The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 158 Double-Edged Sword 2

Chapter 158 Double-Edged Sword 2

Speaking forcefully, making it clear that he wasn't scared at all, Jin Yeong-gi frowned visibly.

"Are you playing around with me right now?"

"No one is perfect. That's why they make mistakes. Mistakes can be fatal for companies like us, especially if a place like the National Tax Service seizes on those mistakes. Don't you find that terrifying?"

Jin Yeong-gi stared at Oh Sehyun, who spoke brazenly for a while, then let out a sly smile.

"I thought all of Yoon-gi's friends were dull... I was very wrong. Yoon-gi, his friends... none of them are ordinary."

Jin Yeong-gi, who changed his attitude in an instant, showed the calmness of a vice chairman.

"Alright. Let's overlook the small things, and go big. Let's bring all the companies that Miracle has devoured under the shelter of Sunyang. I'm willing to pay whatever it takes."

"Don't speak so arrogantly. Do you know the corporate value of HW Group?"

Oh Sehyun couldn't help but throw a sharp remark, but it seemed Jin Yeong-gi didn't even hear it.

"Representative Oh , aren't you an expert in that area? Let's do M&A. Evaluate the corporate value rationally and give everything according to the results."

"Let's discuss the big issues after solving the small problems. Please stop the Financial Supervisory Service from scrutinizing our Miracle. Then I can also end it here."

"What do you mean by 'end it'?"

"I've done some research here and there since I couldn't just stand still. You've done some foreign exchange manipulation."

Jin Yeong-gi's eyebrows twitched, but he soon regained his composure.

"What's that supposed to mean? It's a minor violation for a Korean company. Even you must make an illegal U-turn while driving sometimes, right? It's about that level."

"An illegal U-turn? I sometimes make one too. But not while I'm drunk. This is drunk driving plus crossing the centerline."

"Drunk? What do you mean by that?"

"A dollar from the foreign exchange manipulation ended up flowing into a gambling establishment, so I'm currently trying to confirm who it is. Ah, that account is owned by the Sunyang Group, so it would be difficult to feign ignorance."

Oh Sehyun observed Jin Yeong-gi without revealing his wife's name.

He was curious to see how he would react to the word "gambling," but his response was quite different from what he expected. If he knew that his wife was the subject, there would have been a visible reaction. He appeared expressionless, as if he had either never heard the word "gambling" before or was hearing it for the first time.

"I need to hear one piece of news by the end of today. The official investigation by the Financial Supervisory Service and the conclusion of the investigation. If I don't hear that news, the news about the illegal U-turn of the drunk driver will be splashed all over the news tomorrow."

"You just mentioned gambling, right? Foreign gambling?"

"Yes. That's the essence of drunk driving. And you should know who the driver is even without me telling you, right?"

In an instant, Oh Sehyun, who had firmly handed his business card to the table, stood up.

"My phone number. It's valid until the end of today. Remember it."

As Oh Sehyun left the vice chairman's office, he frowned.

"Doesn't that gentleman know that his wife is addicted to gambling?"

Left alone, Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi pondered the words left by Oh Sehyun, but it was difficult to grasp the situation. The problem is that there are not just one or two foreign exchange manipulation accounts. The embezzled dollars are in use in several countries, not just in the United States. People sometimes use them to buy villas, luxury homes, or land and buildings in lucrative locations.

Of course, they might use it for personal entertainment, but gambling!

If Oh Sehyun were shouting to the extent of playing a few rounds of roulette or pulling some slot machine for fun, it wouldn't be such a concern. His first worry was whether that was the case.

"Get Director Choi. Tell him to bring all the foreign exchange accounts."

After shouting into the intercom, he paced around the room.

When Director Choi entered with a thick file of documents, Jin Yeong-gi made a loud exclamation.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"What? What do you mean...?"

At this late hour, like showing a red face at night, Director Choi was startled by the loud noise.

"Was there anything suspicious among the money that went out of the accounts? Anything you didn't report to me?"

He realized from Director Choi's surprised expression that he had made a mistake. Unless there were significant irregularities, he had not reported separately.

"Again, did anything strange happen among the money that went out? Based on your judgment?"

Like someone who had spent his whole life just looking at numbers, he easily understood.

Director Choi quickly handed him a few sheets from the pile of documents.

"What's this?"

"This is a list of what Madam used. Among them, I think there's something that you're looking for, sir. She told me that you didn't need to know when I asked her about it."

When Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi swiftly checked only the final total numbers, he even had the thought that maybe he had seen it incorrectly.

"Th-three hundred million?"

Director Choi had nothing more to say and just stood there, uncertain of how to respond to the vice chairman's attitude.

From the surprised expression, he could only guess that a big problem had occurred.

"Are you sure about this? My wife used this?"

"Yes. She mostly withdrew money in the United States, and she used it occasionally in Morocco."

Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi furrowed his brow and started drumming his fingers, and Director Choi left the room quickly, as if fleeing. He had suspected that there might be something going on at the vice chairman's house, and he even sent a kind message to his close colleagues to delay any approvals, no matter how urgent they were.

Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi's anger toward his wife, who had committed drunk driving and an illegal U-turn, was overshadowed by Oh Sehyun's warning that came to mind first.

He hurriedly summoned the director of his secretariat and took action.

"Ensure that the Strategic PR Office is on high alert. If any media outlets publish any unfavorable articles in the future, even a single line, warn them that I will personally hold them accountable."

The director of the secretariat, sensing that there was a problem within the household, immediately convened a meeting and rushed out. He knew that they would need to use all their connections within the company to prevent any potential storm.

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