Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 173 173: Progenitor In The Apocalypse

+100 to all stats per level and +50 stat points for allocation per level too…..then raise that to the power of 5 and you had 500 points to all stats and 250 points extra to be used on any stat you so chose. It was a lot, the gains from the Raen demon race is one that is extremely exponential. The further you went the stronger you became with Jo diminishing returns. It was almost too good to be true if Cole had to be honest, but it was what it is.

Normally he would have checked his stat sheet but he'd much rather wait for an updated one after he was done with the racial refinement that was nagging at him. But he was neither in a safe place not amongst people he could trust, logging out now would be a bad idea, not without finding a safe haven or returning back to the third floor. So he had no choice but to wait and hold back the deluge of level ups waiting for him.

If Cole had to predict he would say that he had enough exp to take him to 80s or at the very least mid to late 70s. And he was not sure but Cole suspected the reason why it was so easy for him to level was because of his race, which was overpowered with absolutely no balance. A face that grew stronger the further they went and did not have as much requirements for their advancements as other races.

Perhaps all of this advancements would come to screeching halt soon enough, there was balance in everything the universe has to offer, even power. Never the less until then Cole would do his best to make the most of the power he has now. And he would also try his best to master it, above all else it was what was most important to him, he was not using the level of power he could bring to the table, his ability to now shape his skills through the passive skill [Energy Manipulation] has opened up a horizon of abilities for him, and Cole had to see just how far he could possibly push himself.

It was scary to imagine his potential, Cole was raised by some of the best business men and women in the world. He knew exactly how and when to spot and take advantage of potential in any asset. It was scary what Cole could possibly do for himself in that regard to, he smiled as he skipped the level up messages, and moved down to the next set of notifications.

[Raen Progenitor In Effect!: You Have Gained 64 New Members Of Your Race! You Have Gained +192 points to all stats!]

Cole raised an eyebrow….. and then there was this. The first time it happened he was much lower leveled than this, and while the stats seemed paltry, there were trillions of people in the universe. Heck even more in the wider universe that was Titan Rising Online. There would always be people converting into new faces, some even discarding their old ones in favor of the new. This was just 64, perhaps the next time it will be a hundred…. A thousand…. A million?


Cole cursed softly to himself, this was just the advantage he had as the Progenitor. Was there perhaps something similar for the other new members of his race? But even if there wasn't, just this alone was crazy, maybe he should become some sort of prophet and preach about how becoming a Raen Spawn is the way to eternal life. Yeah that would be just going to far, but still….. one could dream.

There was nothing else waiting for him to look through, until he dealt with his refinement and levels up at least. Oh! He did have to pick s mastery skill or stat for the soul stat. But ultimately that would have to wait for when he was done with the refinement. He raised his head up and met eyes with Irma who seemed to have been talking to him, but Cole had been so lost in thought that he had not heard her.

"I'm sorry what?" She scowled, it was pretty cute. Cole raised an eyebrow and leaned back looking extremely bored and impatient at the same time. Ultimately he let Irma get it out of her system as she huffed and started speaking.

"We have a problem."

"You have a problem? How is it my problem?" Cole asked her, causing her to scowl even deeper, and causing Cope to frown because he still found it cute but at the same time irritating. Cole reflected, he was dark, arrogant, the break up with Sarah making it even more intense. But if he has to be honest, all those dark things seemed to have gone up a notch lately, it was worrying, or did it have something to do with all that Chaos he has been playing around with lately.

"The Dremonai guard the bridge castle that leads to the outer lands. The outer lands is Sanctuary's territory, but those freaks extract a toll from every sanctuary affiliates that need to use their bridge to cross back into the garden of Babel. It is both their home and their business, it is because of them the outlands has not been overrun by the undead.

Normally you'd think such a group of people would be doing this to ensure that our people don't fall and out of the goodness of their hearts. But the fucks use it gain profit and make themselves fat while the rest of the world starves. And they would not be swayed in the slightest as they indulge in their fucking orgies!"

Cole could very obviously tell that Irma had a lot bad blood with this Dremonai people or whatever. He didn't care that she did or what it was all about. But at the moment he was tied to the hip to this woman and her mercenary crew, he had no choice but to take action. He shook his head and looked up at her, he'd much rather avoid any drama at the moment, but it seems things will never go the way he wants it.

"What do you want me to do?" Cole asked as he leaned back and gave Irma a withering glare, for a moment she stuttered in shock and fear, but quickly shook it off as she glared right back at Cole.

"I need you to run interference for me, at the very least your presence will dissuade the Dremonai from their usual bullshit, and if possible perhaps throw a few of them off their fucking bridge to get the message. We will pay the toll, I just don't want them to fuck with me again." Cole raised a second eyebrow at the word 'again' so in the end this seemed to be a case of constant bullying finally coming to an end. That was okay, Cole hated bullies despite being what most would now consider the biggest one in all of titan Rising online.

"Alright, lead the way princess." Cole said to her as he got back up to his feet, Black Malakai rippling on his back with a sound so audible it was never grating. Like hundreds of scales flapping over each other. Cope followed Irma off the truck as he took in their current location. They were in a building….. or perhaps to be more precise they were in front of a building laying sideways over a massive canyon. There was no way to get across except through the use of the tipped over building.

The center of the building was hollowed out, showing a path through that could be driven, plus it also helped that the building itself was sporting a size that was a little bit close to that of the Babel Tower. from the sides of the building that serves as a bridge there were offshoots, igloo like buildings built on ropes, beams and chains to make an extremely unique piece of architecture. It was like a net with so many hugs placed on it, Cole was sure that if he looked at it from above it would look like some sort of net.

Then he shifted his gaze to the entrance and locked eyes with what or who Irma had been calling the Dremonai. 7 feet tall with tipped ears, a lanky frame and a tail. So no they were not elves and their skin tone was brown for all intents and purposes like some indigenous folks from Africa. But then there was silky clothes, and staff's tipped with orbs that looked murky to the sight. But they had really large eyes, almost two times the size of a normal person's and it was black, everything the entire eyeball was just one black eyeball….. safe to say the Dremonai looked really weird but still normal with the scope of things that was expected from other alien races.

"Irma! What a pleasure to see you, are you another supply run for you crippled father again…. You should come serve a real man dear, my cock still aches for you child…. Come and experience the wonders and pleasures of the Dremonai's court. But until then, today has been tougher than usual so tax has been increased to 60% of your total haul." Cole raised an eyebrow at that as Irma exploded out in anger.

"60%! That's robbery! What the fuck is wrong with you!" she shouted out in anger, obviously there was a lot of bad blood here. Cole hoped they dealt with it quickly.

"You know the rules human, you either pay up or fight our champion for passage and you most definitely know the price for failure." Irma turned to Cole with a furious look on her face, causing him to sigh as he said to himself.

"Guess this is my queue… time to be a bad ass."

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