Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Over two hundred Evil Blood Gang bandits, who were wearing red attires, stormed into the Wuyi Sword Sects manor at the southern foot of the Great King Peak and began attacking anyone they saw, including servants who didnt practice martial arts. By the time the Wuyi Sword Sects martial artists had rushed out of the manor, dozens of people had already been killed by the ruthless hands of the Evil Blood Gang bandits.

Stop! a Wuyi Sword Sect warrior shouted furiously.

Stop? We will only stop if you hand over your Young Patriarch for killing our brothers. Otherwise, we will send you all to the afterlife today, Evil Blood Platoon Leader Jang Gwang snorted. Among the Evil Blood Platoon, the combat division of the Evil Blood Gang, he was considered one of the five strongest martial arts experts.

In response, a man in his late twenties stepped forward from the ranks of the Wuyi Sword Sect martial artists. His wilful eyes were filled with righteousness.

I am the Wuyi Sword Sects Young Patriarch. The Evil Blood Gang bandits killed and raped an innocent pair of lovers. If I turned a blind eye to such a wicked act, I would not have been able to still call myself a martial artist. Hence, I decided to punish your members. I know the Evil Blood Gang is evil, but there are still things that even your kind should never do. However, rather than being ashamed and reflecting on yourselves for committing such wicked atrocities, I cant believe you are trying to threaten our sect with force instead. Your monstrosity is truly beyond this world, Wuyi Sword Sect Young Patriarch Pung Hyeon-Oh reproached the Evil Blood Gang bandits.

Stop spouting bullshit. I have no idea what youre talking about. All I know is that a debt of blood has to be paid in blood. You have two choices: give up your neck or everyone elses, Jang Gwang replied.

How preposterous.

At that moment, an unexpected voice resonated from beside the Evil Blood Gang bandits. Jang Gwang turned his head toward the source of the voice, finding a man standing with a sword on his waist and a shield on his back. Jang Gwang dropped his guard upon seeing Baek Mu-Gun, who seemed to only be in his mid-twenties at best.

You dont seem to be from the Wuyi Sword Sect. Who are you?

Im just a passing traveler, Mu-Gun replied.

What a rude brat. If you are just passing by, then you should just go your way instead of meddling like an insolent bastard. Are you asking to be killed?

I simply cant stand injustice when I see it, Mu-Gun firmly replied.

Still, you should have held it in. You are still at the peak of your life. What if you were killed just because you interfered? Jang Gwang asked.

Well, I think my lifespan will be much longer than yours, at least, Mu-Gun ridiculed Jang Gwang.

Well see how long you can run that disrespectful mouth of yours.

Try me.

Mu-Gun untied the Flying Golden Shield and held it in his hand.

What are you lot doing just standing around like idiots? Mu-Gun asked with a puzzled expression when he saw that the Evil Blood Gang bandits were standing still instead of attacking him.

Fine, if you wish to die so badly, then I will grant you your wish. Kill that bastard.

The Evil Blood Gang bandits rushed toward Mu-Gun.

Young Hero! Come this way! Quickly! Hyeon-Oh said urgently.

Its okay.

Mu-Gun smiled at Hyeon-Oh, then tossed the Flying Golden Shield at the Evil Blood Gang bandits who were rushing toward him. The Flying Golden Shield flew in a semi-arc and swept through the bandits legs, shattering their bones. They tried to defend themselves, but their efforts proved futile. The Flying Golden Shield contained far too much power for them to stop it. After knocking down eight people in one fell swoop, Mu-Gun easily retrieved the Flying Golden Shield, which was rotating back to him. He then threw it again, this time at the bandits who were staring at him with surprised expressions.

Avoid it!

Not even daring to think about blocking it, the bandits hurriedly stepped back to evade the Flying Golden Shield. However, the Flying Golden Shield was connected to Mu-Gun with his qi, which means he could control it as much as he wanted. Hence, he used it to chase down the retreating bandits and shatter their legs as well. Jang Gwang stiffened at the sight.

Stop! Jang Gwang frantically shouted just before Mu-Gun could throw the Flying Golden Shield again.

Mu-Gun paused. Why? Do you still have something to say?

You fucker! Who are you really?!

My, my. Did I not already tell you that Im just a passing traveler?

I dont know who you are, but if you mess with the Evil Blood Gang, you wont get out of it unscathed.

You seem to be trying to scare me using the Evil Blood Gangs name. Unfortunately, I am not afraid of your little group, Mu-Gun replied, causing the Evil Blood Gang bandits to stiffen even more.

What do you want?

I want the Evil Blood Gang to stop threatening the Wuyi Sword Sect. The best way to achieve that would be to completely eradicate the Evil Blood Gang, is it not? Mu-Gun responded. He sounded as if he could easily get rid of the Evil Blood Gang if he wanted to.

