Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

The coalition of the Great Ximen Family and the Sichuan Tang Family is a days distance away from Nanchang, but they have stopped advancing and are currently just watching the situation. The Heretical Emperor Hall has also not shown any movement, Jin Hwa-Young, the person in charge of the Nanchang branch, said.

For what reason? Baek Mu-Gun asked.

Im not exactly certain, but the coalition of the Great Ximen Family and the Sichuan Tang Family think that the majority of the Underworld Sects Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters had gathered at the Heretical Emperor Hall.

What are the chances of that happening?

It is quite likely. In fact, according to the information sent by an informant who infiltrated the Heretical Emperor Hall, some people with unknown origins just arrived, and the Heretical Emperor Halls executives seem to be uncomfortable around them.

They are most likely the Underworld Sects demonic practitioners.

That is correct.

Nevertheless, the fact that the Heretical Emperor Hall has not attacked first must mean that they are not confident of winning the battle.

That is certainly possible. However, it could also be because they are waiting to regroup with the people who tried to kill you, Young Master Baek. Hwa-Young pointed out.

Good point. Are there any signs that hint toward that?

We have yet to confirm that. Nonetheless, will they try to help the other factions when their own mission failed?

On the contrary, they may try to do something because they dont want to return empty-handed. That does not seem very likely, though.

We will keep an eye on it.

On another note, do you have any updates regarding the other evil sects? Mu-Gun asked about another issue.

We recently received intel that the Green Snake Gang seems to have abandoned their headquarters in Guangxi Province and have run away. We still have no information about whats happening in Shanxi Province and Liaoning Province.

The Green Snake Gang abandoned their headquarters and ran away, and the Heretical Emperor Hall chose to stay and fight, huh

Since the Underworld Sect cannot protect all Four Great Evil Clans, they probably just picked one and reinforced it with their Absolute Demonic Realm masters, Hwa-Young said.

And the clan they chose is the Heretical Emperor Hall? Mu-Gun asked.

Yes. If the evil sects at Shanxi Province and Liaoning Province also abandon their headquarters, then it will be certain.

The Great Ximen Family and the Sichuan Tang Family havent made a move because they want to confirm that as well.

That is most likely the case.

If the Blood Ring Gang in Shanxi Province and the Ma Thieves Gang in Liaoning Province also abandoned their headquarters and ran away, the Great Ximen Family and the Sichuan Tang Family would likely retreat instead of proceeding with their attack on the Heretical Emperor Hall. However, that should not happen. There was no way of knowing when another opportunity like this would arise. They had to eliminate all the Underworld Sects Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters gathered in the Heretical Emperor Hall while they still had the chance.

Mu-Gun decided to personally meet the Ximen-Tang coalition and persuade them to attack the Heretical Emperor Hall.

I have a favor to ask.

What is it?

Please take care of the lady who came with me for a while.

Are you planning to attack the Heretical Emperor Hall with the Ximen-Tang coalition?


Do you really need to take such a risk?

If I choose to protect myself and simply watch the present danger unfold, there will be a greater danger in the future. It is important to diminish their power as much as possible before the Nine Celestial Demons Sects factions join forces with each other, Mu-Gun insisted.

I see. Still, please be careful. I do not want to see the Vice Leader become a widow at such a young age.

I also have no intention of dying and leaving my wives behind, so dont worry.

We will take care of the Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch. Please have a safe trip.

Thank you.

After talking with Hwa-Young, Mu-Gun explained the situation to Yeon-Hwa and asked her to wait at the Sky Flower House until he was done fighting the Heretical Emperor Hall. Yeon-Hwa also tried to stop Mu-Gun from doing something so dangerous, but upon realizing how determined Mu-Gun was to overthrow the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, she no longer dissuaded him.

Mu-Gun left Yeon-Hwa at the Sky Flower House and headed to where the Ximen-Tang coalition had set up camp. He had to move late at night to avoid any possible surveillance from the enemy. Mu-Gun ran all night, never stopping to rest, until he reached their camp the next afternoon.

* * *

The Ximen-Tang coalition received news that the Green Snake Gang in Guangxi Province had abandoned their headquarters to escape the Guangdong Jin Familys attack. Following that, they heard that the Blood Ring Gang in Shanxi Province had also fled north to avoid the Great Huangfu Familys attack.

The Green Snake Gang and the Blood Ring Gang have abandoned their bases and run away. The Thousand Divine Hands was right. The Underworld Sects Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters must have gathered at the Heretical Emperor Hall, Ximen Ying said.

