Thousand Autumns

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Chen Gong held a sword firmly in his hand, Shen Qiao recognized it at once, it was Taie sword from which the <Zhu Yang Ce> scroll had been extracted and then presented by Chen Gong to Yuwen Yun.

The sword was balanced on the neck of Puliuru Jians second son, this sword was a renowned sword from antiquity, jointly casted by Ou Yezi and Gan Jiang, its edge was preternaturally sharp, it was only held up to the boys neck, but a fine red line had appeared on his soft skin.

A-Chuang, dont move. Shen Qiao said to him, this nickname he had learned from Puliuru Jian.

Chen Gong smiled: Rest assured, I have no intention of harming Yanmen-jungong, as soon as I get what I want, I will leave at once to a distant land, I wont stay to clown around where you can see me, and annoy you.

Shen Qiao: What do you want?

Chen Gong made a hand motion: Please sit.

He had the hostage at hand, was in no rush at all, since he was in no rush, Shen Qiao was also not in a hurry.

Shen Qiao, we met in humble circumstances, and can be considered friends through adversity, truth be told, Ive always remained grateful to you, I didnt think that wed get a chance to sit calmly across from each other like this. Chen Gong perfunctorily addressed their past, no longer addressed him as Shen-daozhang, but by name directly.

This poor one cannot undertake Zhao-guogongs gratitude. Shen Qiao said.

Chen Gong smiled: I still remember back in that rundown shrine, you helped me beat up those thugs, and gave me donkey meat jiabing to eat, back then I thought where did this fool come from, clearly your skills were superior, but you were willing to share your food. I came from a poor family and was impoverished to the point of hunger, never mind learning to read and write, I didnt even know what the jianghu was, not until much much later did I realize how high of a position you held in the jianghu, how formidable your reputation was, until that one match, and then you were left with nothing, forced to drag around your disabled body through the jianghu.

We were lucky along our way, finally escaping to Huaizhou City, I could see myself one step closer to my goal of joining Liuhebang, I was overjoyed, who knew at this time, you would suddenly bring up going our separate ways.

Shen Qiao was originally reluctant to speak, hearing the other pause, finally said: Splitting ways with you, it was not because I thought you were a deadweight, but that I was afraid of bringing you trouble.

This very late sentence of explanation, in Shen Qiaos eyes had no need to be said, he had experienced so many betrayals, so many ill-intentions, he believed even more in the phrase a clear conscience stands on its own, if Chen Gong doubted him, was there any use in speaking more words?

Chen Gong smiled: Back then I did use my narrowmindedness to understand you, I thought you considered me a deadweight, and purposefully left me behind, so I was resentful.

Shen Qiao, blandly: Even without this event, when you met Mutipo, you would still have no qualms about selling me out, yes or no, whats the point of saying more?

No matter how thick Chen Gongs face was, hearing this, he was a little perturbed, but he readjusted right away and smiled: No matter, as I said before, I am still grateful to you, if you hadnt brought me out of that small town, I might still be doing that never-ending, starvation, back-breaking work, perhaps to this day I would still be subject to my stepmothers extortions.

Shen Qiao: Chen Gong, although you couldnt recognize the written word, you could remember everything you heard, socially you are more worldly than me, with these qualities and your natural calibre for martial arts, even in the jianghu it would be a rare occurrence, if you hadnt met me, you would have still been able to make your name someday, to have fallen at this injunction today, it has nothing to with your abilities, only that you walked the wrong path.

No, youre wrong. Chen Gong shook his head: The reason Im one move behind, its not because I was on the wrong path, but that my luck isnt good.

Shen Qiao, when you fell from Banbu Peak, if Yan Wushi hadnt been passing by, would you have been saved, if at that time it had been Yu Ai or Kunye searching, wouldnt you be long dead? I heard your parents died when you were young, allowing you to enter the tutelage of Qi Fengge, but there are ten thousand other people of high martial calibre, why was it you that Qi Fengge chose? That day we met, you were blind, wugong near extinguished, you looked no different from an invalid, if you didnt get your hands on <Zhu Yang Ce>, how could you, like withered wood in spring, regain your position as a martial master? If we look back to the root cause, its that your luck is better than others thats all, if I had half your luck, I wouldnt worry about making my name.

