Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Summoned by Medicine King Family Patriarch Seonwoo Pyo, Baek Mu-Gun visited the Medicine King Family.

Were you busy when I called you over?

No. Why did you ask me to come, though? Mu-Gun asked.

We have made a Power Restoration Pill and a Medicine King Pill out of the corpse of the Three-Headed Centipede.

I know about the Medicine King Pill, but what is the Power Restoration Pill?

Having consumed one in his past reincarnation, Mu-Gun already knew the Medicine King Pill was a spiritual pill that could treat most types of internal injuries. However, he had never heard of the Power Restoration Pill even in his previous reincarnations.

As its name suggests, it is a spiritual pill that restores power. If you consume the Power Restoration Pill, you will be able to recover about thirty years worth of internal energy. However, rather than permanently increasing ones internal energy, it temporarily restores their internal energy, Seonwoo Pyo explained.

In other words, if I take a Power Restoration Pill, I will be able to recover my internal energy without having to circulate my qi.

Thats right. It isnt very useful under normal circumstances, but it can prove essential when you are fighting against a large number of enemies and do not have time to recover your internal energy.

It will certainly display the greatest effect in a long battle. How many Power Restoration Pills did you produce?

Twenty pills. I wish we could make more, but considering the limited raw materials we had, that was the most we could concoct, Seonwoo Pyo said, finding it a shame.

No. That much is already a tremendous help.

Are you not curious about the Medicine King Pill?

I have heard a lot about the Medicine King Pill, so I am well aware of its effects. It can treat most internal injuries immediately, correct? Mu-Gun replied without revealing that he had consumed it before.

Thats right. I assure you that there is no better cure for internal injuries than the Medicine King Pill.

How many Medicine King Pills did you make?

Ten pills. We also produced ten barrels of Gold Sore Ointment, which was produced with the secret method used to concoct the Medicine King Pill. Take them with you.

I didnt expect to leave with so many precious gifts. Thank you very much. How much do the spiritual pills and Gold Sore Ointment cost? Mu-Gun asked for a quotation.

Just take it. We got the Three-Headed Centipedes corpse for free, so we should at least do that much for you.

I gratefully accept your sincerity, then.

How are the preparations going for your migration to Shaoxing? Seonwoo Pyo asked.

It is going well. Unfortunately, it will become difficult for me to meet you often once we leave for Shaoxing, Patriarch Seonwoo.

Its not like we will never meet again, so whats there to be so sad about?

You dont seem upset about it at all, Mu-Gun sulked.

When you reach my age, you will become used to farewells. We can meet anytime as long as we are alive. That is all that matters.

Mu-Gun could not help but laugh in his head. Seonwoo Pyo spoke as someone who had lived in this world for quite a long time, but it was nothing compared to the long years that Mu-Gun had lived. Just because he lived longer did not mean that he understood the world better, though.

Youre right. As long as we are under the same sky, we can meet if we want to.

Always take good care of yourself. Even ten lives are not enough to survive in murim, Seonwoo Pyo reminded Mu-Gun.

Understood. I will always be mindful and take good care of myself.

Are you busy today?

I do not have to attend to anything, Mu-Gun replied.

Why dont you have dinner with us before you leave? I would like to have a meal with you before you move to Shaoxing.

How about we go to the Shanhai Tavern instead? It is run by our sect. I will treat you to a good meal, Mu-Gun invited back.

You probably dont like the type of food available deep in the mountains, huh?

Thats not it. I simply want to treat you to a good meal, Patriarch Seonwoo. Lets invite Brother Kang and Sister-in-law[1] as well, Mu-Gun said, hoping Seonwoo Kang and Shangguan Bihe could come with them.

Lets do that, then. I get to have a meal at the Shanhai Tavern, renowned as the best restaurant in Wenzhou, thanks to you. Seonwoo Pyo took Mu-Gun up on the offer.

I should have invited you earlier. I apologize for not thinking that far.

I am not that important of a person. We are going there now anyway, so its fine.

To make it up to you, I will treat you to the finest range of food today.

Mu-Gun descended Mount Yandang with Seonwoo Pyo and visited the Shennong Clinic to meet up with Seonwoo Kang and his wife. Together, they then headed to the Shanhai Tavern for dinner. As Mu-Gun promised, he treated them to the finest dinner at the Shanhai Tavern, satisfying Seonwoo Pyo, Seonwoo Kang, and his wife.

The next day, Mu-Gun squeezed in a visit to Namgung Hyun-Ahs residence amid his martial arts training session.

The weathers quite hot today, isnt it? I have prepared some cold tea. Please wait a little.

Hyun-Ah served a cup of cold tea as if she had been waiting for Mu-Gun to come.

When did you prepare all this?