Even so, the fact that the Heretical Emperor Hall hasnt done anything until now has to mean that they are not confident of emerging victorious either, right? Tang Ho-Rim replied.

Do you still think that we should attack the Heretical Emperor Hall, Golden Divine Whip Dragon? Ximen Ying asked back.

The Seven Great Families have made a move. If we retreat without any results, all of murim will mock us.

Still, if we attack the Heretical Emperor Hall and lose, we could be ridiculed even more.

Arent you being too cautious? We are the Seven Great Families. It is not like we are going to fight all of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. Were just up against one of their nine factions. If we do not fight them out of fear right now, will we be able to properly fight when the Nine Celestial Demons Sect begins their domination over murim? Moreover, before the nine factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect join forces, we have to reduce their strength as much as possible. Now is the best opportunity to do that. Ho-Rim delivered a fiery speech.

Retreating now is certainly no different from admitting defeat on our own accord. Once we unsheathe our swords, we should at least cut something, Ximen Dao said, agreeing with Ho-Rim.

What do you think, Thousand Divine Hands? Ximen Ying asked when Ximen Dao insisted on proceeding with the attack.

Even if we retreat right now, we cannot guarantee that the Heretical Emperor Hall will just sit still and watch us leave. They could come after us if we step down first because they gained confidence with their forces due to our reaction, Sa-Dok said.

Does that mean that whether we attack first or not, we will still end up fighting the Heretical Emperor Hall?

That would depend on the decision of the Heretical Emperor Hallno, the decision of the Underworld Sect, which is controlling the Heretical Emperor Hall. In fact, the Underworld Sect is probably in the same position as us. They cannot guarantee victory if they attack us, but they would be wasting their opportunity to eliminate our forces if they just let us leave.

Even if so, we cannot just keep observing the situation. It could be really dangerous if we delay any further and other Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters join forces with the Heretical Emperor Hall. We have to decide now whether to attack the Heretical Emperor Hall or retreat, Ximen Dao urged.

Platoon Leader! Ximen Qing shouted from outside the barracks while the four Absolute-Realm masters were still debating on the decision.

What is it?

The Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch is here. He is currently outside.

The Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch?

Yes. He is asking to meet you, Platoon Leader, Ximen Qing reported.

What do you think we should do? Ximen Ying asked the other three Absolute-Realm masters.

Isnt the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch the Golden Shield Sword Dragon? The young man who reached the Absolute Realm at the age of twenty-four?

Yes, but I dont know what he came here for.

Wouldnt it be better to meet and listen to what he has to say first? Somehow, I think he is here to help us with our mission.

It would be better to do that.

Let the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch in. Ximen Ying told Ximen Qing, who was still standing outside the barracks, when their opinions aligned.

Understood, Ximen Qing answered and stepped back. After a while, he returned with Mu-Gun.

I am Baek Mu-Gun, the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch. It is an honor to meet the renowned martial arts masters of the Great Ximen Family and the Sichuan Tang Family. Mu-Gun greeted the four Absolute-Realm masters.

Enough with the formalities. Ximen Ying waved his hand, then asked, What is the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch doing here in Nanchang?

I was at Mount Yuhua due to an incident regarding the Nine Celestial Demons Sect when I heard about the situation here, so I decided to stop by.

What happened at Mount Yuhua?

The Heavenly Killer Sect, one of the nine factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, kidnapped the Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch and used her as a hostage to lure me out.

What? How did that go?

Fortunately, I was able to save the Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch.

You saved her by yourself? Ximen Ying asked in surprise.

Yes. They retreated when they learned that I am the Thunder Gods successor, Mu-Gun revealed. There was no reason to hide it anymore since the Nine Celestial Demons Sect had already discovered it.

Are you really the Thunder Gods successor? Ximen Ying asked, his shock evident in his expression.

The other three Absolute-Realm masters in the barracks also looked surprised. The Thunder Gods successor was the sworn enemy of the Three Greatest Demonic Sects, but he was a hero in murim. Hence, the four Absolute-Realm masters, including Ximen Ying, were naturally surprised when they found out that Mu-Gun was the Thunder Gods successor.


I heard that the previous Thunder God died without any descendants, so how did you become his successor? Sa-Dok asked.

The previous Thunder God made arrangements in case of unforeseen circumstances. By fate, I was able to inherit his martial legacy, Mu-Gun said as an excuse.

