Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

The Southern Sky Branch forces remained stationed in Xingshan, Hubei Province, awaiting the arrival of the Western Sky Branch and the Northern Sky Branch. During this period of anticipation, Baek Mu-Gun immersed himself in dedicated martial arts training.

Being already within the ranks of the Supreme Realm, conventional training held little significance for Mu-Gun. His Iron Blood Vajra Body Cultivation Technique, previously lagging, had recently ascended to its zenith, rendering physical training unnecessary. His focus shifted to mental training, with Mu-Gun harboring no desire to ascend to the Mythic Realm, a level above the Supreme Realm.

True to its name, the Mythic Realm signified a level where the practitioner could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the divine. Achieving this required transcending human limitations and attaining a God-like spiritual enlightenment.

Although Mu-Gun caught a fleeting glimpse of divine enlightenment through the Thunder God's Descent, its vastness and boundlessness indicated that the Mythic Realm lay at a considerable distance.

Mu-Gun sensed that no matter how earnestly he endeavored, stepping closer to that level of enlightenment seemed elusive. In his perspective, ordinary training or study would not pave the way to the Mythic Realm.

Mu-Gun believed that without the guidance of a divine being, achieving proximity to the Mythic Realm was an insurmountable challenge. It was, however, his personal contemplation rather than an absolute truth.

Regardless, Mu-Gun's training did not revolve around the aspiration to attain the Mythic Realm. He had yet to reach the pinnacle of the Supreme Realm, let alone contemplate the Mythic Realm.

Mu-Gun focused on cultivating to attain the summit of the Supreme Realm, an achievement that had eluded him across his past eight reincarnations. However, at the present moment, what Mu-Gun required most was not internal energy.

To the uninformed, the assumption might be that achieving Mortal-Celestial Harmony and possessing limitless eternal energy were prerequisites for reaching the Supreme Realm. However, this was a misconception. The Supreme Realm shared similarities with the martial realms beneath it.

Once a martial artist's internal energy was depleted, their journey would conclude. Nevertheless, attaining the Supreme Realm signified an ability to store more internal energy in the dantian and recover it at an accelerated pace.

Nevertheless, the size of the vessel was irrelevant if there was nothing to fill it. Presently, Mu-Gun held slightly over nine gapjas' worth of internal energy, equivalent to five hundred and forty years worth of cultivation. [1]. This substantial reservoir ensured he wouldn't encounter significant issues stemming from an internal energy deficit.

However, Mu-Gun's employment of the Heavenly Descent Thunder God Sword came at a substantial cost of internal energy. Confronting adversaries of comparable staturethe Supreme Realm masters among the Divine Demonsresulted in frequent depletion of his internal energy.

Setting aside other considerations, internal energy held paramount significance in unleashing the Thunder God's Descent. The greater his internal energy reserves, the longer he could sustain the Thunder God's Descent.

Given his internal energy reserves, Mu-Gun could sustain the Descent State for seven and a half minutes. While this duration sufficed to eliminate all six Divine Demons, potential issues could arise if unforeseen factors intervened.

If the Thunder God's Descent was deactivated before the completion of the task, he would be vulnerable to fatal consequences. Hence, there was an urgent need for an augmented internal energy supply. However, obtaining additional internal energy wasn't a matter of mere desire.

At present, the sole means to acquire internal energy was through the consumption of elixirs or spiritual pills. Mu-Gun possessed the Beihai Ice Essence obtained from the Beihai Ice Palace.

Initially intended for Namgung Hyun-Ah, the exigencies of the situation compelled Mu-Gun to ingest it himself. Supplied with five Beihai Ice Essence, each facilitating an increase of two gapjas' worth of internal energy, Mu-Gun contemplated this vital resource.

The efficacy of the Beihai Ice Essence was contingent upon practitioners of ice-based martial arts. If Mu-Gun were to consume it, there was no assurance he could acquire even one gapja's worth of internal energy. Obtaining a single gapja's worth would be considered fortunate, but Mu-Gun hesitated to expend the Beihai Ice Essence without guaranteeing significant gains.