Shen Qiao was silent for a while: Our paths are different, we cannot plan the same plan, if you want to think this way, I cannot stop you.

Chen Gong laughed: Looks like you disagree with my words, I know you are a proper person, and would stick your nose up at someone like me who has advanced through side-doors to sit as an equal before you today. See, if you hadnt helped Puliuru Jian launch his rebellion, I could have continued comfortably as Zhao-guogong, we would have gone our separate ways like well-water and riverwater, but theres nothing else I could do, I know that as soon as Yuwen Yun dies, I wont be able to exist in Zhou. Puliuru Jian is like Yuwen Yong, their kind of people, are diametrically different from Yuwen Yuns tolerance, he is certain not to have a use for me, perhaps to demonstrate the dawn of a new dynasty, he needs to kill a couple of courtier officials like me, thus we are here today to discuss conditions.

I know that Zhous inner palace holds a scroll of <Zhu Yang Ce>, but after Yuwen Yongs death, I searched high and low in the palace for it with the permission of Yuwen Yun, but could not find it, I thought, that scroll was probably taken away during the chaos. For a commoner, the scroll is useless, unless they were a jianghu person, so it was most likely Huanyue Sect, you and Yan Wushi are quite close, he must have also shown you that scroll?

Shen Qiao, blandly: Thats correct, I am in possession of that scroll, but it was not given to me by Yan Wushi, but Puliuru Jian.

Chen Gong, suddenly understanding something: No wonder, Puliuru Jians daughter is Yuwen Yuns empress, naturally the one closest to the water tower gets the moon! The reason you were able to recover your wugong so fast must be because of <Zhu Yang Ce>.

This was not phrased as a question, but a statement of certainty, because Chen Gong himself has also practiced <Zhu Yang Ce>, looking at it this way, his wugong and Shen Qiaos had the same origin.

Shen Qiao: You want me to exchange <Zhu Yang Ce> for Yanmen-jungong?

Chen Gong smiled: Yes, but I dont just want the scroll from the inner palace, the scroll from Xuandushan, I want that one too.

Shen Qiao: The scroll that Puliuru Jian gave me, I have it with me, I can give it to you, but the scroll from Xuandushan has long been destroyed by my shizun, I can only recite it, I dont have the original, Im afraid youll suspect that I altered the contents.

Chen Gong: If it was anyone else, I may suspect them, but if its you, I trust your character.

Shen Qiao remained expressionless: Thank you for your trust.

He took out that scroll of <Zhu Yang Ce>, tossed it to Chen Gong.

Each scroll of <Zhu Yang Ce> was written on silk material, the ink was infused with herbs, and would not fade for a long time, the silk was light and thin, easy to store, Chen Gong didnt inspect the thing in his hands, but this material was hard to find, once it was on hand, he knew it was the same as the one he removed from Taie Sword, authentic.

He received the scroll, and tucked it away: My thanks in advance for reciting the scroll from Xuandushan, after I memorize it, I will release Yanmen-jungong.

The hostage was in his hands, he held the advantage, and felt confident in his position.

Shen Qiao saw that the boy in his arms was not doing too bad, so started reciting the <Zhu Yang Ce> scroll from Xuandushan.

Chen Gong listened carefully, after he was done, nodded: Ive memorized it, there were some phrases I didnt completely understand, but I think things have wrapped up in the palace, if I wait until Yan Wushi gets here, one against two, I wont gain anything, so I have no time to get your advice on it, its a pity.

Shen Qiao: Yan Wushi and Xueting are still fighting, they wont be done anytime soon, since I came as requested, please respect your end of the deal, and release the boy, I will guarantee your safe departure from the capital.

Chen Gong smiled: No need, even if you dont intervene, it doesnt guarantee that someone else wont, I know Yan Wushi has a disciple left in the city, his wugong is not bad, my skill level today should be comparable to his, Im not willing to take that risk, I have to have Yanmen-jungong accompany me on this next segment, until Im out of the capital, I will release him then.

