Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Have you confirmed the number of forces the Myriad Poison Sect and the Sky Beast Palace have? The Wudang Sects Patriarch, Supreme Elder Hyun Cheon, asked.

"It's not exact, but based on our rough assessment, it appears the Myriad Poison Sect has around one thousand demonic practitioners, and the Sky Beast Palace boasts about three thousand men," Namgung Jo replied.

"Together, they make up about four thousand individuals, roughly half of our forces," Hyun-Cheon said.

At the Southern Sky Branch, a total of more than eight thousand individuals had assembled. The Great Namgung Family and the Guangdong Jin Family contributed one thousand and five hundred members each, while the Great Zhuge Family and the Great Ximen Family deployed one thousand members each. The Wudang Sect and its subsidiary branch, the Wuchang Sword Family, jointly deployed one thousand members, and the remaining two thousand individuals consisted of volunteers from various small and medium-sized martial clans.

"In sheer numbers, our forces surpass theirs. However, if the other factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect unite, the situation could shift," commented Zhuge Bo in response to Hyun Cheon's observation, suggesting it was not a straightforward matter.

Currently, there were a total of six factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect in the Central Plains. Although the Asura Cult's patriarch, the Asura Divine Demon, and their demonic monarchs had been killed, their cult members remained unharmed. Considering the possibility that the six factions might divide their forces and send reinforcements to the Sun God Palace and the Sky Beast Palace, it was evident that the Southern Sky Branch and the Northern Sky Branch alone would struggle to repel them. The Central Plains Murim Alliance was well aware of this reality and closely monitored the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's movements.

Do we still lack information on the factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect? Ximen Guang asked.

There hasn't been any significant movement so far. However, sooner or later, they will most likely make a move. Zhuge Bo replied.

"If the other factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect align with the Sun God Palace and the Sky Beast Palace and launch an assault on the Southern and Northern Sky Branches, it will be challenging for our forces there to thwart them on their own. To counter this, we'll require reinforcements from the Eastern and Western Sky Branches," Ximen Guang proposed.

"It's not as straightforward as you make it seem. If the Nine Celestial Demons Sect launches a surprise attack while the Eastern and Western Sky Branches are mobilizing, we risk being defeated one by one. It might be wiser to act only after thoroughly understanding the movement of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect," Zhuge Bo cautioned.

Then, we cant really come up with a countermeasure under the current situation.

"Not necessarily. If we pre-set trap arrays along their anticipated routes and lie in ambush, we could inflict significant damage upon them," Zhuge Bo responded.

What do you mean by trap arrays?

First of all, it will be more effective if we cover the surroundings with fog through the Eight Trigrams Cloud Array and then attack using the Invisible Ambush Array.

The Eight Trigrams Cloud Array was a formation that could create clouds and fog in a designated space, disorienting those within it by obscuring directions with thick fog. Following that, the Invisible Ambush Array allowed individuals lying in wait to blend their energy seamlessly with nature, concealing not only their energy but also their presence. The synergy between these two array formations was quite effective, especially when the enemy was maneuvered into a specific terrain, enabling an optimal attack by the ambushing personnel.

The crucial factor was the substantial time required to set up the Eight Trigrams Cloud Array and the Invisible Ambush Array. To establish the array formation before the enemy's arrival, accurate prediction of the enemy's route was essential. Any mistake in this prediction, leading to the installation of the array formation in the wrong area, would pose significant challenges.

Then, have you decided where to set up the array formations?

"To enter Changsha, their route must take them through Nanyue Ridge in Mount Heng. While they could opt for an alternative route around Mount Heng, that would add another ten days to their journey. Hence, it's likely they'll attempt to cross Nanyue Ridge. After a thorough examination of the topography, we've determined that Feiniao Valley in Nanyue Ridge is the most suitable location to set up the array formations."

"Remarkable. When did you conduct all these assessments?" Ximen Huang expressed admiration for Zhuge Bo's thorough preparations.

The strength of the Zhuge Family lies in our array formation, so we just found a method to utilize that.

How do you plan on deciding the members who will be lying in ambush if you install the array formation in Nanyue Ridges Feiniao Valley? Ximen Huang asked.

"I was contemplating deploying five hundred elite members of the Zhuge Family and an additional five hundred individuals from the small and medium-sized clans."

Wouldnt it be better to bring more people with excellent skills?

"The ambush will be executed from a distance using concealed weapons and crossbows. Hence, their martial prowess won't play a significant role," Zhuge Bo explained.

I see. Still, if you ever need help, feel free to tell us.


"In that case, the Zhuge Family will take charge of the ambush operation, and the detailed plan will be formulated after confirming the movements of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect."

