The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 120 Iron Fist and The Hundred-Year Guest 2

Chapter 120 Iron Fist and The Hundred-Year Guest 2

The briefing room at Seoul City Hall buzzed with cameras and journalists.

The rumor had already spread like wildfire. The mayor of Seoul was about to make a major announcement, and the contents were said to be so shocking that it defied imagination.

As journalists exchanged information and created a clamor, Mayor Choi Seo-bang stood at the podium with a stern expression, holding several pages of notes.

When the camera flashes went off, Mayor Choi adjusted the microphone height and began to speak.

"I stand before you today with a heart full of apologies to the citizens of Seoul and the nation. Even though I may not have known, I deeply apologize once again for the involvement of my family in unfortunate events."

He took a step to the side and bowed deeply.

The journalists had no doubt that today's press conference was a major scoop. Mayor Choi's family might just be a law firm, but wasn't his in-laws directly associated with the Sunyang Group? If Mayor Choi was holding a press conference, there had to be something significant related to the Sunyang Group.

"A few days ago, I announced a plan right here to curb overheated real estate speculation. Since that time, we have received numerous tips indicating illegal activities in the process of real estate acquisition, and the city of Seoul has forwarded all of this information to the prosecution." Mayor Choi adopted a more solemn expression as he addressed the cameras. "However, there has been no sign that the prosecution has initiated an investigation so far, and instead, suspicious individuals have been flocking to the investigative offices, demanding the deletion of transaction records. How can such a thing happen? A complacent prosecution, evidence being destroyed..."

As he trailed off, lowering his head, the journalists began to murmur. Mayor Choi remained in that position for a while before raising his head.

"I mentioned two parties at the beginning. The first is the prosecution, which is my origin as a public servant, and the second is my in-laws, the Sunyang Group. The entity that fueled real estate speculation is my in-laws, and the entity that knowingly aided them is none other than the prosecution. As the mayor of Seoul, I can no longer turn a blind eye to this. That's why I demand action from the National Assembly. If the prosecution doesn't move, please, let the National Assembly take action."

The journalists' expressions soured, and they began to murmur.

"What's going on? Why is the National Assembly involved here?"

"Are they suggesting a special investigation? For real estate speculation? Isn't this overkill?"

"He's playing a move. Trying to avoid any misunderstandings that he might have leaked information."

"It's a power play. He wants to show that the Sunyang Group and himself are separate entities."

"Damn it, Mayor Choi is putting on a show, and we're just puppets standing around."

"It's all for show. There's something fishy about the Sunyang Group and the prosecution, isn't there? Let's follow the rhythm. Hehe."

Mayor Choi, observing the journalists' mixed reactions, quickly concluded the press conference. He had conveyed his message sufficiently and was satisfied.

"That guy must have lost his mind...!"

Jin Yeong-gi, the vice chairman, who had been watching TV, immediately took out his phone. However, the person he called was not Mayor Choi.

"Seo-yoon, come to the company right now."

"Oppa, why are you so sudden? I'm busy too. Can't we talk over the phone?"

"Do you know what your husband, Choi, has been up to?"

"Be careful with your words. What's wrong with him? You're scaring me, Oppa."

"Loudmouth! Did you order this? Hey! If my son is in trouble, that's one thing, but why dig it up and make it a big deal? Can you handle this?"

"What? This is childish. Are you trying to threaten me?"

The harsh voice of the younger sister pierced through his ears.

"Threaten? No, it's a warning. Stop right here. If you take one more step, even your husband won't be safe." After abruptly ending the call, Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi made another phone call. "I need to make sure today's news related to the Seoul mayor... block any follow-up reports. If we don't wrap it up as a one-time story, it will cause trouble for Sunyang."

Incidents and accidents were happening almost daily. In two or three days, the Seoul mayor's press conference would become a distant memory.

One more call, and he could extinguish the urgent fire. But it seemed even more urgent on the other end. Jin Yeong-gi's mobile phone rang.

"Oh, it's the chief prosecutor."

"Vice Chairman, what was Mayor Choi's press conference about today? The kids were watching, and they rushed here, bewildered..."

"Just ignore it. They're trying to make a media splash. That's how politicians are."

"It's a bit difficult. Deputy Chief of Staff just contacted me. It's related to a government policy about making the country a cultural powerhouse. They say it's problematic if any noise gets mixed in. They want a clean and thorough resolution, even if there's a hint of suspicion."

The expression on Jin Yang-cheol's face darkened as he held the phone. It seemed like the situation had escalated. All the way to the Blue House... "Why is everyone acting like this? Making a fuss over buying some land! And it's not like we made any money; it's a huge loss. Let's keep things reasonable."

"Vice Chairman, our position..."

"Fine, I get it. I'll talk to the Blue House, so just wait a little longer."

Ending the call, Vice Chairman Jin Yang-cheol finally felt that something was amiss.

Deputy Chief of Staff...

His way with words wasn't getting through, and it wasn't a direct line either; he had to go through a few intermediaries. Especially after the change of administration, it was even more complicated.

If he were his father, he could connect directly, but in this case, rushing to see his father was absolutely out of the question. It would only make matters worse. In a bad way.

"He's doing a good job. Now he's even selling off his nephew?"

Grandfather didn't have an angry expression; he looked at his daughter-in-law with a pitiful expression.

"Father, this time it couldn't be helped. The land Yeong-jun purchased is enormous, tens of thousands of square meters. If this becomes public knowledge, it will endanger my husband. It's impossible to erase suspicions of insider trading by diverting the development plan. This could lead to a parliamentary hearing or a special prosecutor investigation. Do you know how many people are targeting him?"

The furious aunt offered her justifications, but the grandfather's expression remained unchanged.

"That's not it. Did Yeong-jun manipulate things to buy the land, and did Choi intentionally expose it to mimic an upright Seoul mayor?"

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