This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

For the princess, who had been contemplating marriage and raising children with him, his words were nothing short of a bolt from the blue.

Her face turned ashen in an instant.

Teresa forced a smile, as if to soothe her suddenly estranged lover.

What are you saying, Hayden? I can hardly understand what you mean...

Let me explain it simply, Princess Teresa. I never intended to marry you from the start.

Strictly speaking, this was both true and false.

It wasnt that Hayden had never dreamed of marrying the princess and becoming a princess consort.

However, the likelihood of such an absurd goal becoming reality was exceedingly low.

If Hayden were to betray Rosalia and marry the princess, he would ultimately need to win the throne and eliminate them. Otherwise, it would be his own life that would end in silence.

The problem was that Teresa was not a figure worth staking Haydens life on.

She herself had little ambition for succession, and more importantly, she was not immune to the dirty tricks of a man like him.

While Teresa was clever enough to be considered for succession by the late emperor, that was all there was to it.

Hayden believed that academic intelligence and political acumen were two different matters.

If she were smart enough to inherit the throne, she wouldnt have met me and ruined her life.

Thinking this, Hayden felt as if all of this was the princess karma.

If she had only been a bit wiser, she wouldnt have had to experience such an ordeal.

With that thought, even a shred of guilt Hayden might have felt was gone, and he spoke with a cold expression.

I am already in talks for marriage with another woman. She is the match chosen by my parents. Today, I came here to clarify my relationship with you, Your Highness.

So, what are you saying? You speak of betrothal, but your lover is me, and what about our child? How can you marry another woman...

A royal marriage with Your Highness? As if that were ever a suitable situation for me. Im sorry, Your Highness. It seems my love was not deep enough to resolve to spend my life with you.

Accusations and denials, pleas and persuasions were repeated several times.

Despite Teresas tears and rage, Hayden remained unyielding until the end.

He observed her impassively, as if she were a stranger with no connection to him.

Finally, their allotted time for meeting came to an end.

The light in Teresas eyes dimmed.

As Hayden prepared to leave, Teresa, with a voice dried up from despair, pleaded.

Give me back my child.

Glancing back at her, Hayden adjusted his hat and replied, Stay quiet and obedient as you are now, and perhaps, someday, Ill allow you to see the childs face.

With that, Hayden walked out, never seeking her out first again.

Until the day Teresa died, having summoned him to the palace herself, Hayden had forgotten about the princess confined because of him and lived his life without trouble, thanks to Teresa keeping the secret for the safety of their child.

Yet, she never saw the childs face again until her death.

Where have you hidden the child? the Empress asked, barely concealing her agitation.

Given that she didnt immediately reject his offer and stand up, it was clear she was somewhat swayed by the bait hed laid out.

With a more relaxed demeanor, Hayden responded.

Havent I already said? If you resolve this issue for me, Ill disclose the childs whereabouts. I cant reveal my hand before ensuring their safety.

How can I be sure youre not lying to get out of this situation?

To play such a deceitful game with the royal bloodline, in front of Her Majesty the Empress, is beyond my courage.

Rosalia, from behind the veil, silently scrutinized Hayden for a moment.

Her judgment was the same.

Having served the royal family for many years and gained a certain level of experience, he always knew his place and acted accordingly.

In a situation where being caught in a lie would lead to a far worse end, it was unlikely he would gamble without any basis.

Rosalia bit her lower lip gently before releasing it and said.

I need time to verify whether your claims hold any truth.

It would be wise to hurry. In the face of death, people lose their fear.

Hayden remarked, confident that the Empress would not leave this seed of trouble unaddressed.

He knew her well; she was the type who would certainly seek to eliminate Princess Teresas child, just as she had ruthlessly cleared the palace of her husbands brothers to secure his throne.

Three days.


Ill give you an answer within that time. Will that suffice?

Hayden nodded in response to the Empress inquiry.

While he was eager to leave this uncomfortable situation, it was time to hold his breath and wait for her decision.

By even considering this deal, she had already made a significant concession.

Pressing for a quicker resolution would not have been wise.

Instead, Hayden left her with another plea.

I will keep my promise. I hope you will do the same, Your Majesty.

Congratulations, Count. Youve managed to speak so boldly in front of me and still preserve your life.

The Empress replied with a cold voice as she rose from her seat.

She glanced at Hayden with disdain for a moment before turning and exiting the room.

Her attendants, waiting outside, quickly approached her.

Your Majesty, should we return the prisoner to his room, or...

Yes, lets send him back now that weve finished our discussion.

The knight in charge of guarding Hayden saluted and entered the room.

Rosalia did not look back as she left the interrogation room, followed by the sound of several footsteps.

As if fleeing from them, Rosalia quickened her pace through the dark corridors, consumed by a single thought.

I must find and kill that child.

It was the child of the woman she had ruined.

Leaving her be could lead to unforeseen repercussions.

The fact that Hayden had spoken about Teresas child meant her existence was no longer a complete secret, even to those who had heard their conversation.

While she didnt doubt the loyalty of her confidants present, the unpredictability of human nature was always a concern.

Secrets, like sand, inevitably slip through even the tightest grasp, leaking out in some form or another.


After all, its a truth Ive lived without knowing until now. If I can bury this whole affair, pretend the child never existed, just as weve managed to keep it hidden so far...

If she could deceive even herself in this way, then perhaps she neednt kill Teresas child.

Rosalia took a shallow breath, aware of the irrationality of her actions.

Yet, the desire not to further deny Teresas existence was undeniably present within her.

Her feelings towards Teresa were always ambivalent, torn between two irreconcilable sides.


Rosalia halted her brisk walk, straightening her posture and turning her head to the side.

The knight, responding to the Empress call, stepped forward and bowed.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Count Modrov looks quite disheveled. Im concerned that the harshness of his imprisonment might lead him to make a rash decision.

The hint was subtle, but the knight understood her meaning without difficulty.

They were outside, away from prying ears, yet the openness of their location demanded discretion.

Direct orders, especially for something as dishonorable as murder, couldnt be openly given here.

It seems we must ensure the Counts comfort. However, given the eyes upon us, immediate improvements to his conditions might be challenging... By when would you like the matter resolved?

The Empress, gazing at the knight who inquired about a deadline, slowly closed and then opened her eyes.

After a brief contemplation, she decisively replied, In three days.

It was as if she had made a promise to provide an answer by then.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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