Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Namgung Byeok channeled out blue vajra qi through his sword once more, swiftly fixing the shattered emperors sword before sending it against the huge blood-colored blade again. As the ground shook and a deafening roar echoed, the blood-colored sword, which the first clash had weakened, was pushed back and broken.

With his eyes on the attack that was heading straight for him, Seob Wi-Mun launched himself off the ground and disappeared. He then reappeared beside Namgung Byeok and soared like a phantom, emitting a wave of blood-colored vajra qi. However, by the time he did, Namgung Byeok had already taken a few steps back and swung his sword. The blue-colored sword thrust at Wi-Mun like a ray of light as he chased Namgung Byeok.

Wi-Mun disappeared and reappeared above Namgung Byeok. He tried to cut him down with his vajra qi, but Namgung Byeok swiftly moved away from him and launched a counterattack again.

Realizing that he would not be able to do anything to Namgung Byeok simply by moving quickly, Wi-Mun immediately changed plans. He activated the Asura Phantom Step, creating a hundred and eight clones that moved and attacked Namgung Byeok in different ways.

In response, Namgung Byeok tried to find the real Wi-Mun, which was hidden in the Asura Phantom Step. However, distinguishing him from the phantom clones without the right technique proved difficult.

If I cant tell the difference between the true body and the phantom clones, I will just get rid of them all!

Instead of complicating things, Namgung Byeok swung his sword. The blue vajra qi he unleashed split into dozens of strands and stretched out in all directions, tearing apart the clones.

Wi-Mun avoided the attack while replacing the clones that Namgung Byeok tore apart. In response, Namgung Byeok once again spread his vajra qi in all directions, destroying the newly created clones with ease as well.

However, this time too, Wi-Mun created new phantom clones and attacked Namgung Byeok with them.

Namgung Byeok frowned. Destroying the phantom clones was not a problem, but he couldnt indefinitely spread his vajra qi. If he depleted his internal energy now, he wouldnt have any defenses against the real Wi-Muns attacks. He had to find him quickly, a task nearly impossible to accomplish with his martial arts.

If I cant find him, then Ill just make my attacks unavoidable.

Deciding to wipe out Wi-Mun and his phantom clones with one attack, Namgung Byeok mustered all his internal energy. He then unleashed the Emperors Invincible Stance, an Invincible Emperor Sword Art technique. It sent a wave of blue vajra qi swirling from the tip of his sword, which was aimed at his opponents. Hundreds of blue rayseach one powerful enough to pierce through everything in its pathpoured forth, encroaching on the space before him. They covered everything within over a hundred feet around Namgung Byeok, making it virtually impossible for Wi-Mun and his clones to dodge.

The Emperors Invincible Stance was his strongest attack. Not only could it not be evaded or blocked, but it also contained the enlightenment that Namgung Byeok accumulated throughout his lifetime.

As Namgung Byeok expected, the blue rays didnt just pierce through the phantom clones but also prevented Wi-Mun from evading.

However, Wi-Mun did not just let himself get hit. Rather, he executed the Asura Divine Demon Blade, creating multiple huge blood-colored blades and using them to form a gigantic barricade in front of him.

As if to clearly flaunt the power of Namgung Byeoks technique, the blue rays easily penetrated the layers of Asura Divine Demon Bladeswhich could shatter Sword-Qi Links. However, Wi-Mun remained unfazed. He simply continued to materialize Asura Divine Demon Blades. No matter how strong the blue light rays were, he thought that they could not penetrate through all the Asura Divine Demon Blades he could create. After all, he had more than nine hundred years worth of internal energy.

Wi-Muns fierce defense eventually stopped the barrage of blue rays. Once free from the assault, he immediately launched a counterattack using Heavens Web, the ultimate technique of the Asura Divine Demon Blade Art. The space above Namgung Byeok split in half, revealing a gigantic blood-colored blade. Heavy pressure then flooded from all sides, firmly restraining Namgung Byeok.

