There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 222: Surely A Coincidence

Chapter 222: Surely A Coincidence

Su Jingyi and Mu Qingshuang, these two sisters, looked at each other and fell into silence. After a moment, they simultaneously spoke.

"You go first."

"No, you go first."

Mu Qingshuang: ""

Su Jingyi: ""

"I'll go first!"

"I'll go first!"

The sisters found themselves in an awkward moment again. Su Jingyi cleared her throat and asked softly, "What did you want to say?"

"He wrote me another poem." Mu Qingshuang held her spiritual mirror, her eyes filled with tenderness as she recited a poem from it, "Though I embrace art, who is truly intimate with me; yet carefree, I'm genuinely innocent; when will I return, to become an idle man; with a zither, a pot of wine, and a stream of clouds."

As she finished speaking, Mu Qingshuang raised her head, gazing directly at her dear sister, and whispered, "Jingyi, don't you think he is so carefree? Life is fleeting, there's little to do; looking back, everything is transient, like sunlight through a crack, and sparks from a flint, all fleeting."

"Instead of wasting our lives and time pursuing fame and fortune, it's better to let go of everything and live as a carefree person. Playing a zither, pouring wine, listening to the babbling brook, watching the white clouds drift by, and enjoying the present moment's beauty and freedom." Mu Qingshuang spoke with passion, "How can I not be infatuated with such a man?"

Su Jingyi frowned, her beautiful face filled with doubt and incomprehension. Why does it feel like my little scoundrel wrote this poem? This kind of elevated and poetic state of mind is somewhat similar to the techniques used by Lu Xun in some of his poems. He often used such philosophical insights about life.


"I seem to sense that he's mocking the world." Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and whispered, "A man of such talent seeks only leisure and happiness, being idle, while there are so many wastes, each climbing ranks through official positions. I I feel a bit dissatisfied for him."


"You have supreme power, even the emperor must respect you. Can't you help your brother-in-law secure some official position?" Mu Qingshuang tugged at her sleeve and said earnestly, "Preferably a high-ranking position, like a Cabinet Secretary at least."

Su Jingyi said unenthusiastically, "You should know that I've never involved myself in such matters. Besides, this could easily attract gossip. While I'm not afraid of anyone, I don't like people talking behind my back. I won't agree to this."

"You're petty," Mu Qingshuang retorted, rolling her eyes at her, "By the way, what did you want to tell me earlier?"

"My man also wrote me a poem," Su Jingyi seemed to be competing with her, leisurely saying, "Recently thin, not from illness or wine; not due to lonely autumn; At a glance, it adds another layer of sorrow."

"My man," Su Jingyi bit her lip, her eyes filled with deep affection, "He's always so deeply affectionate towards me, making me love, rejoice, and feel helpless at the same time."

Mu Qingshuang opened her mouth, words lingering on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed them back. The structure and style of this poem why does it resemble her poem so much? Both use the technique of descriptive writing, the language is so pure and elegant, and there's a hint of subtle grace.

"Why do I feel" Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and said cautiously, "That your man's poem and mine share a silent similarity? They both use direct descriptions in form and have this elegance in language."


"Perhaps that's just a common characteristic of talented individuals," Su Jingyi softly explained. "What do you think?"


"What you're saying makes sense!" Mu Qingshuang nodded, appearing contemplative.

At this point, the two sisters still couldn't believe that their men were the same person. The stark contrast between Mu Qingshuang's man, an upright gentleman, and Su Jingyi's man, a lecher, along with their respective love rivals, the little fox and the big demoness, made them firmly convinced that they were not the same.

On the other side, Lu Xun was still soaking in the warm pool, oblivious to the fact that the owners of the two mirrors were currently discussing him. He was entirely relaxed and carefree.

However, at this moment, the two spiritual mirrors lit up once again, and he finally realized something was amiss.

"A coincidence."

"Surely just a coincidence!"

Lu Xun glanced at the content of both mirrors. Aunt Su's spiritual mirror was filled with sweet nothings, while the widow's mirror was full of inquiries about his well-being.

In the subsequent time, Lu Xun was somewhat busy, dividing his attention between the two mature beauties, but he was always careful to confirm that he hadn't accidentally taken the wrong mirror. After all, one is always cautious the first time.

"You're not going to talk to your man anymore?" Su Jingyi put away her spiritual mirror and looked at Mu Qingshuang beside her, who had placed her mirror on the table and was leisurely sipping tea. Curiously, she asked.

