Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

After they left, Baek Mu-Gun returned to the manor with the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader and locked him in an empty room. Interrogating the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader wouldve normally been at the top of Mu-Guns list since doing so would allow him to get more information about the Asura Cult.

However, he had no intention of personally interrogating him. Rather, he planned to hand over the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader to the Great Huangfu Family and leave that task to them.

Letting the Great Huangfu Family interrogate him would allow them to find out about the Asura Cult. This would result in the Great Huangfu Family attacking the Great Sima Familyno, to be more accurate, theyd attack the Asura Cult.

The next day, Mu-Gun handed over the 20,000 silver nyang that he had withdrawn from the Nanjing Vault to the Heavenly Secret Hall member.

The remaining Heavenly Secret Hall members in Nanjing immediately left for Wenzhou. It was too much to move 100,000 silver nyang all at once since that would require thirty carts, so they instead decided to relocate the remaining 80,000 nyang little by little once they had transferred the 20,000 nyang they currently had. After confirming that the Heavenly Secret Hall members had left with the silver nyangs, Mu-Gun headed to Yangzhou, which was where the Great Sima Family was located. He brought the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader with him.

Going from Nanjing to Yangzhou took less than a day. Upon arriving at Yangzhou, Mu-Gun checked into an inn and left the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader in his room. Mu-Gun then went to the downtown area of Yangzhou and put up a poster stating that he was selling iron gloves he had obtained from the Thousand Pine Valley. Afterward, he returned to the inn.

The iron gloves he obtained from the Thousand Pine Valley were none other than the Black Iron Gauntlet, which Huangfu Sheng had worn. If the Great Huangfu Familys martial artists were in Yangzhou and they saw the poster's contents, they would definitely come to the inn to look for Mu-Gun.

Two days after Mu-Gun had put up the poster, a group of Great Huangfu Family martial artists came to the inn where he was staying.

We came here after seeing the poster in Yangzhous downtown area. I heard that the person who has the iron gloves from the Thousand Pine Valley is here. Can you point us to them? one of them called and asked the inns staff politely.

Please wait a moment. The inns staff went up to the second floor and informed Mu-Gun that a guest had come looking for him. Mu-Gun had requested the inns staff to inform him in advance.

Mu-Gun took the Black Iron Gauntlet with him and went down to the ground floor.

Are you here for this? Mu-Gun asked the Great Huangfu Familys martial artist while holding the Black Iron Gauntlet up in the air.

I am Huangfu Tui of the Great Huangfu Family. Why did you use the Black Iron Gauntlet to call us out?

Because I have the evidence that the Great Huangfu Family is currently looking for.

Huangfu Tui swiftly understood that the evidence Mu-Gun was talking about was proof that the Great Sima Family was the Asura Cult.

Whats the evidence?

I caught one of the Great Sima Family's Platoon Leaders and personally confirmed that he uses the Asura Cults martial arts. If you interrogate him, youll be able to find out about the Great Sima Familys true nature.

Where is he?

Hes upstairs in the guest room. Ill hand him over immediately, so take him with you.

With all due respect, why dont you go with us too?

You want me to come along?

If the Great Sima Family really is a disguised force of the Asura Sect, shouldnt we fight together? Unless youre just trying to pass the responsibility to the Great Huangfu Family and benefit from that.

Im worried that the grudge between me and the Great Huangfu Family may lead to an uncomfortable situation.

Today's enemy is tomorrow's friend. For murims safety, we, the Great Huangfu Family, are willing to put off this personal grudge for now. Of course, that is if we can prove that the Great Sima Family is indeed a disguised force of the Asura Cult as you claim.

Alright, then. Ill come with you.

Mu-Gun decided to comply with the Great Huangfu Familys intention. He dragged the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader, who was locked inside the guest room, to where the Great Huangfu Familys martial artists were staying. The Great Huangfu Family had set up a safe house in Yangzhou for the purpose of keeping the Great Sima Family in check. The Great Huangfu Familys warriors, who were involved with the current investigation on the Great Sima Family, were staying in the same house.

Mu-Gun arrived at the Great Huangfu Familys safe house and examined the people inside first. The workers aside, there seemed to be around thirty warriors. Mu-Gun was suspicious and wondered if the Great Huangfu Family was trying to lure him to the safe house to kill him. However, when he saw the number of people in the safe house, he erased his doubts.

The Great Huangfu Family would know full well that this many wouldnt be enough to restrain Mu-Gun. The story would be different if the Four Peerless Heavenly Kings, which were Absolute Realm masters, were present, but Mu-Gun did not sense any energy that could amount to that level.

Meanwhile, as soon as Huangfu Tui arrived at the safe house, he handed over the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader to another person and guided Mu-Gun to the main building.

Please head inside.

At Huangfu Tuis words, Mu-Gun entered the main building without saying anything. When he went inside, a middle-aged man of favorable impression greeted Mu-Gun.

Welcome. I am Huangfu Ren. Im in charge of the Great Huangfu Familys Heavens Vengeance Platoon.

