Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

The frozen surface of the North Sea's lake cracked, and fractures began to emerge around Baek Mu-Gun and Wi Geuk-Sang. Swiftly, Mu-Gun took a Power Restoration Pill from his pocket, consumed it, and flew to an area with no cracks. Geuk-Sang, drained of strength, managed to move away from the forming cracks but couldn't escape their reach.

The lingering effects of their powerful martial arts manifested in spreading fractures, reaching the spots they had vacated. Geuk-Sang, devoid of strength, fell into the North Sea as the ice beneath him broke. He struggled against the freezing water, hindered by the shattered ice chunks.

Despite his martial prowess, the lack of internal energy rendered him powerless. As his body froze, Geuk-Sang sank into the icy depths, succumbing to the cold water.

Mu-Gun, too, had depleted his energy blocking Geuk-Sang's martial technique. Yet, with the aid of a Power Restoration Pill from the Medicine King Family, he replenished thirty years' worth of internal energy. Though temporary, this energy allowed him to avoid the spreading cracks, securing a safe retreat.

Observing Geuk-Sang's demise, Mu-Gun felt no satisfaction but accepted it as inevitable. The only adversaries remaining were the demonic practitioners of the Spindle Demonic Battalion. Scanning the ongoing battle between them and the Beihai Ice Palace's forces, Mu-Gun saw the scales tipping in favor of the latter, primarily due to the formidable power of the Beihai Glacier Zombies.

Mu-Gun, confident in the Beihai Ice Palace's impending victory, stood by, choosing not to intervene. The Spindle Demonic Battalion's fierce resistance caused some casualties in the Beihai Ice Palace's forces, but it was a small price compared to the overall triumph. Beigong Xue, recognizing Mu-Gun's crucial role, approached him as the battle concluded.

Are you all right? Dealing with the Spindle Divine Demon must have been challenging, Beigong Xue inquired.

I used some strength on the Spindle Sects Demonic Monarchs, so I was a bit exhausted toward the end, Mu-Gun replied.

Regardless, you're truly impressive. How did you withstand the Spindle Divine Demons formidable attack?

Recalling the Spindle Sky Breaker Star, Beigong Xue shook her head, acknowledging it as a force beyond her capacity to resist.

It's only natural as the Thunder Gods successor.

Coming from anyone else, it might sound boastful, but from Young Master Baek, it's hard not to acknowledge, Beigong Xue admitted.

What are your plans now? Mu-Gun asked with a chuckle.

We need to return to the Beihai Ice Palaces manor and rebuild the Beihai Ice Palace.

You won't break the promise you made, right? Mu-Gun sought assurance.

Invading the Central Plains with someone like you around would be sheer madness. Rest assured, as long as you're alive, we wont entertain thoughts of invading the Central Plains, Beigong Xue affirmed.

Are you suggesting you might consider it after I'm gone? Mu-Gun probed.

I doubt I'll still be in this world by then. There's no point dwelling on the distant future. The next generation will deal with it, Beigong Xue explained.

Well, that makes sense.

Regardless, we wont even glance at the Central Plains while you're alive. So, no need to worry.

As I asked before, do you still have no intention of aiding us against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect? Mu-Gun questioned.

I'll think about it after rebuilding the Beihai Ice Palace. Ideally, I'd lend you the Beihai Glacier Zombies, but, as mentioned before, their power diminishes outside Beihais land. Additionally, with the leaders and martial arts masters of the Thirteen Clans gone, we lack the strength to help, Beigong Xue clarified.

Understood. I'm not pressuring you, so take your time to consider, Mu-Gun reassured.

I will. Shall we head to the Beihai Ice Palaces manor now? You wont be returning to the Central Plains immediately, will you?

Since it's on the way, I'll stay at least for a day.

A day seems short. You're the savior of the Beihai Ice Palace; give us some time to express our gratitude, Beigong Xue suggested.

I'm concerned; it's been a while since I left the Central Plains. Please understand, Mu-Gun explained.

Fair enough. Let's head to the Beihai Ice Palaces manor.

