Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Baek Mu-Gun entered the Baek Sword Sects manor for the first time in a long time. The Baek Sword Sects martial artists were taken aback by his presence and came over to greet him.

How was your trip, Young Patriarch Baek?

Have you all been well? Mu-Gun greeted them with a smile.

We have been well here. But what happened? According to the superiors, it should have taken you at least a month to come back.

I came early because I was in a hurry. Is the Patriarch inside?

The Patriarch is currently at the Loyal Heart Alliances headquarters.

Then, I should pay a visit to the Loyal Heart Alliances headquarters first.

Understood, see you later.

"By the way, I want to make it clear don't inform my wives that I'm back. I plan to surprise them after I've visited my father."


In response to Mu-Gun's request, the martial artists of the Baek Sword Sect smiled and nodded. Mu-Gun departed once more, making his way to the Loyal Heart Alliance's headquarters, where Baek Cheon-Sang awaited.

Upon entering the Loyal Heart Alliance's headquarters, Mu-Gun was quickly spotted by the martial artists, who hastened to greet him. Their expressions were a mix of respect and admiration, as Mu-Gun had always held an idol-like status among the martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance.

Yet, with Mu-Gun's significant contributions in the war against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect becoming widely recognized, he transformed into a hero not just for the Loyal Heart Alliance but for all of murim. The martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance were elated merely by the opportunity to meet Mu-Gun.

Basking in the enthusiastic welcome from the martial artists of the Loyal Heart Alliance, Mu-Gun ascended to the Alliance Leader Hall where Cheon-Sang was situated. Upon announcing his visit, Cheon-Sang swiftly directed the servants to usher Mu-Gun inside.


Welcome back. Are you hurt?

As you can see, I am fine.

But what happened? I heard that it would take you at least a month to come back.

I came back first because I missed our family greatly.

More like you came back because you wanted to see your two wives, who you are madly in love with, and not our family.

I missed you and Mu-Ok too, Father.

Alright, I am glad you came. Also, you worked hard.

I didnt do much. I just did what I had to as the Thunder Gods successor, and as the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch.

But is it really true that you have risen to the Mythic Realm?

Yes, that is what happened.

Huh, I cant believe you are at the Mythic Realm at your age. It is truly astonishing and impressive.

Cheon-Sang was in awe.

It was possible not because of my ability, but because of the Thunder Gods guidance.

The Thunder Gods guidance?

Reaching the Mythic Realm is impossible without the guidance from a being with a divinity. I reached the Mythic Realm by receiving the Thunder Gods divinity.

You received divinity from the Thunder God?

That is right.

Naturally, there is a price to pay for that, right?

"As the Thunder God's incarnation, I must safeguard the realms under the Thunder God's jurisdiction from the Demon Gods of the Hell Realm."

The worlds under the Thunder Gods jurisdiction? The Hell Realms Demon Gods?

Cheon-Sang expressed doubts over words he had heard for the first time.

"In the vast universe, numerous worlds exist beyond our own. The Thunder God, as a deity of the Heavenly Realm, governs many of these worlds. However, unable to single-handedly protect them all, he creates an incarnation to serve as a guardian in his stead. The Hell Realm, as its name implies, is the domain of Demon Gods, and they cunningly seek to corrupt the countless worlds scattered throughout the universe with malevolence," Mu-Gun explained.

What you just said is truly difficult to believe. However, it is all true, isnt it?

Yes, it is.

Are the Three Great Demonic Sects perhaps related to the Hell Realms Demon Gods?

Yes. To be precise, they are traces left by the Demon Gods that invaded the world before.

If you have to protect the worlds under the Thunder Gods jurisdiction, does that mean you have to go to those worlds personally?

Yes. I am telling you in advance because I may have to leave this world to fulfill my duties as the Thunder Gods incarnation.

Mu-Gun's open revelation about being the Thunder God's incarnation and the potential need to depart for another world was a preemptive move, allowing for preparation in case such a scenario unfolded.

I understand what you mean. However, wont it be too dangerous? You will be confronting none other than the Hell Realms Demon Gods. Cheon-Sang asked worryingly.

I have no choice. If I had refused to become the Thunder Gods incarnation, it would have been difficult for me to stop the Nine Celestial Demons Sect right away.

I am sorry. Before I am your father, I am a martial artist, and it seems like we have put too much burden on you. Cheon-Sang apologized.

Dont say that. If I can protect the people I treasure, I am willing to do more than that.

"You are my son, but you've become a formidable presence that I hesitate to gaze upon. I am really proud to call you my son."

Father, what are you saying Mu-Gun said with an embarrassed look.

Putting that aside, what are you going to do from now on?

