The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 153 Give and Take 2

Chapter 153 Give and Take 2

"How does it sound? The more allies we have in situations like this, the better. Since we're in it together, let's give it our all. It's also an opportunity to see how beneficial Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi's support can be, right? Oh, by the way, don't rush to your grandfather and ask for help. If a heavyweight gets involved in a flyweight fight, the game's over. Hehe." Oh Sehyun, accustomed to investment and corporate mergers and acquisitions, seemed to enjoy the familiar feeling of excitement when a clear enemy appeared.

"So, there's no need to involve Father in this situation, right?"

"Siblings have their own issues to work out. Perhaps Yoon-gi is the only one who can handle certain matters. Let it go. It might be fun."

There's nothing more to discuss. I have to let it go as my uncle suggested.

"But what about us? Should we go and watch the proceedings at the Southern District Prosecutor's Office as witnesses?"

"Ignore that. I plan to go alone. I need you to find out what he's really after. But do it discreetly. Condition it without journalists or cameras..."

"Isn't it good to have as many listening ears as possible? I'll go and listen to what he's saying. I'll also pay my respects to the seniors."

"Ah, are you from that side too? Shall we try to gauge the atmosphere over there?"

The reason we could afford to be so relaxed was simple. The National Tax Service can't catch us easily. Miracle operates according to U.S. accounting standards, which means we can neatly settle minor violations by paying fines, and we've transparently dealt with the 100 billion won that Aunt threw away.

No matter how hard the prosecution tries to investigate, it will likely end in a wild goose chase.

"So, let's find out what the prosecutors really want."

Contrary to his son's expectations, Jin Yoon-gi didn't rush to his older brother right away. Instead, he returned to his office and held the phone for a while.

"President Kim, bring Hee-eun and Tae-hyun with you and come to the office right away. There's something I need to discuss urgently."

"Manager Choi, go find Director Bong right now and bring him in. Also, check Yoon Dong-gun's schedule and bring him quickly. It's urgent."

After several phone calls, Jin Yoon-gi paced in his office. He was determined to do everything he could before the family showdown.

Despite them being considered a major player in the Korean film industry, even the CEOs of large management agencies and top stars came running without hesitation.

"Oh, sir, what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?"

As they opened the office door and entered, a middle-aged man seemed a little nervous. Following behind him, a man and a woman with arms linked also greeted Jin Yoon-gi.

"Mr. Chairman, is it a double casting for our next film? We haven't seen any scripts going around Chungmuro yet."

"Sorry, I didn't call you for a movie."

Jin Yoon-gi began with an apology as he saw the hopeful expressions of the two actors.

President Kim had a premonition that something unusual was happening. It was the first time he had seen Chairman Jin Yoon-gi, usually calm and composed, in such a flustered state.

"Sir, whatever it is, just tell us without hesitation."

"I'm here to ask a really difficult favor."

"Yes, please go ahead. We owe everything to you, Chairman. You've turned Hee-eun and Tae-hyun into stars, so we'll do anything you ask."

The three people in the room started to focus their attention on Jin Yoon-gi.

"Are you two planning to get married?"

"What? Why are you suddenly asking that?"

The two actors looked at each other, their eyes widening in surprise.

"Well, it doesn't really matter. Anyway, let's spread some dating rumors about you two. Tomorrow, or even better, today."


The most surprised person in the room was not the parties involved but President Kim.

The sudden influx of CF deals and drama castings seemed to disappear into thin air. However, immediate rejection was avoided.

Jin Yoon-gi was not just an ordinary person, despite his involvement in the film industry. His background was closely tied to the Sunyang Group. The name Sunyang itself granted him the power to withstand any danger and loss. President Kim quickly assessed the situation.

"I raised my voice too loud because I was so shocked... I'm sorry." President Kim bowed slightly and then addressed the two actors. "This is actually a good idea. Postponing the announcement of your marriage and keeping your relationship secret would be difficult. Let's just make it official."


The two top stars were taken aback by President Kim's response, and they protested with surprise. President Kim narrowed his eyes and replied to them.

"Both of you, don't forget that you reached this level in one shot thanks to our Chairman. There's no such thing as helping those who throw tantrums when things get tough. Understand?"

"President Kim, please don't be like that. It's a tough decision for the parties involved."

Jin Yoon-gi lowered his head again and addressed the two actors.

"Hee-eun, Tae-hyun, I'm asking for a favor. I promise to repay you. Help me just this once."

"Ah, Chairman Jin, why are you doing this? Please don't worry about it. Whatever you want, we'll do it." Tae-hyun quickly stood up and raised Jin Yoon-gi from his seat.

"Hee-eun, if it's okay with your brother, then it's okay with me."

"If my brother is okay with it, then I'm okay with it..."

Both of them accepted Jin Yoon-gi's request, and his expression brightened.

"Thank you. I'm in a bit of a hurry, so let's make the announcement quickly. It would be great if we can have it as the top news in the newspapers by tomorrow morning. President Kim, use your influence to make it happen."

"Chairman, don't worry. We'll flood the newspapers, broadcast, and the internet with the news about the two of them."

President Kim stood up as if there was no need for further discussion and took out his mobile phone.

"What's the big deal? You call me here, then you send me away? If the screenplay goes haywire, it's all your fault, Chairman."

This time, a disheveled young man entered the office while expressing his dissatisfaction.

Jin Yoon-gi held his hand and gestured for him to sit on the couch.

"Stop with the unnecessary talk and just listen to me. Listen to everything and respond. Your response must be a definite 'yes.' Understood?"

"Chairman, what kind of concept is this again? Are you trying to imitate a mafia boss?"

"Shut up. The screenplay we're working on is confirmed for a film production. You don't have to read it. Okay?"

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