Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Upon returning to his residence, Baek Mu-Gun found Baek Mu-Ok waiting for him.

Elder Brother!

Have you been waiting long?

Not at all. Anyway, congratulations on becoming the winner of the banquets sparring competition.

Thank you, but its not that big of a deal. How have you been?

Ive been fine. Nothing noteworthy happened.

Hows the situation in Jiangsu Province?

As the Great Namgung Family and Hebei Peng Family occupied the Great Sima Familys territory, the Taiyun Household and the Lee Household formed a coalition and are currently fighting a war of nerves with the two esteemed families.

They took control of the Great Sima Familys territory in the end, huh.

When the Great Sima Family was revealed to be a disguised force of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, those two families gained a clear justification, so no one could stop them from taking over the Great Sima Familys territory. Since the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families had united to fight the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, the Nine Prominent Sects seem to be keeping quiet about it.

Are there any other clans that are suspected of being the Nine Celestial Demons Sects disguised force?

None so far. However, we have begun a full-fledged investigation into the forces the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families find suspicious, so well likely get a lead soon.

Well, there is a chance we wont find anything, just like in the case of the Taiyun Household and Lee Household.

Wouldnt that be a big problem?

Thats why we have to find some sort of trace on them somehow.

Are you planning on making a move yourself, Elder Brother?

If I have to, I will. Anyway, lets think about that later. Hows the recruitment going?

We have checked the list of orphans given by the Heavenly Secret Hall and filtered out a hundred and fifty people who meet the requirements. Were currently working on recruiting them.

What about the recruitments success rate?

We should be able to recruit the number of people we want since about seventy to eighty percent of the orphans want to become martial artists of our sect.

I see. When do you think itll be completed?

We will be able to bring them all to Wenzhou in ten days.

Got it. Dont be complacent and pay more attention to it until its done.

Understood. By the way, apart from recruiting and raising orphans, shouldnt we recruit warriors who can become an immediate addition to the Baek Sword Sects combat forces as well? Even if we become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader, we wont be able to properly assume authority with the Baek Sword Corps current members alone.

Youre not wrong, but that isnt as easy as it sounds. The only thing we can do to achieve that is to hire vagabonds. Theyre driven by money, however, so we cant expect them to swear loyalty to the Baek Sword Sect. It would be better to use that funds to nurture martial artists of our own than recruit those people.

Mu-Gun had already thought about recruiting martial artists who could immediately contribute to their combat force, but he couldnt find any suitable methods.

Hmm, Ill try to see if I can come up with a way.

Thats up to you.

It would be great if Mu-Ok could do that. Even if he couldnt, they wouldnt have anything to lose anyway.


When Mu-Ok hesitated, Mu-Gun looked at him with a puzzled expression.

If you have something to say, just say it.


Youre frustrating me. Out with it.

Mu-Ok shut his eyes tightly and asked, Do you perhaps have feelings for Lady Dan?

Mu-Gun realized from Mu-Oks reaction that he had feelings for Dan Seol-Young.

Do you have feelings for her?

Yes. However, I am being careful about it because I feel like Lady Dan has feelings for you, Elder Brother. If by any chance, you feel the same way and are interested in Lady Dan, I will quickly give up all feelings for her.

To be honest, its true that Im attracted to Lady Dan. However, theres no need for you to give up because of me. Just do as your heart tells you to do. Instead, no matter who Lady Dan chooses, we have to respect her decision.

Even so, how could I compete with you for a woman, Elder Brother?

If you really like Lady Dan, dont think about conceding for my sake. That would be rude to both Lady Dan and me. Will you still give up after all that?

I wont, but dont resent me later on.

I should be the one telling you that. Dont come crying to me later.

That will never happen, Mu-Ok said, seemingly confident in making Lady Dan his woman.

Mu-Gun could feel how much Mu-Ok liked Seol-Young, but he didnt have any intention to give up Seol-Young to Mu-Ok. He wanted the best to win her heart over.


The next day, Baek Cheon-Sang summoned the five squad leaders, including Baek Cheon-Gi, to give them the Heavenly Medicine Pills.

May I ask what this is? Cheon-Gi asked.

