The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 92 Planting Season 2

Chapter 92 Planting Season 2

"Professor! Professor Shashua."

As the lecture ended, I hurriedly followed the professor out the front door.

I couldn't be entirely sure if this young professor was the person I was looking for, so there was some unease.

"What can I do for you? Are you a student who came in late?"

"I did come in late, but I'm not a student."

Professor Shashua stopped in his tracks and sized me up.

"So, the reason you sought me out..."

"Let me start with a question. Have you been conducting research in the field of optics using recent standard deviation analysis?"

"Yes, I have."

He didn't seem particularly surprised, which suggested that it might be research that had already been publicly disclosed.

I was the one feeling flustered now.

While it seemed likely that this professor was the one I was looking for, what if the work on commercializing the research had already progressed significantly? If there was no room for me to get involved, flying all the way to Israel would have been a futile endeavor.

I had already experienced that having some knowledge of the future wasn't a guarantee of success.

Buying a large quantity of undervalued stocks could lead to a sudden spike in their prices, attracting the attention of other investment institutions. Short-term investment was practically challenging.

It was more likely that I would succeed by looking ahead and gradually buying stocks over several years. However, this approach felt somewhat frustrating. Once you held a certain amount of stock, you would draw attention as a major shareholder.

The best option was to build rapport before starting a company and become an angel investor. Of course, this also required a deep understanding of the industry, but it was a viable path.

Anyway, I fervently hoped that it wasn't too late.

"It might be a somewhat lengthy discussion. Could you spare some time?"

I handed him my business card, and his unexpected expression was a sight to behold.

"Miracle Investment?"

At the sight of that expression, I felt like shouting 'Hallelujah.'

That expression and gaze meant that nobody from the business world had approached him yet, or he wasn't prepared for it.

"Yes, there's a website URL on the card. Please take a look, and if you're interested, we can schedule a meeting..."

Professor Shashua alternated his gaze between the business card and me before speaking.

"Let's meet in my research lab at the Technology Center in two hours. Is that alright with you?"

"Thank you. I'll see you soon then."

As I nodded my head, he lifted his hand briefly and briskly walked away.

I spent the next two hours wandering around the campus.

Having some free time, I noticed what I had missed in my haste to arrive. Barricades and checkpoints set up next to the main entrance of the university caught my eye.

I later learned that they intensively conduct security checks when there is a perceived threat of Middle Eastern terrorism. Not only visitors but also students and professors are subjected to thorough searches, making the term "ammunition depot" quite fitting.

The archaeology department at the Hebrew University is considered the best in the world, and the campus museum exceeded expectations. However, the university's greatest pride was undoubtedly Albert Einstein.

Einstein, a Jewish figure, bequeathed his intellectual property rights to the Hebrew University, which he had played a leading role in founding, before his death in 1955.

Until about a decade ago, the university merely held Einstein's intellectual property rights formally, without making any real efforts towards commercialization.

However, serious efforts towards commercialization began when they hired an intellectual property rights specialist named Berry Hill as their agent.

The university began marketing Einstein's name and image and started charging royalties for their use in various events and advertisements. The income generated from these activities now exceeds $1.5 million annually.

It's truly a frightening world when even those who turn people's images into money are infiltrating sacred ivory towers.

After making a round around the school, I headed to the Technology Center.

Upon entering Professor Shashua's research lab, I saw several people hunched over computer monitors, working on something.

"You've waited quite a bit, haven't you? Come this way."

Professor Shashua led me into a small room. The room was surrounded by books, and there were printed papers and various camera lenses stacked on every desk and chair, making it hard to find a place to sit.

He brought an extra chair over to his desk and gestured for me to sit.

"Please have a seat."

It was uncomfortable, but what could I do? He's the person who might become the golden goose in the future.

"Why would the magician from Hollywood want to meet someone like me, who grapples with mathematical formulas?"

The magician from Hollywood?

Could it be a nickname for the American Miracle? Or perhaps he read an article with a title like that?

"Hollywood is just a part of our investment targets. We always pay attention to new technologies and promising startups."

"Do you happen to be interested in CogniTens?"

"Yes? CogniTens?"

What a blunder!

I couldn't show any signs of surprise, no matter what words came out of this professor's mouth.

I had to make sure I didn't reveal how little I knew. I quickly went into damage control mode.

"I'm sorry, but could you please explain?"

He seemed a bit disappointed as he responded, "CogniTens is a 3D optical measurement solution that can measure the precision of metal parts or assemblies. It's both the name of the solution and the company."

I didn't fully understand, but that didn't matter. Isn't every item created by a startup a genius invention by a brilliant professor?

"When was the company founded?"

"We started in 1995."

"I'll add that company to my list."

"Add it?"

"Yes. The reason I came to see you, Professor, is because I'm interested in technology that provides users with information collected through cameras with minimal margin of error."

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