Normally, Jang Gwang would have mockingly laughed at such provocations, but he could not take Mu-Guns remarks lightly.

Whats your relationship with the Wuyi Sword Sect? Why are you acting this way?

Lets just say I am indebted to them. Anyway, I am gaining nothing from this conversation, so lets just end this now. I have to finish things quickly since someones waiting for me. Mu-Gun raised the Flying Golden Shield again.

Wait! We will retreat! Jang Gwang cried out, planning to retreat for now and just return once Mu-Gun left.

I can let you retreat now, but wont you just return once Im out of the picture? Mu-Gun said as if he had seen right through Jang Gwang.

Ah, no. From now on, we will no longer put any blame on the Wuyi Sword Sects Young Patriarch for killing our brothers, Jang Gwang quickly replied, panic now evident on his face.

Hmm, no matter how I think about it, I just cant trust you. It would be best to kill all of you now, considering that would prevent the Evil Blood Gang from threatening the Wuyi Sword Sect again even if they wanted since they will no longer have the power to.

Do you really intend to see this battle through?

I started this, so it is only right for me to see it to the end.

Mu-Gun immediately threw the Flying Golden Shield toward the Evil Blood Gang bandits.

Everyone, scatter! Jang Gwang shouted at his subordinates, having realized that negotiations had failed.

He thought spreading out and attacking from multiple directions would allow them to evade the Flying Golden Shield. However, if he knew who Mu-Gun was, he would not have attempted to execute such a plan. Mu-Gun could freely move the Flying Golden Shield in all directions within a range of a hundred feet, which meant spreading out would not stop the Flying Golden Shield from reaching them. Screams of pain resonated from all over the area as the Flying Golden Shield shattered the legs of the scattered bandits.

Meanwhile, Hyeon-Oh and the Wuyi Sword Sect martial artists were so astonished by Mu-Guns martial prowess that their jaws fell. Mu-Gun singlehandedly knocked down around two hundred bandits like fallen leaves with just a golden shield. They tried to help Mu-Gun fight at first, but they no longer dared step up upon witnessing Mu-Guns overwhelming martial prowess. They were afraid that they would only get in his way if they tried to join now.

Unlike the Wuyi Sword Sect members, who watched Mu-Guns performance with surprise and admiration, Evil Blood Platoon Leader Jang Gwang was burning black with anger. Jang Gwang thought that if all two hundred of his subordinates charged at Mu-Gun at once, they would be able to defeat him at the cost of huge casualties. However, he now realized how wrong he was. With the martial prowess that Mu-Gun was displaying, not even the entire Evil Blood Gang could defeat him.

Where the hell did that fucker come from?!

! Jang Gwang suddenly thought of the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch, who was rumored to have advanced into the Absolute Realm in his early twenties. From what Jang Gwang heard, the man also used a golden shield.

All the pieces fell into place. A golden shield and an overwhelming martial prowess The man before them was undoubtedly the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch. If Jang Gwang fought him, he would die. He had to run away now. His subordinates fate didnt matter. He had to survive first.

However, Mu-Gun already expected that Jang Gwang would escape. Still noticing Jang Gwangs movements even though he was in the middle of massacring the Evil Blood Gang bandits, he immediately chased after Jang Gwang as soon as he tried to run away.

I'll leave the rest to you! Mu-Gun shouted at Hyeon-Oh as he ran after his target.

No matter how fast Jang Gwang was, he could never be as fast as Mu-Guns Thunder God's Shadow. Mu-Gun caught up with him before he could even leave the Wuyi Sword Sects manor.

Where do you think youre going?

What grudge do you have against me that youd be willing to burn my bridges and even chase me to the ends of the earth? Jang Gwang shouted as if he was wronged.

This is why you should have lived a kind life, Mu-Gun advised.

What about you, fucker? You must have killed more people than I have, so how can you still say that?

What can I do? Too many people in the world deserve to die like you. I dont care if Im cursed out. If having blood on my hands can put the world at peace, then I will be more than happy to bathe in it.

Jang Gwang knew that Mu-Gun would definitely kill him, and there was no way he could escape. All he could do now was attack Mu-Gun with all his might.


No longer fearing death, Jang Gwang attacked Mu-Gun. However, before he could even launch an attack, Mu-Guns Vajra Exorcism Finger penetrated Jang Gwangs forehead. As Jang Gwang lifelessly fell down to the ground with a dispirited look, Mu-Gun returned inside. Most of the Evil Blood Platoon members that he had left standing had already been defeated by the Wuyi Sword Sect martial artists. Hence, he didnt bother to step in anymore and just waited for the fight to end. After a while, the last of the Evil Blood Gang bandits finally fell to the ground.

