The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 38 Let's Not Get Greedy 2

Chapter 38 Let's Not Get Greedy 2


"Yes, our headquarters are in Manhattan, New York."

"You're Korean, sir?"

At the age of 36, the young Sun Jeong-ui, whose Japanese name was Sun Masayoshi, looked at the middle-aged Korean man, Oh Se-hyun, who spoke English and Japanese fluently, with a sense of wonder, tilting his head repeatedly.

"Yes. Our investment firm's capital is from Korea, but we mainly invest in American companies and Hollywood movies."

"So, if you were to invest, you would use dollars...?"

"Well, that would be according to the CEO's preference."

"But how did you know about our SoftBank?"

"Our company also holds a significant amount of Microsoft shares. That's why we receive quarterly reports. Suddenly, the Japanese performance started to shine, which piqued our interest."


Having a common connection during negotiations was quite an advantage. It helped ease the tension because you were no longer dealing with a stranger but someone familiar.

"Are you coming from the United States right now?"

"No, I came from Korea."

"That's fortunate."

A faintly amused smile.

Oh Se-hyun bit his lip, sensing that a negative reaction might come.

"Since you came from a nearby place, I feel less guilty. As I mentioned via fax, we currently do not need external investments."

"So, that's why I came, to convince you, Mr. Sun."

"Hmm... I'm sorry if I didn't convey my thoughts accurately through writing. We will not accept any investment under any conditions. This stance will not change..."

"I'll offer ten times."

Sun Jeong-ui couldn't continue his words due to Oh Se-hyun unexpectedly throwing out a condition. Moreover, it was a radical proposal, offering ten times the investment.

However, Oh Se-hyun spoke with a feeling of swallowing poison. He wanted to pick those words back up if he could.

"Why the hell is the offer this huge? You can't deceive the bloodline."

"Gambling makes people lose their reason. Don't you think so?"

"How would you know that? Are you the one gambling away your money at school?"

In this conglomerate, he had seen countless people lose their reason due to gambling. They would throw away hundreds of billions and embezzle the company's funds to cover their losses.

When caught in embezzlement investigations by the prosecution, they flee abroad and return to indulge in casinos again. After appeasing the prosecutin, they repeatedly return home burdened with gambling debts.

Those people can quit drugs, but they can't quit gambling because they have too much money.

"At our school, no one carries coins. We don't even carry bills under 10,000 won. It's all about cards."

"Really? People from different backgrounds are indeed different. But how do you plan to make it through gambling? Are you going to play poker with the SoftBank CEO?"

"Yes. Let's try a race."

"A race?"

"We'll start with a tenfold increase in the purchase price of SoftBank stocks."

"What? Oh, no. Go on."

Oh Sehyun, who was surprised, had a face he hadn't seen in a long time.

"From then on, we'll keep adding fivefold. Fifteen, twenty times, twenty-five times... But you must let them know in advance that you can stop at any time. And when you stop, the negotiation ends right there. It can't be reversed... Isn't this gambling?"

"That guy Son Jeong-ui, he'll be running in circles, won't he? Ha ha ha."

Oh Sehyun laughed loudly, but his laughter didn't last long.

"That sounds reasonable, but don't forget the purpose. If he agrees at twenty times, we might incur losses. No, even at ten times, we might incur losses. Our goal is investment profit, not the acquisition of SoftBank."

"I plan to race up to fifty times."

He was surprised by the mention of ten times, but not by fifty times. He just had an absurd expression on his face.

"Don't make that face. Dell Computer has already exceeded a hundredfold. SoftBank stocks could also become a hundredfold."

"Is that so? SoftBank isn't a manufacturer. It's just a distributor. A hundredfold? You could lose all your money."

"We can't just put the other party on the gambling table and walk away. Isn't there no such thing as playing poker alone? We'll see how it ends."

Oh Sehyun got up from his seat without saying anything.

"Because you have a strong gambling luck, try this race once. I'll raise the stakes. But Do-Jun."


"The end of gambling is a downfall. Remember that." A calm voice.

It wasn't the image of the CEO of an investment firm but rather that of a close friend of his father.

"This will be the last time. Until I become an adult."

Oh Sehyun nodded lightly.

"W-what are you doing now?"

"I'll give you a fifteenfold increase. Oh, one more thing to mention first. If I stand up from this chair, I won't look back. Also, there was no offer in the first place. Twenty times!"

While Oh Sehyun remained composed, Son Jeong-ui's fingertips trembled.

"Twenty-five times."

"Okay, hold on!"

Oh Sehyun, being a person with a considerable amount of betting money, knows a thing or two about leading a race. He also knows that you shouldn't give the opponent time to think. You have to keep pushing relentlessly to cover the losses and force a surrender.

"Thirty times."


Right at this moment, the opponent's trembling hand stopped. Breaking the rules of the game restored calmness. It was definitely unusual.

It was difficult to understand the meaning of this calmness.

Was he gauging Oh Sehyun's betting amount, or did he genuinely not want to invest... What was it?

"Thirty-five times."

Again, silence.

Oh Sehyun picked up the briefcase he had placed next to his chair. It was filled with cash.

But it didn't work. Oh Sehyun continued the race, and Son Jeong-ui maintained his poker face, as if to see how far Son Jeong-ui would go.

"Fifty times."

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