Huangfu Jun, the Great Huangfu Familys patriarch, was well aware of the seriousness of this incident. Hence, he sent his most trusted aide, Huangfu Ren, the Heavens Vengeance Platoon Leader, to investigate directly. That was the reason why Huangfu Ren was in their Yangzhou safe house.

I am Gu Jeon-Saeng.

Mu-Gun introduced himself with an alias that he created to reflect his fate of living through nine reincarnations.[1] Huangfu Ren knew most of the names of people famous for their martial arts. However, he had never heard of Gu Jeon-Saeng.

If he was strong enough to annihilate more than 70 martial artists, including three of the Great Huangfu Familys Peak Realm masters, there would have already been rumors about him, unless that was his first time making an appearance in murim or he lied about his name. For some reason, in Huangfu Rens eyes, it seemed that both applied to Mu-Gun.

Thats a pretty unusual name. May I ask which sect youre affiliated with?

You wont know even if I tell you anyway.

When Mu-Gun insinuated that he didnt intend to tell him, Huangfu Ren stopped prodding.

As youve already heard, our family wont bring up the disgraceful matter that happened in the Thousand Pine Valley until the issue regarding the Great Sima Family is over. Hence, you dont have to worry about that matter, Young Master Gu. That I promise you with the Great Huangfu Familys honor on the line. You can rest assured and trust me.

Understood. I will cooperate with the Great Huangfu Family until matters regarding the Great Sima Family is over.

Do you have any thoughts of joining us after weve resolved this issue?

Are you scouting me right now?

If Young Master Gu is willing to join us, we're willing to let go of our past grudges."

Thats interesting.

Give it some thought. It wouldnt be such a bad suggestion for you either, Young Master Gu.

Ill think about it.

Mu-Gun had no intention of joining them, but he nodded for now. They would have to move together for some time, so there was no need to get on their bad side.

After talking to Mu-Gun, Huangfu Ren gave him a separate room within the safe house, in which Mu-Gun stayed to watch the situation unfold. Meanwhile, the Great Huangfu Family interrogated the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader, whom Mu-Gun had handed over. The Flying Shadow Platoon Leader revealed most of the truth since the Great Huangfu Family fed him the dreamers herb and induced his confession.

The dreamers herb caused the consumer to hallucinate and see the person in front of them as their most precious acquaintance. If the user had a strong mentality, theyd overcome the hallucination, but that wasnt the case for the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader.

Huangfu Ren summoned Mu-Gun after receiving the Flying Shadow Platoon Leaders confession.

You were right, Young Master Gu. The Great Sima Family is a covert force of the Asura Cult.

Did you manage to find out how powerful the Asura Cults forces hidden in Great Sima Family were? Mu-Gun asked. He wasnt that surprised by the fact that the Great Huangfu Family got the Flying Shadow Platoon Leaders confession. After all, he knew of the existence of the dreamers herb, which could only be produced in the Sichuan Tang Clan, one of the Seven Great Clans. They supplied a small amount of dreamers herb to the six other clans.

It seems that thirty percent of the Great Sima Familys combat forces are masters from the Asura Cult. Weve also confirmed that the Asura Blood Monarch, an Absolute Demonic Realm master, and four of the Twenty-Four Asura Demonic Generals, consisting of Lower Peak Realm experts, are in the Great Sima Family. The man you just caught and the one who died at the Thousand Aroma House were members of the Twenty-Four Asura Demonic Generals.

Then that means only the Asura Blood Monarch and two of the Asura Demonic Generals remain. Did you get any information about the Asura Cults headquarters?

He wouldnt confess no matter what we did.

I see. Did he say anything else?

We confirmed that there are four more Absolute Demonic Realm masters at the Asura Cults headquarters. Unfortunately, we couldnt get anything about the Asura Cult Leader, but if you include him, then there are at least five Absolute Demonic Realm masters.

These vicious bastards.

The Nine Celestial Demons Sects tenacity put Mu-Gun at a loss for words. They were able to quickly restore their forces even though they had been exterminated and fallen into ruins during his previous life.

What about the Nine Celestial Demons Sects other branches? Mu-Gun asked. He had resolved himself that he would root the Nine Celestial Demons Sect out for good this time.

He said that he doesnt have access to information about other factions. However, its clear that the other factions have also resurfaced.

Whats your plan now?

Obviously, we plan to wipe out the Great Sima Familythe Asura Cult, to be exact.

If they have the Asura Blood Monarch, an Absolute Demonic Realm master, an expert of equivalent martial prowess should step forward from our side too.

What about you, Young Master Gu? In my opinion, I think you can also deal with an Absolute Demonic Realm master, Huangfu Ren asked Mu-Gun with the purpose of sounding him out.

You overestimate me too much. Its impossible for me to defeat an Absolute Demonic Realm master with my current abilities.

Is that so? I think its entirely possible.

Do you perhaps want me to die in a fight with the Asura Cult?

Why do you say such upsetting things? As I already said, our family wants Young Master Gu to join us.

Then please dont ask for the impossible.

Dont get me wrong. Im not asking you to do it. Im just stating what I personally think. Dealing with the Asura Blood Monarch wont be a problem anyway with two of the Four Peerless Heavenly Kings being among the combat forces deployed to attack the Great Sima Family.