The Southern Sky Branch opted to proceed with the ambush operation as per Zhuge Bo's recommendation and concluded the meeting. Three days later, information on the movements of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect was relayed from the Heavenly Secret Hall to the Southern Sky Branch. The five patriarchs, including Namgung Jo, reconvened at the meeting hall.

"A while ago, the Heavenly Secret Hall provided us with information on the movements of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. According to their report, there are discernible activities from forces believed to be factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect in the following five provinces: Jiangxi, Guangxi, Guizhou, Gansu, and Shanxi." Namgung Jo explained the situation to the other four patriarchs assembled in the meeting hall.

Has the Heavenly Secret Hall also confirmed their movement route? Hyun Cheon asked.

"Initially, it was verified that the faction in Shanxi Province is aiming for the Northern Sky Branch. Subsequently, the faction in Gansu Province is advancing towards Shaanxi Province."

"It appears they intend to dismantle the base of the forces in Shaanxi Province initially and subsequently unite with the faction in Shanxi Province," Ximen Guang remarked.

"In addition, it seems they aim to cause the forces gathered in the Northern Sky Branch to leave their position," Zhuge Bo reiterated after Ximen Guang's remark.

"If the two factions from Shanxi Province and Gansu Province join forces with the Sun God Palace and the Tyrant Cult, it will be impossible for the Northern Sky Branch's forces to resist them. However, I'm unsure if there's a way to remedy this situation," Hyun Cheon expressed his concern.

"For now, I believe they'll have no choice but to endure until the Eastern Sky Branch sends reinforcements," Jin Mu-Wei responded to Hyun Cheon's worries.

"This is not the time to worry about the Northern Sky Branch. We, the Southern Sky Branch, are also likely to be attacked by two additional factions in addition to the Myriad Poison Sect and the Sky Beast Palace," Namgung Jo said.

By two additional factions? Which two are you referring to?

I am referring to the two factions that emerged from Jiangxi Province and Guangxi Province. Namgung Jo explained further.

"Where's the faction in Guizhou Province heading?

They are moving toward the direction of Sichuan Province. Namgung Jo replied.

"I reckon they're not gunning for the Western Sky Branch with a single faction. Seems like they aim to tie down the Western Sky forces, preventing them from sending reinforcements elsewhere," Zhuge Bo speculated.

That is most likely the case. Namgung Jo nodded at Zhuge Bos reply.

"So, we've got to halt three factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect and the Sky Beast Palace with the troops we've got on hand," Ximen Guang remarked.

"Hmm, this is no mere problem. Even with four of the Seven Saints present, it's nearly impossible to hold off the forces of three Nine Celestial Demons Sect factions and the Sky Beast Palace with our current manpower," Mu-Wei replied in kind.

Ximen Guang and Mu-Wei exchanged stiff expressions, grasping the gravity of the situation.

"The most we can manage right now is to thwart the convergence of the three Nine Celestial Demons Sect factions," Zhuge Bo added.

You mean we should defeat them one by one? Hyun Cheon asked.

"Exactly. Taking on the faction in Guangxi Province might pose a challenge, but we can certainly overcome the faction in Jiangxi Province," Zhuge Bo replied.

"The Nine Celestial Demons Sect might be targeting precisely that. Beating the Jiangxi Province faction will require a significant deployment of our forces. If the other factions strike here while we're focused on Jiangxi, we risk falling into their trap and facing defeat," Hyun Cheon stated firmly.

"Supreme Elder Hyun Cheon's words hold truth. They're likely anticipating our move to Jiangxi Province. Furthermore, if we dispatch forces there, they'll aim to evade direct conflict, keeping us entangled and hindering our return. Meanwhile, the other two factions and the Sky Beast Palace will assail the Southern Sky Branch."

"Are you planning to proceed despite knowing the consequences?"

All we have to do is make sure they don't achieve their objectives. Zhuge Bo said.

How do you plan to do that?

"We can discreetly mobilize a small group, catch them off guard, and eliminate the Jiangxi Province faction. This way, our forces won't be bogged down there, and we can also diminish the enemy's numbers," Zhuge Bo explained.

Well, I wonder if a small number of people will be able to stop one of the Nine Celestial Demons Sects faction.

"Perhaps it could be achieved if that small group includes the four sovereign elders from the Seven Saints."

You want to send the four Saints? Hyun Cheon asked in surprise.

If it is the four Saints, they will be more than happy to step up.

"No doubt, the martial prowess of the four Saints would make it possible to halt one of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's factions," Hyun Cheon said confidently.

The other four patriarchs were also of the same view.

"Taking on each faction individually to diminish their forces in Nanyue Ridge, Mount Heng might be challenging, but it gives us a fighting chance. Having the four Saints on our side is our trump card."