It would be perfect if there was a spiritual pill containing fire qi lying around, Mu-Gun said wistfully.

Harmonizing the Yin and Yang energies by consuming a spiritual pill containing fire qi alongside the Beihai Ice Essence could enable Mu-Gun to fully absorb the energy of both pills. However, acquiring a fire qi-based spiritual pill wasn't a straightforward task and presented a challenge.

By any chance?

Mu-Gun summoned the Southern Sky Branch's executives, contemplating the possibility that the patriarchs of the Wudang Sect and the three Great Families might possess a suitable spiritual pill. While the likelihood of obtaining it without conditions was uncertain, Mu-Gun aimed to verify this possibility. In light of this, he asked the Southern Sky Branch's executives to assemble.

"Why did you gather all of us?" inquired Supreme Elder Hyun Cheon.

"With all due respect, I sought out the five of you because I have a favor to request.

What kind of help do you need? Namgung Jo asked.

Do any of you perhaps have a fire-based spiritual pill?

A fire-based spiritual pill?

I dont think it will be easy for me to deal with the six Divine Demons with my current level of internal energy.

That means you want to increase your internal energy with the help of spiritual pills.

That is correct.

I understand what you mean, but just because you want it, it doesn't mean we can procure a spiritual pill right away. Zhuge Bo said in reluctance.

I know. But still, I am asking just in case you have it. Mu-Gun said with a bitter smile.

Will the Millennium Fire Carps beast core be good enough? At that moment, the Supreme Elder Hyun Cheon asked.

Do you have the Millennium Fire Carps beast core? Mu-Gun asked with glittering eyes.

A few years ago, we obtained the Millennium Fire Carps beast core. However, there was no way to control the Extreme Yang Qi, so we could only hold on to it. Now that I think about it, it seems like the beast core landed in my hands for me to use on this occasion, The Supreme Elder Hyun Cheon took out a small box from his pockets and handed it to Mu-Gun.

There was not a single sign of reluctance on his face.

"I can't accept this freely. Please inform me of any conditions you have in mind, Patriarch Hyun Cheon. If it's within my capabilities, I'll gladly fulfill it," Mu-Gun stated firmly.

There is only one condition I have. Raise your internal energy with this and kill the Nine Celestial Demons Sects Divine Demons. That will be enough for me. Hyun-Cheon said with a smile.

Are you sure you will be fine with that?

If you are really hung up on it, then look after us if something happens to the Wudang Sect in the future.

I will be more than happy to do so. Thank you so much for willingly handing me this beast core.

Mu-Gun expressed sincere gratitude to Hyun Cheon and accepted the beast core of the Millennium Fire Carp. The patriarchs of the four Great Families observed the unfolding scene in silence. After receiving the beast core, Mu-Gun returned to his tent.

He summoned the Qiankun Hands, the Daybreak Swordmaster, and the Four Peerless Wanderers, requesting their protection as he absorbed the energy from the Millennium Fire Carps beast core and the Beihai Ice Essences.

The six venerable elders readily accepted Mu-Guns request without hesitation. Mu-Gun then consumed the Millennium Fire Carps beast core and the five Beihai Ice Essences one by one, guarded by the six venerable elders.

Shortly after, a fusion of hot and icy energy began swirling within him. The Millennium Fire Carps beast core held nearly three gapjas worth of energy, while the Beihai Ice Essences contained two gapjas worth. In total, a formidable five gapjas worth of energy coursed and asserted its presence within him.

Controlling such a substantial amount of energy, especially with distinct properties like Yin and Yang, posed a formidable challenge even for seasoned martial arts masters.

In the event of a mishap where the two energies clashed and spiraled out of control, risking qi deviation, Mu-Gun remained unperturbed. Familiar with such scenarios, he possessed the most superior internal energy cultivation method, the Heavenly Thunder Constellation Divine Art.

Initiating this art, Mu-Gun worked to synchronize the energies of the Millennium Fire Carps beast core and the Beihai Ice Essences. Yet, this was merely the outset. The true trial lay in seamlessly merging these harmonized energies with his innate internal energythe Thunder God Qi.