"He said he's tired and is soaking in the warm pool. I didn't want to disturb him," Mu Qingshuang replied.


Her man is also soaking in the bath?

A hint of surprise and confusion flashed in Su Jingyi's eyes, "Qingshuang, my man is also in the bath."


"What's so strange about that? Is there something wrong with taking a bath? Don't tell me people can't take baths?" Mu Qingshuang bit her lip and earnestly explained, "Maybe it's just a coincidence. Anyway, it's definitely not the same person. My romantic rival is a woman with a small figure and quirky personality. What about yours?"

"She has a figure comparable to mine," Su Jingyi answered.


Mu Qingshuang said with a smirk, "In any case, it's just a coincidence. Of course, it's impossible that it's the same man."


"If it were the same person, this situation would become incredibly complicated," Su Jingyi nodded.

Lu Xun put away the two spiritual mirrors, got up, and entered the big pool of Miao Fengxian, closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep. After some time had passed, he heard the impatient voice of the big demoness, tinged with urgency and desire.

"You naughty thief, how long do you plan to soak? Don't you know I've been waiting for you?"

Lu Xun looked at the fierce demoness by the pool, smiled mischievously, and replied, "I accidentally fell asleep."


"Accidentally? I think you did it on purpose," the alluring demoness glared at the young man in the pool and said somewhat anxiously, "Hurry up and come back."

But Lu Xun had no intention of getting up; he continued to soak in the warm pool, gently asking, "What about the little fox?"

"She came back and fell asleep. She must be exhausted from being outside, and she won't be able to get up until tomorrow morning for sure," the big demoness said, her eyes seductive as she looked at him. "Do you understand what I mean?"


Absolutely understood!

Lu Xun took advantage of the demoness' lack of preparation and suddenly grabbed her arm. With little effort, he pulled her into the warm pool.


Water splashed, creating large ripples. However, Miao Fengxian, who was pulled into the warm pool, offered no resistance. Instead, she cupped Lu Xun's cheeks with her hands, and her red lips passionately locked with his.

Oh, I've been fooled!

This person is not here for a friendly visit!

By the time Lu Xun realized what was happening, it was too late.

After a while, the big demoness lazily nestled in Lu Xun's embrace, her arms gently wrapped around his waist. Her face was filled with intense affection and a hint of lingering desire.

"Do you know how much I've missed you?" Miao Fengxian softly mumbled, "I've been dreaming of you these past few days, but waking up to find you're not by my side The emptiness and loneliness are driving me crazy, you little thief."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but sway her body sensually, pressing herself closer to him, and continued, "I can't leave your side anymore."

"I feel the same way, sister," Lu Xun replied gently, "Thinking of you is like a river's waters, flowing day and night without a pause."

Miao Fengxian lifted her head, gazing affectionately at him, losing the demeanor of a millennium-old demoness, displaying the appearance of an emotionally stirred young woman.


"Sister, your look" Lu Xun shrank his neck, facing those scorching eyes, he was suddenly taken aback and dared not speak. He cautiously reminded, "We just finished, you know."

"That was just my appetizer. Now it's time for my main course," Miao Fengxian reached out to lift his chin, smiling seductively. "You little thief, why are you so handsome?"


Lu Xun didn't say anything else. He immediately embraced her head, preparing to kiss her, but was pushed away by Sister Miao.

"Xuan Yin!"

"It seems like Xuan Yin is coming!"

Miao Fengxian looked frantic as she said, "You you need to escape quickly."


Before Lu Xun could react, she continued anxiously, "No, no, it seems like it's too late."

As she spoke, Miao Fengxian waved her delicate hand, and Lu Xun's clothes all flew away, landing somewhere in the woods. At the same time, she held his head tightly.

"Sorry, wait in the water for a while," Miao Fengxian said helplessly.


"Not again, in the water?" Lu Xun grimaced.

Miao Fengxian didn't care, the situation was urgent, and they couldn't delay any longer. Without further ado, she pressed her little thief into the water.

At this moment, her jade-like hand produced a pill out of thin air, which she directly pushed into his mouth.

Lu Xun, who had been holding his breath, suddenly found he could breathe freely.

Well, this is much more comfortable than before. He almost suffocated in the water the last time.

Unable to move in the water, Lu Xun could only stretch his neck and turn his head. However, he quickly found some immediate enjoyment right in front of him.

An audacious thought continued to brew in his mind.

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