Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 252 252: Part 1: Territory Growth

[You Have Harvested Corn x100! +5 Territory Points]x2

[You Have Harvested Wheat x100 +5 Territory Points]x3

[You Have Harvested Potatoes x100 +10 Territory Points]x2

[You Have Harvested Yam x100 +15 Territory Points]x2

[You Have Harvested Beans x100 +15 Territory Points]x5

[The Ritual You Performed Has Raised Your Farm Level From Bronze IV To IX +25 Territory Points]

[Recent Farming Activities Has Raised Your Farm Level From Bronze IX To X! +5 Territory Points!]

[Upgrade Farm To Iron Rank +1 Iron Prism, 20 Units Of Wood, 20 Units Of Magic Core]

[Upgrading..... Upgrade Done!]

[You Have Raised Your Farm Rank From Bronze X To Iron I! +15 Territory Points]

Cole watched as the farm seemed to flash with a bright beam of light before wooden partitions seemed to rise up, dividing the farm into 10 equal parts. There was no Increase in size, but the would seemed to get a lot darker than normal, proof that it's fertility has increased by a lot, rather than what it once was before. Cole reckoned the basic crops he had planted and harvested would take less than the three days to reach maturity now, plus he now had the territory points to raise some of the other facilities to a higher level.

But he was far from done. The crops that had been harvested should their seeds be replanted, or as is the case with potato their stalks, and yams their crowns, the grade of the crops would be further increased. Which means the next generation would benefit from this current generations top tier form, and grow further from the upgrade and enrichment of the farm. It was good how fast the farm was growing, it was absolutely going to be one of the foundations of his territory but it was time to move on.

[Farm Has Reached Iron Rank I! Evergreen I Buff Activated!]

[Territory Buff: Evergreen I: all natural produce and crops within your territory would remain fresh three time longer and would not degrade in quality until the period has Elapsed.]

[Iron Rank Upgrade For Farm Withheld Until Territory Reaches Iron Rank I]

Well that was a rather nifty buff, and it spread to not just things grown in the farm, but the entirety of the territory as a whole. And it seems if there was any other buff gained from any other facility the whole territory would share it. It was an amazing effect that encouraged a certain degree of synergy between every single thing in his territory, it pretty much means everyone is productive and things don't spoil as easily and also this would help with transportation. Cole did not just want to conquer the Glades around…. Well he did, but after consolidating Solitude's power, especially as he was planning on taking any conquered Glade for himself, making it seem as if he was a king with an independent territory within his kingdom, a territory that Cole understood had to be independent if he was going to make money from it.

Either way, after conquering the glades around, he would establish trade routes with the others. As far as he had learnt this world was not just filled with aspirant led glades, there were still glades from previous incursions of the system into other universes and more so the original inhabitants of this world had glades of their own too. This would be a chance to connect with the other universes and establish trades, alliances and make some enemies. Cole intended to gobble up territory, then he would go on a conversion spree turning every person he comes across to a Raen Spawn and create an army so powerful no one would less with him.

But above all he still wanted to be an economical giant, strength and resources was what would make him the powerful man or being he wants to be. He wanted a seat at the table, a seat at the inner chambers of the leaders of the universe, the new universe that was coming. He was prepared to do anything to get it, the time of living his life trampled of driven left and right by his emotions or circumstances of life has passed, he was aiming to dominate.

Cole also had a couple of blueprints in hand that he had to implement. It would actually be best to have all of these things on hand before he gets the territory up to the silver rank, that way many of them can benefit from the growth, rather than having them all start from the bronze rank again once he gets to silver.

[Blueprint: Basic Guild Hall / Requirements: 500 Units Of Wood, 2000k Units Of Stone, 300 Units Of Ore, 20 Magic Cores, 10 Bronze Prisms.]

[Commencing Construction! Time Until Construction Is Complete: 24:00:12]

[Blueprint: Advanced Modern Guild Dormitory/ Requirements: 1000k Units Of Wood, 5000k Units Of Stone, 2500 Units Of Stone, 100 Magic Cores, 100 Bronze Prisms.]