Mu-Gun followed the Heavenly Thunder Constellation Divine Art's scripture, circulating his qi to amalgamate the harmonized energy from the Millennium Fire Carps beast core and the Beihai Ice Essences with his internal Thunder God Qi. Initially resistant, the Yin and Yang energies started transforming through the repetitive cycle of qi circulation.

Eventually, they merged seamlessly, becoming one with the Thunder God Qi. The Thunder God Qi within Mu-Gun, now heightened to fourteen gapjas after absorbing the recent five gapjas, fully occupied his lower and middle dantian.

As expected, it is still too much to unlock the upper dantian.

Mu-Gun hoped to unlock his upper dantian, a pivotal step towards accessing the Mythic Realm. This upper dantian served as the initial gateway to that realm. Success in unlocking it would grant Mu-Gun the ability to harness and manipulate Heaven-Earth Energy at will.

Not only could he effortlessly gather the energy, but he would also gain the power to command Heaven-Earth Energy with a mere thought. This transcendence would elevate him beyond human limitations, allowing him to ascend into the realms of the divine.

Throughout the thousand years of murim history, individuals reaching that level could be tallied on one hand. Even Mu-Gun, with eight reincarnations under his belt, had yet to attain such a pinnacle.

Nevertheless, Mu-Gun found himself compelled to defer unlocking his upper dantian until a more opportune moment. Regardless, the outcome was highly gratifying, witnessing his internal energy surge from nine gapjas to fourteen gapjas.

* * *

Ten days elapsed since Mu-Gun acquired an additional five gapjas of internal energy. In Xingshan, Hubei Province, the Western Sky Branch and Northern Sky Branch amassed, converging with the forces of the Southern Sky Branch, surpassing ten thousand individuals collectively.

Simultaneously, reports surfaced of the Seven Factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect gathering in Suining, Sichuan Province, their forces also exceeding ten thousand in number.

In terms of sheer numbers, neither the Central Plains Murim Alliance nor the Nine Celestial Demons Sect enjoyed a clear advantage. While numerical superiority could potentially be achieved with the addition of the Eastern Sky Branch as reinforcements, this advantage would hold little significance unless those reinforcements included Absolute Realm masters.

The outcome of the impending clash between the Central Plains Murim Alliance and the Nine Celestial Demons Sect hinged heavily on battles involving martial arts masters in the Absolute Realm or beyond. More specifically, the decisive showdown lay in the clash between Mu-Gun and the Divine Demons.

Mu-Gun's success in eliminating the Divine Demons could tilt the scales in favor of the Central Plains Murim Alliance, presenting an opportunity for victory. Conversely, if Mu-Gun succumbed to the Divine Demons, the likelihood of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect emerging triumphant would be significant.

Upon the amalgamation of the Western Sky Branch and Northern Sky Branch forces, the Central Plains Murim Alliance swiftly set forth towards Suining, Sichuan Province, where the assembled seven factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect awaited. Unsurprisingly, their movements were promptly relayed to the Nine Celestial Demons Sect's encampment.

Upon receiving the report, the six Divine Demons convened a meeting to devise countermeasures.

The fact that the Central Plains Murim Alliance is advancing first means that they are confident in winning. The Myriad Poison Divine Demon Gal Cheon-Dok said.

I think they are moving firmly because they have faith in the Thunder Gods successor. The Invincible Divine Demon So Geuk-Sang said with a frown.

On the other hand, if we can defeat the Thunder Gods successor, we will be able to put an end to the Central Plains Murim Alliance. Furthermore, that will allow us to successfully conquer the Central Plains. The Tyrant Divine Demon Gu Pae-Cheon opined.

Be that as it may, it is not as easy as it sounds to defeat the Thunder Gods successor, Geuk-Sang replied.

If we use the Invincible Clans Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill, we may be able to easily defeat the Thunder Gods successor, contrary to our expectations, Pae-Cheon said.

Even if we use the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill, the people consuming it should at least be at the Absolute Realm to pose a threat to the Thunder Gods successor, Geuk-Sang explained.