Im relieved to hear that two of the Four Peerless Heavenly Kings are coming. By the way, how many people are you deploying for this offensive?

Four out of the Ten Heavenly King Platoons will be making a move.

Im not looking down on the Great Huangfu Familys Ten Heavenly King Platoons, but wont it be difficult to defeat the Great Sima Family with just four platoons?

Dont worry. I have a plan.

Alright then.

Do you have any other opinions?

This is something I just thought of, but what do you think about involving the other forces in Jiangsu Province?

Other forces?

Since this is going to be happening in Jiangsu Province, isnt it only natural for the forces residing in it to step forward? Considering the Great Huangfu Familys position, wont borrowing the powers of the Lee Household and the Taiyun Household minimize the damages to your forces?

The Lee Household in Suzhou and the Taiyun Household in Mount Yuntai were strong forces based in Jiangsu Province, They were renowned as the Three Great Families of Jiangsu along with the Great Sima Family.

Even without them, the Great Huangfu Family would still have enough strength to destroy the Great Sima Family. However, if they eliminated the Great Sima Family alone, the latter's territory would be transferred to the Great Huangfu Family in its totality. Mu-Gun didnt want the Great Huangfu Family to expand their power to Jiangsu Province, so he tried to involve the Lee Household and the Taiyun Household as an alternative measure.

If the Lee Household and the Taiyun Household joined in, they would also desire the Great Sima Familys territory as the right of the victor. This would result in the amount of Great Sima Family territory that would fall into the Great Huangfu Familys hands being reduced.

Hmm, I dont think thats a very good idea. It would take time to involve the Lee Household and Taiyun Household, and if the Asura Cult notices our movements, things could become complicated.

Huangfu Rens words made clear sense. Since the Flying Shadow Platoon Leader had been captured, the Great Sima Familyno, the Asura Cult would be on high alert to the situation around them. They could have already noticed that the Great Huangfu Familys forces were in Yangzhou.

As Huangfu Ren had said, it would do them no good if they delayed time. Mu-Gun didnt like the idea of the Great Huangfu Family exclusively possessing the Great Sima Familys territory, but it was better than letting the Asura Cult go. Moreover, if the Great Huangfu Family monopolized the Great Sima Familys territory, the Lee Household and the Taiyun Household wouldnt stay still. The Great Huangfu Family would eventually be left with no choice but to make some concessions.

You definitely have a point, Heavens Vengeance Platoon Leader.

Thank you for understanding.

But you dont plan on attacking recklessly, do you?

Do you have a good plan?

I will lure the Great Sima Family out, so how about you attack the Great Sima Family then?

The Great Sima Family was looking for Mu-Gun. If they discovered his whereabouts, they would definitely give their all to hunt him down. This would reduce the Great Sima Familys combat forces, ultimately allowing the Great Huangfu Family to target the Great Sima Family more easily.

Are you willing to do that?

Id be willing to do much more if it means wiping out the Asura Cult.

Do you have a grudge against the Nine Celestial Demons Sect?

As someone that belongs to murim, isnt it our natural duty to prevent the Nine Celestial Demons Sect from exerting their influence and threatening murims wellbeing and safety?

Your thoughts are unlike the younger generation. To be honest, in recent times, there are a lot of people who prioritize their individual achievements over the bond or peace of murim. Thats all the more reason why we want you to join our ranks, Young Master Gu.

If the Great Huangfu Family puts the bond and peace of murim above all else, then you will be walking on the same path as me. It wouldnt matter whether I join you or not since it would technically be the same.

At Mu-Guns response, Huangfu Ren realized that it would be difficult to get Mu-Gun to join them with simple words or benefits. Hence, he decided to bring up his last resort.

Do you perhaps already have an arranged marriage partner?

I dont.

I have a daughter who is of marriageable age. How about meeting her? Im not saying this because shes my daughter, but shes really kind and beautiful.

Mu-Gun was surprised by Huangfu Rens aggressive attempt to recruit him. It wouldve normally been impossible for someone in their right mind to give their daughter to someone whose identity they werent even sure of yet.

With all due respect, I dont have a marriage partner, but I already have a woman in mind.

Thats not a problem. Since ancient times, it has never been a flaw for a hero to have multiple wives and concubines.

Haha, unfortunately, I am no hero.

I wont say anything further since you dont seem to be willing. However, if you change your mind, please let me know. Huangfu Ren neatly backed off.

Clinging to Mu-Gun here would only produce the opposite result.

Understood. When will the Great Huangfu Familys reinforcements arrive?

Theyll be here within seven days.

We can move according to that timeline, then. And Im telling you this just in case, but you should be careful not to reveal the Great Huangfu Familys presence to the Great Sima Family.

We'll be cautious.

Even without Mu-Guns words, Huangfu Ren already paid close attention to security. However, this was Yangzhou, the Great Sima Familys home ground. No matter how careful the Great Huangfu Family was, avoiding the Great Sima Familys eyes was difficult. In fact, the Great Sima Family had been aware of their presence since they entered Yangzhou.

1. Gu Jeon-Saeng can be literally understood as Nine reincarnations.

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