Namgung Byeok tried to escape from the immense pressure, but it contained so much force that he couldnt even move an inch. As he squirmed in place, huge blood-colored blades stacked up and fell in piles above him.

Namgung Byeok couldnt do anything but watch, having exhausted most of his internal energy to use the Emperor's Invincible Stance earlier.

Is this how it ends?

Namgung Byeok felt despondent at his own unexpected end. He regretted dying before seeing the Great Namgung Family become the absolute ruler of murim, but he did not live a fruitless life, at least, having left his mark on history as one of the Seven Saints. Namgung Byeok closed his eyes, sifting through his final thoughts in the short instance he had left, as the Asura Divine Demon Blades dropped on his head.

However, before they could hit him, golden beams flew in and struck the blades from a hundred feet away, causing them to explode in midair and a deafening blast to reverberate.

Upon hearing the explosion, Namgung Byeok opened his eyes and turned his head in the direction where the golden beams came from. In the distance, he saw a young man with his sword extended in front of him. As soon as he saw him, he immediately realized that the young man was the Thunder Gods successor.

It seemed his time wasnt up yet.

When Baek Mu-Gun arrived, Namgung Byeok and Wi-Mun were already in a heated battle. The moment he saw Namgung Byeok, one of the people who betrayed him during his previous reincarnation, a great deal of anger overwhelmed him. If he could have his way, he would have let Wi-Mun kill Namgung Byeok. After all, Namgung Byeok no longer had the power to block Wi-Muns Heavens Web. However, Mu-Gun instead chose to fight against his inner conflicts until he finally mustered enough willpower to save Namgung Byeok.

Namgung Byeok was one of the strongest martial arts masters in murim. He was vital in preventing the Nine Celestial Demons Sects rampage, which took precedence above all else. Hence, Mu-Gun decided to temporarily set aside his grudge against the Seven Saints until the Nine Celestial Demons Sect was destroyed. Fortunately, he unleashed the Infinite Thunder Sword and blocked Heavens Web just in time.

Capitalizing on his momentum, Mu-Gun then molded another sword with his golden beams and launched it toward Wi-Mun. The Infinite Thunder Sword flew fast enough to make it hard to believe that it was more than a hundred feet long.

Wi-Mun instinctively knew that he could not block the incoming attack and that the best he could do for his survival was to run away. Following his instincts, which dominated his desire to slaughter everything in sight, he avoided the Infinite Thunder Sword and quickly began to flee.

However, despite how fast he was, he was nowhere near the speed of light.

Mu-Gun split the Infinite Thunder Sword into ten thousand Thunderbolt Swords. In response, Wi-Mun immediately turned around and created a wall of Asura Divine Demon Blades. However, Mu-Guns attack easily destroyed them all upon impact.

Wi-Mun materialized even more blades, but he couldnt make enough in time to stop ten thousand golden Thunderbolt Swords. The swords destroyed the blades as soon as they appeared until they finally pierced through Wi-Mun.

Wi-Mun was in the Adamant Vajra Body State, making his physique so durable that not even vajra qi could leave a mark on him. However, even water droplets could puncture through a boulder if enough fell on it. The ten thousand Thunderbolt Swords struck Wi-Mun endlessly, sending enough impact to eventually crack his defenses. The moment his Adamant Vajra Body State broke down, the Thunderbolt Swords riddled him with holes.

Wi-Mun lifelessly fell to the ground as blood trickled down his wounds. Mu-Gun was completely exhausted, but he did not suffer any internal injuries like last time.

Are you okay? Taichi Sword Immortal and Supreme Elder Tae Heo worriedly asked upon noticing how exhausted Mu-Gun was.

Yes. I just used too much strength.

That is a relief. On another note, I wasnt expecting to see the Infinite Thunder Sword again in my lifetime, Supreme Elder Tae Heo said as he reminisced about the past, which still seemed fresh in his memory. He had witnessed the previous Thunder Gods successor use the same technique in the past.

I feel the same way. This is my second time witnessing it, but I still find it unbelievable.

This is why the Thunder Gods martial legacy is said to be the strongest of all time.

