There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 47: Dekan's Gratitude

Chapter 47: Dekan's Gratitude

"Although the timing for achieving special class varies for other special class card makers, it's really quite rare to achieve special class below tier 5," Leyun couldn't help but exclaim.

Dekan: "Shouldn't it be more challenging to create epic-quality magic cards for higher tiers?"

Leyun: "That's true. But the higher the tier, the harder it is to advance your own tier. You might only stay at tier 3 for a short year, but you could remain at tier 7 for decades."

Dekan nodded in understanding.

Early leveling is fast, but your skills may not keep up with your tier.

In the later stages, leveling becomes slow and knowledge accumulates over time.

Of course, all of this only applies to card makers with talent.

Without talent, you might never create even a purple quality card.

For the next hour, Leyun answered Dekan's questions.

Dekan gained a good understanding of both special class card makers and the association's high-ranking structure.

Once Dekan passed the review to become a formal special class card maker, the Card Maker Association would no longer charge him any service fees or handling fees. He would receive a fixed annual quota of basic materials and, when purchasing rare materials, the association would provide him with substantial guarantees.

In other words, he could buy on credit!

Furthermore, Dekan would be eligible to attend special class meetings.

The status of a special class card maker was equivalent to the highest echelon of the Card Maker Association.

However, one needed to be at least tier 6 special class to have voting rights.

Of course, there were still scattered and highly esteemed privileges.


"Oh, President, can you help me keep an eye out for epic rarity demon materials tier 6 and above?"

Dekan felt that he had talked enough and remembered the important reason for his visit to the Card Maker Association today.

Originally, he had only planned to register his intention to make purchases.

But now it seemed that he might be able to ask President Leyun for some significant favors.

"What do you need these materials for?" President Leyun asked with some curiosity.

Even a tier 7 card maker like him would find it challenging to handle tier 6 epic materials.

"I have an idea for an incredibly powerful card that I'll create in the future."

"Alright, I'll personally post your purchase intention to the association. If there's a suitable offer, do you need me to buy it for you?"

President Leyun was genuinely looking out for Dekan.

After all, if Dekan, in his current state, were to publicly express a desire to purchase tier 6 epic demon materials, it would likely attract the attention of others, possibly even the scrutiny of headquarters.

"No, President, I don't have that much money right now. I'm afraid I can only exchange it with this tier 3 ‘Blood Purification' card."

"...Normally, a tier 3 epic card wouldn't be enough to trade for tier 6 epic materials. But considering the uniqueness of your card, someone might be willing to trade. If I can find a suitable trading partner, I'll connect you both."

"Thank you, President!"

Ignoring the actual strength of the 'Blood Purification' card, it would still be highly sought after due to its versatility. It could fit into any deck, regardless of the class, and might even produce unexpected effects at times.

Can he sell this card now?

The answer was yes.

However, Dekan had no intention of selling it at the moment. For him, as a tier 3 card maker, this card still had significant utility. When he reached tier 5 or 6, he could sell this card for money.

At that time, he would also need funds to start restoring his 'Master.'

Upon careful consideration, he realized that he was willing to go all-in for his 'Master,' using all the money he had earned in the past and the money he would earn in the future. It was all for the sake of repaying the debt of gratitude.

A truly touching bond between a master and disciple.

Even though he could have used that money to create countless pretty girl cards.

Oh? 'Master' is also a pretty girl card, so it's fine.

"What are you thinking about?"

Suddenly, Dekan heard a thought in his mind, sending a chill down his spine.

Dekan pretended not to have heard anything and continued to chat and laugh with President Leyun.

There was silence in Dekan's heart for a while.

It seemed that 'Master' was temporarily silent.

Then, Dekan's pupils showed a sign of changing color.

He quickly covered his eyes.

Leyun: "Dekan?"

Dekan: "It's nothing. I got some dust in my eye; I'll just rub it away."

Then, Dekan hurriedly communicated in his mind, "Master! Let's talk; don't try to take over my body forcefully! I got distracted and didn't notice you calling me!"

"Have you been feeling quite confident lately?"

"How could I? It’s all thanks to your teachings."

"Is that truly what you think in your heart?"

Master's voice was filled with disdain.

She had probably already discerned Dekan's perfunctory attitude.

"...I suspect you haven't been sleeping and have been eavesdropping on my thoughts every day."

Since he couldn't hide it, Dekan decided to stop pretending. His wings had grown stronger, and it was time to challenge his Master. Could he really be suppressed by her forever?

"I'm not as boring as you humans."

Master's voice remained cold and clear.

"Then tell me what I was thinking just now, or I'll suspect you're fishing for information again."

Dekan's tone was quite provocative.

"...So I’m a pretty girl card, right? Heh, your courage is really growing."

After years of being with Dekan, Master had learned many of his unique terms.


Oh, she really heard it. But Dekan showed no signs of remorse. "As the saying goes, as long as you have courage, Teacher..."

"Go on?"

Master's voice grew colder again.

Dekan felt the impending invasion of his body's control.

"Master, please don't worry! Filial piety may falter, but it will never change!"

Dekan laid down his assurance.


After a moment of consideration, Master realized that Dekan's words were sincere. It seemed he had no intention of overstepping his bounds.

Master: "I'm going back to sleep. Don't wake me up again."

Dekan: "Alright." (Alright, you sneaky eavesdropper, even though it's you listening to my thoughts.)

Master: "?"

Dekan: "(*^ ‿ ⁢*)♡"


Once he was sure Master was asleep, Dekan finally dared to breathe freely. This old… Master was quite difficult to fool.

"Dekan, are you feeling better?"

President Leyun handed a handkerchief to Dekan.

"I'm fine, thank you."

Dekan blinked hard, as if he had finally recovered.

"Hard work is good, but remember to protect your eyes."


"I won't keep you any longer here. We will follow up on the review for special class card makers and inform you."

After a brief exchange, Leyun escorted Dekan out of the office and all the way to the special exit of the association.

Dekan bid farewell to Leyun with great joy. In the Card Maker Association, he felt as if he had become a big shot. He had only experienced this feeling in the Demon Academy before.

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