I see. Honestly, I thought you reached your current martial arts realm ridiculously fast, but you being the Thunder Gods successor makes it understandable.

Sa-Dok fully believed Mu-Gun. He thought that it was highly plausible that the Thunder God prepared this far ahead for the sake of murim.

Why did you come here, then? Ximen Dao asked.

I came here to offer some help in your fight against the Heretical Emperor Hall.

Are you aware of the situation? Ximen Dao asked again.

Yes. I heard that there is a high possibility that a majority of the Underworld Sects Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters are with the Heretical Emperor Hall, and that has forced a delay on your plan to attack them, Mu-Gun said.

Where did you hear that?

Listening ears are all around us, Mu-Gun said in a roundabout way.

So, you want us to attack the Heretical Emperor Hall since you are here to help? Ximen Ying asked.

The Nine Celestial Demons Sect knows that I am the Thunder Gods successor. Given that that is the case, there is a high possibility that the nine factions will join forces. Before that happens, we must diminish their power as much as possible. Mu-Gun explained.

Arent you being too confident? We dont even know how many Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters are at the Heretical Emperor Hall.

They will only have six at most, Mu-Gun said with certainty.

How can you be so sure?

The Nine Celestial Demons Sects nine factions usually have around seven to ten Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters each. Assuming they have a maximum of ten people and taking into consideration the fact that one of them died in Fujian Province and that they sent one person each to the other three evil sects, they can only deploy six Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters to the Heretical Emperor Hall at most.

If the Heretical Emperor Hall has six Absolute-Demonic-Realm demonic practitioners in their ranks right now, then they would have seven total Absolute-Demonic-Realm masters if we include the Heretical Emperor Halls Patriarch. We only have five Absolute-Realm masters, including you. That small difference in number is not something we should treat lightly, Sa-Dok said.

I will make up for that difference, Mu-Gun replied, seemingly finding no issue with it.

You will?

Have you already forgotten that I am the Thunder Gods successor?

Even so, I doubt you can deal with three Absolute-Realm masters on your own.

There were five Absolute-Realm masters in Mount Yuhua. I was alone, and I had to protect the Putuo Sword Sects Young Matriarch, who was injured. Even so, they still retreated. It was not because they suddenly became merciful. That had never happened before, after all. Hence, their retreat could only mean they were not confident of winning against me even with five Absolute-Realm masters, Mu-Gun said, implying that he could deal with three Absolute-Realm masters alone.

Did the Heavenly Killer Sect really step down even though they had five Absolute-Realm masters? Ho-Rim asked in disbelief.

To be exact, it was two of the Heavenly Killer Sects Absolute-Realm demonic practitioners and the Three Great Slayer Kings, Mu-Gun replied.

The Three Great Slayer Kings joined the Heavenly Killer Sects schemes? Does that mean the Three Greatest Assassin Organizations are now under the command of the Heavenly Killer Sect?

I suppose so.

We cannot rule out the possibility that the Heavenly Killer Sects Absolute-Realm demonic practitioners and the Three Great Slayer Kings joined up with the Heretical Emperor Hall, then, Sa-Dok pointed out.

That is certainly possible, Mu-Gun admitted. However, if that was the case, they would have attacked long ago. The Absolute-Realm demonic practitioners gathered at the Heretical Emperor Hall would definitely not want the fight to end in smokes like this.

Wouldnt they be waiting for us to attack first?

They are probably trying to figure out why the two Great Families had not launched an attack yet. They also know that you might retreat the moment the situation of the other evil sects becomes known. Above all, If they were certain about their superiority in terms of numbers, they would have attacked first without waiting.

I think Young Patriarch Baek is right about that. Ho-Rim agreed with Mu-Gun.

We will not be able to reach a conclusion through a discussion, so lets make a decision with a show of hands instead, Ximen Ying suggested.

That is a good idea, Sa-Dok agreed.

Am I allowed to vote as well? Mu-Gun asked.

You will be fighting with us, so you should have the right to vote. Do you all agree? Sa-Dok asked.

I agree.

I also agree.

With everyone in agreement, a vote by show of hands was held.

Raise your hand if you think we should attack the Heretical Emperor Hall, Ximen Ying instructed. Everyone raised their hands except for Ximen Ying himself.

It seems we have reached a decision. Lets attack the Heretical Emperor Hall as soon as dawn comes tomorrow, Ximen Ying said, finalizing their decision.

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