Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Baek Mu-Gun managed to complete the White Ice Divine Sword Art in precisely twenty-five days. Deviating from the original plan, he introduced an additional technique: the White Ice Infinite Sword. This new technique allowed him to amplify the Beihai Glacier Qi instantaneously and unleash a colossal ice sword spanning hundreds of feet.

What made the White Ice Infinite Sword truly formidable was that the entire area covered by the immense ice sword would be frozen. The process started with a comprehensive freezing effect, and afterward, the colossal ice sword obliterated everything in its path.

While the White Ice Infinite Sword remained a theoretical concept, its potential power was so fearsome that it could instantly freeze and obliterate an Absolute Realm master. If a Supreme Realm master unleashed the White Ice Infinite Sword at full force, it had the potential to freeze and annihilate dozens of Absolute Realm masters in a single strike.

With the completion of the White Ice Divine Sword Art, now comprising a total of seven techniques, Mu-Gun faced a moral dilemma. The sheer power of the White Ice Divine Sword Art was overwhelming, making him question whether it was okay to pass it on to the Beihai Ice Palace, a potential adversary to the Central Plains' martial arts community. Mu-Gun worried about the safety of the Central Plains and whether delivering the White Ice Divine Sword Art could be akin to arming potential adversaries. He questioned whether it might have been better to decline Beigong Xue's initial request or to reduce the art's power.

Initially, Mu-Gun had entertained the idea of reducing the White Ice Divine Sword Art's power. However, as he delved into its creation, his ambition grew, resulting in a martial art that rivaled the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sword Art. After coming this far, it seemed lackluster to diminish the White Ice Divine Sword Art's potency. After much contemplation, Mu-Gun made the decision to teach the White Ice Divine Sword Art to Beigong Xue. Given its immense power, mastering the art would be an exceedingly challenging task.

Even for a martial arts prodigy like Beigong Xue, the prospect of fully mastering the White Ice Divine Sword Art was rather slim. Mu-Gun believed that teaching it in its entirety wouldn't pose a significant problem. However, he recognized the need for precaution. He thus chose to withhold the seventh and final technique, the White Ice Infinite Sword, and refrained from instructing Beigong Xue on it. This particular technique was far too dangerous to be passed down to the Beihai Ice Palace.

After making this decision, Mu-Gun exited the cabin. Seeing him, Beigong Xue approached with anticipation.

"How did it go?" Beigong Xue asked.

In response, Mu-Gun offered her a wide, reassuring smile. Then, they moved over to her cabin.

"Rather than enhancing the Beihai Glacier Divine Sword Art and the Beihai Glacier Divine Palm, I've created an entirely new martial art," Mu-Gun said.

"You've created a new martial art?!" Beigong Xue exclaimed, taken aback.

"It's called the White Ice Divine Sword Art, and it's a martial art that harnesses the Beihai Glacier Qi as an offensive weapon," Mu-Gun explained.

"The White Ice Divine Sword Art, I like the name."

"In that case, I'll teach it to you right away. The White Ice Divine Sword Art has a total of six techniques. Let's begin with the first one: the White Ice Flash."

Mu-Gun explained the core principles of the White Ice Flash and went into detail about how to manipulate the Beihai Glacier Qi. Beigong Xue, being unfamiliar with the distinct approach of the White Ice Divine Sword Art, found it challenging to grasp initially. Mu-Gun adapted his explanations to make them as comprehensible as possible, easing Beigong Xue's understanding of the underlying principles of the art.

Afterward, Beigong Xue began to learn the steps of the White Ice Flash. Regardless of whether it was executed with a sword or her palm, the key to the White Ice Flash lay in condensing the Beihai Glacier Qi to an exceptional degree and releasing it instantaneously. Right from the beginning, Beigong Xue encountered difficulties as she struggled to condense the Beihai Glacier Qi into a specific form.

The unique trait of the Beihai Glacier Qi was its tendency to disperse when released over a wide area. However, when condensed into a specific form, the cold qi's range would diminish while its concentrated power increased significantly. The challenge lay in condensing the Beihai Glacier Qi into a limited space, which was a mentally demanding task.

Beigong Xue made dozens of attempts, but her initial efforts resulted in repeated failures. During this time, their ship arrived at Dalian, and the group decided to stay overnight at an inn. After a modest dinner, Beigong Xue resumed her training of the White Ice Flash. Mu-Gun observed her and provided guidance, but Beigong Xue still struggled to execute the technique successfully. This was not an indication of her lacking talent; in fact, Beigong Xue possessed remarkable talent. The complexity of the White Ice Flash technique was the primary challenge.