Its a spiritual pill called the Heavenly Medicine Pill. If you consume it, youll gain thirty years worth of internal energy.

Did you just say thirty years?

Cheon-Sangs words surprised Baek Cheon-Ung and the other squad leaders, which was only natural. Spiritual pills capable of granting thirty years worth of internal energy were rare and hard to obtain, yet Cheon-Sang just said that he obtained five of those rare pills.

Yes. You squad leaders play a big role in the Baek Sword Sects development. Hence, I have decided to give these spiritual pills to you all. Consume them and work even harder in your martial arts training.

Where did you get this spiritual pill? Cheon-Gi expressed his doubt.

I cant tell you that yet. However, I promise that the source of these spiritual pills is by no means illegal. If you have any doubts about the origins of these spiritual pills, its fine even if you dont consume it.

I believe in you, Patriarch.

The same goes for me.

None of the squad leaders, not even Cheon-Gi, had any intention of giving up on the spiritual pill. He was curious how Cheon-Sang obtained such a precious spiritual pill, but he didnt intend to give up thirty years worth of internal energy just to satiate that curiosity.

I know I dont have to tell you, but you shouldnt reveal the existence of this spiritual pill to anyone.


Cheon-Sang cautioned the squad leaders and sent them on their way. Afterward, he summoned the twenty-two highest-ranking members of the Baek Sword Corps and gave them a Hundred Herb Pill each. The act made the high-ranking members impressed by Cheon-Sangs grace, causing their loyalty toward Cheon-Sang and the Baek Sword Sect to increase.

Mu-Gun also summoned his six followers and gave them a Hundred Herb Pill each.

These Hundred Herb Pills are only given to the highest-ranking members of the Baek Sword Corps. By right, you couldnt have gotten one. In short, you guys are getting preferential treatment and will have to train harder than the rest.

Thank you. As you said, we will train harder than anyone else.

The six felt a heavy responsibility for the preferential treatment they had received. Mu-Gun had given them a lot of things aside from the Hundred Herb Pill. They had to show enough progress to satisfy him in return for what he had done for them. Being lazy and failing to meet his expectations would make Mu-Gun disappointed and forsake them. Not wanting that to happen, they could only do one thing to prevent it: train with all their might. They went back after solidifying their resolve.

After his six subordinates left, Mu-Gun immediately called for Jeong Ho-Gun and Jo Won-Yee but didnt give them a Hundred Herb Pill right away. Ho-Gun and Won-Yee were still learning the internal energy cultivation methods he had recently enhanced from their sects martial arts and had to refrain from consuming any spiritual pills until they were familiar with them. Hence, Mu-Gun put off giving them the Hundred Herb Pill and focused on guiding their martial arts for now.

Besides sleeping and eating, Mu-Gun spent most of his time instructing the two on their martial arts. Under Mu-Guns supervision, they were put through extremely intense training that worked them to the bones. They tried to appeal to Mu-Gun, complaining that it was so strenuous they were about to die, but he didnt even budge an inch.

Mu-Gun lashed out at them saying that they should go back to their respective sects if they couldnt follow his training. However, he also enticed them by mentioning that there would be a reward if they could properly follow it.

Mu-Guns carrot-and-stick approach and encouragement left them with no other choice but to devote themselves to training. They initially kept complaining that they were having a hard time, but as time passed, they began to feel their skills improving. From then on, they started to train without a single complaint.

Even though they didnt say anything, they were very grateful to Mu-Gun, who spent most of his days for their sake. He didnt even have time to train himself because he was busy guiding them. No one would go out of their way to guide others on martial arts so enthusiastically, even if they were the best of friends. Perhaps because they were grateful, they no longer complained and just silently followed Mu-Guns training.

Ten days quickly passed by just like that. In that short time span, Ho-Gun and Won-Yees martial arts had changed beyond recognition. In addition to being able to comfortably use the newly learned Heavenly Flame Origin Cultivation Method and the Divine Wind Spirit Cultivation Method, they were able to execute the 12 Heavenly Flame Blades and the Divine Swift Wind Spear Art without any issues. That alone raised their martial art skills by a notch, which was proof that the martial arts Mu-Gun had enhanced were excellent.

