Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 244 244: Part 1: Growth

pàпdá-ňᴏνêι.сóМ Getting the Phoenixborn clan settled was not too much of a problem for Cole, after making sure they were in a part of his valley that wouldn't end up getting burnt to a crisp I case of an accident, he went back to the main manor in order to work through the notifications that he has pending, amongst other things. He also had quite a few stats to lock in from the notifications, even if he has grown stronger, it would not come into effect until he has Acknowledged those notifications and opened up his stat page too.

But beyond just checking the notifications, the most important thing that Cole had to take care of was the choosing of the Auxiliaries for the stats that had bit silver V. This was important, and even though Cole has not always been paying attention to the effects his Auxiliaries brought to the table, they were amazing. Half the time he forgets he had telekinesis or that he has a domain, a specific area around himself that he could exercise total and absolute control over, the next time Cole was going to fight someone or something, he was going to use his domain to render their skills ineffective….. or maybe do something else even more crazy.

[You Have Chosen The Mastery; [Commanding Presence] For your Charisma Stat!]

[You Have Chosen The Stat: [Focus] For Your Perception Stat!]

[You Have Chosen The Knowledge; [Arcane-Tech] For Your Intelligence Stat!]

[You Have Chosen The Stat; [Balance] For Your Attunement Stat!]

Cole has never really relied on his Charisma Stat, but now that he was to be a leader of quite a few people then it stands to reason that he needed something like the [Commanding Presence] to augment the way he was seen. Cole didn't really have much of a plan about what sort of leader he was going to become, all he knew was the right thing to do was to have the right people around him, more often than not that was all it took to really make a difference in the lives of the people you lead.

Next was [Focus] for his perception stat. Cole had to be honest, he could be single minded at times, but never focused. Besides the stats themselves, especially the Auxiliaries were never so literal in their effects of their meanings. As long as meaning of the stats can be applied to Anything at all, then it could be used. Hence Cole could theoretically [Focus] his mind on something, or shape and [Focus] a skill, giving it more precision and more power in it's usage, especially if that skill falls under his perception stat.

[Arcane-Tech] was one of the craziest options offered. It was crazy to the point that there was no way Cole would have said know. It was made all the more worse by the fact that there were other options out down for his intelligence stat. It was crazy, his intelligence stat alone covered magic, energy, Psi, and technology making it one of, if not his most versatile stat, and it was not even his main one. Never the less the [Arcane-Tech] knowledge would let utilize both technology and magic to build God knows what, but the possibilities has him feeling really giddy and excited.

Finally was the [Balance] stat Auxiliary for his attunement stat. His Attunement stat was the it factor in all of his stats. Dare he say it, but he might have gotten as strong as he has because of it, and mainly attributed to a nifty little skill he has there that's called [Adaptive] and now there is [Balance]. Not balance in the form that he would be able to keep a sure footing no matter what, no! But Balance in all things Cole. His skills, his abilities, everything that perhaps didn't work well, or couldn't work well, now under his control and in unison with one and other. It was a Zen like stat, and yes it also helps him keep his balance, but also kept the balance between him and the natural order and the supernatural one.

Cole took a deep breath as he felt all of them take root. He was stuck in this moment, one mind with the power of the universe as space and time, and magic, and energy, and technology unraveled themselves before him. Everything he was currently or would ever be laid out in front of him as every knowledge he had access to, whispered their secrets to him. It almost drove him mad, because Cole was the sum of so many things at once, and his mind as of yet did not seem strong enough to carry it all.

But the Raen Duke and Progenitor was in [Balance] he could see and feel therefore he was and he could think, therefore he understood. Cole opened his eyes with a small smile as he looked around the valley that would be the foundation of his future, there was so much work to be done, and not nearly enough time to get it all done. But no matter what, he would see it all through to the end.

What would come next would be his stat page and any growth that he might have during the waves. Nothing he gains in his reality are reflected here, at least not yet. But the new members of his race would be shown here, also to keep Cassandra and Razor out of trouble, Cole had used two of the spots he had available to seed new aspirants on them, a third he had used for Tehilla and kept the remaining two to himself. He had a feeling that they would be a powerful bargaining chip in the future.

Especially against his grandparents. They might not care of course since it seems they were now in cahoots with his crazy aunt, but you can never tell with family politics. It just goes round and round, with no one really knowing what was going or why it was going on. Never the less he was ready to see just how much stronger he has grown, and have it reflected in his stats, before he get to work on his territory.

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