It may be possible if we use the Demonic Monarchs.

Do you intend to sacrifice the Demonic Monarchs? Geuk-Sang asked in a displeased tone.

I also think that their sacrifice would be a pity, but for the great cause of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, we have to be prepared to sacrifice much more than that.

Arent you only saying that because the Tyrant Cult no longer have any Demonic Monarchs to be sacrificed? The Myriad Tribulations Divine Demon Hon Won-Pae replied to Pae-Cheon with dissatisfaction.

I am not that petty. I am saying this with the name of the Tyrant Cult on the line, even if our sects Demonic Monarchs were still alive, I would have made the same suggestion. Rather, I would like to ask the Myriad Tribulations Divine Demon. While the other factions ran around the clock and sacrificed themselves for the sake of conquering the Central Plains, what did the Myriad Tribulations Clan do? Dont you think the Myriad Tribulations Clan should also do something for the sake of conquering the Central Plains? Pae-Cheon said firmly.

Are you condemning our clan now? Won-Pae said with a crumpled expression.

Im not blaming. I am only stating the truth. There is no free lunch in this world. If you really want to conquer the Central Plains, you will have to pay the appropriate price.

"Calm down, both of you. The key here is to recognize that it won't be a simple task for us Divine Demons alone to overcome the Thunder Gods successor. Frankly, if the Thunder Gods successor triggers the Thunder Gods Descent, there's a significant risk that all six of us might meet the same fate as the previous generations Divine Demons. Myriad Tribulations Divine Demon, is that the outcome you desire?" Jong Ja-Ryang soothed the two Divine Demons.


Right now, we have to increase the possibility of defeating the Thunder Gods successor no matter what. The most certain way is to let the Demonic Monarchs consume the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill and fight head-to-head with the Thunder Gods successor.

Certainly, if the Demonic Monarchs took the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill, they would be able to tire the Thunder Gods successor out even if they cannot kill him. If we aim for that moment and make a move, the chances of killing the Thunder Gods successor will surely increase. Geuk-Sang nodded in agreement to Ja-Ryangs comment and added.

I am in favor of the Tyrant Divine Demons opinion. Gal Cheon-Dok decided to sacrifice the Demonic Monarchs.

Im also willing to sacrifice our Demonic Monarchs too. Geuk-Sang also decided to let the Demonic Monarchs take the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill.

What will you do, Myriad Tribulations Divine Demon?

If that is what everyone wants, I will follow it, Won-Pae said as he had no choice.

Yet, he refrained from coercing himself into agreement. He harbored the belief that their best chances lay in allowing the Demonic Monarchs to consume the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill. Had that not been the scenario, he wouldn't have concurred, even if all the other Divine Demons had voted in favor.

But I am worried if the Demonic Monarchs will actually consume the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill without any complaints. The Blood-Crazed Divine Demon Hyeok Ryeon-Pae said worriedly.

The Demonic Monarchs were individuals prepared to sacrifice their lives for the Nine Celestial Demons Sect. Nevertheless, they might hesitate when directly instructed to consume the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill.

Dont worry. The Demonic Monarchs would be more than willing to do so. Cheon-Dok assured.

"Indeed, initial hesitation is to be expected. However, ultimately, they would opt to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect," Geuk-Sang concurred.

"Alright. I trust that the Divine Demons overseeing the Demonic Monarchs will manage the situation well."

But are there enough Soul-Burning Invincibility Pills to go around? I heard that the Sky Beast Palaces martial arts masters consumed the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill last time. Ja-Ryang asked Geuk-Sang.

We still have about a hundred and fifty pills left.

Then that means we'll have more than enough for the Demonic Monarchs and the Higher Demons. Ja-Ryang said in relief.

In this manner, the Divine Demons reached a consensus to allow the Demonic Monarchs to ingest the Soul-Burning Invincibility Pill. Subsequently, they delved into detailed discussions on how to deploy them effectively against the Thunder God's successor.

1. gapja translates to sixty years worth of cultivation.

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