Mu-Gun was satisfied with the results. They endured difficulties as they followed his training. No matter how great he was at instructing them, it wouldve been useless if the students did not put in any effort. In that respect, Ho-Gun and Won-Yee were excellent disciples. Mu-Gun decided to give them the Hundred Herb Pills he had been holding on to. After all, they had now mastered the internal energy cultivation method to a considerably familiar extent.

As I had promised last time, Im going to reward you two today for properly following the difficult training.

What? Are you really going to give us a reward? I thought you were just saying that to intimidate us, Ho-Gun said with a surprised expression.

Im not the type to make such threats.

Whats the reward, then?

A spiritual pill.

A spiritual pill? Like the ones that can enhance the users internal energy?

Are there any other spiritual pills besides that?

Youre really going to give us one?

Thats what I just said.

Youre dead if youre joking.

Ho-Gun found it hard to believe, and Mu-Gun shook his head at that sight. He took out the Hundred Herb Pills he had kept in his pockets and handed one each to Ho-Gun and Won-Yee.

Here you go.

Is this really a spiritual pill?

If you dont believe me, Ill take it back.

Thats not what we mean!

Ho-Gun and Won-Yee quickly snatched the Hundred Herb Pills from Mu-Guns hand.

Whats this spiritual pill called?

The Hundred Herb Pill.

Does that mean its made of a hundred types of spiritual herbs?

Something like that.

What does it do?

Each pill will give the user ten years worth of internal energy.

Ten years?! Are you sure you want to give us something so precious? Won-Yee asked, surprised by the Hundred Herb Pills effect. It was burdensome to just accept it.

Im giving it to you precisely because youre you.

Wow, Mu-Gun.

Ho-Gun and Won-Yee stared at Mu-Gun as if moved by his words.

Are you thankful?

Of course we are.

Train diligently and become stronger, then. Thats what I want most from you.

Why? You want to make us strong and make us do your bidding?

How did you know? There will be a lot of work to be done in the future.

Speaking of which, tell us what youre up to. Becoming the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader is just the beginning, right? Youre drawing a bigger picture, arent you?

My wish is to make the Zhejiang Martial Alliance the strongest combat force in murim.

The strongest combat force in murim? Do you really think thats possible, considering the Nine Prominent Sects and the Seven Great Families are standing ground in that same world?

It naturally wont be easy, but I dont think its impossible.

Woah, you really seem serious.

Shouldnt I have that much ambition since I was born a man? I want to make that dream come true with you guys.

To be honest, I dont know about you, but do you really think we can accomplish that with our abilities? Wed already be thankful if we could avoid getting in your way, Won-Yee spoke while mocking himself. He didnt believe in his own talent.

In my opinion, the two of you are talented enough. Depending on your efforts, you can reach a high realm as long as you try. Just trust me and follow my lead. I will turn you both into masters no matter what.

His words werent empty. Their talents werent extremely outstanding, but they were above average. If they worked hard with Mu-Gun guiding them properly from the side, their talent would be enough for them to become outstanding masters.

Youre not sweet-talking us just because were friends, are you?

Not at all. I dont know about anything else, but I have no mercy when it comes to martial arts. No matter how close we are, if you lacked talent, I wouldnt have given you a Hundred Herb Pill or checked your martial arts.

I see. We just have to trust you and follow you, right?

In exchange, you have to do what I tell you to do. If you give up halfway through because its hard or if youre just going to put subpar efforts into it, its better for all of us for you two to just give up right now. I dont want to waste my time either.

How hellish do you plan to work us for you to say such determined words?

As much as I care about you two?

What a wicked guy. If you say it like that, I cant help but want to do it.

Just do it, then.

Fine, Ill spare no effort in doing whatever you tell me to do, Won-Yee said with a determined expression.

I dont have any choice but to do it, then. However, you must never give up on us, Mu-Gun.

You dont have to worry about that. As long as you dont give up, I wont until the very end either. Mu-Gun gave them a wide smile.

Ho-Gun and Won-Yee suddenly got goosebumps. For some reason, they felt like they were walking down a difficult path on their own accord.

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