Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

The other three members of the Seven Saints remained oblivious to Namgung Byeok's demise, engrossed in the ongoing onslaught. The Heavenly Killer Sect's Demonic Monarchs, Higher Demons, and the two Slayer Kings relentlessly directed their attacks at them. Detecting the enemy's assault through the penetrations of their vajra qi, the three Saints mustered their waning strength to release vajra qi in all directions.

The clash between the unleashed vajra qi and the assaults from the Heavenly Killer Sect's martial arts masters and the two Slayer Kings generated a thunderous resonance within the veil of darkness imposed by the Heavenly Dark Sky Killing Art. However, the three Saints remained oblivious to the sounds of collision and the ensuing roar.

After killing Namgung Byeok, Dok Go-Seong turned his attention to Jin Gwang-Cheon of the Guangdong Jin Family, one of the remaining three Saints and second only to Namgung Byeok in power. Anticipating potential difficulties in defeating all four Saints, Go-Seong aimed to eliminate the strongest opponents first.

Using the Divine Spectrum Killing Step, he approached Gwang-Cheon from behind, replicating the strategy used against Namgung Byeok. Gwang-Cheon, unable to perceive Go-Seong's movements, fell prey to Go-Seong's sword, which pierced through his protective vajra qi, penetrating his heart.


Enduring extreme pain, Gwang-Cheon let out a groan as he clutched the sword embedded in him, stretching from his back to his heart. Summoning his ultimate martial arts, the Magnificent Heavenly Mind Fist Art, he channeled immense energy throughout his body, shaping it into a colossal fist charging towards Go-Seong from behind.

Reacting swiftly, Go-Seong released his grip on the sword and stepped back, but the fist-shaped vajra qi from the Magnificent Heavenly Mind Fist Art swiftly closed the gap. Frowning, Go-Seong unleashed the Heavenly Killer Silk Coat Star, enveloping his entire body in a swirling, pitch-black energy reminiscent of a silkworm in its cocooning phase.

As the pitch-black energy cocooned Go-Seong's entire body, Gwang-Cheon's unleashed fist-shaped vajra qi bore down from above, generating an ear-splitting roar. The explosive force of the burrowing vajra qi shattered the Heavenly Killer Silk Coat Star, trampling over the protective coating in a powerful explosion. The shockwave propelled Go-Seong backward, causing him to crash to the ground.

Kugh. Rolling on the floor, Go-Seong let out a groan before managing to prop himself up.

Despite the internal turmoil, Go-Seong escaped serious injury, the Heavenly Killer Silk Coat Star absorbing much of the impact. Wiping away blood from the corners of his lips with his sleeve, Go-Seong examined Gwang-Cheon, who lay forward with a sword lodged in his back.

I guess he lived up to his name as one of the Seven Saints.

Observing Gwang-Cheon's martial arts with a bitter smile, Go-Seong acknowledged the limitations of his own skills. Among the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's Nine Great Demon Kings, Go-Seong's martial arts were considered the least potent, specifically designed for covert operations rather than direct confrontations.

Specializing in surprise attacks, such as assassinations, his skill set included absolute transcendental martial arts like the Heavenly Dark Sky Killing Art and the light-speed step technique, the Divine Spectrum Killing Step.

Additionally, the Divine Sky Piercing Sword Art, a technique capable of effortlessly penetrating any protective vajra qi and reaching the opponent's heart, made Go-Seong a formidable force in assassinations that even Supreme Realm masters would find challenging to counter.

Witnessing the disparity in the effectiveness of his martial arts compared to other Supreme Realm masters, Go-Seong grappled with an uncomfortable acknowledgment of his limitations. Nonetheless, the ultimate measure of strength lay in survival, and Go-Seong stood alive while Gwang-Cheon lay fallen.

In this grim reality, Go-Seong's survival marked his superiority over Gwang-Cheon. Having dispatched both Namgung Byeok and Gwang-Cheon, Go-Seong turned his attention to the remaining two Saints. Observing Ximen Zong of the Great Ximen Family, under siege from the Heavenly Killer Sect's Demonic Monarchs and the two Slayer Kings, Go-Seong noted his recent collapse.

Initially, even a joint attack by the Heavenly Killer Sect's Demonic Monarchs and the two Slayer Kings wouldn't have been sufficient to overcome Ximen Zong. However, his current predicament involved a loss of all senses and a considerable depletion of energy. Despite being akin to a tiger, he found himself toothless and clawless, compounded by his blindness.