I dont really do much at home, so I wanted to at least be of some help to you, dear. I don't know how much help this would be, though.

Even if it is just a cup of cold tea, the feelings you convey through it provide me with great strength. It gives me the motivation to practice harder and grow stronger so I can protect you, my precious wife, Mu-Gun said.

Youre as smooth of a talker as always.

Dont worry, I only say such things to my dear wives, Mu-Gun reassured Hyun-Ah.

Who knows? You may say such sweet things to other women too.

Dont worry. I wont even look at other women, Mu-Gun once again reassured Hyun-Ah.

Even if it is just empty words, it makes me happy to hear that.

That aside, isnt it frustrating to live like this?

To be honest, I want to do something that can help you, like what Sister Dan does, but I dont know what I should do. It would be great if my martial arts were outstanding, but it could not be farther from that, Hyun-Ah said dejectedly.

Would you like to properly learn martial arts? Mu-Gun asked.

Martial arts?

Even if you do, it does not mean that you can go to the front lines and take on an active role. However, you will at least be able to defend yourself if you fall in danger while Im not around.

But the martial arts I learned have a clear limit. The Great Namgung Family does not teach any Ascension-Realm martial arts to a lady of the family who will marry into another family, Hyun-Ah dispiritedly replied.

I know. If you want, I can teach you a different martial art.

A different martial art?

It is a martial art from the Cold Moon Sect.

I have never heard of them before.

Hyun-Ah tried to scour through her memories, but she could not remember anything about such a clan.

They disappeared around two hundred years ago. However, back in their time, they were renowned as the greatest female-only sect before the Putuo Sword Sect rose to fame. Their martial arts were as excellent as their title. If you succeed in mastering it, you will easily become the strongest female martial artist in existence, Mu-Gun said with confidence.

How did you learn about their martial arts, dear?

By chance.

Mu-Gun came across the Cold Moon Sects martial arts as Undern Supreme Monarch Ha Wun-Biduring, his sixth reincarnation. At the time, the Cold Moon Sects successor, Cold Moon Sword Empress Kwak Jo-Young, was Mu-Guns lover. Unfortunately, she died in battle against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. Before she died, however, she passed down the Cold Moon Sects martial arts to Ha Wun-Bi, entrusting her sects legacy to him. Carefully safeguarding the Cold Moon Sects martial arts, Mu-Gun now wanted to pass it down to Hyun-Ah.

Okay, I will practice the Cold Moon Sects martial arts.

Hyun-Ah did not know what sort of sect the Cold Moon Sect was, but she had no doubt about its martial arts since Mu-Gun was the one recommending it.

However, in return, you will have to continue the legacy of the Cold Moon Sect, dear. Mu-Gun reminded Hyun-Ah.

You mean I will have to find a successor and hand down the martial arts to her?

Thats right.

I can do that, Hyun-Ah agreed without hesitation.

Lets meet at the training hall starting tomorrow. I will pass down the Cold Moon Sects martial arts to you.


The next day, Hyun-Ah wore her martial robe and headed to the training hall with a sword. When she arrived, Mu-Gun passed down the Cold Moon Sects martial arts to her, which consisted of the Cold Moon Glacier Cultivation Method and the Rampant Cold Moon Sword Art. It was indescribably difficult to learn, which was why Mu-Gun had not been able to find the Cold Moon Sect a successor despite having lived through two reincarnations since obtaining their martial arts.

He did meet a lot of women with talent outstanding enough to master the Cold Moon Sects martial arts throughout those two reincarnations. However, they were already affiliated with a clan, and he could not just ask them to abandon their clan and become the Cold Moon Sects successor. Meanwhile, Hyun-Ah possessed outstanding talent, befitting the daughter of Namgung Jo. Moreover, since she had married into another family, she did not have to stick to the Great Namgung Familys martial arts.

Above all else, she would never use the Cold Moon Sects martial arts for evil reasons. On the contrary, if she could master it, she would be a great help to the Baek Sword Sect and the Loyal Heart Alliance. There was no one better suited to be the Cold Moon Sects successor than her.

Mu-Gun taught Hyun-Ah the Cold Moon Sects martial arts over seven days. As he expected, Hyun-Ah quickly understood it despite how difficult it was. As soon as she learned the Cold Moon Glacier Cultivation Method and the Cold Moon Rampant Sword Art, Hyun-Ah began to devote herself to martial arts training.

* * *

Meanwhile, a man exuding dark energy visited the Baek Sword Sect and asked for an audience with Mu-Gun, saying that it was related to So Yeon-Hwa. As soon as he heard her name, Mu-Gun met up with him and immediately realized that the man was a demonic practitioner of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

How preposterous. I cant believe a demonic practitioner of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect has come to our sect on his own two feet. Mu-Gun seemed baffled.

