hands shaking. He quietly put them on his lap, clenching them into fists.

Zhu Changwang laughed coldly, "If serving him loyally can't even ensure the safety of our family, why shouldn't I throw in my lot with Prime Minister Zhu or Grand Commander He?"

Zhu Maonian was silent for a moment, then took something out from his bosom. With just one glance, Zhu Changwang's face changed dramatically. It was the highest grade of imperial edict, written on seven-colored brocade!

"It was enclosed with that imperial edict given to me," Zhu Maonian handed it to his son.

Zhu Changwang's hands tightened on the armrests of his wheelchair. He didn't want to know what this secret edict contained at all, but he had to know in order to make more thorough plans.

Closing his eyes briefly, he took it and opened it. He stared at the few short lines for a long time. The smile that appeared was bitter, and his mouth tasted bitter too. "Should we say that he trusts you too much, or that he's at the end of his rope, to make such an arrangement?"

"We have been in harmony as ruler and subject for over twenty years. He has never doubted me, and I naturally cannot betray this trust."

Zhu Changwang smiled bitterly again and handed back this hot potato. With such a thing in their possession, even if he wanted to keep the family in the Capital City, he wouldn't dare!

"Only giving bait without providing a shield, Father, His Majesty thinks too highly of the Zhu family."

"His Majesty will surely send people to protect us secretly."

Zhu Changwang looked at the gray hair at his father's temples and said no more. He knew that no matter how much more he said, it would be useless. Two generations of emperors had bestowed favors, winning his father's absolute loyalty to the person on that throne. So even though he had been on the knife's edge for twenty years, being both the Emperor's spear and shield, he had never hesitated or retreated when faced with countless crises. He hadn't in the past, wouldn't now, and probably wouldn't in the future either.

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