Facing six Absolute Realm masters, though wolves in comparison to a tiger, it proved less challenging to defeat a weakened tiger in such a state. Ximen Zong struggled to withstand the onslaught of the six Absolute Realm masters, but he eventually succumbed and collapsed.

With the defeat of Ximen Zong, the oppressive veil of the Heavenly Dark Sky Killing Art lifted. Zhuge Wen, the sole surviving Saint, regained his senses swiftly, comprehending the dire circumstances. Despair gripped him as he confirmed the downfall of the other three Saints.

Their arrogance proved their undoingthey believed their combined strength could overcome any threat and underestimated the danger, assuming that facing a single faction rather than the entire Nine Celestial Demons Sect would be manageable. It was a grave misjudgment; the adversary was none other than the Nine Celestial Demons Sect itself.

Faced with the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, they should have braced themselves for the worst-case scenario, but their lack of preparation resulted in the loss of three Saints. Zhuge Wen grappled with remorse over his own carelessness and arrogance. However, in the unforgiving reality, regrets offered no redemption.

"It appears the Seven Saints aren't as formidable as we thought, given how easily you succumbed to our trap," Go-Seong remarked, addressing Zhuge Wen, who remained in distress.

Zhuge Wen swiftly identified Go-Seong as the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon. Furthermore, he deduced that Go-Seong was the one responsible for casting the veil of darkness that robbed him of his senses.

What sorcery did you use on us? Zhuge Wen asked Go-Seong.

As expected of a member of the Zhuge Family. It seems like you cant hold back your curiosity even in the face of death.

Shouldnt I at least know what sorcery it was that got me killed?

Well, there is no point hiding it. It is the Heavenly Dark Sky Killing Art. Go-Seong replied truthfully.

A sorcery capable of robbing the senses of a Supreme Realm master, huh. I must admit, it was truly surprising.

"Hmph, trying to regain your strength by engaging in conversation with me? Do I look that foolish?" Go-Seong retorted, revealing his awareness of Zhuge Wen's potential motives.

"Considering the circumstances, how about a one-on-one duel? Isn't it rather cowardly for someone titled as a Divine Demon to skulk in the shadows and ambush their adversary?"

"It appears you're rather eager. Surprising that the esteemed sovereign elder of the Zhuge Family, known for intelligence, would resort to such a simplistic provocation. However, I'm not one to fall for such baits. The Heavenly Killer Sect has a tradition of stealth and assassination, and as its patriarch, it's not cowardly for me to lurk in the shadows and eliminate my target. I see it as faithfully fulfilling my duty. Let's finish this."

Go-Seong signaled the four Demonic Monarchs and the two Slayer Kings to attack Zhuge Wen. In response, Zhuge Wen countered their attacks with a surge of Whirlwind Vajra Qi. Despite his depleted energy, being a Supreme Realm master still granted him a formidable defense.

The demonic practitioners, wary of Zhuge Wen's prowess, refrained from hasty approaches. Instead, they focused on sustaining actions that would compel Zhuge Wen to continually employ his martial arts, further draining his energy.

Zhuge Wen grasped their intentions but found himself cornered. Attempts to flee were thwarted by the Heavenly Killer Sect's demonic practitioners showering him with hidden arrows and weapons. Aware that his demise loomed if the situation persisted, Zhuge Wen braced for a final stand, preserving his dwindling internal energy.

Amidst deflecting assaults from Demonic Monarchs, Higher Demons, and two Slayer Kings, Zhuge Wen, though visibly strained, kept a vigilant eye on the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon Dok Go-Seong.

I wont die alone.

Zhuge Wen eyed an opening, and at last, it presented itselfa gap emerged in Go-Seong's vicinity. Channeling his last reserves of strength, Zhuge Wen hurled the Formless Flying Dagger toward Go-Seong. True to its name, the dagger, imperceptible to the naked eye, streaked towards Go-Seong at a speed faster than light.

Despite Go-Seong's vigilant observation, he sensed an unseen force hurtling his way. Instinctively, he contorted his body sideways, yet it proved futiletoo little, too late.

The Formless Flying Dagger whisked past Go-Seong's left shoulder, severing it entirely, and blood spurted forth. His detached left arm thudded onto the ground, pulsating with pain. Momentarily thrown into disarray, Go-Seong grappled with the sudden turn of events, struggling to comprehend the swift and unexpected assault.


Reality struck as intense pain surged from the now-missing left arm. Go-Seong, gripped by agony, collapsed to the ground, letting out a gruesome scream.