It took Beigong Xue three days of dedicated practice to finally master the White Ice Flash. From her sword, an icy energy reminiscent of the northern wind and snow emerged, forming into a massive ice blade that she propelled forward.

The path of the ice blade left a trail of freezing destruction in its wake. As it traveled, it caused a rapid and chilling freeze to overtake the area it passed through. Additionally, a huge ripple formed on the sea's surface where the ice blade grazed, and the sea froze solid as the ripple extended.


Beigong Xue gazed wide-eyed at the immense power of the White Ice Flash she had just released. Even though she was the one who had executed it, she had not anticipated that it would demonstrate such remarkable strength. She turned her astonished eyes toward Mu-Gun.

"How do you like it?" Mu-Gun asked with a triumphant expression.

"It's truly incredible. How did you create a martial art with such astounding power?" Beigong Xue asked in sheer astonishment.

"To be honest, Young Matriarch Beigong, after creating the White Ice Divine Sword Art, I had many thoughts about whether I should teach it to you," Mu-Gun confessed.

"Is it because it's too powerful?" Beigong Xue asked.

"Yes, precisely. Given the relationship between the Central Plains and the Beihai Ice Palace, I couldn't help but worry that the might of the White Ice Divine Sword Art might be directed toward the Central Plains," Mu-Gun explained sincerely.

"In that case, why did you teach me?" Beigong Xue asked with curiosity.

"It's because there's no other clan capable of using the White Ice Divine Sword Art except the Beihai Ice Palace," Mu-Gun replied.

"So, it means that despite your concerns about the Beihai Ice Palace's intentions, you don't want to bury the White Ice Divine Sword Art that you worked so hard to create," Beigong Xue deduced.


"Don't worry. As long as I'm alive, at least, the Beihai Ice Palace won't invade the Central Plains. With you around, you have no need to be concerned anyway, Young Master Baek," Beigong Xue reassured Mu-Gun.

"In that case, why don't we include the condition that you'll assist us in our efforts to repel the Nine Celestial Demons Sect?" Mu-Gun suggested.

"Let's first rescue the Beihai Ice Palace from the clutches of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect before discussing that."

"Very well. Then, continue your training. It's crucial that you maintain the feeling you had when you successfully executed the technique."


After nodding, Beigong Xue fervently resumed her training of the White Ice Flash. Later that same night, Mu-Gun and Beigong Xue's group reached Donggang in Liaoning Province. They spent the night there and then embarked on a land journey to Shenyang. Even during the journey, Beigong Xue continued her dedicated training.

Once she had managed to wield the White Ice Flash to a certain extent, Beigong Xue began her training in the White Ice Death Web, the second technique of the White Ice Divine Sword Art. The White Ice Death Web involved simultaneously releasing ten ice blades in all directions to attack the enemy.

The important part of the White Ice Death Web lay in dividing the Beihai Glacier Qi into ten parts and directing it in various directions to prevent the enemy from evading. This was an exceptionally challenging technique, far more complex than the White Ice Flash, which simply created a single ice blade. It took Beigong Xue three days just to comprehend the scripture of the White Ice Death Web, thanks in no small part to Mu-Gun's detailed explanations. Had she attempted to grasp it on her own, it might have taken several months to do so.

While learning the White Ice Divine Sword Art, Beigong Xue increasingly appreciated Mu-Gun's remarkable abilities. At some point, she began to admire him.

In Beihai culture, the standards for men were primarily rooted in their strength. Beihai women resided in harsh conditions and sought strong men who could protect and keep them safe from threats. Beigong Xue was no exception to this norm. In her eyes, Mu-Gun was the most captivating man she had ever encountered.

Beigong Xue was well aware that she and Mu-Gun couldn't be together. Mu-Gun already had two wives, and it was highly unlikely that he would abandon the Central Plains' murim and come to the Beihai Ice Palace. Similarly, Beigong Xue couldn't simply abandon her responsibilities at the Beihai Ice Palace to be with Mu-Gun. Recognizing that a romantic relationship between them was unattainable, Beigong Xue made a conscious effort to suppress her feelings for Mu-Gun.

Furthermore, this wasn't the time to focus on romantic entanglements. As the Beihai Ice Palace's Young Matriarch, she had resolved to concentrate solely on the task of saving her clan. To achieve this, her primary focus had to be on enhancing her martial skills through rigorous training.