[Commencing Construction! Time Until Construction Is Complete: 72:59:10]

There was nothing extravagant about the guild hall, it was simply just a massive reception, a hall for meetings, another for training and battling, a kitchen, a store room, a guild master and guild officers office on the third floor, a basement that's supposed to give access to a training dungeon as Pollux had mad arrangements for that after having extensive talks with Cole. There was a mess hall, and an infirmary and that was it. It was made mostly with stone, however it had more of a medieval look to it, as Pollux had taken inspiration from Cole's description of what guilds look like in animes.

But the dormitory was a whole other ball game. It was designed to make each room function like and individual territory, which meant that which ever guild members has a room in the dormitory they would be able to purchase resources to upgrade and build up their rooms. Apparently Pollux had made arrangements for the dormitory to incorporate massive levels of spatial compression and disentanglement algorithm. Which means each room could possibly be a separate dimension that could be shaped according to the will and efforts of it's occupants. Of course there was still a master key, in case someone needed to be kicked out of the guild for certain bad behaviors, depending on what it was anyways.

Cole moved his attention back to his territory notifications as there was still some hanging about. The Aboi fruit was not yet ready to be harvested, but the orchard was still under the same effects from the ritual that Cole had performed on his farm. Making it possible for the facilities to level themselves up without him having to invest any of his territory points into any one of them. It was crazy and it was a massive loophole, but it works. Cole just had to make sure he paid a little bit more attention to it so that his farm and orchard don't stand spawning monsters like it did for Titus Boris, though that would be cool though, he did have a [Monster Husbandry] knowledge, so perhaps he can raise some killer wolves that would tear people to shred....

"Wow! That's a particular good idea." Cole said to himself as he chuckled and turned to the notifications.

[The Ritual You Performed Has Raised Your Farm Level From Bronze I To VIII +35 Territory Points]

Cole chuckled, as it stood he now had 270 territory points to his name, and unlike his stat points this was something that he wanted to use quickly. He needed to bring other facilities up, the requirements for a territory to level up to iron was that he needed to have at least 3 facilities in the iron rank 1, or the Bronze Rank X. Of course those in the Iron rank would have their rank up withheld until the territory gets to iron rank I itself. Cole already had the farm at that stage, and orchard was well on its way, by tomorrow of perhaps in a few hours the Aboi fruit would be ready to harvested, pushing the Orchard up the few levels it needed, so right now he had to make a choice and pick which of the facilities he would spend the points on, and it had to be something that required use right now.

[Raise Basic Modern Bottling Plant From Bronze Rank I to Bronze Rank X For 270 Territory Points?]

[Facility Basic Modern Bottling Plant Has Reached Bronze Rank X +45 Territory Points]

As far as Cole was concerned this was enough for now, now it would be to utilize the resources to build up the territory itself and see what come next. He waiting for the Aboi fruit to ripen though, as that would require him to finally utilize his [Arcane Winemaking] and [Arcane Brewing] knowledge, Cole absolutely could not wait to see what he could make, of course his mind was thinking along the parts of a supernatural Molotov cocktail, but we'll….. we'll see.

• Territory: [Raen Valley] Rank: [Bronze V] Type: [N/A] Owner: [Cole 'WORLD BREAKER' Raen]

• Class: [N/A] Energy: [1500/1500] Territory Points: 45

• Stats: [Attack: Bronze I(0/10)] [Defense: Bronze I(0/10)] [Production: Bronze I(0/10)]

• Skills: [Attack:] [Defense: (Passive Health Regeneration)] [Production:]

• Resources: [Wood: 4.8M] [Stone: 2.9M] [Ore: 764,088K] [Mana Cores: 900] [Prisms: Bronze>> 428/Iron>211/Silver>99/Gold>0/Diamond>0]

• UPGRADE REQUIREMENTS: [500 Stone] [500 wood] [50 Magic Cores] [50 Bronze Prisms]

• Facilities: [Manor: Bronze I(0/10)] [Farm(Evergreen I): Iron I(3/110) ] [Orchard: Bronze I(0/10)] [Wood Node: Silver I(0/1000)] [Stone & Ore Node: Gold I(0/10,000)] [Basic Wood Wall: Bronze I(0/10)] [Basic Modern Bottling Plant: Bronze X (0/100)]

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