Beigong Xue directed the Beihai Ice Palaces members to move separately while she and Mu-Gun made their way to the Beihai Ice Palaces manor. The Beihai Four Shadows and the Beihai Glacier Zombies trailed behind them.

* * *

The Beihai Ice Palace, true to its name, stood as an icy fortress adorned with crystallized ice. The structures, embedded with purified ice crystals, boasted walls that maintained their integrity even in the relatively warmer summer months. What intrigued observers was the contrast between the chilly exterior and the surprisingly warm interior.

The solid ice walls, formed through the continuous cycle of melting and freezing, effectively kept the cold air at bay. The Beihai Ice Palace's architects had further ensured comfort by installing heating facilities within.

Mu-Gun marveled at the ingenuity of the Beihai people as he experienced the palace's unique architecture. He was accommodated in the grandest and most opulent guest room reserved for esteemed visitors. After indulging in a long-overdue warm bath within the room's private facilities, Mu-Gun changed into fresh attire.

Emerging from his bath, he was promptly served a cup of Red Brick Tea by the attentive servants assigned to the guest room. Seated at the tea table, Mu-Gun savored the Red Brick Tea at a leisurely pace. Although it didn't match the sophistication of Central Plains teas, he felt gratitude for the simple pleasure of enjoying tea in such surroundings.

While Mu-Gun relaxed in the guest room, Beigong Xue was engaged with the Beihai Four Shadows.

"Is the banquet for the Young Master being prepared adequately?" Beigong Xue asked.

"Yes, despite the time constraints, we're putting our utmost effort into the preparations," replied Dong Ga-Kyung, the eldest among the Beihai Four Shadows.

"He's the savior of the Beihai Ice Palace. Our hospitality must leave no room for negligence."


"By the way, do you think it's wise to let him depart like this?" Seol Hwa-Ran, the second eldest of the Beihai Four Shadows, asked cautiously.

"And what if we don't allow him to leave?" Beigong Xue questioned Hwa-Ran with a puzzled expression.

"It's challenging to find someone as formidable as the Young Master, not only in Beihai but also in the Central Plains."


"There's no one better suited than the Young Master as your partner, Young Matriarch," Hwa-Ran suggested.

"What nonsense is this? He's already married and has two wives. Plus, even if he were to marry me, he's not someone who would stay in Beihai. You're not proposing that I live in solitude, yearning for him in the Central Plains for the rest of my life, are you?" Beigong Xue dismissed the idea, deeming it unworthy of consideration.

"With all due respect, such sacrifices might be necessary for the sake of the Beihai Ice Palace," Hwa-Ran calmly expressed.

Beihai revered the strong, emphasizing pedigree as crucial for becoming formidable. They held the belief that exceptional parents would pass down their talents, and in choosing a partner, Beihai women prioritized strength.

Mu-Gun was deemed the ideal candidate, and a child born from Beigong Xue and Mu-Gun's bloodline was seen as having the potential to become an outstanding individual, perhaps a hero capable of shaping the Beihai Ice Palace's history.

Seol Hwa-Ran of the Beihai Four Shadows believed that, for the sake of the Beihai Ice Palace, Beigong Xue should bear a child inheriting Mu-Gun's bloodline, even if it meant sacrificing her own desires. The sentiment was shared by the other three Beihai Shadows. Observing their unwavering determination, Beigong Xue smiled ruefully, understanding their perspective.

For Beihai women, having a child with the bloodline of a powerful man was paramount.

Beigong Xue herself shared this sentiment to some extent. If Mu-Gun were a Beihai man and they could live together in Beihai, she might have desired to have a child with him, irrespective of his marital status. However, the reality was that Mu-Gun belonged to the Central Plains, and once he returned, he would likely never come back to Beihai.

Aware of this, Beigong Xue was not confident about enduring a lifetime of yearning for Mu-Gun.

Despite developing affection for Mu-Gun during their time together, Beigong Xue suppressed her feelings, understanding that a relationship between them was improbable. Engaging in a romantic relationship or bearing Mu-Gun's child would only intensify her emotions and lead to enduring pain. Consequently, Beigong Xue couldn't comply with the wishes of the Beihai Four Shadows.