* * *

A month later, Mu-Gun and Beigong Xue's group found themselves passing through Mount Dahei near Heilongjiang. The North Sea, where the Beihai Ice Palace was situated, was still a month's journey away from Mount Dahei.

During this past month, Beigong Xue had tirelessly dedicated herself to training in the White Ice Divine Sword Art without a moment's rest. As a result, she had progressed to mastering the fourth technique of the White Ice Divine Sword Art, the White Ice Deathblade. Although her execution of the White Ice Deathblade fell short of its original power due to her limited internal energy and enlightenment, Beigong Xue refused to give up and persisted in her training. Her continuous efforts also brought gradual improvements to her martial abilities.

In the meantime, after becoming proficient in unleashing the White Ice Explosive Flying Blade, the third technique of the White Ice Divine Sword Art, Beigong Xue began to spar with Mu-Gun once a day. The difficulty level significantly increased when using the White Ice Divine Sword Art in the midst of combat, as opposed to merely practicing it in solitude. Naturally, the former presented a far greater challenge.

Initially, Beigong Xue was easily defeated by Mu-Gun before she could even fully deploy the White Ice Divine Sword Art in their sparring sessions. However, as they continued to engage in these daily sparring sessions, Beigong Xue gradually developed the ability to skillfully use the White Ice Divine Sword Art even during a real fight. Nevertheless, even with this improvement, her proficiency with the White Ice Divine Sword Art was still far from posing a threat to Mu-Gun.

"As we pass Mount Dahei and enter Heilongjiang, we'll be in the Beihai Ice Palace's territory," Beigong Xue explained.

"I see. It's odd that the Nine Celestial Demons Sect hasn't made any moves yet."

Mu-Gun had expected the Nine Celestial Demons Sect to pursue Beigong Xue after she escaped from the Beihai Ice Palace. However, there had been no signs of their activity even after traveling as far as Mount Dahei.

"From the perspective of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, they might not see me as a significant threat. Perhaps they think there's little I can do."

Mu-Gun countered, "As the Beihai Ice Palace's Young Matriarch, the primary heir to the Ice Palace, you can rally support from the Beihai Ice Palace's martial artists. It wouldn't be in the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's interest to have you alive. They know well that eliminating you would be the best way to prevent defections among the Beihai Ice Palace's martial artists. For that reason, I find it strange that they've shown no activity during our journey here."

"Could they be waiting for me to enter the Beihai Ice Palace's territory?"

Mu-Gun remained skeptical, "That might be a possibility, but if I were the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, I would aim to resolve the issue outside the Beihai Ice Palace's territory. It wouldn't benefit them to let the Beihai Ice Palace's martial artists discover that their Young Matriarch had been killed."

"If that's the case, they might target us before we even cross Heilongjiang."

"We should definitely be ready for that," said Mu-Gun.

"But how should we prepare?" Beigong Xue sought guidance.

Mu-Gun reassured her, "I'm not suggesting any major preparations. I mean that we should remain vigilant because we don't know when they might strike."

"I see."

Mu-Gun and Beigong Xue's group made their way past Mount Dahei and proceeded upstream of Heilongjiang, maintaining constant vigilance for potential attacks by the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

As they drew closer to Heilongjiang, the temperature dropped significantly. However, the extreme cold posed no challenge for Mu-Gun and Beigong Xue's group. Mu-Gun, having reached the Supreme Realm, had attained the Cold-Heat Invulnerable Body State, rendering the cold inconsequential to him.

Beigong Xue and the Beihai Four Shadows practiced ice-based martial arts, so they were also impervious to the frigid conditions. This allowed Mu-Gun and Beigong Xue's group to continue their journey without succumbing to the bitter cold.

* * *

Somewhere along the shores of Lake Mo, which lay upstream of Heilongjiang, a middle-aged man with a thick fur robe draped over his shoulders sat at ease, sipping tea. This man was none other than Mo Yong-Gwan, one of the Nine Spindle Monarchs of the Spindle Sect, known as the Spindle Ape Monarch.

His face and hands were densely covered in hair, giving him the appearance of an orangutan, and this likeness had led to his moniker. In his earlier years, he had been the target of many jokes due to his peculiar appearance, but no one dared to mock him now. Anyone foolish enough to do so would be putting their life at grave risk.

As Mo Yong-Gwan leisurely enjoyed his tea, a burly man with a dark complexion entered the main hall. This man was Heuk Chi-Gon, known as the Giant Bear Demon, and he was one of the four Higher Demons who served the Spindle Ape Monarch.