Shen Qiao knew that words meant nothing to this type of person, if he got angry now it would be pointless, so he schooled his expression into neutrality, just looked at him a while, then nodded: Fine, but if you do not stand by your word and release the boy, even if you flee to the edges of the sea, I will find you and kill you.

Chen Gong laughed haha: Rest assured, why would I bring along this deadweight? Puliuru Jian has so many sons, I cant even threaten him properly, I can only use him in exchange for <Zhu Yang Ce>!

He kept his hold on the boy as he stood to leave the manor, outside a carriage was waiting, Murong Qin was seated at the front as the driver.

Although Chen Gong appeared calm, he was on total guard against Shen Qiao, afraid hed suddenly change his mind.

Just as he was about to climb onto the carriage with the boy in hand, a faint movement came from behind him, from a distance then closer, it aimed for his head!

Murong Qin moved, lunged towards Chen Gongs back.

But in that flash, even if he knew Murong Qin would come to his aid, Chen Gong couldnt help but turn his head to look.

As he turned his head, Shen Qiao moved.

His form was like a ghost, when it appeared in front of Chen Gong, Chen Gong had not yet fully comprehended what was happening behind him before he felt a sudden pain in his wrist, Taie Sword fell from his hands, and his arms were empty, Shen Qiao had grabbed Puliuru Ying, his other hand was pressed towards his chest.

Chen Gong felt a dull pain in his chest, his body flying backwards like a tetherless kite, his momentum only stopping when he slammed into a pillar, and fell heavily to the ground.

This strike of Shen Qiaos, he had used seven eight parts of his zhengqi, its power was significant.

Chen Gong spit out a mouthful of blood onto the floor, before he could react, Shen Qiao had sealed his meridian points, then he saw the glint of Taie Sword, Chen Gong cried out miserably, his eyes wide open, no longer the image of self-assuredness from before.

You! Where is my inner qi! Shen Qiao you nullified my wugong! He raged, the refined speech that he had built up over the years along with his rise in position vanished like smoke and dust, in this moment, it was as if he was back to that impoverished youth who could only seek shelter in a dilapidated temple. You dare nullify my wugong! Who do you think are! Who do you think are!!

Shen Qiao threw Taie Sword on the ground: Your turn in fate, started with meeting me in the run-down temple, since it is like that, then let me be the one to end it. Youre not a impartial person, your wugong to you, is only a tool to ascend the ranks, but for others, it may be the disaster that ends their lives.

He shook his head: Chen Gong, you dont deserve to practice martial arts.

Yes or no, youre not the one to decide! Chen Gong bared his teeth, if looks could kill, Shen Qiao would already be in several pieces. What piece of shit are you, youre only a dog moaning under Yan Wushi, seducing him, tricking him into giving you <Zhu Yang Ce>, how much better than me do you think you are?

He spat out an endless stream of filth, Shen Qiao was about to seal his speech meridian point, only to see Puliuru Ying bent over picking up Taie Sword from the ground, he grasped its hilt, pulled the sword back, and then stabbed him straight in the heart!

A fresh gush of blood, and Chen Gong died with his two eyes wide open!

Shen Qiao was shocked: You

Puliuru Ying spat on Chen Gongs body, a violent look in his eyes: You lowly pest, how dare you take me as hostage!

Even if Chen Gong had a chance to reflect, he wouldnt be able to understand how he died by the hands of a small child.

On the other side, Bian Yanmei had things under control, Murong Qin had sustained heavy injuries.

The author would like to say:

Why does Chen Gong have so many lines, because his character and what he endures, is somewhat similar to A-Qiao, but also somewhat different, the contrast between him and A-Qiaos experience is interesting.

In a chaotic world, human life is mere trifle, he wants to rise above everyone, but his efforts fall short, Shen Qiao was the cause of his lifes turn in fate, and Shen Qiao was also the cause of his lifes end.

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