The three Sword Immortals couldnt help but express their astonishment. After all, the Infinite Thunder Sword did not just depend on ones martial realm. Even a Supreme Realm master would find it nigh on impossible to use a similar technique since the martial art itself was on an entirely different level.

The three Sword Immortals were extremely shocked when they witnessed Heavenly Thunder God's Swordsman Guyang Hwi use the Infinite Thunder Sword, and their reaction wasnt any different now. Although their martial realm was much higher now than before, the Infinite Thunder Swords were still in a domain that they could not reach. Through it, they were reminded of the greatness of the Thunder Gods martial arts.

Mu-Gun smiled awkwardly as the three Sword Immortals continued to express their astonishment. Turning to his side, he found Namgung Byeok and the two Great Devas approaching him. His anger welled up again when he saw Namgung Byeoks face, but he knew this wasnt the time to bear his fangs. Hence, he tried his best to calm the rage within him instead.

Nice to meet you, dear Grandfather, Mu-Gun calmly greeted, hiding his anger toward Namgung Byeok. After all, Namgung Byeok was still Hyun-Ahs biological grandfather and his grandfather-in-law.

This is quite dramatic for our first meeting. My death would have been certain if it was not for you, grandson-in-law. Thank you. I survived thanks to you, Namgung Byeok said delightedly, seemingly pleased by the fact that Mu-Gun politely greeted him.

Im simply glad that I arrived in time, Mu-Gun replied.

Your martial arts are truly amazing. The former Thunder Gods successor was also quite powerful, but it seems you have even surpassed him.

I am flattered to hear that. Im curious, how did the former Thunder Gods successor meet his end? I have heard the rumors, but I want to hear what truly happened directly from you, Grandfather, since you were with him at the time.

As known to the world, he perished with the Hell-Blood Demon. If not for his noble sacrifice, stopping the Hell-Blood Demons rampage would have been difficult. The world calls us Seven Saints as murims heroes and saviors, but the real hero is Guyang Hwi, the Heavenly Thunder God's Swordsman, Namgung Byeok lied without even batting an eye.

While Namgung Byeoks audacity baffled Mu-Gun, the three Swords admired what they thought was humility since they werent aware of the truth.

The Heavenly Thunder God's Swordsmans sacrifice was indeed noble, but the Seven Saints also put their lives on the line against the Hell-Blood Demon. That gives you all the right to be revered as heroes too. Thats why the whole of murim still reveres the Seven Saints, Taiyi Sword Immortal Woon Jong-Hak said, praising the Seven Saints.

This incident alone evidences your heroism. You risked your life to prevent that monster from harming more innocent people. Isnt that proof enough that you care greatly for murim and the world, elder Sword Emperor? Clear Wind Sword Immortal Young Ho-Jung also praised Namgung Byeok.

Since ancient times, power has always come with responsibility. Considering the power I hold as a martial artist, it is only right that I help the powerless and innocent. Dont you all also feel the same way? Unfortunately, this old body of mine does not act as I want anymore. Namgung Byeok smiled bitterly.

I dont think that is something that someone who is still considered one of the strongest martial arts masters in murim should be saying.

One of murims strongest martial arts masters? I think the title of murims strongest should be given to Young Patriarch Baek, who defeated the monster with just one technique, Namgung Byeok complimented.

Mu-Gun found the compliment completely unwelcome.

I do not deserve such a title. I am just fulfilling my mission as the Thunder Gods successor, Mu-Gun firmly replied.

That made me realize again what a relief it is that you are the Thunder Gods successor, Young Patriarch Baek. Just imagining what could have happened if you had ulterior motives while possessing the Thunder Gods martial arts is already frightening, Jong-Hak commented upon hearing Mu-Guns modest remarks.

I abhor the very thought of it. I beg of you, please dont ever stray from your duty as the Thunder Gods successor, Young Patriarch Baek, Supreme Elder Tae Heo requested.

Dont worry. No matter the circumstances, I will never forget my responsibilities.

Mu-Guns firm response seemed to have pleased the three Sword Immortals.

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