Till the End of Time

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Lin Xinyan's attitude is very tough and clear. If he doesn't come, she will go.

She had been angry with Guan Jin to investigate her, but Zong Jinghao threatened her with his child. She was not happy at all. Now Guan Jin refuses her again.

Good attitude.

As soon as Guan Jin listens, he dares not to come.

He was fast, less than ten minutes people appeared at the door, should be living not far from the hotel.

Hear knock on the door, Lin Xinyan to open the door, Guan Jin stood in the door, smiling“ Miss Lin... "

Lin Xinyan ignored him, turned into the room, pointed to the pile of drugs on the table and told him the usage and dosage.

Guan Jin frowned“ What did you say? "

Is Zong Jinghao injured?

How is that possible?

Guan Jin obviously doesn't believe it.

Lin Xinyan has no time to talk nonsense with him, "don't believe it, you see, I'm going back now."

Then Lin Xinyan opened the door and went out.

Guan Jin stood at the head of the bed and walked back and forth two times. He was still curious. How could Zong Jinghao get hurt?

In the end, curiosity is better than reason. He reached out to lift Zong Jinghao's quilt to see what happened. However, before he lifted it, the man who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and said, "what are you doing?"

Guan Jin, "..."

"I, I heard you were hurt..."

Zong Jinghao clapped his hand and looked around the room. He was the only one with a frown. What about the woman?

Seeing Zong Jinghao's doubts, Guan Jin asked, "are you looking for Miss Lin?"

Zong Jinghao was silent, as if by default.

"Call me in the morning and she's gone." Guan Jin finished, still staring at him curiously.

It is obvious that Lin Xinyan was here last night. Could it be that Zong Jinghao forced his bow and Lin Xinyan resisted and stabbed him?

The more you think about Guan Jin, the higher the possibility is.

Stabbed by a woman?

Guan Jin automatic brain last night Zong Jinghao was rejected picture, can't help but tear out a few smile marks on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Zong Jinghao sat up.

"No Guan Jin quickly gathered his smile and said, "Zong Zong, how did you get hurt? Coughing is it caused by Miss Lin's resistance? "


Zong Jinghao calm face, "roll! Go and get me a clean suit. "

Is this really rejected?

Guan Jin wants to laugh.

I really want to see Zong Jinghao eat shriveled.

And women refuse him?

Oh, my God. It's a wonder that he didn't see it.

It's a pity.

Zong Jinghao opened the quilt and got out of bed. He had a pair of underpants on his body, and his upper body was wrapped with gauze. He came to Guan Jin in a gloomy way. "Is that funny?"

Guan Jin opened his mouth, gasped and shook his head decisively. "It's not funny. It's not funny at all. I'll get you some clothes."

Then he turned and ran.

For fear of being a little late, Zong Jinghao settled with him.

Zong Jinghao poured a glass of water. After pouring it down, I saw the chair beside the bed. It seemed that I saw Lin Xinyan sleeping in the night.

I seem to have talked to him, but he didn't hear clearly.

She didn't leave. If she could stay and take care of him, he would be in a good mood.

Lin Xinyan, who didn't sleep much all night, drags her tired body back home. The two children are taken care of by Zhuang Zijin. Naturally, they are both very good. She takes a bath and changes her clean clothes before going to the room to look after the children. Lin Ruixi is still asleep. With a pink pout and a red face, Lin Xinyan walked out of the room after kissing her daughter.

Lin Xichen got up and washed himself in the bathroom.

"You didn't come back last night. Was it a job?" Chuang Tzu Jin came out of the kitchen with an apron on his body. Look at my daughter.

Lin Xinyan was so guilty that he didn't dare to see her. He turned to look elsewhere. "Well, it's a matter in the shop."

Chuang Tzu Jin stares at his daughter's guilty look, "you came back yesterday, I saw you get on another car."

Lin Xinyan opened her mouth. She didn't know how to explain. How could she forget that Zong Jinghao drove his car to the door last night?

So, Chuang Tzu Jin can see also not strange."That man is the one who lives in the family?" Although it was a question, it was already a positive tone.

Lin Xinyan bowed his head, "well."

"Why are you still involved with him?" Chuang Tzu Jin hates the way that iron does not become steel“ It doesn't matter that you're divorced. How nice rizzy is. You don't know how to cherish it. You have to wait until the chicken flies. You're happy, aren't you? "

"I didn't." Lin Xinyan tried to explain.

She didn't want to have anything to do with Zong Jinghao.

She can see who she is.

Also did not forget, he said when the divorce the resolute appearance.

"Without the best, I tell you, I will never agree that you have any relationship with him!" Zhuang Zijin seldom talks so seriously with his daughter.

It's just this thing. She can't ignore it.

After all, Lin Xinyan is young, so he can't avoid being dazzled by the so-called feelings.

She had a baby. If the man could accept her, he would not have divorced her at the beginning.

She had a car accident, giving birth to two children is not easy, Chuang Tzu Jin is afraid that she will be hurt again.

At the door of the bathroom, Lin Xichen's eyes are open. What's grandma talking about?

That man is Mommy's ex husband?

Is that the heartless man who abandoned mommy and her sister?

In Lin Xichen's mind, since Zong Jinghao is Mommy's ex husband, he and his sister's father naturally.

He clenched his fists and wanted to beat Zong Jinghao.

No, he must not let go of that heartbreaker!

"Xiao Xi, what are you thinking? Why don't you come to dinner soon? " Chuang Tzu Jin put breakfast on the table, looked at Lin Xichen standing in front of the bathroom and called him.

"Oh. Here we are Lin Xichen came running with short legs.

Lin Xinyan took him to a chair and peeled the eggs for him.

Lin Xichen looks at Lin Xinyan's side face. He doesn't understand why the heartless man abandoned her because she is so beautiful?

Are you blind?

Lin Xinyan put the eggs on Lin Xichen's plate, "what do you think? Concentrate on your meal. "

Lin Xichen put the plate in front of Lin Xinyan and said, "Mommy, eat it."

Lin Xinyan pretended to be unhappy. Take the egg to him, "you are growing body, no nutrition, growth is not high, want to become a dwarf?"

"No, my height is beyond the normal range now. I'm sure I can grow 1.9 meters."

Chuang Tzu Jin laughed, "one meter nine is too high, one meter eight is OK."

"No, I must grow to one meter nine." Lin Xichen said seriously.

That heartless man is one meter eighty-five, he must grow taller than him, and then, beat him up!

Chuang Tzu Jin just as he said to play, where can think that he has so deep mind.

After drinking the milk, Lin Xinyan reached out and touched his son's head. "It's a good thing to grow tall, but only if you have a good meal can you grow tall."

"I will." Lin Xichen nodded firmly.

Lin Xinyan got up, "Mom, I went to the store."

"Well." Chuang Tzu Jin wanted to charge her, but she didn't say anything when she saw Lin Xi Chen.

The child is small but sensitive.

I'm afraid he'll hear something.

Lin Xinyan drives to Leo.

Taking the information that she didn't read last night, she was ready to go to the office. As soon as she came in, Qin Ya came to her with a dignified face. "Mrs. William, I'll wait for you in the office."

"What happened?" Lin Xinyan knows his assistant who has been with him for a long time.

If nothing had happened, she would not have such a cautious look.

Qin Ya didn't know how to say, "you just go in."

Lin Xinyan took a look at her and walked towards the general office.

Walking to the door, Lin Xinyan raised his hand and knocked on the door.

She opened the door when she heard a voice coming in.

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