"I have important news to report, revered Demonic Monarch," Chi-Gon greeted Yong-Gwan and said.

"What is it?"

"We've located that bitch, Beigong Xue," Chi-Gon reported.

"Really? Where is she right now?" Yong-Gwan asked.

"She is on her way here and has passed through Mount Dahei," Chi-Gon replied.

The Spindle Sect, having assumed control of the Beihai Ice Palace, had anticipated that Beigong Xue would return. In preparation, they dispatched their forces to Lake Mo, a crucial gateway leading to the Beihai Ice Palace's territory. Chi-Gon was responsible for leading these forces, acting on behalf of the Spindle Ape Monarch Mo Yong-Gwan.

The Ape Monarch himself was accompanied by his four direct subordinates, one squad from the Spindle Demonic Battalion, and two squads from the Ma Thieves Gang's Black Wind Troupe, which had sought refuge in Beihai to evade the Hebei Peng Family's pursuit.

The sheer size of their forces might have seemed excessive, considering the capabilities of Yong-Gwan alone, but their numbers were meant to act as a safeguard in case Beigong Xue managed to rally support from the murim of the Central Plains. Ideally, they would have wanted to capture her before she could seek assistance, but her loyal martial artist followers from the Beihai Ice Palace had put up a determined fight, preventing her capture.

As a result, Mo Yong-Gwan, the Spindle Ape Monarch, had been stationed at Lake Mo for several months, awaiting Beigong Xue's return. Finally, she had made her appearance.

Who is she with? Yong-Gwan asked.

Just one young man.

One young man? Thats all? Yong-Gwan asked in surprise.

"That's right. As a precaution, we thoroughly checked for any potential followers of Beigong Xue's group, but we didn't find anyone else."

"Any idea who the young man is?"

"We're not sure yet," Chi-Gon replied cautiously.

"Hmm" Yong-Gwan fell into deep thought, gently stroking his hairy face. The Giant Bear Demon, Heuk Chi-Gon, waited quietly for Yong-Gwan to gather his thoughts.

"Did the young man happen to have a shield?"

Yong-Gwan was aware of the Thunder God's successor in the Central Plains, known for causing significant trouble to various factions within the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. He was curious if the young man accompanying Beigong Xue might be the Thunder God's successor, recognizable by his distinctive golden shield.

"Well, I don't recall seeing a shield."

"Are you certain?" Yong-Gwan asked for reassurance.

"As far as we could tell, the young man wasn't carrying a shield."

"It might not be on the young man, but perhaps someone else has it, right?"

"I can't confirm that..."

"The fact that Beigong Xue returned to Beihai with just a young man suggests one of two things. Either she's given up, or that man is strong enough to save the Beihai Ice Palace on his own," Yong-Gwan explained.

"Is there anyone capable of single-handedly saving the Beihai Ice Palace?" Chi-Gon asked, genuinely curious.

"It could be possible if it's the Thunder God's successor."

"Do you think the Thunder God's successor would leave the Central Plains and come all the way to Beihai?"

"If he discovered that we were the ones who seized control of the Beihai Ice Palace, he would come after us," Yong-Gwan explained.

"What should we do if the young man truly is the Thunder God's successor?"

"What else? We must eliminate him," Yong-Gwan stated matter-of-factly.

"I've heard he defeated the esteemed Asura Divine Demon, who reached the Supreme Demonic Realm. Can we even deal with someone like that?" Chi-Gon expressed his concern.

"Throughout history, there's been nothing that sheer numbers couldn't overcome. If we gather all the forces of the Beihai Ice Palace and the Ma Thieves Gang, he'll eventually get tired, even if he's the Thunder God's successor. Once that happens, the Spindle Sect can step in and defeat him," Yong-Gwan reasoned.

"But wouldn't it be wise to first confirm if he truly is the Thunder God's successor?" Chi-Gon proposed.

"You're right. Send both squads from the Black Wind Troupe."


Also, keep the martial artists of the Spindle Demonic Battalion on standby so that they can be mobilized at any moment. Young-Gwan ordered.

If the young man accompanying Beigong Xue truly turned out to be the Thunder God's successor, immediate retreat would be necessary. On the other hand, if he wasn't the Thunder God's successor, the Spindle Demonic Battalion would be called in to handle Beigong Xue and her companion. Either way, they needed to be prepared for action.

"Understood," Chi-Gon acknowledged and departed.

He then assembled the two squads from the Ma Thieves Gang's Black Wind Troupe and dispatched them to the location where Beigong Xue's group was situated.

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