"I have something to disclose, Father. I entered into an agreement with the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families without consulting you," Mu-Gun revealed.

An agreement?

"The agreement stipulates that the Central Plains Murim Alliance forces are prohibited from expanding their influence over the next decade, and any armed conflicts associated with it are forbidden. Additionally, we have committed to providing financial support to the factions significantly affected by the conflict with the Nine Celestial Demons Sect," Mu-Gun further explained.

It's a commendable decision for the unity and peace of murim. However, given your current martial prowess and reputation, you could easily expand the Loyal Heart Alliance's forces significantly. So, isnt it a shame? Cheon-Sang expressed his opinion.

As I previously mentioned, I am not interested in dominating murim. I just want everyone in murim to live in peace. Do you perhaps think that it is a shame, Father?

"The current size of the Loyal Heart Alliance is already more than sufficient for your father. If it were to expand further, I'd struggle to manage it. Frankly, I still harbor the hope of passing the Alliance Leader seat to you and enjoying the rest of my days in peace. On that note, why don't you consider taking over the leadership of the Loyal Heart Alliance? With you at the helm, the Alliance's members would likely welcome the decision," Cheon-Sang suggested honestly.

No thanks. I dont know when I will have to be away as the Thunder Gods incarnation, and you are doing great anyway, Father. Mu-Gun politely declined.

Are you sure its not because it is annoying to deal with?

There is that, too.

Haha, I get it. In any case, if the Central Plains Murim Alliances agreement is set in stone, we will be able to live in peace for the time being.

However, regardless of that, I intend to nurture the forces of the Loyal Heart Alliance to the greatest extent possible. It is so that they will be able to protect themselves and murim even if I am not here. Mu-Gun said.

If we get stronger, we will also become greedier. Will it be okay?

But we have you here, Father. No one will have any absurd ambition if you hold down the fort well.

My shoulders are getting heavy all of a sudden.

You just have to do as you are doing now.

Fine, I got it. Well talk about the details later, you should quickly go and see your wives. The two of them have been very worried about you.


Mu-Gun took his leave from Cheon-Sang and departed from the Loyal Heart Alliance's headquarters. Without delay, he made his way to the Baek Sword Sect's manor.

He hurried back to the Baek Sword Sect, reaching the inner yard where his two wives resided. He visited Dan Seol-Young's residence first and found her drinking tea with Namgung Hyun-Ah in the front yard.

Mu-Gun approached them with a radiant smile upon seeing the faces of his two wives, whom he hadn't seen in a long time. Seol-Young and Hyun-Ah, engrossed in conversation over tea, turned their heads as they sensed another presence. They were taken aback when they realized it was Mu-Gun.

Dear husband!

I thought you two would rush over and hug me as soon as you saw me, but I guess I expected too much.

When Mu-Gun, feigning disappointment, spoke up, Seol-Young and Hyun-Ah chuckled and approached him to hug him.

Have you two been well while I was away? Mu-Gun hugged the two and asked.

How could we be well when our husband is out on the battlefield? We were on pins and needles every day, worried about your safety, Hyun-Ah replied.

Have you forgotten who I am? I am Baek Mu-Gun, THE Baek Mu-Gun.

Seol-Young laughed at Mu-Guns boastful remarks.

We know your abilities well, but we still cant help but be worried. Still, I am glad that you came back safely.

Me, too. It feels so nice to be in your arms, dear husband.

I am also so happy to see you two, my dear wives. You have no idea how much I missed you.

But what happened? We heard that it would take a month for you to come back.

I came back first because I missed my dear wives too much, Mu-Gun said.

How many days did it take you to come here from Sichuan Province?

It took three days.

You arrived here in three days? Seol-Young asked with a surprised face.

Is that even possible? Hyun-Ah also said in disbelief.

Isnt that proof of how much I love the two of you? Enough to make the impossible possible.

Seol-Young and Hyun-Ah chuckled dumbfoundedly at Mu-Guns flirtatious remarks.

I heard you reached the Mythic Realm, did your movement art also become faster because of that?

Mu-Gun nodded in response to Seol-Young's question and explained, "That's correct. My movement art became faster as I ascended to the Mythic Realm. However, I was able to arrive in three days this time because I can run nonstop now that my internal energy never depletes."

"That's truly incredible. Only five individuals have reached the Mythic Realm in the entire history of murim. And to top it off, you achieved it at the young age of twenty-five," Hyun-Ah remarked, offering a thumbs-up gesture to Mu-Gun.

As Sister Namgung said, it is truly great, and I am so happy that you were able to rise to the Mythic Realm, but on the other hand, I am also anxious.