Wuyi Sword Sect Young Patriarch Pung Hyeon-Oh quickly approached Mu-Gun and greeted him politely.

I am Pung Hyeon-Oh of the Wuyi Sword Sect. Thanks to your help, our sect managed to avoid danger, dear benefactor. On behalf of everyone in our sect, I would like to thank you.

You dont have to speak so politely. It is only natural to help each other as martial artists belonging to the righteous faction, Mu-Gun responded in kind.

I wonder if anyone else would willingly fight over two hundred people alone just because they belong to the same faction? Our sect will never forget your chivalrous act, dear benefactor. We will try our best to repay the favor, even if just by a little bit. To that end, would you be so kind as to tell us your name?

I am Baek Mu-Gun, the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch.

I knew it. You are Master Golden Shield Sword Dragon.

The Golden Shield Sword Dragon was a special title given to Mu-Gun, who used a sword and the Flying Golden Shield as his main weapons. Like Jang Gwang, Hyeon-Oh identified Mu-Gun through the Flying Golden Shield.

Ill be taking my leave now. My companions are waiting for me.

If you dont mind, why dont you stay at our sect with your companions? You went through the trouble of helping us, so if we let you leave like this, the world will point fingers at our sect saying that we do not know how to repay favors.

You dont have to go out of your way to do that. Your gratitude is enough for me. Ill get going now.

Please stop by next time if you can.

Got it.

Mu-Gun bid farewell to Hyeon-Oh and headed to the Wuyi Villa, where Namgung Hyun-Ah and Dan Seol-Young were waiting.

How did it go? Hyun-Ah asked as soon as she saw Mu-Gun.

Ive properly dealt with the people who attacked the Wuyi Sword Sect, at least.

Why do you speak as if this is not ever yet? Hyun-Ah asked again.

The Evil Blood Gang possesses a force strong enough to rival the Sea Palace Sect, the most powerful sect among the Three Great Clans of Fujian. They lost two hundred warriors today, but they still have a lot of forces left. It wont be hard for them to eradicate the Wuyi Sword Sect if they put their mind to it, Seol-Young explained in Mu-Guns stead.

In other words, it will be difficult to guarantee the Wuyi Sword Sects safety without putting an end to the Evil Blood Gang. Is that it?

Thats right.

What do you plan to do? Hyun-Ah asked Mu-Gun.

Im still thinking about it. Considering the Evil Blood Gan has been weakened, the Three can easily defeat them if they join forces. However, if they attack the Wuyi Sword Sect before that, the Wuyi Sword Sect will have trouble defending against the Evil Blood Gang alone, Mu-Gun answered while pondering.

I guess it would be best to wipe out the Evil Blood Gang for the safety of the Wuyi Sword Sect, Hyun-Ah said.

Im not sure if its necessary for us to go through all that trouble, though. There is nothing we can actually gain from helping the Wuyi Sword Sect, Seol-Young rebutted.

We will get nothing right now, but it will bring the Wuyi Sword Sect to our side. Mu-Gun grinned.

Are you perhaps trying to get the allegiance of the Three Great Clans of Fujian? Seol-Young asked with shining eyes.

Its just wishful thinking, not something concrete.

There was no reason not to have them on the Baek Sword Sects side just because they were outside Zhejiang Province. They could be united as one for as long as they were on the same page. The Three Great Clans of Fujian would not follow the Baek Sword Sect that easily, but it would at least help in some way if the Baek Sword Sect could establish a friendly relationship with them. After all, once the Nine Celestial Demons Sect began moving in earnest, the Three Great Clans of Fujian would wish for protection. At that time, their hearts would naturally lean toward the strong sect that had been maintaining a friendly relationship with them.

Hyun-Ah and Seol-Young nodded to Mu-Guns explanation.

So you plan to strike at the Evil Blood Gang?

Even if its not for the Wuyi Sword Sect, its better to get rid of evil forces whenever we can. History dictates that evil forces are always the first to join the Nine Celestial Demons Sect when they begin their rampage, Mu-Gun said, having made up his mind.

Wouldnt it be better to take the Wuyi Sword Sect with you, then? Rather than wiping out the Evil Blood Gang all by yourself, it would be better to help the Wuyi Sword Sect get rid of the Evil Blood Gang instead since they have a grudge against them. That would also help minimize any backbiting.

The Evil Blood Gang was an evil sect, but that did not necessarily mean that they had to be wiped out. A clear justification was still required to attack them. If Mu-Gun wiped them out even though he had no direct connection to the Evil Blood Gang, it would give rise to unnecessary gossip.

Youre right. Accepting Seol-Youngs suggestion, Mu-Gun decided to join forces with the Wuyi Sword Sect to eliminate the Evil Blood Gang. The Wuyi Sword Sect would have to agree to it first, though.

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