I think that is the best option for now.

Then, lets move right away.

The Southern Sky Branch leaders decided to rely on the four Saints to handle the Jiangxi Province faction. They promptly approached the four Saints, outlined the situation, and requested their intervention against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's faction in Jiangxi Province. The four Saints willingly accepted the task.

On the very same day, they left the Southern Sky Branch and set forth for Jiangxi Province. Meanwhile, the Northern Sky Branch faced an onslaught from the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. The Tyrant Cult forces, journeying south alongside the Sun God Palace, and the Underworld Sect, advancing from the western part of Shanxi Province, converged at a point three days' travel from Taiyuan.

The Southern Sky Branch leaders promptly convened a meeting to devise a countermeasure. Similar to the Northern Sky Branch, they contemplated calling upon the two sovereign elders of the Seven Saints to confront the adversaries sequentially. However, a crucial point stood out Baek Mu-Gun, the Thunder God's successor, could potentially collaborate with them, trailing the Tyrant Cult and the Sun God Palace. The Southern Sky Branch aimed to diminish the forces of the Tyrant Cult and the Sun God Palace with the assistance of the two Saints and Mu-Gun.

Mu-Gun and the two Saints readily agreed to the plan that the leaders of the Southern Sky Branch came up with. Thus, the two Saints secretly left Taiyuan and headed to Xinzhou, where the forces of the Tyrant Cult and the Sun God Palace were gathered.

* * *

Mu-Gun lingered on an unfamiliar mountain, maintaining a cautious distance of about two hours from both the Tyrant Cult and the Sun God Palace. He was reluctant to collaborate with the Seven Saints, who had betrayed and ended his previous life. Yet, driven by a sense of duty to the murim, he chose to temporarily set aside his personal grievances. At present, the paramount concern was halting the advance of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

Embracing the strategy of "playing people off against each other," Mu-Gun contemplated a temporary truce, setting aside his grudge to harness the collective power of the Seven Saints in order to thwart the threat posed by the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

By the way, they wont just stand still and be attacked though-

Mu-Gun wondered how the Tyrant Cult and the Sun God Palace would react. Until now, he had only followed quietly behind them to prevent any further harm to innocent civilians. However, with their arrival in Taiyuan, where the Northern Sky Branch was located, the concern for civilian safety now took a backseat, replaced by the necessity to contemplate launching an offensive. Mu-Gun considered that the Tyrant Cult and the Sun God Palace were likely aware of this shift. It was conceivable that they had foreseen Mu-Gun collaborating with the two Saints for a joint attack.

With the situation escalating, it seemed probable that they were gearing up for combat, devising their own countermeasures. While knowing their strategies would be beneficial, Mu-Gun acknowledged that it was inconsequential if he remained unaware. His primary focus was dismantling whatever defenses they had in place. Amidst this, Captain Peng Won-Yi from the special task force hurried to rendezvous with Mu-Gun. This indicated the arrival of the two Saints, Peng Mu-Wei and Huangfu Chong.

"We've got word that the two Saints have reached the eastern outskirts of the Sun God Palace's campsite."

They arrived sooner than expected. Didn't they mention their plans for taking action? Mu-Gun asked.

They asked us to carry out a pincer attack two hours later, at jashi. Won-Yi reported.

"Got it. We'll act in accordance with that schedule."

Well accompany you, Master Baek. Won-Yi said.

No. The members of the special task force should return to the Northern Sky Branch. Mu-Gun said.

"How could we leave you behind and go back? Our lives were spared thanks to Master Baek's grace, so we'll stand by your side in the fight. Please allow us to do so," pleaded Won-Yi.

"No, I appreciate your sentiments. However, I must be honest. If you accompany me, you might get in my way rather than help. Your best way of assisting is to return to the Northern Sky Branch."

Won-Yi found it hard to disagree with Mu-Gun's assessment. Their skills wouldn't contribute much to Mu-Gun's situation. The best they could offer was to divert the enemy's attention for a brief moment.

"I understand. I hope we can reunite safely back at the Northern Sky Branch, Master Baek," Won-Yi conceded.

Dont worry. Go ahead first. I'll be right behind you very soon.

Won-Yi nodded at Mu-Gun's words and departed. Shortly after, he and the survivors of the special task force descended from the unknown mountain, making their way back to the Northern Sky Branch. Once they had left, Mu-Gun spent some solitary moments in the unfamiliar mountain before rising to move at jashi, the agreed-upon time.

Well then, shall we get started?

Mu-Gun soared toward the Sun God Palace's campsite. Activating the Thunder God's Shadow, his body became cloaked in a golden wave of lightning, swiftly navigating the night sky.

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