I came to the Baek Sword Sect as a messenger.

What are you here to convey? Mu-Gun asked without giving much thought to it.

We have the Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch in our custody. If you want to save her, come to Yuhua Peak in Mount Yuhua within the next fifteen days. However, you will have to come alone. If you bring company, we will kill the Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch.

The Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch has nothing to do with me. Mu-Gun pretended not to care.

You dont have to care whether she dies or not, then. The man shrugged and smiled wickedly, not believing Mu-Gun at all.

Why should I believe shes really in your custody? Mu-Gun asked with a stiff expression.

Youll believe me once you see this.

The man showed Mu-Gun a ring that was the only one of its kind in the world. After all, it was given only to the Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch. Mu-Gun took the ring and examined it carefully, eventually concluding that it was the ring that Yeon-Hwa wore.

Is she safe?

Come and check for yourself. However, if you come after fifteen days have passed, know that she will lose her life.

You fuckers had better not touched a single hair of hers, Mu-Gun warned.

It is no use threatening me like that. I am just a messenger. Well then, I have told you everything I have to, so I will take my leave now.


As soon as the man finished speaking, he quickly bit something in his mouth.

Kurgh. Not long after, he collapsed on the ground with foam around his mouth, having just swallowed poison.

This crazy fucker!

Mu-Gun grabbed the neck of the man who was struggling painfully. When the man drooped lifelessly, Mu-Gun spat out curses at him. He felt overwhelmed and disgusted when the man blindly took his own life just because the Nine Celestial Demons Sect ordered him to so they could completely hide their traces. However, that was not important right now. The Nine Celestial Demons Sects demonic practitioners had captured Yeon-Hwa. If he did not go, she would die.

Mu-Gun clenched his teeth. He knew this was a trap laid out to lure him, which meant going there would be dangerous. Nevertheless, he had no choice. He could not just let Yeon-Hwa die in captivity because of him. Mu-Gun immediately went to Cheon-Sang and informed him of the incident and his intention to save her.

You cant. Cheon-Sang forbade it without second thoughts.

No, I have to go. I will go even if doing so ends in my death. Mu-Gun did not back down.

Can you hear the irresponsible remarks you are spouting? To put it bluntly, she is no one to you, yet you want to risk your life to save her? That is basically the same as betraying your two wives, Cheon-Sang said firmly.

The relationship I have with her does not matter. What matters is that she was taken hostage because of me. I have to take responsibility for that, Mu-Gun said with determination.

Even if so, I cannot let you go. I feel sorry for her, but that is her destiny, Cheon-Sang cold-heartedly said.

No. You dismissing it as her destiny is nothing more than an excuse for me to live. If I let her die just to keep my life intact, I will be living in guilt for the rest of my life. I do not want to be ashamed of myself as a man. I would rather die proudly than live in shame. Mu-Gun stood his ground.

Do you really not understand how I feel?

Of course I know you are saying that out of concern for my safety. However, there are paths in life that I have to take even though I know its dangerous. This is one of those paths.

You are going to go even if I do everything in my power to stop you, are you not? Cheon-Sang sighed.

I believe you will let me go, Father.

Are you confident that you will return safely? Cheon-Sang asked.

To be honest, I am not sure. Theres half a chance that I will not.0

Mu-Gun did not know how deep the trap the Nine Celestial Demons Sect had laid out was. However, he thought that he could probably manage the forces that they had mobilized, considering they still did not know he was the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sects successor. He naturally could not take them lightly since many Demonic Monarchs died at his hands, but he was still confident that he could escape somehow if he was alone.

However, since he had to save Yeon-Hwa and run away while carrying her, he found it difficult to predict his chances of success. If so, then he just had to force himself to succeed.

Why dont you get help from the venerable elders? Cheon-Sang suggested.

For her safety, I have to obey their demands. They are already aware of the venerable elders identity, so they might figure it out. They may already be monitoring our movements, Mu-Gun objected.

With the venerable elders skills, it will not be difficult for them to avoid the Nine Celestial Demons Sects surveillance.

If even one of them were detected, her life would be in danger. I cant take that risk.

This is truly frustrating.

Do you remember what you said the other day, Father? You said that there is a good reason why the heavens granted me so much power.

I remember.

If the heavens really gave me so much power because there is a mission I am entrusted with, they will not let me die until I complete that mission, Mu-Gun reassured Cheon-Sang.

That is not a reassuring remark in the least. It would be easier to decide if I was the one that had to go instead, Cheon-Sang said in a regretful tone.

Father! Please just trust me and let me go. I will come back alive no matter what, Mu-Gun urged.

How can I stop you when you have already decided to go? I will not object any further. However, you have to get permission from your two wives first.


1. In Chinese and Korean culture, calling your friends wife sister-in-law is pretty normal.

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