Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 187 187: The Trial Of Irma Phoenixborn III

There was silence hanging over the entire room after Cole's declaration, in a way if it were him he would also be shocked into silence. Obviously this was because they underestimated him, and frankly speaking Cole had been expecting something like this to happen. Of course he wasn't afraid, even if they succeeded in killing him, Cole still had a couple of lives that he would not hesitate to burn, if it meant he could kill whoever the fuck wanted to mess with him.

"I have to asked though, what brought this on, and let's cut the bullshit. The more honest and straight forward your answer would determine how each and every single one of you will die, or if you will even die at all. But that is frankly all dependent on my mood, so do be nice and answer me truthfully." None of the council members wanted to say anything, so Irma's father did, probably wanting to make sure the knife was pointed in the right direction. But before he could say anything he stiffened, obviously nobody wanted him to open his mouth.

Of course the people who were hidden, remained hidden, almost as if they thought Cole had not noticed anything. But he did. After using his senses, and remembering he had an eye that could see through any sort of sin, and even see the future on some levels, Cole could see every single last person in hiding, including the two that were slowly moving in an attempt to flank him

"And we're under what obligation to answer you because of what? You're immortal? Please we all know how this works, we too at some point had Aspirants of our own. You might have that deranged children's toy deceived but the same can not be said for us. We're not scared of you or your threats boy, your arrival has been nothing more than bad luck. Due to your altercation with the Dremonai we're now on the verge of extinction and you expect us to what? Be scared of you…. Please. You will find that we're a different breed of people than you're used to." Cole raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Do you bleed?" the woman who had been speaking narrowed her eyes as she asked right back. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing really, you say you're different but I don't think so. As long as you can bleed then that makes you the same as everyone else. But I digress, there's no need to get off topic. You decided the best cause of action was to fuck with me, or rather use me to fuck with him and his daughter." Cole said as he pointed at Irma's father and pointed at the location where Irma was being held hostage. He smiled when he noticed their eyes widening, particularly that of the second woman who had been quiet but somehow had been sweating with her heat beat a little faster than normal…. She was using an ability.

"So clue me in on what's going on?" Cole asked as he stepped forwards and took a seat, in front of a seat of chairs that was placed in front of the raised dais. His gaze seemingly nonchalant but his mind working furiously to come with a plan. But none of the people here were particularly forthcoming, in the end it seems this truly was going to come to a fight.

"The Dremonai left the gates opened! Hordes of the undead are now marching on sanctuary as we speak!" Irma's father finally got the word out and clip to the side of the head for his troubles from and unseen hand. Cole chuckled, what sort of amateur was holding the man hostage. He shook his head and said to them.

"I know."

"That's impossible." The woman said, but Cole shook his head as he leaned back and spun the seat he was on, throwing his hands in the air and grabbing the throats of the two people who were about to attack him and immediately using [Sin Eater] on them, at full blast for that matter. Before the seat could make a full rotation both men were already very much dead, as he dropped their drained bodies to the ground

[Sin Eater Used! +18 To Perception, +33 to Dexterity, +8 to Energy]

The gains were not significant, but the sight of two bodies appearing out of thin air, drained completely dry of anything vital shocked them. "I know because I'm an aspirant and I'm sure the other aspirants who have made it to the base would have received the same quest…. A quest asking us to survive at least ten waves of the endless waves of zombies that would be coming to exterminate your sanctuary…..or something within that parameters. And mind you it did say survive not fight or defeat, so we're just as easily happy to seat back and watch while you all die and everything you've built crumbles to dust.

And it won't be my fault, heck this isn't my fault. The Dremonai bitch I killed was being a prick and said we should follow their tradition and fight him. So I did, and he died in the process, if his people left the doors wide open for Zombies to walk through then it means they're the problem not me, so let me ask again. Why the fuck am I here?"

He got his answer almost immediately as whatever illusion was keeping the other denizens in the room hidden. Vanished. There were almost tow dozen Dremonai in the room, along with at an equal amount of human soldiers. Cole did not recognize any of the Dremonai, in the end how could he, pretty much all of them looked like deranged elven hippies. He could hear the grand General help in shock from their appearance and then came the scent of blood.

It had been well hidden but in various corners of the room, he could see bodies piled was a pool of blood gathered. Obviously 5hey must have taken out the Chancellor's own people in order to have some sort of advantage over them. In the end this really was going to come down to a fight, which was exactly what Neral wanted to avoid, but in the end this was not Cole's fault.

"You! Immediately return the spear to where it belongs and we might consider leaving your corpse intact for when you will resurrect. " one of the Dremonai said as Cole shook his head and scoffed.

"So you restarted the apocalypse because of a stupid fire poker? You condemned your people and so many other innocents for a weapon that would not even acknowledge you if I hand it over to you. It is now bound to me until death, do you understand that? It means that even if you kill me now, it would still be with me, and weapons such as that can not be given as it has a mind of it's own, you have to be worthy of it or at least win it in combat off my corpse…. A one on one fight. So if a challenge is what you had come all this way for, then this is a poor way to go about asking for it." Cole replied still sitting relaxed.

"Challenge? You are not worth a challenge you thief! Hand it over right now or die! The spear is the only thing that can beat back the hordes or as you calling the waves of zombies heading for us right now. And you do not know how to use it, so place it in the hand of one that is more capable and more worthy than you are. Cole raised an eyebrow, this Dremonai was annoying him, it was almost as if the damn guy was choosing to ignore everything Cole was saying to him even though they were of sound logic…. The fucker just wanted to get his hands on the spear.

"It seems we're unable to come to an agreement…. Very well then, though I do have to ask, the man, the Dremonai who wielded this spear before I ripped it off his ugly corpse. Did he not mean anything to you? Nothing at all that you would have condemned so many innocents for revenge born out of love, rather you're here for greed. A need to possess that which you're not worthy of."

"Shut up! It is not your pace to judge me! I loved him so much! He was my father….. just as much as he was my lover! It is you who is not worthy of holding his spear." Cole's eyebrows rose so high they vanished into his hairline in shock, then he involuntarily shuddered at the image that had now been seared into his mind by what the Dremonai just said. Incest was one thing, but gay incest….. God he was horrified. Not that he had anything about gays, he even dated a guy once…. It was a lovely experience and Dietrich was nice, but in the end it was not for him, but a father on his own son? That's just a whole other level of low.

"right now I'm so incline to return the damn thing to you, you must miss his 'Spear' a lot and need this one to at least have a Memento of all the good times you had with him 'piercing' you. Alright then, come take it." It took a few moments longer for jab to dawn on the Dremonai about just what the Hell Cole just said, and when it did, he growled out in anger and leapt over the dais, heading straight for the World Breaker.

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