Thriller Paradise

Chapter 276 Battle for the Cape 19

Chapter 276 Battle for the Cape 19

At least on one count, Shiva and Seven Kills were right—Feng Bujue was indeed found by one of the ’superheroes’ in the game. Or perhaps this was the intention of the ’highest consciousness’ or the system. When Feng Bujue took Two-Face’s car to Wayne Manor, he ran into someone that he did not wish to meet at all. But a shadow dropped on the sky and banged on the engine of the car. Feng Bujue reacted fast and stepped on the brakes. The other person was not swung off by inertia and stood there steadily.

The dark cape, dark tights, clear muscles, and red eyes—he was Jason Todd, the second Robin, later Red Hood, and the current fake Batman. There was a metallic mouthpiece on Jason’s Batmask. He had row of bullets draped around his shoulders like Rambo. As the cruelest superhero in Gotham, the biggest difference between him and Batman was... he would use dual guns to kill.

Bang bang bang!

The windscreen was shattered, and seven bullet holes instantly appeared in the driver seat.

Who was Feng Bujue? He would not be killed by an attack like that. Once he saw that it was Jason, without waiting for anything, he activated Body Enhancement Spell. He kicked open the door and leaped out. His action was smooth and fast. If he was a bit slower, he would have been a sieve already.

"Where are you going?" Jason moved very fast, and he only needed three seconds to catch up to Feng Bujue. As he spoke, he started to beat the man up. Feng Bujue was unable to evade this hit, and he was struck on the back by a knee. Ten seconds after that, he was in a suffocating state, unable to breathe, and the air rolled in his chest. But he resisted the pain and used the force to roll forward and expose the bomb in him.

He used the last breath to say, "Don’t come any closer!"

Todd halted, and he stopped attacking.

"Ha... ha..." Feng Bujue knelt on the ground and took a long time to regain his breath. They were situated in the middle of the street, but due to the current circumstances in Gotham, the street was practically deserted. However, from the dark alleys, there were pairs of eyes looking at them.

"This works every time." Seeing as the situation had settled down, Feng Bujue stopped Body Enhancement spell to stop the loss of his Life Points. He staggered up and wiped his mouth. The attack earlier was harsh; even his spit was punched out.

"You really think I care about the blast killing you and people around you?" Todd’s coarse voice came out from the mouthpiece. It sounded like the real Batman.

"Of course, you don’t care." Feng Bujue smirked. "I believe... you saw the extent of this explosive’s power and knew that at this distance, even with the Kevlar suit and the cape made from shape memory fiber, you will be blasted into pieces as well."

"Humph..." Todd also smirked and put the guns away. "Looks like you know a lot, kid... You did good avoiding the bullets."

"If I didn’t avoid those bullets, we would both be dead now," Feng Bujue replied.

"You’re right... Next time I will pay attention before I shoot someone," Jason said sarcastically. "These days there are more and more people running around with bombs strapped on their bodies."

"Ha!" Feng Bujue’s slick tongue was not going to lose a mockery competition. "Compared to someone who pretends to be Batman with guns, it is not so strange running about with a bomb, is it?"

Todd’s voice suddenly dropped. "I am Batman."

"Hahaha..." This tickled Feng Bujue. "Jason... Jason... If Bruce saw you in this state, what would he think?"

This name definitely hit Todd the wrong way. He suddenly roared, "Do not mention that name before me! Who are you? How did you know..."

"Take a look at yourself..." Feng Bujue interrupted him. "You look laughable."

He quoted the line when Tim was battling Jason. "Just like a kid who was refused candy during trick or treat."

Jason was silent for a few seconds but was not angered. "You remind me of someone..."

"Hahaha..." Feng Bujue purposely mimicked the Joker and gave a crazy laugh. "Why? Were you reminded of something unhappy when you saw the other Robin killed?"

He tried to distract the man to find a chance to run. "Did you think, after you ’killed’ him once on Earth 51, you would be unbeatable? You should go to therapy, Jason, because you are as mad as him."

"Enough!" Jason roared, turned his cape, and charged forward. He was very fast, and combined with his earlier stance, he morphed into a shadow in Feng Bujue’s eyes. A superb physique and a strong body, it was too much for Feng Bujue to handle. He was cornered and suffered another blow to his ribs. Feng Bujue, who was previously at max health, saw his life points drop down to twenty-seven percent after taking two blows from Jason. This showed how powerful the superheroes in this scenario were.

"Where is the detonator?" Todd grabbed Feng Bujue by his collar and interrogated him.

"Haha... Who knows? But I must remind you, if I lose my consciousness, like being knocked out, the bomb will explode too." Feng Bujue was naturally bluffing, but he was a master liar; be it tone or expression, he was confident.

"There are many ways to make you submit..." Jason chuckled underneath the mask. "I’ve been meaning to test this on you mad people."

Suddenly, a green vial appeared in his hand. Jason swung his hand, and the vial shot out a ball of green smoke toward Feng Bujue’s face.

"Cough... Cough..." With the grip over his neck, Feng Bujue was forced to suck in the air.

"Taste the smell of fear, madman!" Jason said.

When he said that, Feng Bujue knew what he had inhaled. That was the fear gas invented by Scarecrow. In the Battle for the Cowl, Todd stole some fear gas from the Batcave and used it in the fight with Nightwing, but he did not expect Nightwing to have already taken all the immunization shots for all known strains of fear gas. Only his sense of orientation was affected. Jason, who thought that he had won, showed his weakness, and that proved to be his undoing against Nightwing.

"Haha... hahaha..." About ten seconds later, Feng Bujue looked at the man with a smile. "Really, Jason, do you have more of that? Give me more."

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