There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 16: I Want To Read

Chapter 16: I Want To Read

Lu Xun wasn't aware of Xuan Yin handing the ribbon to him, given the pitch-black surroundings where he couldn't even see his fingers. He subconsciously reached out, and unexpectedly, he ended up grabbing her plump and round butt.

In that instant, both Lu Xun and Xuan Yin froze. Especially for Xuan Yin, being grabbed like that made her whole body tremble uncontrollably. An indescribable sensation rushed from her feet to her head, and a strange crimson flushed her cheeks. The inexplicable feeling caused her heart to race, and her breath became a bit erratic.

What is he doing? How could he have such audacity? Xuan Yin tightly bit her red lips, trying to suppress the inexplicable emotions welling up within her. She coldly questioned, "What are you doing? How long do you plan to continue? Do you believe I'll chop off your hand right now?"


"I grabbed the wrong thing!" Lu Xun awkwardly and politely responded, "My apologies, wife. In this pitch-black environment, I accidentally grabbed the wrong thing."

As he spoke, Lu Xun intended to let go. However, taking advantage of the fact that he couldn't be beaten to death, he loosened his grip, deliberately rubbing a little. The sudden change stirred something within Xuan Yin, nearly causing her to cry out. She was infuriated and anxious, clutching the hilt of her flying sword, her hand showing visible veins.

I might as well chop him to pieces!

Xuan Yin hated him to the core, but she also knew that she had no real way to deal with him. Lu Xun possessed a remarkable ability to take a beating far beyond his actual cultivation level, and his master protected him. After contemplating for a moment, Xuan Yin decided to give him a thorough beating. Though she couldn't take his life, she could at least make him feel pain; otherwise, he might eventually provoke her when she was in heat. The Yin surge was already showing signs of awakening prematurely, and she couldn't afford any accidents.


"My wife! There's a monster here! It just kicked me!" Lu Xun's pitiful cry echoed in the darkness.

"No need to fear. I'm the one beating you," Xuan Yin said coldly. "Stay there and don't move."

After that, the dark depths of the cave resounded with cries of misery, accompanied by the sound of fists and feet colliding.

After a short while, Lu Xun's face became bruised and swollen, but he wasn't at death's door. His sturdy defense had protected him from serious harm, only resulting in minor bruises. In contrast, while Xuan Yin didn't suffer any injuries, she was slightly panting, and her hands were aching.

This thick-skinned Lu Xun! Xuan Yin felt a bit exasperated, tightly biting her lips in frustration. She coldly said, "I'm leaving. Get out on your own."

Having spoken, she picked up her flying sword and stormed off, leaving Lu Xun lying on the ground.


"Don't leave like this, wife!" Lu Xun suddenly stood up, rushed over following her voice, and relying on his manly intuition, he grabbed Xuan Yin's immaculate jade hand tightly in his own. With a serious tone, he said, "My wife, don't leave me behind. Your husband is scared."

Xuan Yin, with her hand caught by him, once again stood stunned for a moment. She quickly regained her senses, forcefully shaking off his slightly rough yet powerful hand. Lightly pursing her red lips, she calmly said, "I don't want to deal with you, so get lost!"

Saying that, she continued on her way.

However, the clever Lu Xun took the opportunity to grab hold of a ribbon and followed closely behind the cold demoness, going towards the exit in a clumsy manner.

Facing the crafty man behind her, Xuan Yin didn't say much. She simply acquiesced, leading her not-yet-married husband out of the cave at a leisurely pace, finally breathing in fresh air again.


"My wife?"

"How did you determine that someone had beaten us to it?" Lu Xun sat on the flying sword, holding onto Xuan Yin's leg and curiously asked.

"I'm not telling you," Xuan Yin retorted unkindly, "Figure it out yourself."


"My wife, have you noticed that you're becoming more mischievous?" Lu Xun asked.

"Go away!" Xuan Yin scolded with a dark face.

Facing the unpredictable demoness, Lu Xun gradually learned some of her habits. In fact, she wasn't as indifferent as she appeared. To be precise, she was pretending to be upright. As long as one could break through her cold and ruthless facade, all that remained was a surging blaze, easily capable of consuming any man.

And I, Lu Xun, am that man being devoured by the flames.

In the past, I was full of confidence and could disperse demons with a wave of my hand. However, that night, I encountered Miao Feng, the thousand-year snake demon, and set foot on an unexpected path. Perhaps this is my fate, to burn myself in the raging fire, burning my youth, burning my energy, and burning my life!

Unknowingly, the two returned to the broken temple. Xuan Yin sat cross-legged, meditating, while Lu Xun tinkered with his hidden weapons nearby.

Secretly opening her eyes, she cast a sidelong glance at him, observing him play with his sleeve arrows. She immediately frowned and coldly warned, "Don't aim those at your own head, or you might blow your own head off."

"It's fine."

"I've removed the cold arrows from inside," Lu Xun put away his sleeve arrows and looked at the expressionless Xuan Yin, smiling, "My wife, are you concerned about me?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"I just don't want to be scolded by my master," Xuan Yin said calmly.

Lu Xun just smiled and continued to tinker with other hidden weapons, casually saying, "Before meeting your master, I always thought I had no rivals. But that night, I couldn't even figure out how to fight back against your master. It made me realize how weak I was."

Xuan Yin pursed her lips and replied, "Having that realization is good."

As the conversation fell into a pause, Xuan Yin hesitated for a moment and softly said, "Stay by my side and my master's side obediently, and neither of us will let anyone harm you even a bit."

"That won't do!"

"A man's ambition ought to resemble a surging river, flowing relentlessly towards the sea. Why settle for tranquil shores like you?" Lu Xun said with pride.

After speaking, a flying sword attacked, directly inserting itself in front of Lu Xun's face.

"Forgot what you promised me before?" Xuan Yin's face darkened, and she glared fiercely at him, scolding, "If you dare to repeat it, I'll impale you head!"

Oh, you, female demon…

Lu Xun felt a bit at a loss for a moment, more of a hysterical helplessness. If only he could defeat her, he wouldn't be in this humiliating situation.

Just as Lu Xun was feeling indignant, he heard the voice of the demoness.

"Hey, Lu Xun."

"I want to read some books. Can you teach me?"

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