Till the End of Time

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Lin Xinyan is not surprised that Guan Jin will appear here. He forced her to come back. He must know where she lives.

It happened that she had something to say to him.

"Let's go." Lin Xinyan goes to Guan Jin's car.

Guan Jin didn't leave immediately, but took a look at Yu Doudou, "don't disturb her in the future. Next time I see her, I can't talk so well."

After warning the man who harasses Lin Xinyan, Guan Jincai gets on the bus.

Lin Xinyan was very quiet and didn't ask anything. He looked out of the window.

Guan Jin looks back at her and drives his car attentively. The scenery along the road becomes more and more familiar. It's almost the same for six years. This is the way to the villa.

Lin Xinyan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Although she lived for a short time, she still remembered clearly what happened here.

Soon the train stopped. Lin Xin Yan breathed a sigh, calm mood, just pushed the door down.

Guan Jin didn't mean to go in, but said to her, "Zong Zong is waiting for you in there. Go in yourself."

Lin Xinyan looked at him, "do you know what he wants from me?"

"I don't know much about the boss's private affairs."

Lin Xinyan smiles. This is Zong Jinghao's person. If something goes against her, how can he say hello to her first?

That's a lot to ask.

She went to the door and took a deep breath. Push the door open.

The spacious, simple and well lit living room is spotless. It lies on the right side, with the piano that Lin Guoan sent to it. It seems that it has never been passive.

When she was in a car accident and left in a hurry, she didn't bring anything, even her clothes, let alone the piano.

She stepped in.

Almost everything here has not changed, and she left the same furnishings.

"Remember here?"

On the second floor, the man was wearing a black shirt with a slightly open collar and small arms, showing half of his strong arms. He was holding a goblet with one hand and holding it in one hand. It was rippling with red liquid. It seemed to have life and swayed in the glass with his movements.

Lin Xinyan raised his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Zong."

The expression on Zong Jinghao's face is a little, Mr. Zong?

She was the first one to call him that before, but after hearing him call his own name, he didn't like it any more.

It seems strange. Alienation.

He asked her to call him by his name.

"Is it familiar here?" He stepped down.

"It's too long to remember clearly." Lin Xinyan refused to admit it.

Deny all the memories and feelings of him.

"You asked me to come. You should have something to tell me?" Lin Xinyan went to the sofa and sat down. His legs overlapped gracefully, and his elbow was on the armrest. "Just in time, I have something to say to Mr. Zong."

She wants to talk to him?

Zong Jinghao was a little surprised.

He put the glass of red wine in front of Lin Xinyan, "it's for you."

Lin said politely, "thank you."

Zong Jinghao raised his eyebrows, this tone, this appearance. Do you really want to treat him as a stranger?

He repressed his displeasure and sat down opposite her.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Lin Xinyan held his hands tightly. "Six years ago, you said divorce, according to the agreement at that time, should also leave, but because of me, the divorce certificate did not come down. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. This time I came here, I just want to get the certificate down."

"Is that what you want to tell me?" Zong Jinghao interrupted her.

He said, and he Ruilin's engagement has been cancelled. She came to talk to him about this?

Didn't he make it clear last time?

His face sank.

"Yes, I have considered Mr. Zong's words. Even if you can accept it, I can't accept it. So, I think we should divorce according to Mr. Zong's words and our agreement. "

With these words, her palms had oozed a layer of sweat.

General Jing Hao gave a sneer.

The slender figure leaned back and leaned on the sofa, looking at her in such a good time.Lin Xinyan was seen by him like a thorn in the back.

It took a long time to get back to the normal tone, "if you have time, you can do it today..."

It seems to think of something. Lin Xinyan laughed at himself and said, "how can I forget that such a thing doesn't need Mr. Zong to do by himself. You just have to talk to assistant Guan."

Zong Jinghao frowned.

"Are you finished?"

Lin Xinyan nodded. He sat upright, ready to listen to what he had come to say.

Zong Jinghao did not say, but will find a mobile phone social news, to her in front.

Lin Xinyan was puzzled and looked at the picture with inquiring eyes. When she saw the picture, she felt nervous and immediately reached for her mobile phone. Inside was her son. The background was like a dining room. The things Lin Xichen held in her hand were also very eye-catching. Zong Jinghao's side face was also very clear.

"What is this?"

"When I was in business with Shanda's president Li, your son broke in and held a few of them, saying they were mine. In front of those people, they were photographed and posted on the Internet." He stretched out his hand and lengthened his bony fingers. Open the collar button, casual appearance, "this news has spread, do you know what others say about me?"

Lin Xinyan was not shocked by Lin Xichen's trouble with Zong Jinghao. Where did he get those things?

He is still a five-year-old.

"I'm sorry, I must educate him --" no, Lin Xichen can't get this kind of thing. What if he really dropped it?

"It's not mine." Zong Jinghao's voice sank.

See what Lin Xinyan thinks. It's not that reason still exists. He has to hold this woman's collar directly and yell. He doesn't have the habit of carrying that thing with him!

Lin Xinyan sneered, "my son is so young. I'm afraid I don't know what it is, and why doesn't he give it to others, but to you? "

Lin Xinyan still believes in his son.

He is a little smart, but he never thought of using this kind of thing to frame him.


that 's ok.

Zong Jinghao stood up. Fingers one by one to open the shirt button, condescending eyes, evil four, crazy silk.

Lin Xinyan can't help sitting back. Looking at him warily, "what are you doing?"

Zong Jinghao said with a smile, "of course, I have to prove to you whether I have the habit of using that thing."


"I'll ask him when I get back. Let's start here today. " Then she got up and wanted to go.

But Zong Jinghao grabbed the wrist, "you finish?"

Lin Xinyan only felt that her heart almost hit out of her chest. She was so nervous that she didn't even dare to look back at him. "I will find out. If I wronged Mr. Zong, I will apologize."

"I prefer to prove myself than you do." With a sudden force of his hand, Lin Xinyan's body leaned back and fell into the sofa. Then Zong Jinghao forced himself down——

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