Mu-Gun asked with a puzzled look upon hearing Seol-Youngs words, What are you anxious about?

"I'm concerned that you're aiming so high that you might drift away from us forever.".

"And here I was wondering what had you concerned. My dear wife, you're worrying needlessly. How could I ever leave my two beautiful wives behind? Don't worry; I'll be by your side forever."

You promise, right?

Yes, I promise you. But are we going to keep staying out here like this?

We can only go inside if you let go of us first. Hyun-Ah giggled and replied.

Lets just go inside together while still hugging. Mu-Gun shrugged, sweeping his two wives off their feet in a warm embrace.

What are you doing right now?

Please let us down, people will see.

Who would dare say anything when I am hugging my wives? Keep quiet and stay still.

Mu-Gun entered the residence, holding his two wives, who were whining and asking him to let them down. He then took turns spending time with each of them, catching up on lost moments. After a warm reunion, Mu-Gun concluded the evening by having dinner with his family and contemplating his future.

For the time being, as he had mentioned to Cheon-Sang, Mu-Gun intended to concentrate on strengthening the Loyal Heart Alliance's forces. His primary objective was to cultivate ten Supreme Realm masters and one hundred Absolute Realm masters. If someone else heard this, they would undoubtedly consider it an ambitious goal.

However, Mu-Gun believed that it was not an impossible feat. With his attainment of the Mythic Realm, he found it much easier to elevate the martial realm of others using an awakening spell. Furthermore, he had gained the ability to impart enlightenment to guide others towards the Supreme Realm.

With those two abilities, he aimed to craft Supreme Realm masters and Absolute Realm masters. Yet, he had no intention of overplaying that skill. Throughout history, he understood that great power must be wielded with great responsibility.

Mu-Gun remained grounded despite the newfound power, resolute in his commitment to wield it solely for the betterment of those capable of benefiting the world.

First of all, I should start with Father and the six venerable elders.

Mu-Gun resolved to impart the enlightenment needed to attain the Supreme Realm to his father, Cheon-Sang, and the venerable elders of the Baek Sword Sect. Deep down, Cheon-Sang and the six elders possessed a noble spirit. They were individuals who prioritized the greater cause of murim over their personal interests.

In their hands, even if they attained power equivalent to the Supreme Realm, it would be wielded solely for the betterment of the world, devoid of any ulterior motives.

The next day, Mu-Gun visited Cheon-Sang after breakfast.

Come on in.

Cheon-Sang welcomed Mu-Gun and asked the servant to prepare tea.

Why did you come looking for me at this early hour? Cheon-Sang asked.

Father, what would you do if there was a method for you to rise to the Supreme Realm?

It depends on what the method is, Cheon-Sang said calmly.

If the method is immoral, are you not going to do it?

"Isn't that a matter of course? If I were to enhance my martial prowess through an immoral method, what sets me apart from the demonic sects? I'd prefer to forgo advancing my martial realm than resort to such actions."

Mu-Gun looked satisfied at Cheon-Sangs firm reply.

But why are you asking me that? Cheon-Sang asked curiously.

I have the method.

The method? Are you talking about a way to advance to the Supreme Realm?

That is right. Of course, it is a legitimate way, with absolutely no immoral acts.

So? Are you saying that you will use that method to make me a Supreme Realm master? Cheon-Sang asked.

I will if you want to.

This father of yours is also a martial artist. It is only natural that I wish to attain a higher martial realm. Cheon-Sang said honestly.

That means you want to, right? Mu-Gun asked.

Yes. But how will you help me to achieve the Supreme Realm?

"As I ascended to the Mythic Realm, I acquired the power to impart my enlightenment to others. I will share the insights I've gained with you using this ability. I may have stated it grandiosely, but that's the extent of my capability. What happens next, Father rests entirely on you," Mu-Gun explained.

That means after receiving the enlightenment, it is entirely up to me to understand and absorb it in order to reach the Supreme Realm. Cheon-Sang summarized.

That is correct. However, even that alone will speed up your advancement progress by decades.

"It doesn't feel right to downplay the significance of imparting the enlightenment of a Mythic Realm master. What you can do is nothing short of a miraculous gift, something not even a million gold could buy," Cheon-Sang stated firmly.

I am very glad to be able to give you such a miraculous enlightenment, Father.

Thank you. If it werent for you, I would still be idling around at Wenzhou. Cheon-Sang thanked Mu-Gun.

You dont have to say that, Father. Lets first drink some tea, then I will convey my enlightenment to you with the Thunder God Awakening Spell.

Alright, raise your cup and drink.

Following a tea session with Cheon-Sang, they shifted to the training hall exclusively reserved for Cheon-Sang's use.

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