I might find it hard to resist my feelings for him. I might even consider abandoning the Beihai Ice Palace and going to the Central Plains. Would that be acceptable? Beigong Xue asked.

How can you even suggest such a thing? What do you mean, abandoning the Beihai Ice Palace?

I mention it because it's impossible. Above all, I am confident he wouldn't desire that. So, let go of the idea of the Young Masters bloodline. Instead, put your trust in me. I will lead the Beihai Ice Palace to its greatest era of prosperity without relying on anyones bloodline, Beigong Xue said confidently.

Beigong Xue achieved the Absolute Realm at the age of twenty-seven, a feat none of the former patriarchs had accomplished. While a miraculous enlightenment played a role, her personal capability also played a significant part. Given her age and martial realm, surpassing the Absolute Realm and reaching the Supreme Realm seemed possible.

With the support of the Beihai Glacier Zombies, she had a promising future, ensuring that the Beihai Ice Palace could flourish even without Mu-Guns bloodline. The Beihai Four Shadows acknowledged their underestimation of Beigong Xue and chose to place their faith in her.

Fine. We will believe in you, and not in anyone elses bloodline.

Beigong Xue swiftly dispelled the Beihai Four Shadows' suggestions, and curiously, the decision was made without consulting the person involved. Mu-Gun would have found it perplexing if he knew, but the chances of him discovering were slim.

Later that evening, a hastily arranged banquet was held to express gratitude to Mu-Gun. Despite the time constraints, the event was splendid, filled with unique Beihai cuisine and a vibrant atmosphere. Mu-Gun relished the festivities to the fullest.

The following day, he bid farewell to Beigong Xue, who was reluctant to see him go. As agreed, Beigong Xue presented Mu-Gun with five Beihai Ice Essence. While not a Myriad Ice Essence or a Thousand-Year Ice Essence, it provided enough internal energy, worth two gapjas[1].

* * *

As Mu-Gun dismantled the Spindle Sect's control over the Beihai Ice Palace and began his journey back to the Central Plains, significant movements unfolded in the Northern Desert and Nanman regions.

The Sun God Palace of the Northern Desert and the Sky Beast Palace of Nanman united their forces for an invasion of the Central Plains, guided by the support of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's Tyrant Cult and the Myriad Poison Sect.

Actively backing the second-in-command of both palaces, the Tyrant Cult and the Myriad Poison Sect facilitated their takeover. Swearing unwavering loyalty to the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, these newly empowered leaders pledged to play a pivotal role in the conquest of the Central Plains.

To sweeten the deal, the Tyrant Cult and the Myriad Poison Sect promised territorial control in the Central Plains to the Sun God Palace and the Sky Beast Palace upon the successful invasion.

In contrast to the Spindle Sect's unsuccessful attempt, the Sun God Palace and the Sky Beast Palace were placed under the control of the Tyrant Cult and the Myriad Poison Sect. They were able to completely take control over the Sun God Palace and the Sky Beast Palace without having to disguise themselves as key figures of the two palaces.

The Spindle Sect faced challenges due to the dominant influence of the Beihai Five Great Clans and the formidable Beigong Family, leading the Beihai Ice Palace's management structure. The Spindle Sect's efforts were thwarted by the strength of the Beigong, Seol, and Myung Families within the Beihai Ice Palace.

Moreover, the allegiance of the remaining clans within the Beihai Ice Palace favored the Beigong Family, making it impractical to seize control through a second-in-command, as successfully done with the Sun God Palace and the Sky Beast Palace. The Spindle Sect's alternative approach involved internal manipulation by posing as executives of the Thirteen Clans of Beihai.

While this strategy failed due to Mu-Gun's intervention, the flaw lay not in the method but in the unexpected interference by Mu-Gun, the Thunder God's successor. Had Mu-Gun not intervened, the Spindle Sect would have likely invaded the Central Plains with the Beihai Ice Palace.

Nonetheless, now under the influence of the Tyrant Cult and the Myriad Poison Sect, the Sun God Palace and the Sky Beast Palace actively prepared for their imminent invasion of the Central Plains.

1. One gapja refers to 60 years of energy if a martial artist were to cultivate their internal energy for 60 years

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