Arghhh! You motherfucker, how dare you cut my arm off! I will tear you to pieces!

Despite the searing pain, Go-Seong seethed with anger over the loss of his left arm, scanning for Zhuge Wen. However, Zhuge Wen, having expended his last ounce of energy on the Formless Flying Dagger, lay lifeless on the ground, his body ravaged by the collective assault of the four Demonic Monarchs and two Slayer Kings.

With Zhuge Wen confirmed deceased, Go-Seong succumbed to unconsciousness, the agony of his severed arm and profuse bleeding overwhelming him.

Help the esteemed Divine Demon!

The Demonic Monarchs of the Heavenly Killer Sect swiftly stopped the bleeding from Go-Seong's shoulders, administering urgent first aid. Despite their efforts, it became evident that professional treatment was imperative for Go-Seong's recovery.

Crafting a makeshift stretcher, the Heavenly Killer Sect's Demonic Monarchs carefully laid Go-Seong on it. Then, they moved to locate the nearest medical clinic.

* * *

Feiniao Valley nestled in Nanyue Ridge, a region within Mount Heng, Hunan Province, fashioned like a soaring bird. At its heart, a slender gorge path mimicked the bird's body, while on either side, expansive rocky terrain rose like wings. The rocky expanse, resembling a castle wall with large and small rocks, served as an ideal setting for strategic ambushes.

Flanking the rocky expanses resembling bird wings, a thousand martial artists from the Great Zhuge Family and various smaller clans lay in wait. Their target: the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's group, led by the Sky Beast Palace, expected to traverse Feiniao Valley.

While these ambushers' skills were less formidable compared to their adversaries, the Sky Beast Palace and Nine Celestial Demons Sect, there lingered a perilous prospect of their energy being exposed to the martial arts masters from these formidable factions.

However, the Invisible Ambush Array, woven with the essence of the Zhuge Family, shrouded their energy entirely. Even a Supreme Realm master would find it challenging to detect the array unless they focused intently. Essentially, the risk of their ambush being exposed was minimal.

The crucial factor hinged on whether the Sky Beast Palace and the forces of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect would indeed traverse Feiniao Valley. Deviating from this path would render the meticulous setup of the Invisible Ambush Array futile.

After three days of vigilance, a group wearing beast-head helmets emerged the unmistakable mark of the Sky Beast Palace. As they ventured into Feiniao Valley, the Sky Beast Palace members meticulously surveyed their surroundings, ascending the rocky wings section to scrutinize for potential ambushes.

The martial artists from the Great Zhuge Family and smaller clans grew tense witnessing the Sky Beast Palace members approach their concealed positions.

Unbeknownst to the Sky Beast Palace members, they approached the very area where martial artists from the Great Zhuge Family and smaller clans lay in ambush. The efficacy of the Invisible Ambush Array played its part, rendering the ambushers completely imperceptible. The traces of their presence were meticulously erased, presenting the Sky Beast Palace members with a distorted reality.

Consequently, the Sky Beast Palace members found nothing amiss and descended from Feiniao Valley. They relayed to the main camp that no signs of danger were detected.

Upon receiving the reconnaissance report, the Sky Beast Palace and Nine Celestial Demons Sect forces entered Feiniao Valley without undue caution. Meanwhile, Zhuge Xian, the elder of the Zhuge Family, concealed within the Invisible Ambush Array, verified the arrival of their adversaries.

Rather than an immediate assault, he opted to observe for the time being. The formation of the Sky Beast Palace and Nine Celestial Demons Sect featured the Sky Beast Palace leading, with the Nine Celestial Demons Sect trailing behind.

Zhuge Xian exercised patience, withholding the assault until both the Sky Beast Palace and the more formidable Nine Celestial Demons Sect entered their attack range. Though adversaries, prioritizing the defeat of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect was imperative. Zhuge Xian bided his time until three thousand warriors from the Sky Beast Palace passed through Feiniao Valley.

Subsequently, as the Sky Beast Palace's warriors advanced, the demonic practitioners of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect entered the valley's center. Zhuge Xian, deliberate in his strategy, awaited the opportune moment for the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's forces to pass through the center before signaling the commencement of the attack.

Initiating the offensive, the Zhuge Family swiftly activated the Eight Trigrams Cloud Array upon Zhuge Xian's signal. Thick clouds rapidly engulfed the interior of Feiniao Valley as the array came to life. Subsequently, concealed within the Invisible Ambush Array, martial artists from the Zhuge Family and smaller clans unleashed their coordinated attacks.

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